MUED 533 - University of Louisville

University of Louisville School of Music
Course Syllabus Spring 2015
MUED 533-01-4152 Human Interaction and Professional Growth (For BME students)
Pamela Fleitz
Room 228
Office phone- 852-4542
Office Hours: one hour before seminar class
(or by appointment)
Randi Bolding
Room 238
Office phone- 852-5609
Office Hours: one hour before seminar class
(or by appointment)
Course Description:
This course is designed for the student teacher to apply field experiences to a professional
philosophy while reflecting on career goals common to the Teacher Standards of KDE (KY
Dept. of Education) and the NAfME content standards for music education. Students evaluate
and augment their student teaching experiences and prior college course work into practical
application and personal reflection. Philosophical statements and rationales for teaching music in
the schools as well as statements regarding the roles of the teacher, student, and administrators
will be written and critiqued. Practical problems and solutions for the experienced student
teacher will be explored in a seminar format. Guest lecturers will also present additional
perspectives on music and education. Students will update their professional portfolios and
examine basic information needed for successful student teaching.
The two-semester sequence for MAT students allows students to utilize their MAT course work
to learn both new and experienced teacher standards while developing more complete teaching
philosophies and updating their knowledge of teaching methodology. BME students focus
primarily on beginning/new KDE standards for teachers and KCAS performance standards for
See catalog. Students must also be enrolled in student teaching.
Required Materials
● NafME: National Standards: A New Vision MENC: Reston, VA 1994.
● LiveText
● Kentucky Common Core for Arts and Humanities (Kentucky Department of Education:
● Kentucky Program Review for Arts and Humanities (located on Blackboard)
● Kentucky Teacher Standards (located on Blackboard)
● Maintain a folder with handouts, documents and articles
● NAfME membership
● KMEA Conference registration
● Scribe 4.2
● account
Course Objectives
● Communicate the art of music with aesthetic sensitivity to children and young adults
● Identify stages of learning with respect to the development of music concepts, and
prepare materials and teaching techniques appropriate to each level of growth
● Recognize the relationships among cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains as
applied to musical development
● Evaluate materials currently used in music curriculum
● Understand and apply principles of educational psychology, learning theory, teaching
style, classroom management, discipline, questioning and grouping
● Articulate a basic philosophy of music education that demonstrates understanding of the
role of music in the total development of children and the role of music in education
● Demonstrate basic skills as a professional in the field of music education
● Identify specific questions and goals about literacy and the learning of content and plan
strategies for finding answers to questions.
The primary considerations for grading in this class will be class readiness and performance
standards as demonstrated through effective class preparation and participation. Plus and minus
grade designations may be awarded for students who perform above or below basic letter grade
A: All assignments are presented in exceptional form and content, on time. Attends all
B: Assignments submitted but the average of all assignments are not exceptional, on time.
Attends all meetings.
C: Assignments are not all fully completed and are not exceptional. Attends all or most
D: Assignments are not adequately prepared, and /or attendance is inconsistent.
Regular attendance is expected. Excused absences must be approved by the instructor prior to
class. Absence from more than one seminar session will have an adverse effect on the student’s
Success of reading and writing may be dependent on a solid background in oral language
skills. Both oral and written language can be explored in the same manner. That is, by using
literacy skills in a variety of holistic literacy experiences, students can develop deeper
understandings of what the students already know about and can do with oral and written
communication. Oral language is an interactive and social process, and music experiences are a
natural way for students to experience language in a meaningful way. Music classrooms create
an environment that is conducive to this type of holistic learning. It can reduce stress, increase
interest, and set the stage for intrinsically valuable listening and learning experiences. Using
music as a stimulus can effect one's emotions and retain and recall information with more ease.
The similarities between literacy acquisition and musical development are many. It is important
for adolescent readers to experience many connections between literacy in language and music
for students of all backgrounds and ages. This course will explore these similarities and
connections aligned with the following standard:
Standard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership
 Candidates recognize the importance of, demonstrate, and facilitate professional learning
and leadership as a career-long effort and responsibility.
Professional Growth/Development Project
 Identify areas of professional strengths and weaknesses
 Determine semester, year, and 5-year professional goals
 Attend a professional conference, attending sessions specifically addressing topics
pertinent to the determined professional goals
 Describe how new strategies and/or information from the professional conference are
now being implemented into the classroom and share the results.
Students will be assessed using the Content Literacy Rubric Aligned to ILA Standards provided
by the College of Education. This assessment can be found on LiveText as well as in the
syllabus below.
(6) Professional
Learning &
Identify specific
questions and
goals about
literacy and the
learning and
content and plan
strategies for
finding answers
to questions.
Identify specific
questions and
goals about
literacy and the
learning and
content and plan
strategies for
finding answers
to questions.
Identify general
questions and
goals about
literacy and the
learning of
content and plan
limited strategies
for finding
answer to
Identify general
questions and
goals about
literacy and the
learning of
content and plan
strategies for
finding answers
to questions.
WEEKLY REFLECTIONS: due no later than Sunday of the succeeding week
Weekly reflections are due on each Sunday. Reflections should be uploaded to LiveText. The
student teacher should reflect on their week of student teaching. Reflections should address
topics such as, what went well, what could have gone better and how you would change your
MUSIC ARTICLE REVIEWS: due Feb. 9th, Mar. 9th, Apr. 13th
Music article reviews should be uploaded to Live Text. Your review should reflect your
knowledge and applied practices.
Based on the assignments required for discussion, the student teacher should be prepared to lead
and participate in discussions.
INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE PROJECT: due final week of elementary placement
SECONDARY LEADERSHIP PROJECT: due final week of secondary placement
PORTFOLIO FOLDER & WEEBLY: portions will be due throughout, final at Poster
This will be a compilation of your project, classroom work, and intern experiences throughout
the semester. It will include a sample cover letter, resume, statement of purpose, philosophy of
education, transcripts, letters of recommendation, list of references, evidence of teaching,
professional development activities, BLOG entries, handbook, and extracurricular activities,
interests and hobbies. (More instruction on how to best utilize will be explored
throughout the semester.)
POSTER SESSION: due December 4th
This will showcase your Secondary Leadership Project or Instructional Sequence Project. It will
be a professional demonstration to peers, professors, and coops of your topic, objectives,
methodology, findings, and conclusion. This will also stage your portfolio.
All class times will be 4:00 to 5:45 pm and will meet in RM 140. The weekly objectives and
topics are indicated under the labeled week. “PREPARE” indicates the assignments that are due
in class the following week.
1. Introduction & Student Teaching Expectations
2. College of Ed. Student Teaching Requirements
3. How to build a good relationship with your coop and how to develop good
communications between coops and interns
4. KTIP form
5. Observation form
6. Kentucky Standards
7. Syllabus
WEEK 1, August 26
 Upload 1 page Resume to LiveText
 Bring in copies of your cooperating teachers’ lesson plans (elementary: unit plan)
 Hand in copy of NAfME Membership Card/Identification & Conference PreRegistration Receipt
 Hand in confirmation of domain name
WEEK 2, September 2
1. Teacher/Self Philosophy Map
2. Kentucky Standards
3. Writing Effective Lesson Plans/KTIP Observation Form
4. Introduction to Classroom Management
 Upload Sample Cover Letter on LiveText
 Teacher/Self Philosophy Map
 Be prepared to report on a classroom management problem faced by yourself and/or
your cooperating teacher. Are there any suggestions that may help with your
WEEK 3, September 9
1. Instructional Sequence Project
2. Meet in Small Groups with Supervisors
a. Classroom Management, focusing on problem solving
 Upload Edited Resume to LiveText
 Upload Lesson 1 for Instructional Sequence to LiveText
 Videotape an excerpt of your teaching (at least 10 minutes but no more than 12)
WEEK 4, September 16
1. Professional Development Project
2. Lesson Plans Q&A
3. Scribe 4.2 Introduction
 Upload Edited Cover Letter to LiveText
 Upload Lesson 2 for Instructional Sequence to LiveText
 Scribe Video Excerpt #1
WEEK 5, September 23
1. Group A Video Discussions
2. Professional Development Project
 Upload Article Review to LiveText
 Upload Lesson 3 for Instructional Sequence to LiveText
WEEK 6, September 30 (Pam out)
1. Group B Video Discussions
2. Establishing and Maintaining Expectations
3. Portfolio/Poster Session Check-In
 Upload BLOG entry 1 to Live Text
 Upload Professional Development Project to LiveText
WEEK 7, October 7
1. Transitions/Pacing
2. Establishing and Maintaining Expectations
 Handbook Outline
WEEK 8, October 14
1. Open
 Videotape and Scribe Excerpt #2
WEEK 9, October 21
1. Video Discussions
2. Tales from the Field
 Upload Article Review to LiveText
 Videotape and Scribe Excerpt #2
WEEK 10, March 28
1. Poster Session/Portfolio updates
2. Exploring
 Upload BLOG entry 2 to LiveText
 Weebly Template
o upload Resume, Cover Letter, BLOG entry 1 & 2, & References
WEEK 11, November 4
1. Revisit Teacher/Self Concept Map
2. Meet in Small Groups With Supervisors
a. Focusing on Establishing the Classroom Climate
 Upload Philosophy to LiveText
WEEK 12, November 11
1. Job Searching
2. Applications & Certifications
 Upload edited Philosophy to LiveText &
WEEK 13, November 18
1. Interviewing
2. 1st Days of School
 Upload BLOG entry 3 to LiveText &
 Videotape & Scribe Excerpt #3
WEEK 14, November 25
Thanksgiving Break
WEEK 15, December 2
1. Video Discussions
2. Poster Session
3. Portfolio Scrap-Booking!
 Complete Portfolio
 Complete Visual Materials for Poster Session
 Upload Secondary Leadership Project to LiveText
 Complete weebly
WEEK 16, December 9
2. Semester Re-Cap
FINAL EXAM (Sat. April 25, 1:45-4:15pm)
"The University of Louisville strives to foster and sustain an environment of inclusiveness that
empowers us all to achieve our highest potential without fear of prejudice or bias.
We commit ourselves to building an exemplary educational community that offers a nurturing
and challenging intellectual climate, a respect for the spectrum of human diversity, and a genuine
understanding of the many differences-including race, ethnicity, gender, gender
identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, national
origin or military status-that enrich a vibrant metropolitan research university.
We expect every member of our academic family to embrace the underlying values of this vision
and to demonstrate a strong commitment to attracting, retaining and supporting students, faculty
and staff who reflect the diversity of our larger society."
"Academic dishonesty is prohibited at the University of Louisville. It is a serious offense because
it diminishes the quality of scholarship, makes accurate evaluation of student progress
impossible, and defrauds those in society who must ultimately depend upon the knowledge and
integrity of the institution and its students and faculty."
It is expected that a student in the Graduate School will refrain from plagiarism and cheating.
Plagiarism and cheating are serious breaches of academic conduct and may result in severe
academic penalties including dismissal. Each student is advised to become familiar with the
various forms of academic dishonesty as explained in the Code of Student Rights and
Responsibilities (see Graduate Catalog). Ignorance of these responsibilities is not an acceptable
defense against charges of academic dishonesty.
Students with disabilities, who need reasonable modifications to complete assignments
successfully and otherwise satisfy course criteria, are encouraged to meet with the instructor as
early in the course as possible to identify and plan specific accommodations. Students will be
asked to supply a letter from the Disability Resource Center to assist in planning modifications.
In the event that the university is closed due to extreme weather or a widespread health epidemic,
note that class will continue. Modified, replaced, or added assignments will be placed on the
Blackboard site should a closure occur. Students are expected to check their university email
account and the Blackboard site for class updates.
The instructor reserves the right to vary the syllabus and alter the sequence of instruction as
Aaron, T., Orff, C., & Keetman, G. Music for Children. multiple volumes. New York: Schott
Music Corporation.
Biba, G. (2006). Band instrument “quick fix” repair solutions: written by a band director for
band directors. Chicago: GIA Publications.
Catterall, J. S. (2009). Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art: The effects of education in
the visual and performing arts on the achievements and values of young adults. Los
Angeles/London: Imagination Group/I-Group Books.
Frierson-Campbell, C. (2006). Teaching Music in the Urban Classroom: A guide to survival,
success, and reform. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Education.
Jagow, S. (2007). Teaching Instrumental Music: Developing the complete band program.
Galesville: Meredith Music Publications.
Kimpton, P. & Harnisch, D. L. (2008). Scale Your Way to Music Assessment: The ultimate
guide to creating a quality music program. Chicago: GIA Publications.
Miles, R. Teaching Music Through Performance. multiple volumes. Chicago: GIA
Phillips, B. & Moss, K. Sound Innovations. multiple volumes. Fairfax: Alfred Music
Stith, G. (2011). Score and Rehearsal Preparation: A realistic approach for instrumental
conductors. Galesville: Meredith Music Publications.
Turbyfill, H. (2005). Basic String Maintenance: A teacher’s guide. Fairfax: American String
Teachers Association [with Alfred Music Publications].
Schlechty, P. C. (2011). Engaging Students: The next level of working on the work. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Wong, H.K. & Wong, R.T. (2001). How to Be an Effective Teacher: The first days of school.
Mountain View: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Syllabus prepared: November 2015