«National Center of State Scientific and Technical Expertise» JSC SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR, FOOD PROCESSING AND SAFETY" IN KAZAKHSTAN FOR THE PERIOD UP TO 2030 Expert group: G. Sarbasova R. Uskenov G. Meyirman U. Chomanov A. Abugalieva S. Mogilniy Sh. Sarbakanova D. Dautkanova B. Alimgazinova Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2014 Metodology 1 The Scenario of the line development “Sustainable development of the agricultural sector, processing and food safety (hereinafter SDASPFS)" 2 Identification of key scientific concepts and construction of a roadmap for SDASPFS implementation 2 The Scenario The Scenario project "Sustainable development of the agricultural sector, processing and food safety" in Kazakhstan for the period up to 2030 was developed in the framework of system analysis and forecasting in the field of science and technology The aim of the Scenario development: To prepare the decision-makers to changes in the future The definition of strategic directions of scientific researches and developments in the field of SDASPFS, which will allow Kazakhstan to reach a new level of development and increase the standard of living and well-being of people To assess threats, risks and opportunities of SDASPFS development in Kazakhstan in the future 3 THE FOUNDATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCENARIO • The horizon of Scenario development is 2030. • The geographical scope of the Scenario is the Republic of Kazakhstan • Inevitable limitations in the future– possible risks and threats outlined in the Scenario • The result expected from Scenario development is definition of the main directions of scientific research in the field of SDASPFS in Kazakhstan for the period till 2030 4 GLOBAL CHALLENGES, TRENDS AND FACTORS OF SDASPFS DIRECTION DEVELOPMENT The major global trends shaping the field of science, technology and production: Globalization of innovations and the changing conditions of international competition Significant reduction in cycle of absorption and diffusion of new technologies in the economies Access to new digital technologies has changed the system of organization of R&D Science and technology are seen as an integral part of economic growth Intensification of the processes of transition to convergence of sciences and technologies The increased support for scientific research conducted in universities (S)(S) (S1) Urbanization (S2) Population growth (S3) Changing of consumer preferences (T) (T) (T1) The priority of «green economy» (E) (E) (E1) The global nature of the food security problem (Е2) Water and energy deficit in agriculture (Е3) The globalization of manufacturing (Eco) (Eco) (Eco1) Climate changes (P) (P) (P1) Geopolitical instability (P2) Increased government intervention in agribusiness (P3) Land, water and energy struggling 5 TRENDS AND FACTORS OF SDASPFS DIRECTION DEVELOPMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN (S1) The lack of qualified personnel (T1) Depreciation of industrial assets of enterprises and technology obsolescence (T2) The lack of linkages between manufacturing and science, фтв the limited participation of private capital (T3) Organic and eco-friendly agricultural products manufacturing (T4) Automation of processes in the agricultural sector, implementation of applied information systems for different purposes (T5) Food safety (E1) The low level of food security in a number of commodity items (E2) Small-scale product line (E3) Needs in modernization of the infrastructure of agricultural and food manufacturing, and processing ((Eco1) Climate changes (T1) Depreciation of (P1) Entry into WTO (P2) Participation in the Customs Union (P3) The investment climate improving in the agricultural sector 6 KEY DIRECTIONS FOR SDASPFS DEVELOPMENT TRENDS AND FACTORS Macro level Significance/Implact Key factors at the macro level: - (S3) Changing in consumer preferences - (Т1) Priority of green economics - (E1) The global nature of food security problem - (E2) The shortage of water and energy for agriculture - (Eco4) Changing of climate - (P1) Geopolitical instability Uncertainty Micro level Significance/Implact Key factors at the micro level: - (T3) The production of organic and environmentally friendly agricultural products - (Т5) Food safety - (E1) Low level of food security under a number of headings - (Eco1) Changing of climate Uncertainty 7 THE RELATIONSHIP AND MUTUAL INFLUENCE OF FACTORS eco1 - Changing of climate T5 ) Food safety p1 –Geopolitical instability T3 - The production of organic and environmentally friendly p3 - The struggle agricultural products for land, water and P1 - WTO energy accession Eco1 - Changing of climate s1 -Urbanization s2 Changing consumer preferences Macrolevel t1 - The priority of «green economy» E1 Low level of food security for a number of commodity items Micro-level e2 The shortage of water and energy for agriculture e1 - The global nature of food security problem legend: ( grey) - weak influence ( green) -below average ( dark-orange – average impact ( dark-red) - upper-middle ( bright-red - strong infmpact Italic - internal factors Usual - factors at the macro level Analysis of centrality (the greatest influence on network structure): Food Security The production of organic and environmentally friendly agricultural products Priority of green economics Changing of climate The global nature of food security problem Changing in consumer preferences 8 2030 VISIBLE FUTURE FOR KAZAKHSTAN IN THE FIELD OF SDASPFS (1) Competitive and sustainable agriculture: productivity per unit of resources spent not lower than in the countries that are technological leaders with similar climatic and soil conditions; a wide range of quality and affordable domestic food products in volume, consistently delivering the necessary level of consumption by the population of Kazakhstan; sustainable forage base and efficient technologies for farm animals, birds and fish, providing optimal conditions for maximum realization of the genetic potential of productivity; domestic, resistant to biotic and abiotic factors, varieties and hybrids of major crops, provide stable productivity, profitability and product quality; resource-efficient, adaptive to climatic conditions technology of cultivation of agricultural crops; the widespread use of water-saving irrigation systems, sustainable supply of irrigation water to the required extent, advanced (modern and efficient) infrastructure irrigation agriculture; phyto sanitary and veterinary welfare, ensuring the safety agricultural products; developed sector of environmentally friendly production, including organic products for the domestic and foreign market; waste less technological processes with low energy consumption in production, processing and storage of agricultural products; an effective control system of food safety: high competence of the staff, advanced control methods and advanced network certification testing centers. developed rural areas: a high level of dynamics and sustainable socio-economic development of villages, comfortable living environment, energy supply with renewable, affordable and high-speed Internet connection. 9 2030 VISIBLE FUTURE FOR KAZAKHSTAN IN THE FIELD SDASPFS (2) Stable positions of Kazakhstan among the world's leading exporters of agricultural products: Kazakhstan is among the world leaders in the amount of agricultural land per capita; the brand "Made in Kazakhstan" is associated with high-quality, safe food products and is widely known for leading by import volume markets; wide geography and stable volumes of export of agricultural products; Sustainable exports in the segment of high quality (elite), environmentally friendly in accordance with international standards of agricultural products; developed logistical infrastructure for rapid, large-scale supply of domestic agricultural products on the world market. 10 THE DRAFT OF LONG LIST OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN THE DIRECTION OF ОСИПР IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEEDS OF THE FUTURE Subdivisions Products and Services Increasing the stress resistance of 1. The technology to create stress-resistant varieties of wheat (water deficit, temperature difference) traditional cultures using biotechnology 2. The technology to create competitive quality and productivity of varieties of legumes, grains, cereals, oilseeds and forage and global agro biodiversity crops 3. Technology to create a competitive, highly productive varieties and hybrids of vegetable and melon crops 4. The technology to create stress-resistant varieties and hybrids of fruit-berry cultures and grapes (to temperature) Development of technologies for the 1. Technology management selection process on the basis of genomic selection in cattle, sheep, productive horse breeding, pig management of the genetic potential of production, poultry farming, fish farming farm animals 2. Technology to accelerate the reproduction of farm animals 3. Unified electronic database of breeding farm animals, with some signs of breeding Integrated, adaptive to climatic 1Agro landscape farming technologies for different climatic and soil conditions conditions technology of cultivation of 2. Geographic information systems (GIS) global agro-ecological assessment of lands (arable land, pastures, hayfields, etc.) agricultural crops and farm animals 3. Technologies for sustainable pasture management 4. Resource-saving technology content of agricultural animals 5. Technology automation technological processes of agriculture 6. Technical means and systems of machines for agriculture Induction to agricultural use of unused 1. Technologies and technical means for the development of fallow lands land 2. Technologies for restoration of degraded pastures and disturbed agro ecosystems 3. Technologies and technical means for pasture irrigation on the basis of use of renewable energy sources The use in agriculture of the technologies that reduce carbon dioxide emissions 1. Technology without steam rotations 2. Technologies and technical means for collecting, conservation and utilization of carbon dioxide (biogas, biofuels) 11 The development of organic farming 1. Technoloy the creation of biological products and organic methods to combat diseases and pests 2. Technology of cultivation of agricultural crops on the principles of organics 3. Development of technologies for production of organic fertilizer Monitoring the emergence and constant study of 1. GIS technology in monitoring the occurrence of causative agents of especially dangerous diseases causative agents of especially dangerous diseases, 2. A single information network and database for all actors involved in the processes of identification, forecasting and risk management in the field of veterinary prevention and control of diseases and pests and phyto sanitary safety 3. Development of a precision, easy to use rapid methods of detecting and diagnosing diseases and pests Development of rural areas with the aim of creating comfortable conditions for living in the countryside 2. Local technologies and technical means to provide electrical and thermal energy using local renewable energy sources 3. Local drinking water purification systems, sewage and waste management of agricultural activities 4. Cheap high-speed Internet and wireless technology to transfer data over long distances 5. The development of a system for remote delivery of services in rural areas (e-government, e-learning, telemedicine, etc.) 6. Efficient, affordable production technologies of non-traditional agricultural products (mushrooms, quails, rabbits, flowers, etc.) Reduction of water consumption in agriculture and sustainable water management 1. Water-saving irrigation system 2. Technologies for sustainable management of irrigated agricultural landscapes 3. Technologies for gathering, storing and cleaning of runoff water 4. Wastewater treatment technologies for reuse in various industrial purposes 5. Development of water recycling systems with a maximum water recovery in manufacturing processing and food enterprises 6. Technologies and technical means accurate accounting of water 7. GIS technologies for monitoring parameters of water basins Application in agriculture elements of technologies for 1. The GIS system for monitoring the state of natural resources reproduction of natural resources (soil fertility, geobotany 2. Technology for rapid multiplication and reproduction of forest resources composition, forest plantations) 3. Technology for the conservation of agro biodiversity 4. Technology for the reproduction of soil fertility 12 Sustainable development of processing industry, food safety the food 1. Technology and equipment to ensure deep, complex, energy - saving processing of agricultural raw materials on the basis of modern physic-chemical and electro physical methods (including membrane, extrusion-hydrolytic, hyperbaric, cavitations and biotechnological methods); 2. The creation, production technology, the brand new import-substituting food with directional change of composition and properties, using nano - and microcapsules for targeted delivery of biologically active substances in products of mass consumption for different age groups of the population, products of treatment-and-prophylactic purposes; 3. Technology to produce new kinds of products of high nutritional and biological value of using highly active recombinant and mutant strains and consortia of microorganisms - producers of enzymes, essential amino acids, bacteriocins, vitamins and other biologically active substances; 4. Development of technologies for production of functional foods using dietary supplements immunomodulatory, antioxidant and biocorridors operation, pre - and probiotics for the prevention of various diseases and strengthen the immune function, reduce the risk of exposure to harmful substances; 5. Development of scientific bases of formation of a set of qualitative and functional characteristics of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin for the purpose of creating differentiated technologies for its processing and storage to ensure consistent quality, storage capacity and minimize losses of the target product; 6. Technology of production of competitive products from recycled materials waste of the primary production, industrial processing products; 7. Production technology of food products with a long shelf life 8. Technology of complex processing of grain starchy raw materials with the maximum use of its components, and the generation of valuable by-products 9. Methods and tools for rapid quality control of agricultural products and foodstuffs to ensure their safety 13 Questionnaire for choosing research directions Production JSC "НУХ КАЗАГРО" LLP "KazAzot” LLP "Kazzincmash" KMG-Service Regional industrial park of Astana JSC "Shardarinsk HPP" LLP “САУТС-ОЙЛ” LLP "ИВТ" LLP «Теңіз Бурғылау» JSC RPI"Caspimunaigas" NGO "Republican House Hereford" NGO "Republican House of dairy cattle breeds" NGO "Republican House Angus" NGO "Republican House auliekolskoy breed" NGO "Republican Chamber of the Kazakh white breed” Government agencies, development institutions, research institutes, universities, engineering and consultancy organizations Department of Agriculture JSC "KazAgroInnovation" LLP "Kazakh Research Institute Discover Great Food" Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi "Kazakh Research Institute of Economics agribusiness and rural development" LLP "Kazakh Research Institute IFR" Almaty Technological University RSE "Institute of Microbiology and Virology" Innovative University of Eurasia Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov West Kazakhstan Agra Technical University named after Zhangir Khan KazNTU named after Satpayev EKSU named after S.Amanzholov LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant" LLP “КазНИВИ” LLP «КазНИИЖиК» LLP «НИЦЖиВ» LLP «КазНИИЗиР» JSC "KazATU named after S.Seifullin " 14 15 Risks and threats of Scenario realization Macroeconomic risks posed by the deteriorating internal and external conjuncture of the world prices for industry products The increased competition on international markets, high competition from the world's leading companies in the context of accession to the WTO on a number of products Adverse changes in climatic conditions, both short-term and long-term (global warming and associated increase in arid and semi-arid land, growing water scarcity, instability, weather conditions, etc.) The critical deterioration of infrastructure for transportation of products to the target markets and the associated rise in the cost of delivery The spread of diseases of animals and plants and environmental pollution, parasitic species of plants, animals, fish, insects, causing a reduction in the availability of land, water and other resources and reduced productivity of the industry as a whole, can reduce the export potential of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan The low level of profitability of businesses Depletion potential of land, water, biological resources, genetic potential of animals Failure of the technological level of basic research, its incompatibility with international standards The higher the level of technology and quality of the products of foreign countries The decline in the prestige of science, the lack of competitiveness research, aging funds, the outflow of "brains“ Low interest business in science, inadequate funding of science The global economic crisis, inflation The escalating global economic crisis in the socio-political The threats associated with the emergence of alliances and coalitions The crisis of the values of civilization, coexistence of religions and cultures The threat of a global food security 16 The second part of our work will be presented by industry experts on the following sub-areas: Crop production and agriculture Animal production and animal health Processing and food safety 17 «National center of state scientific and technical expertise» JSC The results of the project "System analysis and forecasting in science and technology" under sub-direction "Crop production and agriculture" Almaty 2014 THE LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGRICULTURE Crop production and agriculture 1 Research on database creation and allocation traits (genetic) collections of agricultural crops on limiting indices (drought resistance, resistance to stress, illness) 2 Research on the use of genetic diversity to improve stress indicator traits in breeding on the basis of hybridization and genetic technologies 3 Studies on the identification of the desired alleles of target genes based on the analysis of global agro-biodiversity, including wild relatives and advanced hybrids 4 Studies on the use of associative mapping and most significant markers in the breeding of agricultural crops on the productivity, quality, and adaptive criteria 5 Development of improved technologies for phenotyping of morphological and physiological development of idiotype for each agroktima 6 Research on environmental selection (including Shuttle) for the purpose of utilizing the potential of natural and climatic diversity of Kazakhstan 7 8 9 Studies on selection of grain, legumes, cereals, oilseeds, fodder, fruit, vegetable, and forest crops to improve productivity, adaptability to biotic and abiotic factors and product quality. Development and improvement of seed production schemes to accelerate the process of renewal and replacement of varieties. Studies on the phenomenon of genotype-environment at different levels: in international testing (really the best analogues); - advanced breeding material in the ecological network of Kazakhstan; - in programs MAS-breeding (on specific topics) 10 Studies on immunological assessment on the stability and tolerance of varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops to regional climatic conditions 11 Research on the optimal agri-landscape zones of cultivation of agricultural crops, regions of Kazakhstan 12 Development of automated control system of technological process of cultivation of agricultural crops on a particular field 13 Studies on technological and technical development of the water sector (water management, irrigation technology and irrigation technology) 14 Development of adaptive systems of land and water resource-saving technologies 15 Development of technologies for conservation and reproduction of soil fertility 16 Research on measuring and spectral reflectance of soils using remote methods for assessing the content of humus and diagnosis of pollution by xenobiotics 17 18 The development of highly effective biological products to combat diseases and pests of plants Development of technologies for breeding and use of bio methods for pest control 19 Development and improvement of existing methods of developments of biopreparations based on entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis and their implementation for the protection of tree plantations. THE LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGRICULTURE 20 Development of technologies of obtaining mycoinsecticides based on the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana to reduce the number of locusts in Kazakhstan. 21 The development of technologies for production of biopreparations based on entomopathogenic fungus Вeauveria bassiana. 22 Studies to determine the genetic polymorphism of Kazakhstan strains of entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, promising producers of biological products. 23 Development of safe methods of population control of the Colorado potato beetle using entomopathogenic microorganisms in the conditions of Kazakhstan. 24 Research to find natural enemies and development of technology for their mass rearing for use in biological protection of fruit and vegetables grown in open ground. 25 Studies on the beneficial insect fauna of anthropogenic ecosystems of the South-East of Kazakhstan for potential use in the biological control of pests of agricultural crops. 26 27 Development the methods of biological control the population of pests and plant pathogens in the gardens to save biogenetic balance in agro ecosystems and the use of derived products for baby and diet food. Studies on the biological justification of biological protection of vegetable crops from the complex of leaf-eating and gnawing phytophagous in organic farming systems. 28 Development of bio-mass conveyor reproduction of beneficial insects and mites for plant protection in organic farming. 29 Development of biological protection methods of vineyards from the complex dominant phytophages and pathogens to obtain environmentally friendly products. 30 Development of biological methods of protection of agro enosis of berries on the basis of agro landscape. 31 Researches on introduction of mass rearing and use of parasite Chouioia cunea against leaf-eating forest pests. 32 Development the methods of using the antagonists for the biological control of diseases of agricultural crops 33 Development of cultivation technologies of organic products 34 Development the technologies for production of organic fertilizer 35 Development of a regularly updated automated database for especially dangerous and quarantine pests. 36 Development of phyto sanitary measures to regulated non-quarantine pest based on pest risk analysis on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 37 Studies on cross-resistance of agricultural pests to insecticides and synergic there to reduce their doses and consisted of in the final products. 38 Research on phyto sanitary monitoring of agricultural land from dangerous and harmful quarantine organisms on the basis of remote sensing and GIS technologies 39 Development of effective means and methods of monitoring of pesticide residues in plants and soil Development of methods to limit the spread of particularly dangerous quarantine pests and poligny insect pests 40 41 Research on detection and diagnosis of races and strains limited common on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan quarantine harmful organisms by PCR analysis DEVELOPMENT OF ADAPTIVE LAND USE SYSTEMS AND MOISTURE-RESOURCE-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES The essence of the study, the level of the proposed solutions / expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. The essence of the study expressed by the need to move from the zonal soil protection system of agriculture to the development and introduction of moistureresource-saving agricultural technologies and their differentiation in relation to agro-ecological conditions on the basis of adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture with the use of GIS systems in different territorial levels. This approach solves the problem of efficient use of land resources, sustainable productivity of arable land and agro-ecology. Development and implementation of technologies and minimum tillage No-till-direct sowing on stubble without any tillage methods of drip irrigation and raised bed technologies for irrigation with the soil characteristics and trends of Kazakhstan development in these areas in the world reflects the level of the proposed solutions. The scope of application of the expected results is enormous. Level of scientific novelty and significance Formulation of study takes into account international experience, with the necessity of adapting the technology in regions of Kazakhstan taking into account the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the composition of cultivated crops. The novelty is the establishment of the introduction of the criterion of minimum tillage and No-till with direct sowing with the humus content (3.5% or more) of the soil do not require intensive processing to regulate agro processes and optimum density of the soil is maintained at the level of 1-1,24 g / cm3 under the influence of natural factors. Applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for the commercialization of the results) The research applied nature character, and their results are subject to immediate implementation on a massive scale in agribusiness with adequate infrastructure. Some provisions may be technologically patentability. Handle and specifications (including indicators of the expected final stage of studies Adaptive-landscape system, moisture- resource-saving technology, GIS system, agro ecology, productivity of arable land, minimum tillage, No-till, drip irrigation, ridge technology. Indicators include: the selection of elementary soil structures based on agrolandscape approach, resource conservation, minimization or denial tillage, conservation of plant residues on the soil surface, the use of crop rotations, including profitable crops and crops improve soil fertility, integrated approach in the fight against pests and diseases, the use of quality seed varieties responsive to these technologies. As part of the theme will appear innovation patents. Their number can be estimated up to 20 names, publication in international journals - more than 100, the training of specialists, technicians - 90 at the level of PhD and scientific advice to the introduction through the "Extension" - 75. Basic technologies The cultivation of agricultural crops on high-cost technology: psubsurface moldboard tillage of soil, use of steam, no crop rotation, irrigation by flooding, gross fertilization in one step, the low proportion of forage grasses in crop rotations, non-ecological production system of zonal agriculture. Development of high biological products for disease control and plant pests 1. The essence of the study, the level of the proposed solutions / expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results: Protecting plants from pests complex in Kazakhstan is carried out almost 100% by chemicals. The negative consequences of the use of pesticides are well known - the pollution of the environment as well as agricultural production residues of chemicals, including heavy metals, nitrates and other harmful to human health elementy.V countries with developed agriculture crucial importance attached to the development of biological and biologizing methods of plant protection . The only alternative to the use of pesticides is the introduction of an integrated system of protection based on biological methods. With the use of natural biological approaches in regulating the number of pests (entomopathogens - microorganisms pathogens of insects and a variety of natural substances - derived from plants). The project meets one of the development priorities the use of biological systems in solving global problems of agriculture, which requires taking into account the geographical and climatic characteristics of a region. This is confirmed by the earlier development - biological product "Ak kobelek" whose activity is related to the selection of aboriginal strain, shows the activity 1.7 times higher than commercial counterparts "Lepidocide." In addition the scope of application of these developments affect, except SKHTP and ecologically important areas (SSPE, parks in cities), where it is not permitted using of chemical pesticides. Expected results: It will be selected 5 high-performance strains, including three entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and 2 bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, exhibiting high biological activity of the major pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations - grasshoppers, beetles, lepidoptera; will be conducted laboratory and field experiments to test five new microbiological preparations (fungal, bacterial) to protect plants from the major pests. will be carried out the selection of soil microorganisms exhibiting high antagonistic activity against the major bacterial and fungal diseases of crops; will be conducted modeling experiments under field conditions using two microbiological agents against diseases of plants; will be developed and produced technology for development and production of biological products Party against dangerous insects and diseases; will be developed by a full package of normative and technical documentation necessary for the commercial introduction of the developed technologies. Implementation of this program will enhance the yields of main agricultural crops in Kazakhstan, production of ecologically clean products, reduce the cost of the use of chemical herbicides and pesticides that will greatly enhance the commercial quality of the final products, will strengthen the livestock fodder base and development of food security in Kazakhstan. Production and implementation of biologics will create an opportunity for import substitution and increase the export potential of the Republic. The scope of applicability of the expected results. Six climatic zones of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Southwestern Siberia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. 2. The level of scientific novelty and significance: Development topics require the highest level of scientific and technical support. Scientific studies of the past years have allowed to create a unique collection of indigenous strains of entomopathogenic microorganisms. The work will apply modern scientific and methodical approaches of development of biotechnology, including molecular genetic studies. In addition, there is the scientific interest of foreign scientists to the collection, in particular by the partners from Germany, China and Russia. The implementation of this Programme will be developed specific techniques of crop improvement that will create conditions to increase the competitiveness of the economy, will provide the Republic of Kazakhstan equal partnership in the development and implementation of major international programs for improving agricultural productivity and environmental protection. All of this suggests a high level of originality and significance of this topic. 3. Applied importance of research (including patentability and opportunities for the commercialization of the results): The project will allow employees of the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture phytosanitary security, GU "Republican Methodical Center phytosanitary diagnosis and prognosis," RSE "phytosanitary" Committee of state inspection in AIC MA RK and agricultural producers of the Republic at a higher quality level to use recommendations, guidelines on the application of biological products, to acquire and use them. All research results are highly patentability and have today a strong demand among SKHTP. 4. The descriptor and specifications (including indicators of the expected final stage of studies): biotechnology, biological control, biologics, fungi, bacteria, insects, plants. The implementation of this theme will enhance the yields of main agricultural crops cultivated in the context of Kazakhstan, production of ecologically clean products, reduce the cost of the use of plant protection chemicals that will greatly enhance the commercial quality of the final products, will strengthen the animal husbandry fodder base and development of food security of Kazakhstan. Production and implementation of biologics will create an opportunity for import substitution and increase the export potential of the Republic. Agricultural products, designed for export will have a certificate of ecological purity of the parameters required for accession to the WTO. Basic technologies: Biotechnology - the cultivation of microorganisms in fermenters; Molecular Biology - PCR, genetic labeling. RESEARCH ON SELECTION OF CEREALS, LEGUMES, CEREALS, OILSEEDS, FODDER, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, FOREST CROPS TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY, ADAPTABILITY TO BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC FACTORS AND PRODUCT QUALITY. The essence of the study, the level of the proposed solutions / expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. Breeding - a continuous process, the contents of which cover the entire breeding cycle of research, and its essence is aimed at creating high-yielding and high-quality varieties and hybrids with high ability to adapt to different agro-ecological conditions. Main research areas: Planning crosses through the creation, allocation and use of attributive (genetic) collections / crop on the limiting parameters (drought tolerance, resistance to stress, disease). The use of genetic diversity for improving stress indicator signs in the process of selection. Justification of purposeful selection and use of associative mapping of significant markers in breeding with / crop productivity, quality, and adaptive criteria. Usage - improved technologies phenotyping of morphological and physiological development of each agroekotype. Environmental selection (including shuttle) to include natural and climatic diversity of Kazakhstan. Studying the phenomenon of genotype environment at different levels: 1) international variety testing (actually the best analogues); 2) advanced breeding material in the ecological network in Kazakhstan; 3) programs on the basis of the selection marker at the population level of adaptability. Creating varieties with improved stress tolerance and overall adaptive capacity of a particular type of processing quality. The expected result is the creation of varieties and hybrids of the market at a national level for the efficient use of bio-climatic and soil potential. Level of scientific novelty and significance Varieties and hybrids with characteristic differences on new gene recombination and thus with phenotypic manifestations of agronomic traits and properties provide a high level of originality and significance of the results in the increase of productivity and quality agricultural production. New areas of research: Genetic markers on the all phases (planning, selection, stability) compared, and combined together with conventional phenotypic methods. The application of DGL methods to ensure homogeneity, uniformity and stability of varieties. Creating a new generation of varieties: homogeneous particular type of use, including for healthy food Applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for the commercialization of the results). Applied product (result) is an innovative varieties and hybrids with patenting, quickly commercialized used with an additional effect in the agricultural business, subject to the establishment of industrial seed for sort-change. The descriptor and specifications (including indicators of the expected final stage of studies). Methods of breeding, biotechnology, gene recombination, molecular genetics, grade, cell engineering, technique dihaploids, adaptation, and others. The end product of the research are: The genetically stable varieties and hybrids, significantly higher than the control (standard) varieties in productivity, at least 10% (according to the State Commission for Variety Testing of agricultural crops) or advanced by individual economically valuable attributes for specific tasks (precocity, quality production, disease resistance, etc.) on the respective areas Publications (international ranking) Patents for varieties, techniques and technologies and its creation Preparation of breeders, seed growers Basic technologies. Classical selection, use at all stages of the methods of molecular genetics and bioengineering, cell engineering, regulation of the stages when, how much and how (depending on c / crops, their purpose and use). Kazakhstan already has considerable experience in the creation of varieties and hybrids based on the use of adaptive genetic resources and breeding techniques: hybridization, selection at the stage of selection of parental pairs and fissile generations of hybrids, the development of techniques dihaploids, breeding for heterosis, creating genetically balanced multicomponent synthetic populations. RESEARCH ON PHYTOSANITARY MONITORING OF AGRICULTURAL LAND ACCORDING TO EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND QUARANTINE PESTS BASED ON REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNOLOGIES 1. The essence of the study, the level of the proposed solutions / expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. The development of geographic information system for pest monitoring especially dangerous and quarantine pests, weeds and diseases of agricultural, forestry and perennial crops in the country. The project meets one of the development priorities space research programs in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The transfer of these technologies will raise the level of research, monitoring for pests efficiently and in a timely manner to eliminate the human factor, significantly save budget funds, to realize the great potential of the agro-industrial complex of the republic for the production of environmentally friendly crop and livestock production. It will be a system of phytosanitary monitoring c regularly updated database (DB) and information retrieval system (IRS) for an especially dangerous and quarantine pests, weeds and diseases in agricultural, perennial and forest crops analyzed in real-time based on dynamic Earth Remote Sensing Data , geographic information technologies using licensed software ArcGIS, global positioning data and unmanned aerial platforms in order to assess the phytosanitary situation that will determine the economic viability of the pesticide treatments against harmful organisms or their cancellation. The scope of applicability of the expected results. Six climatic zones of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2. The level of scientific novelty and significance: Transfer of technologies for remote sensing (RS) and the assessment of the phytosanitary status of agricultural landscapes and agrobased geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing data including and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles will clarify areas of harmful organisms and to assess the degree of contamination of agro-ecosystems and their attack by pests and diseases, to create a computer database and information retrieval systems, adapt methods of remote diagnostics of crops for different soil and climatic zones of the country. 3. Applied importance of research. The project will allow the employees of the Department of phytosanitary security of the Ministry of Agriculture, State Enterprise "Republican Methodical Center phytosanitary diagnosis and prognosis," RSE "phytosanitary", the Committee of state inspection in AIC MA RK and agricultural republic at a higher quality level to use recommendations, guidelines on transfer of information technologies, acquire and use the database of satellites and unmanned platforms. 4. The descriptor and specifications. Phytosanitary monitoring, quarantine sites, dangerous pests from / crops, remote sensing, GIS - systems and others. The main area of research is the use of advanced information technologies. Among them, special attention is paid to remote sensing of the Republic of unmanned aircraft equipped with appropriate cameras, control units, transmission and processing of information. Remote sensing is an effective tool for the modern observation, mapping and evaluation of phenomena occurring on the surface of the Earth. It includes all available methods of scientific monitoring carried out from a distance. The monitoring system with remote sensing methods allow to assess the impact of pests on the health and productivity of plants, to monitor changes in natural conditions (hydrothermal parameters, soil moisture, etc..) arising from the climatic factors and recurrence of natural phenomena. 5. The basic technology: Studies are based on standard approaches to remote sensing data, ground truth and GIS technologies. The equipment needed to carry out observations includes platforms such as artificial earth satellites, aircraft, land-based and automatic low-flying pilotless platforms, as well as data recording system (digital cameras, TV equipment, multi-channel scanners, high-resolution visual systems). ROAD MAP - URACPBPP (subdirection: Crop production and farming) 2014 2019 2024 ………. 2030 Time Products / Services Highly productive and competitive agricultural crops Resource-saving technologies of cultivation agricultural crops Organic farming Phytosanitary welfare Studies on breeding with agricultural crops to increase productivity and stress resistance The development of adaptive systems of land tenure Research Areas The development of biological products to fight plant diseases and pests Studies to monitor particularly dangerous objects of quarantine pests Basic technologies Indicators Methods of Molecular Genetics and Bioengineering moisture-resource-saving technology Classical breeding subsurface soil cultivation Hybridization Ridge technology Dihaploids technique Drip irrigation Varieties and hybrids / crops, agricultural technology, biological products, monitoring and others. Cultivation of microorganisms Earth remote sensing Techniques of molecular biology (PCR) GIS technologies Genetic labeling Soil mapping practical recommendations protection documents scientists who were trained publications, including quoted in editions Development and improvement of educational programs of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs, increasing the number of government grants Financial resources - the national budget, the investment of business-structures Resources Material and technical basis of scientific organizations, experienced companies, University of Agricultural Profile Domestic organizations: NIO JSC "KAI" KazATU them. S.Seifullin, KazNAU, ZKTU, Research Institute of Botany, Institute of Biology and Plant Biotechnology, CS, Microbiology and Virology Research Institute, IKI Strategies / Programs Risks Strategy 2050 SP FIID the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2020 Lack of funding for research and modernization of scientific and ex perimental infrastructure Infrastructure and technological ba se development Agribusiness 2020 The strategy of innovative development of Kazakhstan for the period till 2030 The increase in the cost of R & D equipment; Increasing the time to complete projects; Manpower policy Monitoring Operational plan Leading foreign organizations: The National Institute of Plant Protection, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, CYMMIT, ICARDA, IRRI, ICRISAT, ARS, INRA, IC Volcani, IWMI, etc. VNIIR. Law "On Protection of Selection Achievements" The Law "On seed breeding" The law "On Certification" The lack of qualified specialists, starenie.nauchnyh frames, low motivation for young scientists Varieties and hybrids agricultural crops, agricultural technology, biological products, system monitoring, etc. Strategic Plan Weak competence or la ck of incentives for impl ementing projects The number of lands occupied by new technologies The program to modernize the infrastructure of research organizations and experimental stations The low level of R & D in connection with obsolete scientific instruments a nd equipment The economic effect from the introduction of high-yielding varieties, using resource-saving technologies Long-term vision IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Studies on the selection of cereals, legumes, cereals, oilseeds, fodder, fruit, vegetables, forest plantations to increase productivity, adaptability to biotic and abiotic factors and product quality 1 Conducting research report 2 Attracting leading foreign scientists to implement R & D 3 Production tests, demonstration of new varieties and hybrids Professional Development Training Further training (internship) The report, publication in the journal cited Act of implementation 4.0 4.1 4.2 5 1 2 3 4.0 4.1 4.2 5 Modernization of the scientific infrastructure NIO, universities, international centers, private companies NIO, universities 2014-2030 RB, international grants. funds of enterprises 2014-2020 RB, international grants NIO, SKHTP 2014-2030 RB, international grants, funds agribusiness Diplomas, certificates Diplomas, certificates NIO, universities NIO, universities 2014-2020 2014-2020 Acceptance protocol NIO, universities 2014-2025 RB, international grants RB, international grants, funds NIO RB, international grants The development of highly effective biological products to fight plant diseases and pests Conducting research report NIO, universities 2014-2024 The report, NIO, universities 2014-2024 Attracting leading foreign scientists to implement R & D publication in the journal cited Production tests NIO, SKHTP 2014-2024 Act of implementation Professional Development Training NIO, universities 2014-2020 Diplomas, certificates Further training (internship) NIO, universities 2014-2022 Diplomas, certificates NIO, universities 2014-2024 Modernization of the scientific Acceptance infrastructure protocol RB, international grants RB, international grants RB, funds agribusiness RB, international grants, agribusiness RB, international grants, equity NIO RB, international grants IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Continuation 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 4 The development of adaptive systems of land tenure and moisture-saving technologies Conducting research report NIO, universities 2014-2024 RB, international grants NIO, universities 2014-2024 RB, funds agribusiness Production tests, demonstration Act of sites implementation Professional Development: Training NIO, universities 2014-2024 Diplomas, RB, international grants, certificates agribusiness Further training (internship) NIO, universities 2014-2024 Diplomas, RB, international grants, certificates equity NIO NIO, universities 2014-2020 RB, international grants Modernization of the scientific Acceptance infrastructure protocol Research on phytosanitary monitoring of agricultural land on especially dangerous and quarantine pests based distantsionnnogo sensing and GIS technologies 1 2 Conducting research Attracting leading foreign scientists to implement R & D 3 Production tests 4.0 4.1 Professional Development Training 4.2 Further training (internship) 5 Modernization of the scientific infrastructure report The report, publication in the journal cited Act of implementation NIO, universities NIO, universities 2014-2024 2014-2024 RB, international grants RB, international grants NIO, universities 2014-2024 RB, international grants, agribusiness Diplomas, certificates Diplomas, certificates Acceptance protocol NIO, universities 2014-2024 RB, agribusiness NIO, universities 2014-2022 RB, international grants NIO, universities 2014-2024 RB, international grants JSC "National Center of State Scientific and Technical Expertise" The results of the project "System analysis and forecasting in the field of science and technology" in the sub-field of "Livestock Breeding and Veterinary" Almaty, 2014 г. LIST OF TECHNOLOGY ON AIC Livestock Breeding and Veterinary № 1 Research on the establishment and improvement of existing types, lines / farm animals 2 Development and implementation of the selection process of the method of DNA-diagnostics of recessive genes in cattle; 3 The development of evidence-based methods to create herds of beef cattle by crossing non-technological absorption low productivity of livestock with bulls of 4 specialized meat breeds; Development and introduction of new versions of hybridization based on farmed livestock in the country, providing reception of highly productive hybrids; 5 6 7 8 Development of methods for immunomodulation of animals in the early postnatal ontogenesis. Development of methods in the field of transgenesis and cell engineering; 9 10 11 12 13 Development of software for accounting and analysis of the main signs of breeding of agricultural animals The development of new methods and systems for artificial insemination of agricultural animals Development of methods for embryo transfer (in vivo, in vitro) of agricultural animals Development of software for calculation of the breeding value of of agricultural animals Development of software for genetic certification of agricultural animals Development of the software of the automated calculation feeding rations of farm animals Research on improvement of the system of full feeding of farm animals on the basis of the maximum use of their own food resources 14 Research on improving the system of feeding of young animals, which provides more efficient use of nutrients feed 15 Research on improving the technology of cultivation of fodder crops. Development of technologies for sustainable use of riparian hayfields. Development of technologies for fodder production oasis. 16 Development of technologies for the creation of targeted compound feeds, premixes and BVMD developed taking into account the fodder farms, feed and nutritional value of basic technological conditions of production. 17 Development and improvement of technological parameters of the production of canned feed (hay, haylage, silage, kornazh, wet grain silage) 18 Research on the use of geo- information systems (GIS) for agri-environmental evaluation of pastures and hayfields. 19 Development of technologies for irrigation of pastures based on the use of renewable energy and rational use of pastures. LIST OF TECHNOLOGY ON AIC 20 Development of technologies for the recovery of degraded pastures and degraded agro-ecosystems 21 Development of process parameters to create and use of hayfields, pastures schemes raw and green belts; 22 The development of the epizootological surveillance systems, mathematical modeling and forecasting of animal diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan 23 Studies on the immuno-biological and molecular-genetic characteristics of epizootic cultures isolated from disadvantaged by disease outbreaks preservation collection of microbial strains to create biologics. 24 Studies on the dependence of the emergence of new hotbeds of epizootic for especially dangerous zooantroponoze and emergent infections in Kazakhstan and in the countries of near and far abroad. 25 Development and improvement of science-based system management activities epizootic process and cupping centers of especially dangerous and quarantine emergent animal diseases, according to the requirements of the OIE 26 Development and improvement of a system of measures for disinfection and disinfestation facilities veterinary and sanitary control 27 28 29 30 31 Development of technologies for the creation of modern and improvement of existing vaccines. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 The development of science - based system of doing beef cattle on low-cost resource-saving technologies; Development of fast growing high yielding cows; Development of environmentally friendly, energy-saving technologies of production of milk and beef; Development of systems equipment for milking, storage and processing of milk Development of methods for the identification of the physiological state of of agricultural animals Developing systems of machines for fodder (drills, baler, agitators, mounted trolleys, etc.) Development of machine systems for feedcooking (chopper, feeders, forklifts, etc.) Development of systems equipment for the maintenance of agricultural animals (troughs, manure removal) Development of new and improvement of existing test systems for the diagnosis of diseases of animals, birds, fish and bees. Development of effective tools and methods for treatment of diseases of animals, birds and bees. Research to improve the system to ensure the well-being of livestock / farm animals and birds of non-communicable diseases. Development of resource-saving technologies of farm animals of different productivity trends by regions of Kazakhstan. RESEARCH TO DEVELOP AND IMPROVE EXISTING TYPES, LINES OF AGRICULTURAL ANIMALS The essence of the study, the level of the proposed solutions / expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. Considering the pace of development of foreign economies and neighboring countries, we need to take measures to improve farm animal genetic progress of modern biotechnological methods (recessive genes, embryo transfer, genomic selection, etc..), The most accurate method to calculate the breeding value of the animal, to reduce the time and costs associated with the content of pedigree cattle and select only the best animals for reproduction and the creation bullparturiating herds. Level of scientific novelty and significance. The novelty lies in the development of evidence-based methods and techniques of breeding to create new breeds, types and lines of agricultural animals using modern biotechnological methods of breeding and selection (genomic selection), which will provide the high-quality competitive products, satisfying the requirements of the internal and external markets. Studying the experience of breeding work in foreign countries, as well as taking into account the specific characteristics of livestock farming in our country need to develop new methods for estimating the breeding value of livestock that will effectively carry out the selection and the selection of animal species and have a pre-planned economic-useful signs. Genomic selection makes it possible to most accurately calculate the breeding value of the animal, to reduce the time and costs associated with the maintenance of pedigree cattle and select only the best animals for the dairy herd and reproduction. Applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for the commercialization of the results). In general, research aimed at the development of livestock are current as determined by the need to solve the problem of providing the population with valuable food and domestic light industry - quality raw materials. Creation of highly productive breeding plants, genetically-resistant intrapedigree structural groups with high genetic potential that can have a genetic influence on the qualitative improvement of the basic rock mass of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Descriptor and specifications (including indicators of the expected final stage of studies). INFORMATION DATABANK, GENOMIC SELECTION, MICROSATELLITE, CULTIVATION, SELECTION, SELECTION, COST-EFFECTIVE. As a result of the research will be to develop the most efficient methods and techniques of selection and animals, developed and implemented biotechnology techniques and methods to accelerate the replication of agricultural species, which will be the scientific and methodological basis for increasing the number and improving the technology of reproduction of new types and lines by using advances in biotechnology and molecular genetics. Basic technologies: database selection and recruitment, thoroughbred breeding, crossbreeding methods, hybridization, DNA analysis 31 DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR FLOODING OF PASTURIES BASED ON USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND RATIONAL USE OF PASTURES The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. Currently haphazard use of land resources and the increasing anthropogenic load per unit area has led to ecological destabilization, is undergoing an intensive process of soil degradation and desertification. In the Republic of 189,0 million hectares poached 26.5 million hectares of pastures. Mainly it is the land category "settlements.“ Poaching of these was due to the large concentration of animals in a limited area, the violation of the principles of seasonality and rotation of used areas, nonadherence of pasturage load, terms of use, etc. Taking in consideration significant area of Republic territory and variety of natural environments, разнообразие природных условий, the most effective tool for the evaluation of the current state of pastures and, further monitoring are the technology of GIS and remote sensing. Their economic efficiency proven experience of similar work in different countries. For these purposes it is necessary to identify the relevant control parameters and to develop techniques for effective pasture management and monitoring methods using remote sensing data. The level of scientific novelty and significance Scientific novelty of research consists in the most effective methods of assessment of the current state of pastures, further monitoring using GIS technology and remote sensing, development of complex of measures on modernization of flooding systems with the use of technical means of new generation on the basis of resource conservation, sustainable management, use and protection of water resources and pasture resources. For comprehensive solution of the problems required the application of high-efficiency water-energy saving, transfer technologies and technical means of flooding, adapting them to local conditions, improvement of technologies and technical means of the new generation. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) The proposed technologies are patentable as they may be improved and upgraded as a result of research and testing and are designed in the form of patent applications. Commercialization of technologies in the field of rangeland flooding has very high prospects as it requires upgrading and rehabilitation of more than 2,500 intake facilities, of which more than 350 yield salt water and require the use of modern desalination plants adapted to our market conditions. In the strategy development of one of the leading sectors of AIC - ranching, the use of research-based approaches to the exploitation of pasture resources through the use of distant-pasture cattle breeding will contribute to the implementation of the program of food security. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research) Natural pasture, agrotechnic, forage crops, fertility, yield. Restoration of degraded pastures will entail the development of breeding and accordingly will improve the social side of rural population. Reduce the environment (desertification) in the settlements. Involvement in the agricultural use of degraded agricultural lands. 32 Basic technologies: Radical improvement of pastures, GIS technology, Diversification of agricultural crops, the Development of pasture rotation systems. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT EVIDENCE-BASED SYSTEM OF MEASURES TO CONTROL EPIZOOTIC PROCESS OR MITIGATE THE FOCI OF ESPECIALLY DANGEROUS, QUARANTINE AND EMERGENT ANIMAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OIE The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results. Epizootological characteristics of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan indicates the presence in our country 123 communicable diseases, of which about 90% are common for humans and animals. A high percentage of morbidity and animals there is so hazardous to human invasions, echinococcosis, toxocariasis, alveococcosis, opisthorchiasis.. There is a risk of carrying of emergent diseases (enzootic hepatitis, Schmallenberg disease, the Akobane disease, Nairobi disease, African swine fever, bluetongue, etc.) during the importation of cattle from foreign other countries. Knowledge of nosological profile and epizootic situation on infectious diseases of animals in our country, the countries of Near and Far abroad allow us to determine the strategy and tactics of practical veterinary activities required to send in the mainstream scientific capacity to find the means and methods of fighting with infections and animals invasions and to provide veterinary animal welfare. The level of scientific novelty and significance Evaluation of the epizootic situation and the creation, at that, database on dangerous infectious diseases of animals will enable the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of agriculture to plan correctly EAP and effectively manage epizootic process. The work is action oriented and the research results will find application in the development of plans of preventive and anti-epidemic activities by authorized bodies in the field of veterinary medicine for the purposes of risk assessment, forecasting and management of epizootic process. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) The work is action oriented and the research results will find application in the development of plans of preventive and anti-epidemic activities by authorized bodies in the field of veterinary medicine for the purposes of risk assessment, forecasting and management of epizootic process. Designed methods of prevention, diagnostics and vaccines are of a high standard of patentability, and the research results can be implemented or commercialized (the license agreement for the patents). The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research) Infection, identification, brucellosis, bacteriology, bacteria, rabies, disease, monitoring, leukemia, tuberculosis, certification, sequencing serology, strains, epizootology, barbs. In the process of doing research will be: 1. Presented a retrospective analysis of outbreaks of infectious diseases on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and characterization of populations of pathogens circulating in the foci of infection. 2. Presented an analysis of animal disease infections, infestations, including zoonotic in the countries of near and far abroad according to the OIE, FAO, WHO identified the risk of introduction of pathogens, the probability of their subsequent spread and developed recommendations to prevent the introduction of diseases into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. Epidemiological monitoring of infectious and invasive diseases of animals and developed recommendations for the relief of epizootic foci on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted. 4. Mapping and subsequent zoning of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the degree of intensity of the epizootic situation regarding hazardous, zooantroponoze and emergent infections (brucellosis, FMD, anthrax, rabies, zooanthroponosis, etc). Developed computer maps for zoning, clustering and prediction of epizootic particularly dangerous and zooantroponoze diseases of animals. The underlying technology When the program is run will be used officially regulated by the Veterinary Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan research methods: epidemiological, bacteriological, biological, serological, etc. 33 To gather information and registration of affected areas during the period analyzed by using a GPS receiver and MapSourse program; RESEARCH ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF FULL FEEDING OF FARM ANIMALS, BASED ON THE MAXIMUM USE OF THEIR OWN FORAGE RESOURCES The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results World experience shows that the productivity of cattle due to genotype, conditions of feeding and maintenance. And the increase of milk productivity of cows to milk yield of 4500 kg per year depends largely on a full balanced feeding. When milk yield of more than 4500 kg increases the value of the genetic potential, but in this case, decisive, 65 – 70 %, feeding remains. Key products - the main food of plant and animal origin, feeding rate, balanced diets, macro-microadditives, FCCF, premixes, feed, feeding, feeding technique. Foreign scientists developed standard rations of major groups of animals, program for the preparation of balanced rations. Typical diets are scientifically proven, contain the proper amount of protein, amino acids, vitamins, macro - and microelements. In the feeding of farm animals in addition to the main feed used biologically active substances, biostimulants (antibiotics, hormones, enzymes, specific serums, tissue preparations, etc.), i.e., various additives that affect the metabolism in the body, digestion, digestibility and assimilability of nutrients. Recipes of compound feeds, milk replacers, premixes (mixture of biologically active substances — vitamins, mineral, etc.) and other additives are elaborated. Animal feed industry in these recipes manufactures feed mixes. The chemical industry produces carbamide (urea), ammonium salt, synthetic amino acids (lysine, methionine, etc.), vitamins, mineral supplements, concentrates. Hydrolytic industry - fodder yeast. Of great importance in animal feeding is the preparation of fodders for feeding. In Russia, Belarus, Europe countries set the production of equipment for feed preparation and feeding system. The level of scientific novelty and significance Scientific significance is that the problem of the research is based on methods established by the international scientific community. For this we will use modern instruments and laboratory equipment, allowing with high accuracy to determine the quality of feed and on its basis to develop evidence-based animal feeding rations, for the manifestation of the genetic potential of farm animals. With the increase in output of livestock products (1 head), but with less its cost, at the expense of balanced feed (rations), quality of feed preparation, new recipes, etc., would be received additional revenue. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) The products have applied character and patentability, as will be used in the agricultural enterprises of different ownership forms as the intensification of feed in the livestock sector in Kazakhstan. Implementation of research-based introduction into the diet of high-energy feed within the power of all categories of farms and may be the object of commercialization in agriculture of Kazakhstan. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research) FEED, FEEDING, METABOLIC ENERGY, PROTEIN, DRY MATTER, A PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITION, THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FEED. The detailed development of adapted feed ration in feeding different age and sex groups of farm animals in farm animal housing and grazing period. Structure optimization of animal nutrition in the zones of Kazakhstan. Recommendations on feed preparation and feeding of farm animals. Basic technologies: chemical composition and nutritional value of forage crops and forages, digestibility and energy of feed, feeding rate of farm animals, feed conversion efficiency. 34 ROAD MAP – URAPP (SUB-COURSE: ANIMAL INDUSTRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE) 2014 Time 2018 Feeding of farm animals Products/services 2023 ………. 2030 Systems of ensuring the welfare of livestock animals from dangerous diseases Sustainable pasture management Selective process management Feed preparation and feeding technology for farm animals Scientific research themes Technology of sustainable pasture management Ensuring of welfare of livestock animals from dangerous diseases Selection of farm animals Basic technologies Data base crossbreedingя Screening and selection DNA analyses Chemical composition and nutritional value of forage crops and forages bacteriological GIS technology Rates of feeding of agricultural animals Crossover methods epizootological Radical improvement of pastures Biologic Diversification of agricultural crops Feed conversion Development of systems for crop rotation Pure breeding serum 40 Indicators 15 publications in international journals 20 diagnosticums 20 новых патентов Training more than 40 scientists practical recommendations 30 types of preventive, therapeutic drugs The acquisition of modern laboratory equipment for molecular-genetic and biotechnology research Development and improvement of educational programs of bachelor, master and doctoral programs, an increase in the number of state grants Amendments to legislative acts concerning research in the field of molecular genetics Resources Financial resources Material and technical base of scientific organizations, experienced enterprises, basic farms, agricultural universities profile Leading international organization in the field of nursing and feed preparation Strategies/progra ms Risks Monitoring Strategy 2050 Service agricultural research (ARS) of the Ministry of agriculture of the USA; National Institute for agricultural research (INRA, France; The Brazilian agricultural research Corporation (EMBRAPA) National Institute of agricultural technology (INTA, Argentina) GP FIIR program for 2014-2015 for RK The pasture law (new programs) The need for technology transfer at the initial stage -inadequate funding; - weak financial condition of agricultural enterprises are imple menting projects; - The development of infrastructure and technol ogical base Operation plan Agrobusiness2020 the increase in the cost of R & dincrease the cost of the equipment; - increase the duration of the projects; decreasing quality of R & d; Personnel policy Personnel risks The amount of land occupied by new technologies Strategic plan The law On livestock breeding"; The law "On veterinary medicine"; Strategy of innovative development of the The law "On state regulation of development of agriculture and rural Republic of Kazakhstan for the period till areas"; 2030 The law "On protection of selection achievements" small commodity production; low genetic potential of farm animals; - concentration of more than 80% of the animal population in low-productivity private farms of the population; - low level of veterinary well-being. The share of livestock production through the introduction of innovative scientific and technological developments creation of breeds, types, lines of animals with superior genetic potential Long-term vision IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1 2 3 4.0 4.1 4.2 5 Research on the development and improvement of existing types, lines of farm animals report Research institutions, 2014-2030 RB, International grants universities Involving of leading foreign scientists for report, Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB International grants RAD realization Publication in citing universities magazine Farm test Implementation act Research institutions, 2014-2030 RB International grants, ACP agrobusiness Advanced training RB International grants education Diplomas, certificates Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB International grants universities Advanced training (probation) Diplomas, certificates Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB International grants universities Handover certificate Research institutions, 2014-2025 RB International grants Modernization of scientific infrastructure universities Research on the improvement of the system of full feeding of farm animals, based on the maximum use of their own feed resources Research realization 1 Research realization 2 Involving of leading foreign scientists for RAD realization 3 Farm test 4.0 4.1 Advanced training education Diplomas, certificates 4.2 Advanced training (probation) Diplomas, certificates 5 6 report report, Publication in citing magazine Implementation act Handover certificate Modernization of scientific infrastructure Creation of scientific-testing site Handover certificate Research institutions, universities Research institutions, universities 2014-2018 RB, International grants 2014-2018 RB International grants Research institutions, ACP 2014-2018 Research institutions, universities Research institutions, universities Research institutions, universities Research institutions, universities 2014-2018 RB International grants, agrobusiness RB International grants RB International grants 2014-2018 RB International grants 2014-2016 RB International grants 2014-2016 RB, International grants 36 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN continuation Development of technologies for pasture flooding on the basis of use of renewable energy sources and rational use of pastures 1 Research realization 2 Farm test 3 3.1 Advanced training education Diplomas, certificates 3.2 Advanced training (probation) Diplomas, certificates 4 1 2 3 4.0 4.1 4.2 5 6 report Implementation act Research institutions, universities Research institutions, universities Research institutions, 2014-2024 RB, International grants 2014-2024 RB International grants, agrobusiness 2014-2020 RB International grants, agrobusiness RB, International grants Research institutions, 2014-2020 universities Handover act Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB, International grants universities Development and improvement of science//-based system of measures to control epizootic process or mitigate the foci of especially dangerous, quarantine and emergent animal diseases, according to the requirements of the OIE Research realization report Research institutions, 2014-2030 RB, International grants universities Involving of leading foreign scientists for report, Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB International grants RAD realization Publication in citing universities magazine Farm test Implementation act Research institutions, 2014-2030 RB International grants, ACP agrobusiness Advanced training RB International grants education Diplomas, certificates Research institutions, 2014-2030 RB International grants universities Advanced training (probation) Diplomas, certificates Research institutions, 2014-2025 RB International grants universities Handover certificate Research institutions, 2014-2020 RB International grants Modernization of scientific infrastructure universities Creation of scientific-testing site Handover certificate Research institutions, 2014-2025 RB, International grants universities 37 JSC “National center of state scientific and technical expertise" Project results «System analysis and forecasting in the field of science and technology» On sub-direction «Processing and food safety» Almaty, 2014 LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGRICULTURE 1 Processing and food industry, food safety The development of modern physical-chemical and electro-physical methods in high-performance technologies of processing of agricultural raw materials 2 Development of technological processes using the methods of nano - and biotechnology in the processing of agricultural raw materials, including secondary 3 Development of techniques and technologies to create products of mass consumption for different age groups (baby food, pre-school, school gerodietetic, etc.) on the basis of modern methods of designing food 4 Development of technology of fermented milk products with the use of new consortia of microorganisms and biologically active substances 5 Development of technology of new types of dairy products and animal feed with improved quality using new reconstituted enzymes with desired properties 6 Development of modern technologies in production of medicinal purposes, including ecologically unfavorable regions 7 Development of technologies for production of functional food products, including national, for the prevention of various diseases and strengthen the immune function, reduce the risk of exposure to harmful substances 8 Development of technology for the production of feed and feed additives for farm animals for the purpose of forming the specified qualitative and functional characteristics of meat, milk, skins and wool 9 Development of technologies for production of healthy food on the basis of obtaining raw materials suitable for recycling by marking and selection of valuable genotypes of agricultural crops on the biochemical, technological and nutritional properties 10 Development of equipment and technologies for production of renewable energy from recycled agricultural raw materials 11 Development of technology for processing of secondary raw materials in agriculture and the food industry with application of methods of bioconservation 12 Development of technologies of extraction of valuable components from recycled materials and their use in the manufacture of food products and medicines LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGRICULTURE 13 14 15 16 17 18 continuation Development of techniques for preservatives for the production of food products with extended storage period Development of new efficient technologies which help preserve the quality and reduce losses of fruits and vegetables during storage Development of modern machinery and processing technology in the processing and storage of agricultural products and foodstuffs for lengthening the duration of their storage Development of a system for automated inspection and process control in the processing of agricultural raw materials and food production Development of a system of reusing water in manufacturing Development and improvement of technologies of sewage disposal for reuse in various industrial purposes 19 Development of tools and methods for the determination of residues of antibiotics, vaccines, medical and other veterinary drugs in livestock products 20 Development of new technologies of extraction, purification of the extracts, identification of xenobiotics and superecotoxicants using chromatography-mass spectrometry 21 Development of methods of monitoring and evaluating the safety of food supplements (dietary Supplements, dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc.) 22 23 24 25 26 Development of molecular diagnostic test systems for control and monitoring of imported products containing GMOs Studies to establish the dose of radiation exposure of animal and vegetable raw materials Development of means and methods of determining the quality and adulteration of food The development of information-measuring systems management, forecasting and simulation of the situation to ensure food safety and production Research on the analysis (identification, assessment and control) of biological, Toxicological, radiological, chemical and physical risks in the life cycle of food products (methodology for the identification, assessment and management of dangerous factors in the production of foodstuffs) Research on the analysis (identification, assessment and control) of biological, Toxicological, radiological, chemical and physical risks in the life cycle of food products (methodology for the identification, assessment and management of dangerous factors in the production of foodstuffs) The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results Research to develop methods and ways to identify the microorganisms, toxins, radionuclides, contaminants, GMO's and other hazardous substances in agricultural products and food products using modern molecular genetic, immunological methods, methods gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; on the effective implementation of the system of hazard analysis and critical control point that provides for the use of Express-methods of inspection, identification and risk assessment of biological, physical and chemical hazards associated with food production at all stages is aimed at monitoring the quality and safety of products, based on the analysis of the production process "from farm to table", the assessment of the probability of occurrence of dangerous situations, risk analysis, determination of critical control points on the areas that present the greatest danger from the point of view of deterioration or damage to the product. Various international organizations (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food (ICMSF), Codex Alimentarius Commission) recommended the use of the HACCP system(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), as one of the best methods to guarantee food safety. dentified the basic elements of the system, harmonized with the international standards ISO 9000. Currently most of the foreign food companies have already implemented or plan to implement in the near future a system of food safety HACCP. It is a system of hazard analysis and critical control points, ensuring control on all stages of food production. Consumers of the scientific results of the research are food laboratories of the sanitary and epidemiological stations, laboratories of veterinary-sanitary expertise and safety of food in the food markets, producers of food and raw materials for their production, the laboratory to determine the quality of animal feed, and various scientific, educational institutions, government agencies dealing with the problem of food security. Substantiation and development of strategic planning mechanisms for the production of agricultural products and processed products. The level of scientific novelty and significance In Kazakhstan, the novelty and significance of the research in developing methods for detection of hazardous substances in food products, inspection of safety at all stages from farm to table" is undeniable. Domestic more economical tests, diagnostics and vaccines, probiotic preparations, based on local strains of microorganisms, allowing for improvement of farm animals, which affects the quality of animal products are developed. Implementation of international standards and harmonization in accordance with national standards quality indicators for agricultural raw materials and products of its processing. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) All methods developed in the future to identify various contaminants are of an applied nature, patentable relevant, will be phased in starting with livestock and fodder farms, animal health laboratories markets, poultry farms and various industrial food products. The implementation of the HACCP method (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), knowledge of the main provisions of its construction and use in the implementation of quality systems is very promising and helps to ensure product safety. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research Контроль, критические точки, опасные факторы, сельскохозяйственное сырье, пищевая продукция, безопасность/ Использование результатов исследований позволит осуществлять эффективный контроль за растениеводческой и животноводческой продукцией по всей производственной цепочке до потребителя, обеспечить безопасность потребляемой продукции. Basic technologies Currently in the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts research on: the development of EIA and LFIA tests for antibiotics; anthelmintic; the development of molecular diagnostic test systems for control and monitoring of imported products containing GMOs; PCR test systems species DNA identification; detection of pathogens, molecular genetic, immunological methods, methods gas chromatography-mass spectrometry DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES USING THE METHODS OF NANO AND BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE PROCESSING OF AGRICULTURAL RAW MATERIALS, INCLUDING SECONDARY The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results The application of nano - and biotechnologies will enable you to save raw materials and energy consumption, reduce emissions and, consequently, will contribute to the sustainable development of the economy. The use of nanotechnology in agriculture related to food packaging or definition of dangerous toxins, allergens or pathogens, with the creation of food additives, obtaining vegetable oil with additives that prevent the intake of cholesterol in the blood of mammals, etc.. At the present stage of world economy development in the biotechnology industry, are significant and growing segments, including through the use of innovative technologies and new products. The products obtained using the methods of industrial biotechnology, has access to almost all sectors of the economy: agriculture (feed protein, amino acids, plant protection and animal), food industry (yeast, alcohol, glucose syrups), chemical industry (polysaccharides, biodegradable polymers, Biocatalysis), energy (bioethanol, biogas, biodiesel), the environment (bioremediation, biodiversity conservation) medicine (antibiotics, hormones, vaccines, enzymes, diagnostic system).Today, innovative technologies of deep processing agricultural raw materials, including secondary, based on biotechnology. The use of a number of enzyme preparations allows to obtain products with high added value. Agricultural wastes can be used as the basis for protein, organic acid, of a number of valuable products, etc. the Use of high-yielding strains of microorganisms in the technologies of processing of agricultural raw materials contributes not only to increase the profitability of production and intensification of technological processes of processing and increases the biological and consumer properties of meat and dairy products, bakery products and drinks, the creation of food products with functional properties, obtaining effective for livestock feed and more. The level of scientific novelty and significance In Kazakhstan, the novelty and significance of research on the use of biotechnological methods of processing agricultural products is doubtless and will contribute to the diversification of the products obtained, to speed up processes, increase yield, improve product quality, to save valuable raw materials, etc. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) Biotechnology, like any other branch of science in the modern world is characterized by the highest level of patent activity (development in the field of pharmaceuticals, enzymes, industrial producers, development of new biological materials, objects, etc.). Patent protection of innovative developments in biotechnology have allowed the industry to gain competitive advantage in the global market. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research Nanotechnology, Antibiotics, Biorecovery, Bioengineering, Bioconversion, Biologically active compounds, Biomaterials, Biopolymers, Hydrolysis production, nanobiotechnology The underlying technology Most food technologies are biotechnology (bread, wine, beer, alcohol, yeast, dairy products, meat products, starch). Technology of the use of biocatalysts for the preparation of organic substances, biodegradable materials, enzymes, biofuels, biocatalytic technology for processing of food raw materials and producing food products with improved functional properties, technology of processing of agricultural waste, the use of enzymes and probiotics as feed additives, etc. DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES TO CREATE PRODUCTS OF MASS CONSUMPTION FOR DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS (BABY FOOD, PRE-SCHOOL, SCHOOL GERODIETETIC, ETC.) ON THE BASIS OF MODERN METHODS OF DESIGNING FOOD. The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results In the process of life a person spends energy, the amount of which depends on many factors - age, physiological state, activity, climatic conditions, etc. Therefore, for deterministic consumer groups certain nutrition requirements and consumption of functional food are formulated. The study of the biological value of local raw materials of plant and animal origin for the development of engineering and technology in food production of a new generation of functional purpose with high quality parameters for different age groups that will provide adequate, biologically adequate nutrition for all age and social groups of citizens to maintain their health and prolonging life.. One of the main requirements when you create is the lack of negative influence of the input components over the nutritional value of the product. According to the Russian Medical Academy of Sciences, more than 90% of the population has a deviation from the physiological norm. And this is due to technogeneous and environmental reasons, poor food, excessive use of synthetic drugs, and also alcohol and drugs. Among the nutritional factors that are particularly important for maintaining the health, performance and active aging, an essential role is a full and regular supply his body with all necessary micronutrients: vitamins, mineral substances and microelements. In the implementation of new techniques and technologies for the production of food products of functional purpose will be interested in many enterprises of food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since these food products are import-substituting and export oriented and will be made on the basis of local raw materials. The level of scientific novelty and significance At the development of technology for production of functional foods of new generation it is necessary to apply the methods of modeling and design of their recipes. The basis for the modeling and design of the formulator of a new generation of functional assignment is based on selection of primary and secondary raw materials in proportions providing their predicted biological value, considering the recommended medical standards on the content of amino acid, fatty acid, carbohydrate, macro - and trace mineral, vitamin content, including with regard to dietary supplements and microflora of the human body. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) Practical importance of research consists in that, the technique and technology of production of food of a new generation of functional purpose are patentable and have the opportunity of commercialization, as, when formulating food products of new generation in which will be used local raw materials of vegetable and animal origin, as well as new dietary supplements, bifidobacteria, probiotics and prebiotics, developed by native scientists. 4. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research) Fortified foods, vitamins, nutritional supplements, fiber, pectin, bifidobacteria, probiotics, prebiotics. Organic and whole food products of functional purpose are designed for the preservation of health and prolongation of life of the population, the increase of assortments of export-oriented organic and whole food products of new generation functional purpose produced on the basis of local raw materials of vegetable and animal origin. The basic technology. The basic technologies are technologies for the production of meat, dairy, flour, bakery, cereal products, confectionery, pasta, liqueurs and spirits, food, special food and food concentrates, canned food, fruit, vegetables and soft drinks. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND ELECTROPHYSICAL METHODS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES OF PROCESSING OF AGRICULTURAL RAW MATERIALS 1. The essence of the research, the level of the proposed solution/expected results, the scope of applicability of the expected results Relevance of research due to the need in domestic scientific developments in the processing of agricultural raw materials (compensating the loss of positions of Kazakhstan's development in the industry) and market situation, when in the real sector of the economy present a simple trading operation without scientific justification and projections for the future (buying foreign equipment, businessmen unwittingly support of foreign technologies, which are often not adapted to the properties of the Kazakhstan raw materials and the traditional culture of food). Physic-chemical methods of processing of agricultural products will improve the quality indicators of finished goods, reduce losses, contribute to the intensification of production, and eliminate or replace to less energy-intensive processing methods and thereby reduce the cost of production. 2. The level of scientific novelty and significance Research in the food processing industry will match the international level on the obtained results, the depth of research and the comprehensive approach to development. All this will have on the industry value. When developing technology for the production of food with the use of physico-chemical and electrophysical methods of processing of agricultural raw materials it is necessary to investigate the changes of chemical composition, physical properties of the processed material, to justify the optimal process parameters of technological processes: grinding, extraction, hydrodynamic, thermal and mass transfer processes that occur in an accelerated cycle, compared to standard technologies. The applied importance of the study (including patentability and opportunities for commercialization of results) Because of the large potential of development of branches of the agricultural raw material processing, the proposed development is of great importance in the real sector of the economy (due to economic performance and products) and research works that are conceptual values and lay the Foundation for industrial science and basic research. Because of agricultural, food and processing science is entering a new international level of development, extensive research horizons open, allowing you to create competitive products of world level through implementation into production and the appropriate protection of copyright. New developments will have a high possibility of commercialization. 4. The handle and specifications (including indicators expected final stage of research) Wave and acoustic processing, technology, equipment, model, apparatus, product irradiation, electron beam technology, energy efficiency, etc. the Application of physicochemical and electrophysical methods of processing food production and processing of agricultural raw materials will increase productivity, due to the acceleration of the technological process, will decrease the cost and increase the quality of products, it increases the production of export food products. 5.The basic technologies. The basic technologies are technologies for processing of cereals, bean cultures, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, meat and milk, by-products of their processing, plant waste during harvesting, etc. the Underlying technology is based on the processes: grinding (cutting, grinding, crushing); hydrodynamic sedimentation, filtration, centrifugation, mixing), mechanical separation (filtration, separation, mixing, vibrating and membrane technology, ultrafiltration, sieving, etc.); thermal (heating, cooling, evaporation vacuum evaporation, convection, induction heating), chemical (defecation, saturation, sulfatase, absorption, ion exchange processes, hydrolysis); diffusion processes (extraction, adsorption, crystallization, drying, osmosis); electromagnetic, electrodynamic, ultrasonic, pulsed, cryoconcentration, etc. ROAD MAP– URAPP (SUB-COURSE: PROCESSING AND SAFETY) Time 2014 2019 ………. 2030 Competitive food products Foo products safety Products/services Scientific research themes 2024 Physico-chemical and electrophysical methods of processing of agricultural raw materials Mass consumption products, including functional Processing technologies using nano and bio technology Research on risk analysis in the process of the life cycle of food products Basic technologies Indicators Molecular-diagnostic test systems technology of food products technology of meat and dairy PCR test systems species DNA identification Sweeteners technology technology of bakery, cereals , confectionery Immuno biologic methods Feed technology methods of gas chromatographymass spectrometry Liqueurs and spirits technology developed products, prototypes, models, formulations, technologies Protection documents Enzymatic technology getting organic substances preparation of feed and food protein the technology of food concentrates transesterification of oils and fats Alcohol technology Practical recommendations scientists who have completed their internship publications, including those cited in the publications Development and improvement of educational programs of bachelor, master and doctoral programs, an increase in the number of state grants Financial resources of the Republican budget, investment of businesses Resources Material and technical base of scientific organizations, experienced enterprises universities with agricultural profile Domestic organization: KNIPP, KNEIPP, KazNIVI, Kazniizr, KazNAU, ATU, SEM Univ.Shakarim, YUKA them.Auezov, KazATU S. Seifullin, Nazarbayev University, KazNU named after al-Farabi , CS, Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Institute of plant biotechnology, NIMBB Strategies/progra ms Risks Monitoring Strategy 2050 SP FIIR for 201-2020 Insufficient funding for researc h and modernization of scientifi c and experimental infrastructu re The increase in the cost of R & d equipment; Increase in terms of project implementation; Personnel policy The development of infrastructur e and technological base Operation plan agrobusiness2 020 Leading international scientific organization for processing and food industry and food safety of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, England, Sweden, USA, France, Japan, Australia, Denmark, etc. Strategy of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period till 2030 Degradation studies. The need for technology transfer at the initial stage Development of technologies of food production with the use of nano - and biotechnology; physical and chemical methods, etc. Strategic plan The law "On food safety" The law "On veterinary medicine" The law "On technical regulation" The lack of qualified professionals Aging of Scientific personnel, low motivation for young scientists Complex waste-free processing of agricultural products The program on development of the experimental sites Weak competence o r the lack of incentiv es for implementing projects The use of test systems in determining product safety The low level of research i n connection with obsolet e scientific instruments an d equipment Competitive food products, including high value-added Long-term vision IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The development of modern physical-chemical and electro-physical methods in high-performance technologies of processing of agricultural raw materials 1 Research realization Reports on RK MA 2014-2024 RB research and development 2 Tests minutes RK MA 2018-2024 RB, private business Experimental and industrial tests 3 Advanced training: Diplomas Training Advanced training (probation) 4 Modernization of scientific infrastructure 5 Creation of research and experimental sites certificates Training Advanced training (probation) Modernization of scientific infrastructure certificates RK DES RK DES, RK MA RK MA RK MINT 2014-2020 2014-2020 2014-2024 2014-2024 RB RB RB RB, private business RK DES RK DES, RK MA RK MA 2014-2030 2014-2030 2014-2024 RB RB RB Purchase Acts Acceptance reports 6 Tests minutes RK MA 2014-2024 RB Development of technological processes using the methods of nano - and biotechnology in the processing of agricultural raw materials, including secondary Fabrication of the test and experimental equipment 1 Research realization Reports on RK MA 2014-2030 RB, private business research and development 2 Tests minutes RK MA 2018-2030 RB, private business Experimental and industrial tests 3 Advanced training: Diplomas 4 Purchase Acts IMPLEMENTATION PLAN продолжение Development of techniques and technologies to create products of mass consumption for different age groups (baby food, preschool, school gerodietetic, etc.) on the basis of modern methods of designing food 1 Research realization 2 Experimental and industrial tests 3 Advanced training: 4 5 1 2 3 RK MA 2014-2024 RB RK MA 2018-2024 RB, private business Diplomas Training certificates RK DES 2014-2020 RB Advanced training (probation) RK DES, RK MA 2014-2020 RB Modernization of scientific infrastructure Purchase Acts RK MA 2014-2024 RB Research on the analysis of biological, toxicological, radiological, chemical and physical risks in the life cycle of food products Creation of research and experimental sites Acceptance RK MINT 2014-2024 RB, private business reports Research realization Reports on RK MA 2014-2030 RB, private business research and development Tests minutes RK MA 2018-2030 RB, private business Experimental and industrial tests Advanced training: Diplomas Training Advanced training (probation) 4 Reports on research and development Tests minutes Modernization of scientific infrastructure certificates RK DES RK DES, RK MA 2014-2030 2014-2030 RB RB Purchase Acts RK MA 2014-2024 RB Thanks for your attention!