Complete job requisition form

For a review of the entire hiring process, please see the Hiring Procedures (see
Job Requisition Instructions
The Job Requisition begins the hiring process. It provides the Employment Office with information needed to post (on the
HR web and MEMO) the position, screen/interview applicants, and later, it provides information needed to make the job
The following documents include a sample hiring timeline, internal and external points to consider, rubric examples, and
information relating to multiple criteria hiring.
If you have any questions on how to complete the Job Requisition forms, please call the PVCC HR Office at
1. Complete the attached Job Requisition Form
 First page
o Job Information – title of the position, supervisor, contact information, location, budget
information, working hours, etc.
Second page
o Job Summary – brief statement describing the overall purpose and objectives of the job. Can be
written using the following as resources: (1) review the generic job description list (see (job description
should not be changed more than 20%), (2) review previous Job Requisitions, and/or (3) call
PVCC HR Office for assistance.
o Essential Functions – list of principle tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job; includes % of
time on each function. The “Represented Duties” listed in the generic job description can be used
as a guide for these essential functions.
o Minimum Requirements – the minimum knowledge, skills and experience needed to perform on
the first day of the job.
o Desired Qualifications – the knowledge and skills specific to the job that the “ideal” candidate
would need to perform the job. An example would be a college degree in a specific area, a skill
and/or experience that would enhance the applicant’s ability to perform the job. You may specify
the number of years or level of education, if relevant to the job.
o Special Working Conditions – list of any specific certifications, hazardous
environments/chemicals, weekend hours, business travel, special physical requirements, etc.
o Committee membership – MCCCD requires a committee that is diverse in terms of gender and
ethnicity to promote objectivity and prevent bias. The committee should have at least three
members. Members must include at least one male, one female and one person reflecting ethnic
Third page – list of physical and mental requirements for the position.
Fourth page – Recruitment Plan and Types of Interview/Assessments – Employment Office will place all
the job postings on the email (MEMO) and on the Employment webpage. For additional advertising,
please contact the PVCC HR Manager. This is also where you will indicate type of interview desired and
any testing required for the position.
Fifth page – “Job Requisition Check Sheet” lists tasks to be completed for the Job Requisition.
Samples –
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your PVCC HR Manger.
Internal Search - Points to Consider
Recruit/Confirm Committee Structure
Prepare newspaper/publication ads – submit with online Job Requisition (JR) or email your District Employment
Coordinator for review/approval.
Determine interview/assessment format
(1st Interview is usually with a panel). If additional interview/assessments will be conducted, document type and
develop interview questions, assessment and scoring sheet. Maintain all notes with searches (including 2 nd
Submit interview questions and assessments - with to online JR or email your District Employment Coordinator for
Complete and submit online JR to District Employment for final approval
(2 Thursdays before the Monday posting)
Consider: Posting dates for internal / faculty transfer
Are subject to follow the appropriate employee group policy manual and/or MOU. (i.e., Faculty transfer
opportunities will post for two weeks, the PSA President recommends internal/external simultaneous postings
close on the same date)
Internal Screening Packet Ready
No interview questions submitted - no packet will be released
Internal Interview Packet Ready
Allow 3 business days from drop off date
Calling interview candidates – any questions, contact your District Employment Coordinator and/or review
employee group policy manual (i.e., PSA receives at least 3 day advance notice from appointment time)
College/District Site conducts additional interviews and/or assessments (maintain all notes with search file)
Forward recommendation of internal candidates to Administration/President
Contact your District Employment Coordinator and/or review employee group policy manual (i.e., PSA
forwards (2) if feasible for review)
Send PAR and entire search file to District Employment
FYI: If moving in or out of SPF or Skill Ctr. position, governing board action required
*** Send an email to your District Employment Coordinator if the college chooses not to recommend the internal
candidate for hire or request to move to the external search. Email District Employment if any internal candidates’
scores will be retained for further consideration?
Providing solutions:
Any change to the process such as revised questions, member drops/added, add assessment criteria must be submitted
to District Employment Coordinator for review and/or pre-approval
Does the committee have knowledge of the minimum and desired qualifications? For desired qualifications -does every
member know how to view each qualification (ranking and/or weighing)?
What constitutes a good response? Interview Questions – Are you developing a rubric score?
P.S. Have you or others in your work environment taken the EOLT “Hiring the Best” Workshop? RFP – faculty searches
require faculty to complete the workshop prior to assuming the role as chair
External Search – Points to Consider
Recruit/Confirm Committee Structure (if not a continuation of internal search)
Prepare newspaper/publication ads – submit with online Job Requisition (JR) or email your District Employment
Coordinator for review/approval.
Determine interview/assessment format
(1st Interview is usually with a panel). If additional interview/assessments will be conducted, document type and
develop interview questions, assessment and scoring sheet. Maintain all notes with searches (including 2 nd
Submit interview questions and assessments - attach to JR or email for approval
Complete and submit online JR to District Employment for final approval
(2 Thursdays before the Monday posting)
Consider: External postings are subject to follow the appropriate employee group policy manual and/or MOU.
External Interview Packet ready
Allow 3 business days from drop off date
Calling interview candidates – any questions contact your District Employment Coordinator and/or review
employee group policy manual (i.e., PSA receives at least 3 day advance notice from appointment time)
Forward recommendation of external candidates to Administration/President
Contact your District Employment Coordinator and/or review employee group policy manual (i.e., PSA
forwards (3) if feasible for review)
Send PAR and entire search file to District Employment
FYI: Did you consider start date, governing board service date and benefit eligibility date? Contact your District
Employment Coordinator
Providing solutions:
Any change to the process such as revised questions, member drops/added, add assessment criteria must be submitted
to District Employment Coordinator for review and/or pre-approval
Does the committee have knowledge of the minimum and desired qualifications? For desired qualifications, does every
member know how to view each qualification (ranking and/or weighing)?
What constitutes a good response? Interview Questions – Are you developing a rubric score?
P.S. Have you or others in your work environment taken the EOLT “Hiring the Best” Workshop? RFP – faculty searches
require faculty to complete the workshop prior to assuming the role as chair
Rubric Examples:
1. Describe a work situation that demonstrates your ability to adapt to change.
Evidence of a person’s willingness to understand others as well as self when confronted by change, to
see other perspectives about the change, recognition of importance of mission of the workplace when
determining response to change, willingness to move forward (“put on a good face”) even if disagreed
with the need for/outcome of the change, recognition of role that one’s attitude plays in dealing with
Provides more detail about response to change, such as how thought about change, and how dealt
with change, may mention awareness of other’s perspectives, missing at least one of the elements
Minimal detail about situation, little evidence of introspection in understanding oneself or other’s
response to change
Evidence that the person is not adaptable to change
Evidence that the person will present an obstacle to a needed change
2. Describe a project that you performed using spreadsheet software. What were the difficulties that you
experienced completing the project and how did you resolve them?
Excellent description of project , significant difficulty described, solution demonstrates creative thinking
Excellent description of project , significant difficulty described and solution used are average
Project described in detail, no difficulties or solution mentioned
Minimal description and difficulties mentioned
No experience or mention of ideas related to this
Multiple Criteria
An issue that has caused frustration among the search committees is the single tally sheet used to rate the candidates.
Many committees use multiple criteria for rating candidates, but the tally sheet only reflected the interview score. Below is
an example of a tally sheet that can be used to enable multiple criteria scoring. A suggested rating scale would be the
traditional 1-5 rating scale. The committee should decide on the criteria for the ratings before the interview begins.
Screening Matrix score: This score can be the committee’s impression of the candidate’s qualifications listed on
the application.
First interview score: This is the traditional face-to-face or telephone interview with the multiple questions and
Additional interview score (optional): If candidates are brought in for an additional formal face-to-face or telephone
interview. NOTE: Final interviews are informal and not scored (if notes are taken, submit with packet)
Microteach/presentation/skills assessment: Most faculty candidates are asked to give a demonstration of their
teaching abilitites. For staff positions, some committees are now requesting candidates to give a presentation,
perform technology functions, etc.
Community forum: Some positions, particularly upper administration positions, have candidates meet with
internal and/or external community members. Contact your District H.R. Coordinator for assistance.
Reference checks can be used as part of the decision making process
Other: College tour (optional) not scored
The final score of all the above would be the score that is submitted on the “Committee Totals” sheet.
If you decide to use multiple criteria, please let your Employee Services representative know he/she can help you.
Example of Interview Tally Sheet
Candidate _________________________________________________
Screening Matrix score:
First interview score:
Additional interview score:
Microteach/presentation/skills assessment:
For Employee Services Department Use Only
Requisition #
Job Code:
Employee Services
Salary Range:
Return to:
Transfer requests for Crafts/M&O/College Safety YES NO
Contact your HR Coordinator for training on the Posting, Screening, and Interviewing process. A current job description is
available at and should be used when completing the
Job Requisition Form.
Position Title
If position is not for immediate
hire, indicate start date:
12 Month 10 Month 9.5 Month
9 Month Other
For Faculty
If Short Term, End Date:
Interview Contact
Phone #
Department ID
Funding Source/Grant Name
Funding Start Date
End Date
Position #
If replacement give name/reason:
Budget Code(s) / Percentage (Include CFS Codes)
Position charge to:
CFS# 1
CFS# 2
CFS# 3
If Funding & FTE are coming from different accounts, please identify:
CFS# 1
CFS# 2
POS# 1
POS# 2
Earning Code
Total Hours
Earning Code
Total Hours
Budget Definition: New Position - The hire of a person into a new vacant regular board approved position with the associated full, three quarter or
half-time FTE.
Budget Definition: Replacement - The hire of a person into a vacant regular board approved position.
Budget Definition: Reallocation - The reallocation of funds from one source (account, position, fund) to another to create or fund a regular board
approved position.
Budget Definition: NON-Budgeted - Hire of a person into a short-term position (OYO, OSO).
If you desire to post your position(s) internally and externally simultaneously, please check here Yes
and provide rationale.
Proposed length of external posting: number of weeks
Supervisor/Committee Chair/Date
College President/Vice-Chancellor or designee/date
Budget Department/Date
College Budget Approval / Date
Employee Services Representative/Date
wgf 02/05
Fax (480) 731-8599/8704
Job Summary - Summarize the overall purpose and objectives of the job. (Example Attached)
Essential Functions - List the principle tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job. (Indicate % of time spent on each function.)
Minimum Qualifications - Minimum knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter the job. Also list any certifications, degrees, etc. that are required.
(All Faculty positions will utilize board approved Minimum Qualifications for the advertised discipline.)
Desired Experience - Desired experience, education, and training.
Special Working Conditions (If required): Examples: chemicals, fumes, heat/cold, evening/weekend hours, travel.)
Committee Chair
1 = Caucasian
2 = Black
3 = Hispanic
C = Crafts
4 = Asian
5 = Native American
Job Category
G = College Security
P = Community Rep
M = M&O
Note: All selection committees need to have Ethnic and Gender balance. In addition, in accordance with Section 2.11.3 of the RFP, Faculty participation
on screening committees shall be utilized in the screening of new college and District administrative personnel. The College Senate Faculty President
will recommend faculty to serve on screening committees for college administrative personnel. The District Faculty Executive Council will recommend
faculty to serve on screening committees for District administrative personnel.
Upon receipt of your posting request Employee Services will route the request for approval signatures to the District Budget Office and Wage & Salary.
Upon receipt of all approvals, we will post your position in accordance with the policies of the particular policy group. Please check the current policy
manuals for requirements for transfer, internal posting etc.
Complete this form
Section A
Section B
Section C
What are the physical
requirements of your job?
What are the physical
requirements of your job?
What are the physical dexterity
requirements of your job?
# of pounds lifted…
waist high
shoulder high
above the head
using a ladder
a telephone
hand tool
pounds are…
on an incline
carried alone
using stairs
with someone else
electric tools
manipulate small objects
pounds are…
What are the necessary
requirements of your job?
General vision
What are the mental effort
requirements of your job?
Performing on a daily basis…
reading English
What are elements of your job's work
working under pressure
working rapidly
Distinguish color
writing English
Hear or listen
in an automotive vehicle
weighing and/or measuring
at a desk, bench or window
drawing conclusions
in an office or control room
basic arithmetic
More than 50% of time is spent…
analyzing data
Speak clearly
searching for solutions
The condition of the air is…
creating methodologies
clean (controlled)
conducting research
managing resources/
directing projects
evaluating performance
affected by fumes, smokes, etc.
The noise level is…
loud, requiring ear protection
The surface on which you work is…
Recruitment Plan
Only using MCCCD web for recruitment
Additional Newspaper/journals/web-based publications:
Text of ad (please attach)
Design of ad (please attach)
Location and dates of ad
Publication name
Dates to appear
Other recruitment methods (describe):
Name of contact person who is coordinating the ads for this position:
Types of Interview(s)/Assessment(s)
We will be interviewing candidates in the following manner (please check all that apply):
Face-to-face or telephone interview
Community forums
Social activities (lunch, tour, etc.)
Assessment (describe type and rationale)
Other (describe)
(Please note: all candidates must be treated equally. For example, if you have a social activity for one candidate, must
do it for all)
Job Requisition Checklist
Review the hiring procedures at:
Complete job requisition form
--job description
--essential functions
--minimum qualifications
--desired qualifications
--committee member list
--Approvals (finance, supervisor, president)
Complete Recruitment Plan / Types of Interview Assessments
Email job requisition forms to PVCC HR Manager for approval and input into HRMS system
Submit interview questions (job related, open-ended, probing, behavioral, skills) to PVCC HR Manager