
Lesson Plan
Name: Duval Robinson
Course: Introduction to Computing
Class: CSI-11 / CSI-5 /CSI-7
Duration: 54 minutes
Date: 27th September 2007
Lesson: 2 0f 2
Topic: Computer Historical Timeline
Lesson Objectives: at the end of the lesson students should be able to….
o This lesson is intended to give students added knowledge on the historic
timeline events of computer evolution and the history of the computer.
Resource Material: Computer, Overhead Projector, Copies of activity sheet,
Activity Book, website, video.
Teaching Strategies/Methodology:
i. Presentation
ii. Demonstration
Procedure/Guided Practice
Brief revision of the previous lesson
The teacher will resume outlining the various historic timeline events of the
computer while students take notes.
Evaluation I: A short question and answer exercise on the topic.
Evaluation II (Teacher’s evaluation of the lesson):
Homework/Assignment: Group project on the historic timeline of the computer.
Closure: Revise concepts.
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