Bathford Primary School

“The school, through its distinctive
Christian character, is outstanding at
meeting the needs of all learners.”
(Inspection report, 13.2.2014)
“Grow, care, serve, share.”
Grow, care, serve, share. What does it mean? Here are the
words of children in Bathford School:
Grow: Every day we grow a little bit bigger in school. We start
very young in Reception and by the time we are in Year 6, we will
have grown taller, but also we will have grown inside our hearts.
School helps us to grow to be the best young people that we can
Care: At Bathford School, we care about all the people around
us. The children and the adults. We also care for other living
creatures and we care for our environment. We keep our school
tidy and clean.
Serve: We serve each other by doing things to help other
people. We might raise money for charity, hold a door open for
someone or ask someone to play at playtime. We think about the
feelings of others and look after each other.
Share: We look after our belongings. We share with other
children because it’s the kind thing to do. We share our time
with each other and we always remember to say please and
thank you.
Dovers Park, Bathford, Bath BA1 7UB
Tel: (01225) 858776
Head teacher:
Chair of Governors:
Mr Matt Stone
Mr Graham Nunn
Our Ethos Statement:
“Recognising its historic foundation, Bathford School will preserve
its religious character in accordance with the principles of the
Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and
diocesan level. Bathford School aims to serve its community by
providing an education of the highest quality within the context of
Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the
meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values
through the experience it offers to all its pupils.”
Our vision
Bathford Primary School seeks “Excellence in Education” so
that children:
Become highly motivated life long learners.
Fulfil their potential as both independent and collaborative learners.
Possess a sense of self worth, self respect, self-esteem and selfdiscipline.
Be confident in the use of their self expression and communication
Be able to make rational, informed decisions about life’s choices
Have respect and tolerance for other people and their environment.
Have knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own and other
cultural and artistic heritage.
Gain and develop the skills for the effective use of information
We believe each child will achieve success
experiencing quality in:
• A broad and interesting curriculum.
• A stimulating and challenging learning environment.
• Ongoing development of teaching methods which
cater for all abilities.
• An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed.
• A range of learning resources.
• A rich and varied programme of extra curricular activities.
• A collaborative partnership between school, parents, the community
and other schools.
Core values
A Village School
at the Heart of the Community
“Enrolling your child at Bathford Primary School will give them the opportunity
to get the best out of living in or around the village of Bathford.
The school offers personal attention and support for every child enabling
them to learn, grow and flourish in a caring environment.
The School is situated at the heart of the village in its own extensive
grounds. It has contemporary buildings and is well equipped.
The majority of children live so close to the school that their social life
after school can grow out of friendship and community within the village.
The values for which people choose to come and live in Bathford, its
friendliness and sense of community as well as the attractiveness of the
surroundings are echoed and enhanced by membership of Bathford School.”
From the Governors of Bathford School
Our School Prayer:
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here,
Let the rooms be full of contentment,
Let love abide here,
Love of one another,
Love of mankind,
Love of life itself,
And Love of God.
Let us remember
That, as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.
The Governing Body
The School Governors are appointed to oversee the running of the school.
They act as our “critical friends.” They are representatives of the
parents, the Local Authority, the local Community and the Church of
England. Meetings are held at least once a term and are open for parents
to attend.
A Governors’ Annual Parents’ Meeting is held once a year
so that the Annual Report and any other matters connected with the
Governors’ work at school can be discussed. Details of the Governors’
report can be found on:
Mr G Nunn
Mr A Briggs
Mr M Stone
Rev Jane Burgess
Mrs J Matthews
Mrs G Naylor
Mrs B Duffet
Mr S Tapscott
Mrs J Taylor
Mrs L Gauntlett
Mrs S Barclay
Chair, Mrs D Barnes
Vice Chair, Parent
Head teacher
Vicar of Parish
LA Representative
Foundation Governor
Parent Governor
Parent Governor
Clerk to the Governors
Parish Council Representative
Head teacher’s welcome letter
Dear Parents,
May I welcome both you and your child to our school. Bathford is a
Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School housed in a light,
airy building in beautiful surroundings. The main building has 7
classrooms leading from entrance and hall area. We admit boys and girls
who will be four years old before the start of the Autumn Term and they
spend seven years with us before transferring to Secondary Schools.
We wish to work in close partnership with you, for what is best for your
child. Every child is different and every child has their own individual set
of skills and talents. It is our job to unlock the potential in each and
every pupil in the school. My door is always open, no matter how trivial
the matter may seem. It is only by working together that we can provide
the highest quality education that your child deserves.
Kind Regards,
Matt Stone,
Head teacher
The School Staff
Mr M Stone
Mrs A Ratcliffe/ Miss Freeman
Mrs L McMullen/ Ms Sturges
Mrs Hayter
Mrs E Hinde
Mr M Bream
Mrs L Kent, Mrs J Tucker
Ms K Sykes
Mrs C Davison
Mrs J Thornton
Mrs M Raybould
Mrs L Gauntlett
Head teacher
Class R (Reception)/ Head of Early Years
Class 1 (Year 1)
Class 2 (Year 2)
Class 3 (Year 3)
Class 4 (Year 4)
Class 5 (Year 5)
Class 6 (Year 6)/ Deputy Head
Pupil Premium/ Pastoral Care
School Secretary
Finance Officer
The School Leadership Team is made up of Mr Stone, Ms Sykes and Ms
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs J Bice
Ms K Fairclough
Ms D Cruse
Mrs C Leeming
Mrs R Ling
Ms V Woollett
Mrs K Jenkins
Ms J Ross
Mrs K Harding
Mr S Chilcott
Mr A Flint
School Meals Supervisor
found or on 01225 394312.
Prospective Parents
You are welcome at any time to view the school, but please come
whilst the children are working to see at first hand the various
activities taking place. Please phone school for an appointment with
the Head teacher who will be delighted to show you around.
Reception Children Starting School
The children attend school mornings
only at the beginning of their first
term. After a few weeks the class
teacher and individual parent will
decide if their child is ready for a full
school day. This may be preceded by a
few days of morning sessions and
school lunch only. Each child is
considered individually, but generally
by half term most children are staying
for the full day.
Parents In School
We very much welcome parental help. It is a valuable support to
teaching staff and the general life of the school. It also helps
you to keep in touch with what is going on in school. Some parents
are able to come in on a regular weekly basis. Others help
occasionally as the need arises. Parents help with cooking,
computer, art work, needlework, story telling, speaking and
listening and practical group work. If you are able to contribute,
please contact your child’s teacher or the Head teacher. Parents
who help on a regular basis may need to have a Child Protection
DBS check.
Parents’ Evening
There are two formal parent evenings during the year. These are in
the Autumn and in the Spring Term, and are organised on an
appointment system where you and your child’s teacher discuss your
child’s progress. Additional to these two evenings, there is an
opportunity in the Summer Term to discuss your child’s Annual
However, if you have any concerns at any time about your child’s
learning and progress, please come into school at any time to talk
about this, either with your child’s class teacher, or the Head
teacher. Conversely, when you are happy or pleased about your
child’s progress and development, we would welcome any positive
feedback! A positive relationship between home and school benefits
all children. If your child wishes to show you any work he or she had
done during the week, we would be delighted for you to come in
after school on a Friday to view.
Curriculum Organisation
The new 2014 National Curriculum is followed by our school. This
can be found online through our website.
It is the school’s aim within the context of the National Curriculum to:
1. Create a happy school environment where children are encouraged
to become independent learners, using the skills, attitudes,
knowledge and understanding they have acquired to organise and
present their work.
2. Form a friendly working partnership between home and school.
3. Develop confidence, respect, tolerance and a caring attitude
towards other people and the environment.
4. Encourage an informed respect for religious and moral values
including an understanding of Christianity and other mainstream
5. Develop an understanding of the basic mathematical operations
through structured activities which involve solving problems and
applying computational skills with speed and accuracy in real-life
6. Encourage through a practical approach, scientific exploration,
discovery and investigation of the world around them.
Allow opportunities to experience various forms of aesthetic selfexpression through art and craft, music, drama and dance.
8. Develop the skills of mobility, flexibility, stamina and strength, the
concept of fair play and the aesthetic qualities of movement.
9. Encourage a love of reading and provide firm foundations for the skills
needed at a later stage.
10. Foster the ability to communicate well with other people both in speech
and writing.
11. Encourage learning and practice skills which can apply to designing and
making activities. Develop the skills for using information technology.
12. Develop a knowledge and understanding of places, achievements and
events, both past and present.
The children are taught in a variety of ways as judged best by the
teacher in relation to the children’s needs and the subject. Children
will experience being taught as a whole class, in groups and individually.
The school teaches a daily lesson of english and a daily maths lesson.
Governors are very much committed to a broad and balanced
The Arts
Art, Music and Drama have time allocated on the timetable for both
Key Stages. Further to this we have a firm belief that children
benefit enormously from visits to galleries and museums, and also
from visits into school by artists, musicians, actors, poets and
writers. These take place regularly throughout the year. We also join
together with other schools in Bath and North East Somerset for
various Arts events, i.e. Bath Primary Arts Festival, Drama Days and
dance festivals. We believe that providing young children with these
experiences helps to develop their aesthetic appreciation, their
spiritual growth and their cultural awareness.
Physical Education
We are committed to giving all children the opportunities to develop
their abilities and interest in a wide variety of sporting activities and
to promote a healthy life style.
Physical Education has a firm place on the timetable with the children
having two weekly P.E. sessions in addition to swimming for Key Stage
2 children. Included in P.E. lesson are gymnastics, games and dance.
The school currently works with Superstars, who supply high quality
sports coaching and staff professional development. This has enabled
us to have expert qualified coaches coming into school to work with
children and teachers. In addition, we have new, good quality sports
equipment to use both in lesson time and in the various sports clubs
that we run after school.
School Organisation
There are approximately 175 children on roll. Children move up through
the school with their peer group. There may be exceptional
circumstances when the head teacher, after close consultation with
teachers and parents, will have the discretion to place children in an
appropriate peer group to meet individual educational, emotional, social
and/or behavioural needs. Classwork is linked to half termly or termly
topics which have been planned according to the criteria laid down by the
National Curriculum, ensuring that each child has equal access to a broad
and balanced curriculum. Emphasis is given to the English and Maths.
School Dates
Please find dates for the school term on our
website or newsletters. Further copies may
be obtained from the school office. Further
dates will be circulated to parents as they
become available, mainly through email.
School Hours
The school starts at 9.00am when the bell
rings. In bad weather the children may come
into school from 8.50am. We ask that
children are punctual. Lunch time is 12.001.05pm. and school finishes at 3.15pm.
School Meals
School meals are cooked on site. Please send
the week’s money in an envelope with your
child’s name and class written on it on Monday
mornings. Children may bring sandwiches to
school in a suitable rigid container.
Homework is seen as a way of developing an effective partnership between
school and home. It is used to consolidate and reinforce skills and
understanding, particularly in numeracy and literacy. We use it to exploit
the learning resources of all kinds at home and to extend school learning
through additional reading. As children get older, particularly in Years 5 &
6, pupils are encouraged to develop study skills, confidence and selfdiscipline in order to prepare them for the requirements of secondary
school. At Key Stage 1 we would expect homework to take no longer than
20 minutes. At Key Stage 2 we would expect homework to take no longer
that 30 minutes.
Religious Education & Collective Worship
Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum and is taught in
accordance with the Bath and North East Somerset Agreed Syllabus and
the terms of the Education Act.
Collective worship is held daily, led by staff and/or children. The Vicar also
takes a regular assembly. Our acts of collective worship are broadly
Christian, reflecting our national heritage and culture, but this in no way
excludes other broadly-based moral issues and other world religions. We
seek to promote the view that all people should have equal opportunities
and treatment in life, regardless of creed, colour or gender.
Parents may ask to withdraw children from religious education and
collective worship and, where they do so, pupils would normally be expected
to occupy these sessions with private study.
Sex Education
This is taken in the context of growth and health education. We
recognise that a child’s home is usually the most favourable
environment for learning such matters. In school, sex education is
presented in the context of secure caring relationships. Younger
children throughout the school will work on topics such as New Life,
Growth and Families. If a situation arises naturally, such as a new baby
at home, the children’s questions will be answered honestly and
factually. Children in Class 6 are shown a video entitled ‘Growing Up’,
usually in their last term and their questions are answered by the
School Nurse. Parents are able to view this video if they wish to do so.
If the parent of any pupil requests that he or she be excluded from
receiving sex education at the school, the pupil shall, except in so far
as such education is composed in the National Curriculum, be so
excused accordingly until the request is withdrawn.
Special Education Needs: Our ‘Local Offer’
Our school is inclusive of all. We wish to ensure that all children with
any special need, be that educational, behavioural, emotional, social or
physical, are identified and their requirements met. To this end
children need to be provided with planned programmes which will meet
their individual needs. We hope to draw up any action plan with the
active involvement of children and parents.
Creating an “Inclusive” School
The governing body of Bathford
Primary School seeks to create an
inclusive culture which values all of its
members as the foundation for securing
the highest achievement for all.
Inclusion allows the learning and
development of all to be supported
through continuous school improvement.
We seek to create an inclusive school in
• Everyone feels welcome;
• Pupils help each other;
• Everyone is treated with respect ;
• Staff, governors and parents work
well together;
• The local community is involved.
Creating a “Healthy” School
We encourage people to walk to school, leave the car at home
and reduce parking outside school. We may provide Pedestrian
Training for target age groups and Cycle Training for the older
children. We have also been a pilot school for the ‘Food for
Life’ project, which has helped to introduce local and organic
produce onto the school dinner menu. We ask that all children
bring bottled water into school, as they are encouraged to
drink water throughout the day to improve concentration and
general all round health.
Closely related to discipline and self-discipline, pastoral care is shared
by all members of staff, though of course your child’s class teacher is
the principle carer. The Head teacher carries a prime responsibility
for the care of all who are in school.
School Health Service
 There is a programme of pre-school child health
surveillance checks which will have identified children
with health/developmental problems.
 Hearing and vision screening test will continue.
 Schools can refer children of any age to the school
nurse or school doctor. Referral forms are available.
Parental consent for referral is required.
 School Doctor Referral Clinics are held in each town
and in four venues in Bath City.
 The school nurse Sally Mitchell can be contacted on 01225 313640.
There are many support services available for children in school. During
the school year your child may meet:
The School Doctor and Nurse
The School Dentist
The Audiometriciian
Medicine may be administered in school when given on
prescription, although the school nurse advises three times a day
medication can be taken before school, after school and once
before bedtime. However, parents can come to school to
administer it where a child is well enough to be in school, but still
taking medication. If your child suffers from asthma, please
inform your child’s teacher. It is important that we are aware of
individual children’s needs.
Special Services
There are a variety of medical, psychological and other specialist
services and advice available to you and your child should it
become clear that such is desirable. Such services would only be
called upon after discussion and consultation between you and
the school.
If your child becomes unwell or has an accident in school, every
effort will be made to contact you. If this fails and it is quite clear
that action is necessary, advice will be sought from the hospital in
the best interests of your child. Please ensure that we have a
record of a contact number to reach you or a person designated by
The aim of the school is to set children on the road to self
discipline at work and in play, in co-operation with parents.
Here are our Golden Rules
Our code of behaviour has been drawn up by both staff and
children and is reiterated each half term. We believe that an
assertive discipline approach is the best way for everyone to feel
safe, secure and respected and thus achieve their intellectual,
emotional and social potential as productive member of Bathford
We come together in school to function as a team, with individuals
respecting each others’ rights and belongings. Our desired
outcome is that each child might live by the dictum ‘treat others
as you would like to be treated’.
Absence from School
Please ring school to inform us if your child is unwell to attend
school on the day. We also require a written letter on your child’s
return to school. Parents are not permitted to take family holidays
during term time and would ask that you endeavour to ensure that
your child does not miss schooling due to this.
Uniform consists of a red fleece, red or white sweatshirt, red or white
polo shirt, with grey or black trousers/ shorts or skirt. Children should
wear black trainers or shoes. There is also a summer school dress.
Uniform with a school logo can be ordered from
or non-logo items may be purchased from other outlets.
We ask that children have appropriate PE/Games kit in school. This
consists of:
Red or white T-shirt (school ones are available) and shorts.
Suitable footwear – plimsolls or sports trainers.
Tracksuit for juniors in colder weather.
We also request that your child has a pair of wellies in school for use
of the outside classroom. These are stored in our school. We advise
that all clothing worn for school be named, especially items of school
uniform. We also ask that any jewellery be kept to an absolute
minimum, again for safety reasons. If children have pierced ears,
please can they wear small studs or ‘sleepers’ in school.
Extra Curricular Activities
Thanks to the voluntary activities of the staff, the curriculum is greatly
enriched by ‘clubs’ which take place before school, after school and during
the lunch break. These clubs include Football, Eco-club, Unihoc, Netball,
Art, Computer/Chess, Science, Ukelele, Cookery and Sewing. These may
not take place every term.
Violins: A visiting teacher takes junior children for which a fee is payable.
We hold regular Book Fairs throughout the year for the children to
purchase books.
Educational Visits & Charges
To enrich the curriculum as far as possible, from time to time teachers
arrange day or part-day visits to places of educational stimulus. These
visits are planned as an integral part of the topic work undertaken in
the classroom.
In accordance with the provisions of the 1988 Education Reform Act,
the governing body has drawn up the following policy:
Parents will be asked for voluntary contributions to cover the cost of
transport and entrance fees. If a parent does not wish to contribute to
the cost, then the child may still take part. However, parents will be
informed on each occasion that the trip will have to be cancelled if
enough parents do not contribute.
Residential Visits
Board and lodging will be charged for all children. Families who are
receiving Support Payments will receive remission from this part on
request. Voluntary contributions will be asked for from parents to cover
the cost of transport and entrance fees. The parents will be informed
on each occasion if a trip has to be cancelled.
The Friends of Bathford School is open to anyone who would like to
become involved in supporting the Village School. A committee organises
regular fund-raising events for parents, teachers and children. All
parents are automatically members. F.O.B.S. reflects a shared belief
that school is a partnership: a partnership between the teachers, pupils
and parents.
The following documents and information are available on request from
the Head teacher:
The Governing Body’s Policy Statements.
National Curriculum Programmes of Study.
Agreed syllabus for Religious Education.
Schemes of work currently in use in school.
In accordance with the school’s Health and Safety Policy,
the staff do all they can to ensure that the school
environment is as safe as possible for your child.
Complaints Procedure
Under the 1988 legislation, the Local Education Authority
has drawn up arrangements for the consideration of
complaints about the curriculum and the provision of
Religious Education and Worship. It is hoped that if any
parents are unhappy about the curriculum, they would
discuss it with the Head teacher so that any problems can be
resolved at an early stage.
The Governing Body fully recognises its responsibility for
Child Protection. We operate Safer Recruitment
Procedures when appointing all new staff. The Child
Protection Policy is reviewed annually. All staff have
received the appropriate training.
Website photographs that include pupils will be carefully
selected and will be of the type that prevents individuals
pupils from being identified. A pupil’s full name will not be
used in association with photographs. Parents can request
for their child not to be photographed.
This document relates to the school year commencing
September 2014/15. Although the information and
particulars herein were correct for this year at date
of publication shown below, it should not be assumed
that there could be no subsequent change affecting
the relevant arrangements or some other matter
particularised before the start, or during the school
year in question.
Date: June 2014