Applying for a Grant at the NIH Helen Quill, Ph.D. Chief, Basic Immunology Branch Division of Allergy, Immunology & Transplantation NIAID, NIH The Application Process NIH Referral and Review System Regular Research Grant Applications Program & Policy Considerations NINDS NIGMS NCRR NIA NIAID NIAAA NEI Referral NIDCR NIAMS NINR NIEHS CSR NIDCD NLM NCCAM NIMH NHLBI Scientific Review NHGRI NICHD FIC NIDDK NIBIB NIDA NCMHD Funding Decisions Scientific Management 2 Independent Assignments for Your Grant Application upon Receipt at NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Receipt and Refferal Office CSR Initial Review Group (IRG) Study Section Scientific Review Administrator (SRA) Reviews the application NIH Institute or Center (IC) Program Officer Funds the application Peer Review “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.” -Steven Wright CSR (Center for Scientific Review) Study Section peer review panel 15-25 reviewers, mostly from academia IRG (integrated review group) group of study sections New Immunology IRG New Study Sections: est. June 2004 Innate Immunity & Inflammation (III) Immunity & Host Defense (IHD) Cellular & Molecular Immunology (CMI)-A Cellular & Molecular Immunology (CMI)-B Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune & Immune-Med. Dis. (HAI) Transplantation, Tolerance & Tumor Immunology (TTT) Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases (VMD) F32 Postdoctoral Grants Scientific Review Administrator Designated Federal official (scientist) with overall responsibility for the review process, including: Checks applications to ensure completeness Selects reviewers for study section Assigns applications to reviewers Manages the study section meeting Prepares the summary statements Provides advice to applicants about study sections Institute Program Officer Designated Federal official with overall responsibility for the funding process • • • • • Scientist trained in area of coverage Develops targeted research programs Approves funding and oversees funded grants Approves yearly progress reports Assists PI with both administrative & scientific questions • Attends study section as observer Typical Timeline for a New Individual Research Project Grant Application (R01) There are three overlapping cycles per year: –Submit in February (June, October) –Review in June (October, February) –Council in September (January, May) –Earliest award in December (April, July) 9-10 months from submission to funding Review Process 6-8 wks before study section meeting SRA assigns and sends applications to primary, secondary, tertiary reviewers (mostly academics) for evaluation At study section meeting - These 3 reviewers give initial scores - Primary presents research plan, discusses PI, etc. - Secondary emphasizes points of agreement/disagreement - Tertiary adds his/her 2 cents worth - General discussion/questions among panel members - All panel members vote a priority score Less expected from new PI Review Process 1-2 months after review - SRA prepares summary statement (written critique document) and calculates percentiles (R01s) - CSR or Institute mails summary statement to PI ~5 months after review Institute sends Notice-of-Grant Award by e-mail to PI’s business office Paylines • Payline is based on percentile (rank) • Percentile: your score percentiled against current scores in that study section plus the previous 2 rounds of review in that study section • Each Institute determines its own payline (e.g. in 2003, NIAID 22.0%; NCI 20.0%) • Payline may be different from prior fiscal year • For most Institutes, percentiles within the payline get funded automatically • Study sections may recommend budget/time cuts; Institutes usually follow these recommendations Grant Application Cycle Applicant Institution Submits application Receives award Funding Institute or Center at NIH Study Section or Review Group at NIH Funding Mechanisms NIH Opportunities for Independent Young Investigator Grants Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (K08) Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23) Transition Grant (K22) – restricted eligibility @ NIAID Small Grant (R03) Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21) Regular Research Grant (R01) K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award • • • • • • Clinical doctoral degree only US citizenship or green card 3-5 yrs of support Salary: up to $75K + FB/yr Supplies: up to $20K/yr 75% effort required K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award • M.D. or Ph.D. working with patients • US citizen or green card • Candidates just out of specialty or sub-specialty training • Project must be patient-oriented research • 3-5 yrs of support • Salary: up to $75K + FB/yr • Supplies: $25K/yr • 75% effort required K22 Research Scholar Development Award • Postdoc moving to assistant professor • Eligibility – Current NIAID intramural postdoc – Current postdoc on NIAID training grant/fellowship – US citizen or green card • 2 yrs non-renewable • Yr 1: $150K; yr 2: $100K • Can apply without a sponsoring institution SUCCESS RATES FOR NIAID TRAINING AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT GRANTS Grant Type • F32 • K02 • K08 • K22 • K23 • K24 • T32 OVERALL 2002 Success Rate (%) 25 63 66 59 39 27 60 43 Mechanisms for Preliminary Studies Small Grants (R03) Feasibility/New Technology/Innovative High Risk Ideas $50,000/year; 2 years maximum Institute Review Exploratory/Developmental Grants (R21) Feasibility (for those without preliminary data) $275,000 over 2 years Increasing use CSR Review R01 Success Rates (%) All PIs 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 NIH 30.9 31.6 31.4 31.3 N/A NIAID 35.5 30.9 30.8 34.2 30.8 NCI 30.2 29.8 26.9 26.0 25.9 NHLBI 30.7 34.6 33.3 34.4 32.0 NIDDK 32.8 30.2 27.2 27.2 30.9 R01 Success Rates (%) New PIs NIH-wide 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Applications reviewed 6,464 6,984 7,059 7,139 7,265 Grants awarded 1,539 1,596 1,670 1,640 1,596 Success rate 23.8 22.9 23.7 23.0 22.0 Solicited Research Programs NIH Institutes Requests for Applications (RFA) Announcement describing an Institute research initiative in a well-defined scientific area Invitation to the field to submit research grant applications for a one-time competition Set-aside of funds for a certain number of awards Applications generally reviewed within the issuing Institute by one-time study section Program Announcement Invites grant applications in a given research area May describe new or expanded interest in a particular research area May be a reminder of a continuing interest in a particular research area Generally has no funds set aside Applications reviewed in CSR along with unsolicited grant applications When Preparing an Application Read and follow instructions Never assume that reviewers will “know what you mean” Refer to literature thoroughly; demonstrate expertise State rationale of proposed investigation Include discussions of interpretations, pitfalls, alternative approaches Include well-designed tables and figures ( ) Present an organized, lucid write -up (neatness counts) Obtain pre-review from faculty at your institution don don’t’t cra cra m m Common Problems in Applications Insufficient preliminary data (R01, etc) Diffuse, superficial, or unfocused research plan Absence of an acceptable scientific rationale Lack of justification re. physiological relevance Questionable reasoning in experimental approach Lack of experience in the essential methodology Lack of sufficient experimental detail Uncritical approach Unrealistically large amount of work Lack of knowledge of published relevant work Lack of new or original ideas Uncertainty concerning future directions How NIH Staff Can Help You CSR Scientific Review Administrator (SRA) Before review Advice on study section, amount of preliminary data, supplementary data, etc. How NIH Staff Can Help You Institute Program Officer Before review Scientific advice on proposed Aims; on revised Aims; on study section, etc. After review – Discuss review, summary statement, revision – Provide information on payline, funding status – Rarely – help with funding outside the payline How NIH Staff Can Help You Use the Institute Program Officer as your point person at NIH NIH GUIDE for Grants and Contracts U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Announces NIH Scientific Initiatives (solicited research programs) Provides NIH Policy and Administrative Information (including not-infrequent changes) Spend some time at the NIH and NIAID websites! Websites • • • • • • • • • NIH Home Page: Training/Career Development: Grant Guidelines/Forms: How to Write a Grant: NIH Guide: NIAID Solicited Biodefense Research Programs: New Immunology IRG New Study Sections: est. June 2004 Innate Immunity & Inflammation (III) Immunity & Host Defense (IHD) Cellular & Molecular Immunology (CMI)-A Cellular & Molecular Immunology (CMI)-B Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune & Immune-Mediated Diseases (HAI) Transplantation, Tolerance & Tumor Immunology (TTT) Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases (VMD) F32 Postdoctoral Grants