SLS 1101 SYLLABUS ( meets twice a week, 12 week express version )
Instructor: Ms. Roberta B. Newman
Phone: 727-341-4713 Social and Behavioral Science. Please mention the message is for Ms. Newman.
Email: Newman.Roberta@spcollege.edu
or via mycourses which is the
PREFERRED and the best mode to use!
Office hours: by appointment; also after class
Link to instructor’s page : http://webapps.spcollege.edu/instructors/id/newman.roberta
ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: Social and Behavioral Sciences Chair, Dr. Roberto
Loureiro, Gibbs Campus, Social and Behavioral Science Office, SA 205 ph. 727-341-4713
Email: Loueiro.Roberto@spcollege.edu
COURSE NAME: College Experience
COMMON COURSE GOALS and DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the student to learning effective study strategies thereby encouraging the student to
assume responsibility for one’s learning. The course, addressing both skills and behaviors, is designed to help the student gain academic success. This course
empowers the student to develop skills that unlock learning potential, hence increasing the student’s confidence and self-esteem in the areas of academia, personal growth, and career.
Course Description:
This course is designed to strengthen skills essential to success in college, with further applications to post-college plans. Included are study and test-taking strategies; effective interpersonal skills; time management techniques; creative and critical thinking skills; college services and resources; educational policies, procedures, regulations and terminology; and library resources, research strategies, and information skills for online, blended, and traditional learning environments. 47 contact hours. http://www.spcollege.edu/central/curriculum/?path=CURRICULUM+SBM-SYP/ and click on SLS 1101.
TEXTBOOK INFORMATION: Keys to Success-Building Analytical, Creative, and
Practical Skills—Custom Edition for St. Petersburg College, by Carol Carter, Joyce
Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits. ISBN-13: 978-1-269-43195-8
Your class information:
In the event of a weather emergency or natural disaster that prevents students from attending class for a period of time, your instructor will email you with instructions on how to complete this course in an online modality .
Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:00 PM-7:50 PM
SA 338
Class # 5437
Disability Resources
This college abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education "solely by reason of a handicap." Disabilities covered by law include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, hearing, sight, or mobility impairments. If you have a documented disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require reasonable accommodations, please see the Director of
Disability Services, on the Gibbs campus in AD 118E so that such reasonable accommodations may be arranged. The contact information is: Ms. Ray Hollowell, ph. 727-341-4316, hollowell.ray@spcollege.edu
This class meets two (2) times a per week. You may accrue (accumulate) up to
FOUR (4) unexcused absences before exceeding the maximum number of absences allowed.
The following is from SPC Board of Trustees policy:
Excerpt from Board of Trustees policy 6Hx23-4.30 Class Attendance
All instructors’ syllabi shall reflect attendance policies that define the maximum absences or scheduled class hours based on the following guidelines:
Meeting Times Per Week Max. Total Absences
Five (5) Up to 7
Four (4) Up to 6
Three (3) Up to 5
Two (2) Up to 4
One (1) Up to 2
Exceptions to the guidelines include Science, Technology and/or Allied Health labs, clinicals or internships, and courses that provide variable or abbreviated meeting patterns such as blended, Weekend Computer Institute (WCI), express, modmester or online instruction. However, in any case a clearly defined attendance/ participation policy shall be provided to students.
If you exceed the maximum number of unexcused absences, you will be required to withdraw yourself from the course. Please do so through proper procedure (i.e. complete a withdrawal form or withdraw online). Your failure to withdraw yourself on or before the final withdrawal date for a grade of W (withdrawn) of
11/21/15 (Sat.) may cause you to earn a “WF” as your final grade. Some universities interpret W’s. X’s, and I’s as F’s when calculating grade point average
Each instructor must exercise professional judgment to determine if a student is actively participating in class. Faculty will publish their own personal participation/attendance policies in their syllabi. This policy will be used to determine grades. Students who are not actively participating in class as defined in an instructor’s syllabus will be reported to the Administration during the week following the voluntary withdrawal date (60% mark) of 11/21/15 (Sat.).
This is Ms. Newman’s Participation Policy for Your class: SPC students may be withdrawn administratively for non-participation in class. Class participation requires more than occupying a seat. You must be actively attempting assignments both in class and outside of class (homework, course related activities). If a student at the 60% mark is failing the class and has not demonstrated interest in correcting the problem by turning in assignments, attending class, and if needed attending tutoring, the student may be deemed as “not participating.”
Instructors will verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn.
Immediately following the 60% point of the term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus.
Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF.” Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the
60% deadline will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an email notification through their SPC email address whenever a withdrawal occurs.
The homework due schedule is listed in the syllabus (which is subject to change) and more importantly the Calendar (which is the schedule to follow).
ASSIGNMENTS ARE THAT LATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. It is your responsibility to keep track of what assignments you did not turn in on time. You have 7 days=1 week (meaning weekends, holidays count) to send your completed assignment via the drop box. If your assignment is not submitted on or before the 7th day=1week
(this is the END DATE) by 9 PM, you will receive a zero for that assignments. NO
MAKE-UP work. (Zeroes can hurt your grade in this class.) The vast majority of the assignments in this class are to be typed in Word 07, Word 10, Word 13, or rich text format (rtf) and sent in a dropbox in Mycourses unless written or told by your instructor. Those assignments that are required to be typed and those that are not typed will not be accepted. In summation: Submit via the drop box your
4 completed typed assignments on or before 7 days=1 week by 9 PM Eastern time. If not, you will get a zero. No make-up work.
The “I” grade on an assignment means Incomplete. This “I” grade is when an assignment has not been done completely or is done incorrectly. (I write notes on paper listing the deficiencies. If you have questions, please ask me after class.)
The assignment is put on hold until the next class date (or earlier date) by 9PM the next class date. Should this not be resubmitted (via an attached file to a Mycourses email since the drop box can only be used for one submission) in the allotted time frame, the assignment is considered not done and, therefore, becomes a zero.
POLICY: EXCUSED ABSENCES http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/catalog/current/class_attendance.htm
Excused Absences requirements:
· Medical/illness documentation must be written on the doctor’s letterhead and signed by either the doctor or a person with authority in that practice. Be sure the doctor’s office phone number is listed on the paper. In the event you have a prolonged illness that could cause you to exceed your unexcused
absences, please inform me via Mycourse or send me an email sent from your
MySPC Live email to my college email. On the first day of your return, please bring your medical documentation, so you absences can become excused absences.
· Funeral documentation consists of the program from the service with the minister’s phone number and the obituary from the newspaper.
· Court appearance documentation consists of the actual or copy of the subpoena or court order with your name, date, time of the court appearance. Be sure a phone number is present for verification.
. Work related documentation consists of a note written on the company’s letter head that is signed and dated by your manager/supervisor with contact
The dates for any of the above extenuating circumstances must correspond (cover) the date(s) of your absence from our class.
With the above proper documentation presented to me in a timely fashion, you will then receive an excused absence.
It is to your benefit to attend all classes to enhance your course experience (you paid for the classes, so get what you paid for).
You will be counted as having attended the class provided you sign the attendance sheet and stay for the entire class period.
Leaving early must be cleared in advance with the instructor. Otherwise, if you do leave BEFORE class is over without instructor’s permission, you will
5 have 30 points Deducted (-30) for Each offense regardless if you have signed the attendance sheet for that day plus an Unexcused Absence.
9/14/15 (Mon.) for this semester classes begin and end 12/10/15 (Thurs.)
9/18/15 (Fri.) last day to drop, receive a refund, change to audit
11/21/15 (Sat.) last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”
Financial Aid dates see: http://www.spcollege.edu/SE/support_services/Financial_Aid/Index.htm -
The student will demonstrate effective study, note-taking (ch. 6 in text), and testtaking strategies (ch. 8 in text).
The student will strengthen knowledge of computer skills beneficial to success in online (Mycourses tutorials), blended, and traditional learning environments.
(Course Introduction).
The student will apply effective interpersonal communication skills (ch. 3 in text) that reflect a respect for diverse worldviews and cultural perspectives (ch. 3 in text).
The student will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate time management techniques applicable to both academic and lifestyle environments. (ch. 2 in text )
The student will demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills (ch. 4 thinking in text and ch. 5 reading in text).
The student will understand the various facilities, services, and resources available to students at St. Petersburg College. (various SPC presenters)
The student will demonstrate knowledge of college culture, policies, procedures, and regulations along with an understanding of appropriate educational terminology beneficial to success in college. (on going throughout the course; course introduction, Ch. 1 in text)
The student will demonstrate the ability to investigate a subject using a variety of library resources and services. (SPC librarian; Library Guide online; Library Online)
Students who graduated from an out of state high school ,a FL public high school before
2008, hold a GED, a private high school and have not taken certain standardized college entrance tests, and who place into one (1), two (2), three (3) areas of remediation are required to take SLS 1101. http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/acad/CourseDescriptions.php?pre=SLS&num=1101
To Stay in Good Standing at SPC
You must complete successfully 67% of the classes in which you enroll each semester. It is best to have at least a 2.0 or higher GPA in order to
6 stay in good standing and to be in good standing for your financial student aid.
The assignments list including changes, additions -----------70%
Your attitude, class and group participation-------------------30%
Promptness, carefully thought out, well written presentations are what contribute to earning a respectable grade on the above assignments or changes in these assignments.
Since the assignments are worth 70% of your earned grade in this course, please remember your average on the written assignments will not be the
only factor determining your grade. The other factors are your individual and group participation as well as your attitude in class worth 30%.
Please Note:
***The Academic Advisor Approved Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which is worth
150 pts. + My Learning Policy (MLP) loaded online on the My Learning Plan which is worth 75 pts. are both required to pass SLS 1101. It does not matter what you course average is. You are REQUIRED to do your Academic Advisor Approved
Individual Learning Plan plus loading it online on your My Learning Plan to pass this course.***
SLS 1101 Grade Grid, Fall Semester (505) 2015, 12 Week Express—2 days T-R
Your notes and comments
# (not ch. or wk. #
Keys to
Success ch.
REQUIRED to pass course*
One Thing
Take it to the
Intro to course
Next Level
Time frames, 2
Goals, Old Head
Learning Your Ch. 3,
Max. pts.
Pts. earned
Turn in
Learning Styles pt.1/3
Test Taking 8
Crit.& Practi. thinking
Commun. 3 in 1 Ch.3, pt.
Ch. 3, pt. 2
Ch. 3 pt.3/3 100 12
Budget Reality
(projected monthly grid)
Dream Budget
Loan Look
Ch. 9 Major
Ch. 9 Major
Ch. 9 Major
16 Online Chapter
Quizzes assigned
(Quizzes on ch.
1, 2, 8, 5, 6, 7, 4,
3, 9)
Please note: Since this class is designed to cover areas of need and interests of the students, these above listed assignments are subject to some modification or totally changed. Other assignments may be substituted for these assignments or added to these. You will be notified of these changes.
ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE FOR SLS 1101 Fall 2015 (505), 12 week, twice weekly meetings version—T and R
This Assignment Schedule and Agenda is Tentative and subject to Change.
You will be notified of changes. The instructor reserves the right to change this agenda or any part of this course. The following is the tentative agenda of topics and accompanying book chapters. ***The assignments will also be listed on Mycourse Calendar which takes precedence over what
is listed in the syllabus.***
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” Anton Chektov
Please note: All assignments to be turned in (reflections/essays) must be typed, unless notified to the contrary. You will send your reflection assignments in a drop box in Mycourses.
Week 1 9/15/15-9/17/15
9/15 (Tues.) Introduction to the Course
To due/do list for today:
1. If possible, look over the syllabus before class so you have a preview of the class
(look in Course Content/Syllabus)
2. If you want a summation of what you are learning in Smart Start, please read in text “Quick Start to College” p. xxiii-xxxi. Be sure to ask questions to get the answers you need to be “in the know” at SPC.
3. Begin to work on your One Thing Reflection Paper (see Lessons/Introduction to the course/file with dropbox is the Reflection Paper: The One Thing due on or before (ahead of time is very good!) 9:00 PM 9/22/15 (Tues.) sent via Mycourses.
9/17 (Thurs.)
To due/do list for today:
1. Continuing the introduction to our class.
2. Explaining concepts listed in Quick Start to College.
Week 2 9/22-9/24
9/22 (Tues.)
To do/due list today
1. Read Ch. 1 Welcome to College p. 1-27.
2. Look at files in Mycourses/Course Content/Ch. 1
9/24 (Thurs.)
To do/due today list
1. Continuing with finding out more about college
2. Please do have completed before class: p. 2 Status Check; p. 15 Consider How
To…/ p. 22 Activate Yourself.
After this week’s take Ch. 1 online quiz. It is open book. You have 3 attempts and your highest score is your grade. Submit this on or before 10/1/15 by 9 PM.
4. Reflection paper: Course Content/Ch.1 file with a dropbox reflection paper: Take it to the Next Level due on or before 10/15/15 (Thurs.) submitted to dropbox on or before 9 PM.
Week 3 9/29-10/1
9/29 (Tues.)
1. Read Ch. 3, pt. 1 of 3 Diversity Matters-How You Learn (Learning Styles) and
Communicate only p. 58-72. Optional reading p. 72-75 “How can you….learning disabilities?
( Later in the semester we cover the remainder of Ch. 3 on diversity. When Ch. 3 is completed later in the semester, you will then take the open book quiz. No open book online Ch. 3 quiz this week.)
2. Please be sure to bring your book to class today since we are going to do several of the assessments in Ch. 3 (Learning Styles) in class.
Reflection Paper: Content/Lessons/Ch. 3, pt. 1 file with dropbox reflection paper:
Learning about Your Learning Style(s). You will take online the VAK and VARK that are one file. Next, scroll down and you will do the online Learning Styles Inventory
Scoring Guide for Math. Due 10/8/15 (Thurs.) by 9 PM via drop box in MyCourses.
Week 4 10/6-10/8
10/6 (Tues.)
To do/due list for today:
1. Read Ch.8 Test Taking-Showing What You Know p. 217-246. There are many useful strategies and much information for studying and taking various types of tests.
2. For more information, look over the files in Mycourses/Course Content/Ch. 8 Test taking.
10/8 (Thurs.)
To do/due list for today:
1. Reflection Paper: Content/Lessons/Ch. 8 file with dropbox reflection paper:
Write the Exam! DUE THIS CLASS!! Please bring the test you created and your separate answer sheet. Another classmate is going to take your test and you are going to take another classmate’s test. In order for everyone to have a chance to take a test, please bring your print outs of your test and answer sheets to class today for sure! Also, please put your test and answer sheet in the drop box in
MyCourses. There will be 2 pages for this submission to the dropbox. You will be bringing 2 pages to class TODAY (1 sheet that is the test you created; 1 sheet that contains your test answers. Please put your name on both sheets and a space for the test taker’s name. DUE TODAY IN CLASS. Either you bring both your test and answer sheet today or NOTHING (meaning 0). Due today 30 minutes before class time which is 5:30 PM.
2. After this class, take Ch. 8 quiz online. It is open book. Due 10/8/15 (Thurs.) on or before 9 PM. You have 3 attempts to complete the online chapter quizzes.
Your highest grade of your 3 attempts will be your grade for that particular chapter online quiz.
Week 5 10/13-10/15
10/13 (Tues.)
To do/due list for today:
1. Read Ch. 6 Listening and Note Taking p. 159-180. While reading this chapter, become an active participant and think about your own note taking style. You may want to try another style of note taking while reading this chapter.
2. After this class, take Ch. 6 online quiz. It is open book. Due 10/20/15 (Tues.) on or before 9 PM.
3. No reflection paper for this chapter.
To do/due list for today:
1. Read Ch. 7 Memory and Studying p. 185-211.
2. After this class, take Ch. 7 online quiz. It is open book. Due 10/22/15 (Thurs.) on or before 9 PM.
3. No reflection paper for this chapter.
TENTATIVE: 1. My plan is to invite a Financial Aid advisor to our class to give a refresher on financial aid options. You had information about financial aid in Smart
Start. By now you probably have questions/concerns about financial aid, an imperative to have the right information and a thorough understanding.
2. Reflection paper: Course Content/Major Assignments/scroll way down to the very end and look for Financial Assignment Student Loans (Part 3) ONLY.
Reflection Paper: Do only Financial Assignment Student Loans
(Part 3) and submit to the proper dropbox. Due on or before
10/22/15 (Thurs.) submitted to dropbox on or before 9 PM.
Note: In the Major Assignments---Financial Assignments has 3 parts. You are only going to do Part 3 for this week. Later in the semester, we will be doing Financial
Assignment Pt. 1 and 2.
Week 6 10/20-10/22
10/20 (Tues.) No college classes today.
10/22 (Thurs.)
To do/due list today
1. Read Ch. 2 Values, Goals, and Time p. 29-51. Useful information.
2. Please bring book since we are going to do some of the activities for Ch. 2.
3. After this week’s class, take Ch. 2 online quiz. It is open book. You have 3 attempts and your highest score is your grade. Please complete and submit this on or before 10/29 (Thurs.) no later than 9 PM.
Reflection Paper: Content/Lessons/Ch. 2 reflection paper: Time Frames, Goals, and Old Head due on or before 10/29/15 (Thurs.) by 9 PM sent via dropbox in
10/22 (Thurs.) This is another possibility.
To do/due today
THIS IS TENTATIVE. You will be given specific information as to the date.
1. Most of you have completed at least two semester of your My Learning Plan
(MLP) and loaded on your academic advisor approved MLP so know your academic pathway while at SPC and register online in advance for every semester you are with us. We will view spring’16 offerings. Registration begin for spring’16 begins on
10/28/15 (Wed.). You want to be ready to register early so you can get the best classes.
***The Academic Advisor Approved Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which is worth
150 pts. + My Learning Policy (MLP) loaded online on the My Learning Plan to complete your degree/certificate is worth 75 pts. are both required to pass SLS
1101. It does not matter what you course average is. You are REQUIRED to do
11 your Academic Advisor Approved Individual Learning Plan plus loading it online on your My Learning Plan to pass this course. This is due 10/29/15 (Thurs.). You have to have your completed and academic advisor approved MLP ready to load by this date. You don’t have your completed advisor approved MLP ready on
10/29/15, you don’t get the points and risk failing the class. If this date is adjusted, you will be notified. However, have it done and ready even for the adjusted date.****
Week 7 10/27-10/29
10/27 (Tues.)
To do/due today
1. Read Ch. 5 Reading and Information Literacy p. 125-156. There is a lot here.
We shall go over the highlights of the chapter and questions you have. By skimming this chapter, you will have some familiarity so you can benefit and contribute to the class discussion.
2. Look at files in Mycourses/Course Content/Ch. 5.
10/29 (Thurs.)
To do/due today
1. Continue with Ch. 5 Reading.
2. After class, take Ch. 5 online quiz. This is open book quiz. You have 3 attempts to take the quiz. Your highest score will be your grade for this quiz. Due on or before 11/5 (Thurs.) submit on or before 9 PM.
3. Reflection Paper: Course Content/Ch. 5/ file with a dropbox is reflection:
Reading Relevancy is due on or before 11/5 (Thur.) submitted in dropbox on or before 9PM.
4. Extra Credit Opportunity: Feed Your Mind=Feed the Hungry Rice. Go to Course
Content/Ch.5/Feed Your Mind=Feed Rice for +25 extra credit points. Due on 11/5
(Thur.) by 9 PM. Send to me via MyCourses email as an attachment.
Week 8 11/3-11/5
11/3 (Tues.)
To do/due today
1. Read Ch. 3 (pt.2a of 3 parts) Communication p. 80 (bottom of page)-87. Pay particular attention to p. 87 (“I” and “You” messages).
2. Go to Course Content/Ch. 3, 2a and look over files.
11/5 (Thurs.)
To do/due today
1. Continuing with Ch. 3 Communication
2. Reflection paper: Ch. 3, part 2A) 3-in-1 Communication paper---make sure to do ALL 3 Parts of this paper. Please submit to the appropriate dropbox on or before
11/12/15 (Thurs.) on or before 9 PM.
3. Please see Course Content/Ch. 3,pt B Smarthinking for the assignment plus it will be explained in class.
Send you essay to Smarthinking. The topic is to write at least a 3 paragraph essay about the most memorable or important event in your life (so far ). Send your completed essay to Smarthinking (you will be shown how to complete the submission online form) and do it as soon as you can. It can take sometimes 5 days for you to receive your feedback. When you receive you Smarthinking feedback (which has your essay embedded within the feedback), you will submit the feedback in the appropriate dropbox and send. It is due on or before 11/12/15 (Thurs.) by 9 PM.
Please do this as soon as you can because you want to get your feedback (that also includes your essay with Smarthinking feedback) submitted to complete this assignment on time to get your points. See ch. 3, pt. 2 B for the detailed directions.
Please DO NOT submit your essay only (with no feedback) in the dropbox. The dropbox is for your Smarthinking feedback that contains your essay too=this what you submit.
3. No online quiz this week.
Week 9 11/10-11/12
11/10 (Tues.)
To do/due today
1. Read Ch. 4 Critical and Practical Thinking: Solving Problems and Making
Decisions p. 95-118 (really useful chapter with guidelines for effective thinking that leads to decision making and problem solving.
2. Course Content/Ch. 4/look over files (some useful information)
11/12 (Thurs.)
To do/due today
1. Continuing with Ch. 4 Thinking
2. After this class take Ch. 4 online quiz. It is open book. You have 3 attempts.
Your highest score is your grade for this quiz. Please submit this on or before
11/19/15 and on or before 9 PM.
3. Reflection Paper: Course Content/attached to the dropbox Ch. 4 Solving a Problem or
Making a Decision Using Critical and Practical Thinking 7 Steps is due on or before
11/5/15 on or before 9 PM.
Week 10 11/17-11/19
To do/due
/1117 (Tues.)
1. Read Ch. 9 p. 271-277 about career preparation.
2. Go to Ch. 9 and the Career Link Inventory file. It is easy, fun, and fast. It can possibly give you some ideas about career selection.
3. Look over Ch. 9 files pertaining to careers (there is also financial information files in that same area. We will get to those later.)
11/19 Thurs.
To do/due today
1. Continuing with careers.
2. Reflection Paper: Course Content/Major Assignments/Career Analysis worksheet is to be completed and submitted to appropriate dropbox on or before 11/25/15 (Wed.) on or before 9 PM.
Week 11 11/24-11/26
To do/due today
11/24 (Tues.)
Look in Mycourses/Course Content/Major Assignments/look at the 2 financial assignments listed below (we have already done Loan Look) and do:
1) Financial Assignment, pt. 1 Dream Budget = max. 50 pts.
2) Budget Reality---Projected Monthly=max. 50 pts.
Both assignments are due 12/1/15 (Tues.) at 9 PM. Sooner would be better.
11/26 (Thurs.) no class---Thanksgiving
Week 12 12/1-12/3
12/1 (Tues.)
Read Ch. 3, pt. 3 Diversity Matters……p. 75-80.
Read files on Diversity and Civic Engagement.
12/3 (Thurs.)
Complete Ch. 3 quiz online. You have 3 attempts and your highest score is the one that counts as your grade. Please complete and submit before 9 PM on 12/3/15 (Thur.) or before.
Course wrap-up.
Week ???? date????
At the time this syllabus was created, I do not know when we will have a Fifth Third
Banker come to our class. You will have advanced notice.
When we get to Financial Well-Being, please read over files Course Content/Ch.9/those files dealing with finances. Also read about money p. 264-271.
St. Petersburg College has an Academic Honesty policy. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the policies, rules, and the consequences of violations.
There is no tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty. Discipline can range from a zero on that specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of
F. Note that copy/pasting publishing information, whether it’s from your textbook or the Internet, without citing your source is plagiarism and violates this policy.
Even if you change the words slightly the ideas are someone else’s so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in Board Rule 6Hx23-4.461. Student Affairs: Academic
Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior. http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/catalog/current/stu_affairs_honesty.htm
Sleeping, passing notes, talking, eating, tardiness, side conversations or
engaging in behavior that is a distraction to other students and the instructor will be discussed in a conference between the student(s) and the instructor. If the behavior persists, the instructor will request a conference between the student(s) and Program Director or Department Chair and/or other college officials to resolve the issues. If other students are interfering with your learning, please inform the instructor. For the complete list of Student Rights and
Responsibilities Concerning Conduct, please see the “Student Planner and
Handbook St. Petersburg College.”
“Each student’s behavior in the classroom or Web course is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chatroom or Web pages sites.
The instructor has the authority to ask a disruptive student to leave the
classroom, lab……and to file disciplinary charges if the disruptive behavior continues.”
“ Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength.” Eric Hoffer, philosopher/author (1902-1983)
Examples of Incivility or Disruptive Behavior
*Really unacceptable
Drawing attention to yourself if coming in late
Sleeping in class
Feet in chairs
Passing notes
Talking to peers excessively and loudly
Eating, drinking, gum chewing (especially popping)
Cell phones and text messaging
Leaving class early when unexcused*
Packing up belongings early
Doing work for other classes
Disrespect to other students and the instructor*
(many of these examples came from Ms. Judy Kupersmith, SPC/G [retired] and some from your instructor)
Your participation in this course is critical for the learning process. You should:
(1) Come to class ready to engage in meaningful substantive discussion of the issues.
(2) Treat the opinions of others with respect and tolerance.
(3) Complete all assignments on time and with thoughtfulness.
(4) Practice academic honesty in all your work.
(5) Come to class on time (with cell phones off) and plan to remain for the entire class.
(6) Contact the instructor promptly if there is an ongoing problem requiring special attention.
In college, students pay tuition for the privilege to sit in the classroom and participate in lecture and class discussion.
Healthy and appropriate participation is a wonderful phenomenon, promoting a positive learning environment for all (an understandable expectation for both student and instructor). In contrast, sometimes individual students choose to disengage from normal class activity and consciously decide to engage in behavior which is distracting to, and negatively impacts other students such as the students who are trying to participate normally. These negative behaviors can originate from a multitude of poor choices and are inappropriate in higher education.
For example, various categories and models of personal electronics exist today – ranging from texting-enabled smartphones, to music players with cameras and wireless Internet capability. Albeit this technology is fascinating, exciting, and personally entertaining, however, their use during class-time is ALWAYS distracting to the individual user’s classmates. When deciding on engaging in a particular behavior, please consider the result of that behavior in regard to the benefit to yourself and the consideration of others.
The instructor will establish and maintain, with your involvement and help, a safe, comfortable learning environment in which your opinions and thoughts are valued.
The instructor will make meaningful assignments designed to broaden your knowledge and help improve your ability to problem solve utilizing the critical thinking skills developed in College Experience.
The instructor will offer you total availability to address any concerns or issues that may interfere with the learning process inside or outside of the classroom.
You can expect that the instructor will keep the course moving at a reasonable pace in order to satisfy the stated learning objectives.
The instructor will respect your thoughts, opinions and questions regarding the concepts being studied in this course and will attempt – to the best of the instructor’s ability – to work with you in answering all your questions.
The instructor will supply fair, honest and timely evaluation of your progress in learning the concepts outlined in the objectives for this course.
To Summarize the Instructor Expectations/Responsibilities and Student Expectations/
Basic Human Rights (6Hx23-1.341) from the St. Petersburg College Board of
Trustees rules state:
Instructor Responsibility: “The College does not condone discrimination and all
College personnel are expected to exercise common decency in relationships to one another and with the students the College serves.”
Student Responsibility: “Students are also expected to exercise such common
decency in relationships with one another and with the College’s personnel.”
“Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength.” Eric Hoffer, philosopher/author
SYLLABUS ADDENDUM: Please review relevant college information at the following link: http://www.spcollege.edu/addendum/
11/3 Tues.
To do/due today
1. Read Ch. 9 p. 271-277 about career preparation.
2. Go to Ch. 9 and the Career Link Inventory file. It is easy, fun, and fast. It can possibly give you some ideas about career selection.
3. Look over Ch. 9 files pertaining to careers (there is also financial information files in that same area. We will get to those later.)
11/5 Thurs.
To do/due today
1. Continuing with careers.
2. Reflection Paper: Course Content/Major Assignments/Career Analysis worksheet is to be completed and submitted to appropriate dropbox on or before
11/12/15 (Thur.) on or before 9 PM.
10/27 Tues.
To do/due today
1. Continuing with Ch. 4 Thinking
2. After this class, take Ch. 4 online quiz. It is open book. Please submit this on or before 11/5/15 (Thurs.) on or before 9 PM.
3. Reflection Paper: Course Content/attached to the dropbox Ch. 4 Solving a
Problem or Making a Decision Using Critical and Practical Thinking 7 Steps is due on or before 11/5/15 on or before 9 PM.
Week 11 10/27-10/29
10/27 Tues.
To do/due today
1. Continuing with Ch. 4 Thinking
2. After this class, take Ch. 4 online quiz. It is open book. Please submit this on or before 11/5/15 (Thurs.) on or before 9 PM.
3. Reflection Paper: Course Content/attached to the dropbox Ch. 4 Solving a
Problem or Making a Decision Using Critical and Practical Thinking 7 Steps is due on or before 11/5/15 on or before 9 PM.
Week 7 10/27-10/29
10/27 Tues.
To do/due today
1. Read Ch. 9 p. 271-277 about career preparation.
2. Go to Ch. 9 and the Career Link Inventory file. It is easy, fun, and fast. It can possibly give you some ideas about career selection.
3. Look over Ch. 9 files pertaining to careers (there is also financial information files in that same area. We will get to those later.)
10/29 Thurs.
To do/due today
1. Continuing with careers.
2. Reflection Paper: Course Content/Major Assignments/Career Analysis worksheet is to be completed and submitted to appropriate dropbox on or before 11/5/15
(Thur.) on or before 9 PM.
3. Tentative: An academic advisor will be scheduled to come to our class. You will bring your Advisor Approved COMPLETED ILP, you will load it on your MLP, and use this to register for your classes for spring’16. After that is successfully completed, you will a total of 225 pt. and met this requirement that is necessary to pass this
SLS 1101 class.