Agricultural Marketing AGR214

Agricultural Marketing AGR214
Course Description - This course covers basic marketing principles for marketing agricultural
products. Topics include buying, selling, processing, standardizing, grading storing and marketing
of agricultural commodities. Upon completion, the student will be able to construct a marketing
plan for agricultural products.
Rationale- Agricultural Marketing knowledge and skills are essential tools for a sustainable farmer.
This is a required course for students in the AAS program as well as for those seeking a certificate
in Sustainable Livestock Systems or Sustainable Vegetable Production.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Construct a marketing plan for an agricultural product
 Conduct a marketing skills and preferences assessment
 Identify appropriate markets based on farmer skill level and personality
 Identify appropriate markets based on demographic research
 Create a market display that is visually appealing and functional
 Convey information regarding the value of a product to a consumer
 Locate resources for demographics research and consumer preference
Text book: There is no single text assigned to this course.
AGR214 Course Calendar and assignment due dates
August 21, 2006
August 25, 2006
August 28, 2006
September 4, 2006
September 11, 2006
September 18, 2006
September 25, 2006
October 2, 2006
October 9, 2006
October 16, 2006
October 23, 2006
October 30, 2006
November 6, 2006
Introduction to the Course, defining the topic, case studies
Last Day to Register/ Drop-add
“Small Farm Decision-making and Enterprise Planning”- The big
picture of family, business and market planning. Production/ Marketing
Pyramid. (ECO visit)
Labor Day Holiday
Market research, web based market information, key questions about
your customers.
Know your market first (video)
The Marketing plan – Step by Step. The 4 P’s of Marketing.
Marketing Integrity, Marketing Sustainably, Risk Management, Liability
and Legal Issues.
Good Retail Practices, Good Organic Retail Practices and Organic
Standards. Food Safety and Post Harvest Handling
Marketing plan Step 1 - Due
Traditional markets - Farmers Markets. CSAs.
Midterm Break – No Class
Connecting with restaurants and local stores, Chatham Market Place.
Marketing plan Step 2 - Due
“Winning the Shoppers in your Farmers Market” (video) - the five zones
of shopping.
Merchandising and Display. Setting up a display: a hands-on practice. A
November 13, 2006
November 20, 2006
November 27, 2006
December 4, 2006
December 11, 2006
December 18, 2006
display checklist. Visit to the Produce Department. Mapping a shopping
situation. Marketing plan - step 3 - due
Alternative markets PYO, roadside stands, internet
Case study presentations
Agritourism/ agri-tainment: Living Displays, Petting Zoos, School
Educational Programs, Mazes and other Events.
Pricing, Record keeping and Costs of Production.
Sharing of Market Plans –final marketing plan due
Final Exam