] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here OE-PM Change Management Document Status: (Draft or Published) Version: (0.# or 1.#) Prepared by: Date Created: Date Last Revised: OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Internal Use Only Page 1 of 6 ] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here Table of Contents Document Information ...........................................................................................................3 Document Revision History ....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................4 Types of Change ...................................................................................................................4 Summary of Change Control .................................................................................................4 Managing Change .................................................................................................................5 OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Internal Use Only Page 2 of 6 ] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here Document Information Purpose: In order to have predictable project delivery, it is critical to manage change. The objective is not to prevent change, but rather to manage change so that decisions are based on a clear understanding of the advantages that the change will bring as well as the impact of the change to the project’s scope, timeline, budget and/or benefits. In some cases the change may have enough significance to affect the original business case for the project, which justified the funding of the project. Change Management is applied to material changes in the project scope that impact timeline, budget or benefits of the project. A consistent Change Management process has benefits such as the following: Decisions about changes are transparent, and are based on thorough analysis. If the change significantly impacts the project’s business case, there is an opportunity to decide whether this project is still a viable investment for the company. When a change is significant (especially a budget change) it can impact the overall portfolio of projects in the enterprise and across the firm. This process provides executive management with the information they need to manage the impact to the overall portfolio. Audience: All project team members Project Sponsor, Business Owner, and IT/Technical Owner All other key stakeholders Criteria for Use: Medium and Large projects (per the Sizing Matrix) Other size projects per Project Manager and Business Owner discretion Timeline: Change Management Plan is intended to be a static document. Any changes to the Change Management Plan should be done during the Planning phase. Change Management Plan should be referenced in the Project Management Plan. *Delete all italic sections before completing the document. These are only for use by the person(s) completing the document. OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Internal Use Only Page 3 of 6 ] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here Glossary of Terms Term/Acronym Baseline Definition A baseline is a commitment from the project team, approved and accepted by the Project Steering Committee. Baselines are typically documented in the Business Case at the end of Planning and amended in Execution during the Design subphase. Once a change request is approved, future change should be measured against the latest baseline + previously approved change. Change Request Once project scope, timeline, budget or benefits have been baselined and entered into Change Control, any changes to the project must be formally requested, and analyzed regarding the impact the change will have on these four key factors. Change Control The state of project scope, timeline, budget or benefits, once a baseline has been committed to. PMO Project Management Office Types of Change The main types of change that need to be managed during a project are described more fully below: Scope End of Planning: o Project Charter approved o Detailed Requirements approved End of Execution Design Subphase: o Technical design approved o Scope is now fully in Change Control status Timeline End of Planning: Commitment is limited to duration of the Execution Design subphase. End of Execution Design subphase: Project timeline is fully entered into Change Control status. Financials End of Planning: Financial estimates are baselined in the Planning Business Case. End of Execution Design Subphase: Financial estimates are fully baselined in the Execution Business Case. Benefits End of Planning: Projected benefits from the project are baselined in the Planning Business Case End of Execution Design Subphase: Projected benefits from the project are fully baselined in the Execution Business Case. Summary of Change Control This chart summarizes when certain types of changes are in Change Control or cannot be changed without going through a Change Request process (see below). OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Internal Use Only Page 4 of 6 ] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here Type Planning Benefits N/A Financials N/A Scope N/A Timeline N/A Execution: Build through Deploy Subphases Execution: Design Subphase Expected benefits as baselined in the Planning Business Case Approved Change Requests Total cost of project as baselined in the Planning Business Case Approved Change Requests Scope and Features as baselined in the Project Charter Detailed Requirements Approved Change Requests Timeline to complete Execution: Design Subphase as Baselined in Planning Approved Change Requests Expected benefits as baselined in the Execution Business Case Approved Change Requests Total Cost of project as baselined in the Execution Business Case Approved Change Requests Scope and Features as baselined in the Project Charter Detailed Requirements Detailed Design Approved Change Requests Timeline to complete project as Baselined in Execution Approved Change Requests Change Management Escalation Thresholds When the impact of the Change Request is above certain thresholds in relation to project baselines, the Change Request must be escalated to the Project Steering Committee for approval, and to the PMO. Please note that if a project has multiple Change Requests that do not exceed the threshold individually, but do exceed the threshold when considered cumulatively, escalation is required. Type Planning Execution: Design Subphase Execution: Build through Deploy Subphases Benefits N/A Changes to project benefits (as stated in the Planning Business Case) of >10% Changes to project benefits (as stated in the Execution Business Case) of >10% Financials N/A Changes to project financials (as stated in the Planning Business Case) of >10% Changes to project financials (as stated in the Execution Business Case) of >10% Scope Issues around defining high-level scope Changes to defined scope that will degrade project benefits (as stated in the Planning business case) by >10% Changes to define dscope that will degrade project benefits (as stated in the Execution Business Case) by >10% Timeline End of Planning date slip by >10% Changes to timeline for Execution: Design subphase by >10% Changes to timeline for Execution: Build through Deploy subphases by >10% Managing Change How the Change Request process works. OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Internal Use Only Page 5 of 6 ] Scop Enter Project Name Here Enter Department Name Here Initiate Change Request (CR) Analyze CR Record CR Does CR Cross Threshold Limit? No Update Project Audience with Project Steering Committee Decision Yes Yes Review Impact Analysis of CR Approve? OE-PM Artifact ID: G04.01 Execute Change and Track to Closure Update Change Request Log Update Project Audience with Project Steering Committee Decision Update Change Request Log No Artifact Owners Project Steering Committee Project Manager Analyst Change Requestor Project Change Request Process Get approval from appropriate Authorizer Update CIP Revision column and fill out Authorization document Internal Use Only Update Relevant Artifacts and Perform Change Control Activities Page 6 of 6