SIDE DISH Choose 2

Biology Menu- Cells
MAIN DISH- Choose One
1. Cornell Notes- Use the template paper. In the large box on the right take notes on
the topic skipping one line between ideas. (Try not to use complete sentences). Once
you have completed the notes, review them pulling out main ideas and key topics writing
them in the left column. Write a summary of the main ideas in the bottom section.
2. Foldable - Create a foldable including all the organelle and their functions.
Organelles that must be included: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Plasmid,
Ribosome, Flagella, Nucleus, Nuclear Envelope, Endoplasmic, Reticulum, Cilia,
Ribosomes, Chromatin, Microtubules, Microfilaments, Vacuoles, mitochondria, Golgi
Apparatus, Chloroplasts, Flagella, Lysosomes, Nucleolus
Vocabulary Foldable: Write the name of organelle on the outside flap then write
the function of the organelle inside.
Shutterfold: Draw and label a plant or animal cell on the outside of the foldable.
Inside write the functions of each of the labeled organelles.
3. Cartoon - Create a cartoon that includes the name of each organelle and its
function. Organelles that must be included: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm,
Plasmid, Ribosome, Flagella, Nucleus, Nuclear Envelope, Endoplasmic, Reticulum,
Cilia, Ribosomes, Chromatin, Microtubules, Microfilaments, Vacuoles, mitochondria,
Golgi Apparatus, Chloroplasts, Flagella, Lysosomes, Nucleolus
4. Write a story – Create a story that explains how the structures of the
organelles are directly related to their function in a cell.
5. Analogy Poster - You will come up with an analogy of your choice for the cell
and its organelles. Your analogy will be represented in the form of a poster that
represents a cell and its organelles. Organelles that must be included: Cell Wall,
Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Plasmid, Ribosome, Flagella, Nucleus, Nuclear
Envelope, Endoplasmic, Reticulum, Cilia, Ribosomes, Chromatin, Microtubules,
Microfilaments, Vacuoles, mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus, Chloroplasts, Flagella,
Lysosomes, Nucleolus
6. Flash Cards - Create flash cards with the cell organelle and its function.
Organelles that must be included: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm,
Plasmid, Ribosome, Flagella, Nucleus, Nuclear Envelope, Endoplasmic,
Reticulum, Cilia, Ribosomes, Chromatin, Microtubules, Microfilaments, Vacuoles,
mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus, Chloroplasts, Flagella, Lysosomes, Nucleolus
SIDE DISH Choose 2
1. Fortune Teller
2. Riddles
3. Concept map compare and contrast animal and plant cells
4. Color and Label cells
5. Cross-word puzzle