CS111, Computing and Information Science II Spring Term, 2011 (3 credits) Section 1, Tues., Thurs. 11:30am-12:45pm PHYS1 Section 2, Mon., Wed, Fri. 10:30am-11:30am PHYS1 _________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Cynthia J. Martincic OFFICE HOURS: Mon. noon-2pm, OFFICE: 202 Physics Building Wed., Fri. 9am -10am PHONE: 724-805-2418 or x2418 Tu., Th.1pm-2pm EMAIL: cynthia.martincic@email.stvincent.edu Also by appt. or drop-in. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PREREQUISITES: CS110 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course continues where CS110 left off. More advanced programming techniques and stricter programming style will be put into practice while covering more advanced data structures and algorithms, such as arrays, strings, file processing, stacks, queues, linked lists, classes, class definition and recursion. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENT: Upon completion of this course the student should: Describe aspects of Software Engineering and how they apply to producing better software. Be able to write programs using good programming style and practices. Be familiar with a variety of data structures and their implementation in C++, such as arrays, structs, classes, stacks, queues, linked lists. Be familiar with a number of algorithms for operating on those data structures and their implementation in C++. Have obtained more significant problem solving and programming practice. These objectives will be assessed mainly through the use of in-class labs, homework assignments, small projects and exams. SUPPORT OF THE SVC CORE CURRICULUM GOALS This course supports the following SVC Core Curriculum Goals: To form habits of ordered inquiry, logical thinking and critical analysis To develop effective communication skills To foster historical awareness of the discipline To develop mathematical skills and quantitative literacy TEXT: There is no assigned text for this course. We will primarily use Brother David Carlson’s webpages at http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/index.html. However, students should have other texts on the C++ programming language available to be used as reference material as necessary. In particular, the text required for CS110 is helpful. There is an SVC Blackboard site for this course which should be consulted regularly. ADDITIONAL READINGS: PROBLEM SOLVING WITH C++ 7th Ed., Savitch, W. (2009) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company ISBN 0-321-53134-5.Or some other text on C++ programming. Additional readings may be assigned and will be available from the instructor. BLACKBOARD: The Saint Vincent College Blackboard site will be used during this class. You should check it often for announcements and assignments. GRADING: Assignments, Projects, In-class Labs, Quizzes and Participation: Exams: 50% 50% The final grading scale may be curved at the discretion of the instructor, but in order to monitor your progress during the term, you should assume the SVC grading scale as printed in the College Bulletin. Curved grades will result in a higher letter grade than that achieved solely by the percentages above. For example, an earned ‘B’ may become a ‘B+’. The curve depends upon the performance of the class as a whole as well as individual inclass participation and perceived effort. NOTE: If a student does not attain a passing average in the exam category, that student will receive a failing grade for the course. EXAMS: There will be three exams, which, in total, will account for fifty percent of the final grade. Exams may cover any topics discussed in class, in the text, in any additional readings and in the assignments. Exams must be taken when scheduled. No books, notes, electronic devices or other assistance (including other people) are to be used during exams except you may use one two-sided 8x11 page of handwritten notes. Cell phones, pagers and PDAs must be turned off during exams. If you have a need to keep a cell phone or pager on during class, please let me know. Once an exam has begun, you are not permitted to leave the room until you hand in the exam. If any students miss a test due to verifiable extreme circumstances, CS111, Computing and Information Science II, Spring 2011 the average of the other exam and the final will used as the grade for that exam. If any students miss an exam for other reasons, that exam score will be zero. (See the Section labeled “DEFINITION OF EXTREME VERIFIABLE CIRCUMSTANCES”.) COURSE POLICIES: In most cases, for this class, assignments involve programming. Programming involves typing code into a source file, compiling it, testing it and fixing it, if necessary. For all programming assignments, a hardcopy of the commented program will be turned in and the source code placed on the appropriate CIS dept. network drive. For lab work, only the source file will be turned in by placing it on the appropriate CIS dept. network drive. If both are not turned in on time, the assignment will be considered late. Late assignments will not receive full credit. The amount deducted depends upon how late it is turned in. If an assignment is more than 2 weeks late, it will not receive any credit. Do not turn in any exercise or assignment on paper torn from spiral-bound notebooks or on any size paper other than 8.5x11 inch. Multiple pages must be stapled or paper clipped together or points will be deducted from the assignment grade. For all assignments and exams, illegible answers will not be graded and no points will be awarded. At any time, you may be asked to explain the code you turned in for an assignment. If you cannot explain the code for your assignment, you will not receive any points for that assignment. If you cannot attend a class: Assignments may be placed in the appropriate network drive or emailed to the instructor, but will not be graded until a paper copy is submitted. The emailed assignment must be received before the start of the class when the assignment is due and must be submitted as .cpp and/or .h files. The paper copy must be submitted by the next class period or no points will be awarded for that assignment. Assignments should be emailed only in case of some emergency and emailed assignments will not be accepted more than twice a term. Do not turn in any exercise or assignment on paper torn from spiral-bound notebooks or on any size paper other than 8.5x11 inch. Multiple pages must be stapled or paper-clipped together. Points will be deducted if multiple pages are not stapled or paper-clipped. For all assignments and exams, illegible answers will not be graded and no points will be awarded. When asked about the solution to an assignment, or the answer to an exam question, if a student cannot explain his/her solution or answer, no points will be awarded. Students who are participating in sports are expected to follow the College Handbook procedures for excused absences from class and exams. Students with disabilities who may be eligible for academic accommodations and support services should please contact Mrs. Sandy Quinlivan by phone (724-805-2371), email (sandy.quinlivan@email.stvincent.edu) or by appointment (Academic Affairs-Headmaster Hall). Reasonable accommodations do not alter the essential elements of any course, program or activity. If assignments from two or more students are unduly similar, they will be considered to be in violation of the SVC Academic Honesty Policy, and will be treated as such under the guidelines of that policy. “Unduly similar” in this case means that a prudent individual would reasonably conclude that the assignments were written/completed by the same person. The assignment grades for those students involved will be severely penalized and the incident will be reported to the Academic Deans Office. A second incident will result in failure of the course. Class attendance is most strongly recommended. Some classes will include in-class assignments, quizzes or computer lab work for which points will be awarded. Additional points may be added to the final grade based upon class participation. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get any notes, handouts and assignments. If a medical or sport excuse is provided, you will be given the opportunity to make up missed in-class labs or quizzes. You are permitted to miss one week worth without penalty. For every unexcused absence after the allowed, 3 points will be deducted from your final grade. Everyone involved in this class is expected to treat others with respect. Respectful behavior includes minimizing distractions during class. Cell phones, pagers, beeping watches extra should be muted during class. If you have a need to keep a cell phone or pager on during class, please let me know. If a class or office hours must be canceled for any reason, I will try to contact each of you by email as soon as I know of the cancellation and it will be posted on the course BB site. If assignments are due when a class has been canceled, they may be turned in at the next class without penalty. Please check that your email address on Blackboard is one that you check regularly. Students should consult the CIS Department Policies webpage (http://cis.stvincent.edu/policies.html) for additional information regarding course and department policies. DEFINITION OF EXTREME VERIFIABLE CIRCUMSTANCES Examples of extreme circumstances are serious illnesses or the death of a family member. Examples of non-extreme circumstances are nonrefundable airline tickets, sporting events and concerts. Unfortunately, I have encountered a number of attempts to deceive, so proof of the extreme circumstance will be required, such as a note from a nurse, doctor or coach, or an obituary notice. 2 CS111, Computing and Information Science II, Spring 2011 CS 111 Course Syllabus, Spring 2011 (subject to modification as the term progresses) Week Topics, Readings and Assignments 1/10 1/17 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18 4/25 5/2 Course pragmatics Program formats for assignments http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/basic/standard.html Review of concepts from CS110 – Boolean conditions, if … else statements, repetition, functions, etc. See corresponding topics under CS110 at http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/index.html and in the Savitch text Functions and Parameters See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/param/param.html and in the Savitch text. Assignment #1 (5 points) - send me an email with the following information. . (1) Name, (1a)Name you wish to be called, (2) Preferred Email Address, (3) Phone Number(s), (4) Campus Post Office Box number (or local address), (5) Class Year: (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior), (6) Your Major and Minor (7) Your reasons for taking this course, (8) Your previous programming and computer experience. Make sure that you know your user name and password for the CIS network. Future assignments will be announced in class and posted on the class BB site. Review of concepts from CS110 (cont.) –arrays, reading from streams, using objects, c-strings and strings. See corresponding topics under CS110 at http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/index.html and in the Savitch text. Finish review of concepts from CS110 (cont.) Software Engineering – See -http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/softeng/softeng.html Multiple dimension arrays See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/arrays/arrays.html Savitch Section 7.4 pages 419-427 Exam 1 This week. Structures (Records) See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/records/records.html Savitch text Section 10.1 pages 530-541 Files and Streams See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/files/files.html Objects and Classes See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/objects/objects.html Savitch text Sections 10.2 - 10.4 pages 542 - 594 More Complex Object Oriented Features See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/objects/advobj.html Savitch text Chapter 11 pages 609-694 Spring Break ☺☼☻ 2/26 – 3/6 Recursion See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/recur/recur.html Savitch text Chapter 14 pages 781-824 Pointers and other sharp objects See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/pointers/pointers.html Savitch text Chapter 9 pages 499 - 528 Exam 2 Linked Lists See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/lists/lists.html Savitch text Sections 13.1 pages 733 - 755 Linked Lists (cont.) Stacks See - http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/stacks/stacks.html Savitch text Section 13.2 pages 760-770 Queues See – http://cis.stvincent.edu/swd/queues/queues.html Finish assignments No Class on 4/21 or 4/22 Easter Break 4/21-4/25 Easter Break 4/21-4/25 No Class on Monday April 25th Review for final exam Final Exam Sec. 1 Mon. May 2, 11am-1pmSec.2 Tues. May 3 11am-1pm 3