Linked Mental Health Project Make Presentations to NIH

Anastacia Polkovnikova making her Presentation
The NIH team which was on a review mission of the MEPI (PRIME-K) Project at the University of Nairobi, paid
a call to the NIH-Funded Linked Mental Health Project at the Department of Psychiatry. Led by the College of
Health Sciences principal Prof. Isaac Kibwage, who also doubles up as the Principal Investigator in the PRIMEK project, the team met with the Investigating team from the Linked Mental Health Project.
Principal Investigator (K) Dr. Muthoni Mathai, The Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, Prof. Mary Kuria;
the other investigators in the Linked Mental Health Project (Prof. Violet Kimani, Dr. Beatrice Amugune, Dr.
Anne Obondo and Dr. Manasi Kumar) and the staff at the Project (Dr. Anne Mbwayo - Administrator, and
George Khamati - Research Coordinator) briefed the team on the progress of the Linked Project as well as the
posterity measures being taken to ensure that the activities of the project outlast the period of the grant which
comes to end in August 2015.
The NIH team congratulated the investigation team for their courage and success in winning the award through
the NIMH. The Mental Health Award was the only mental health project that was awarded an award by the NIH.
The NIH team was then taken through the various presentations made by the student-beneficiaries of the
project. Some of the presenters included Anastacia Polkovnikova, Elizabeth Khaemba, Obadiah Yator, Anne
Gitere, Fidelis Mbagara and Rachel Maina. The NIH team was impressed with the thorough research and
presentations made, and encouraged the presenters to publish their work so that it could be shared with the
greater scientific community.