New recources from European Commission representation in UK

The Mystery of the Golden Stars
Two publications: Activity Guide and Story Book
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
In brief
• The resource introduces different aspects of the
European Union through a mystery story set in Brussels
and based on the activities of three children: Ricki, Josh
and Maddy.
• Chapters in the story book are introductions to 6 clues.
• The three children ask their friends at home (i.e. the
class), via email, for help to solve each clue.
• Each of the 6 clues covers a different curriculum area:
geography; maths; history; English; science and DT –
See Objectives Grid – pages 3 & 4
• The resource can be used once a week or during a
European/international week
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
The Activity Guide - Contents
How to use the resources
Objectives grid/Map for Activity 1
Activities 1-7 – with details on how to complete the
task and background reading.
Photocopiables – colours match Activities
Solved Puzzles template
Detective’s Diary template
Puzzle answers
Other resources list
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
Completing each activity
• Preparation: Each activity requires some
photocopying and a few resources – detailed in the
Activity Guide.
• Read relevant chapters of the story book together
or independently. Stop at the email asking for help.
• Discuss story so far and what they know about the
EU (see Background reading).
• Do individual tasks which when completed, lead to
the clue word
• Add answer on Solved puzzles sheet.
• Complete the Detectives Diary
N.B. Answers are in the back.
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
Summary Activity 1 - Geography
Which countries are in the EU?
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy Map for
each child or pair
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read chapters 1-3
Distribute map. Colour in countries depending on
when joined EU
Find the 8 capital cities from clues and put on map
Find the right letter from each capital city to complete
the task
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Talk about experiences of travelling in Europe and what
the clue word means. See ideas and information in
Plenary and Background information
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
Summary Activity 2 – Maths
What are the symbols of the EU?
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy EU flag
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read chapter 4
Photocopy EU flag cipher Discuss story – guess who the mysterious stranger might
Protractors, rulers,
Discuss what a symbol or emblem is and purpose of flags.
mirrors, A4 tracing paper Discuss how might complete the flag. Complete the flag
using angles, distances etc. Lay tracing paper over cipher
to find clue word. See Solving the puzzle page 7
Alternative activity: Fold photocopied flag fragment in half
both ways – trace outline of stars and lay over cipher as
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Talk about symbolism of the stars, EU anthem and motto.
See ideas and information in Plenary and Background
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
Summary Activity 3 – History
How did the EU begin?
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy Cologne 1945 T: Read details of activity
and Diary extract
Class: Read chapter 5
Sugar paper and pens
Discuss story so far. Divide children into pairs and give out
Cologne 1945
Study picture and discuss first impressions and children
complete three boxes, discuss in groups, feedback to
class. Use Background information
Give out Diary extract – read, discuss and identify person.
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Talk about “Europe Day” See ideas and information in
Plenary and Background information
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
Summary Activity 4 –Literacy
How are decisions made in the EU?
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy Age restricted
book debate
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read chapter 6
Sugar paper and pens
Discuss story so far and email at end of chapter. Discuss UK
parliament, voting and European Parliament. See ideas and
information in Plenary and Background information
Divide class into 6 groups, distribute photocopy and assign a
character to each group. Explain rules of debate (see page 11)
and name of where the European Parliament debate takes
place (Plenum)
At end of debate take a vote with show of hands.
Remind class of email and elicit answer to clue.
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
Summary Activity 5 –Science
How is the EU relevant to you? Water quality
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy: Filter bed
(pages 1 & 2); Word
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read chapter 7
Large and small plastic Discuss story so far and email at end of chapter.
Stones, gravel, sand
Discuss EU involvement in regulation of water quality (see
Background information), and introduce and complete
filtration task (see pages 13 & 14)
Coffee filter papers
Distribute photocopy of Word filter . Complete task to find
clue word
Scissors, muddy water
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)
Summary Activity 6 –D & T
How is the EU relevant to you? Toy safety
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy: Soft toy
disassembly board; Can
you see the missing
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read Chapter 8
Discuss the story and email at end of chapter. Discuss
safety/dangers of toys.
Small stuffed toys with
CE marks
Distribute photocopied Soft toy disassembly board .
Explain and demonstrate task
Disassembly board: A3
black card, white
paper, craft knives
Highlight CE mark and EU’s role in regulating safety (see
Page 16).
Cutting boards, PVA
glue, sticky labels
Distribute and explain photocopy Can you see the missing
Digital camera
Add answer to Solved Puzzle Sheet as whole class
Complete Detective’s Diary – to show what learnt
Summary Activity 7 –Charade
Resources required
Stages of activity/tasks
Photocopy Charade
T: Read details of activity
Class: Read Chapter 9
Internet access,
Discuss the story and email.
including Google maps
and street view
Distribute photocopy of the Charade
Using the answers on the Solved Puzzles Sheet, complete
missing letters grid and solve the Mystery of the Golden
Use internet to search for the place revealed on the
Read Chapter 10 to finish the story
(c) Europe Direct information centre- Gloucestershire (Reproduction is authorised as long as source is acknowledged)