College of Engineering, Mandarathur,Vadakara Preamble This power point presentation contains slides showing the improvement in (a) Student performance (b) Faculty contributions (c) Facilities and technical support (d) Academic support units and teaching learning process and (e) Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources of Participating Institutions of TEQIP-II during the project period. The above parameters are selected from Evaluation Guidelines of National Board of Accreditation for UG programs-Tier-II. Student’s Success rate = (No. of students who cleared the programme in the s t i p u l a t e d period of course duration)/(No. of students admitted in the first year and students admitted in that batch via lateral entry) Academic Performance Index (= Mean of CGPA of all the students on a 10-point CGPA system Or = (Mean of the percentage of marks of all students / 10) Placement & Higher Studies (Assessment = 30 × (x + 1.25y)/N , where, x = No. of students placed, y = No. of students admitted for higher studies with valid qualifying scores/ranks and N = No. of students who were admitted in the batch including lateral entry subject to max. assessment points = 30, Percentage of students to be considered based on first year and lateral entry) Professional Societies IEEE • • • • • • • • Conducted Robotics workshop in 2012. Ethical hacking workshop(Tech defence) in 2013 Android workshop-2013 Malabar hub congress hosted -2013 Windows workshop in 2014 Lab view workshop 2014 Conducted a robotics expo. Circuit and Web Design contests 2014 ISTE • Conducted EPISTEMO a one week programme. • Conducted department wise expert talk • Quiz contests were conducted. ISTE Programs Sl No Departm ent 1 Date Program Name of Expert 10/12/2013 Talk on ISTE (Indian Society for Technical education). Launched an android app for students to know about the complete details of the event. It was designed by Mr.Akhil.K of CS,S6 Dr.V.K Shamsuddin(Deputy Director,Currriculum development centre,Kalamassery) 2 CS,IT 11/12/2013 Seminar about Cyber security and crime for CS,IT department. Technical events for CS,IT such as assembling and code debugging. General events such as ‘Wings of fire’ and ‘Pathography’ Dr.P.Vinod Bhatathiripad,Cyber Forensic Consultant 3 EC 12/12/2013 Seminar on ‘New trends in phone communication system’ . Quiz contest and Circuit debugging’ competetion. V.R.Muraleedharan(Sub division engineer,HRD) 4 EI 12/12/2013 Expert talk on ‘DSP concepts and misconcepts’ Circuit designing ,Quiz contest Dr.M.V.Rajesh,Principal,ISSAT 5 Civil 13/12/2013 Expert talk on ‘New trends in Civil engineering’ Mr.Jayarajan(Faculty,NIT calicut) 6 EEE 13/12/2013 Expert talk on ‘Energy auditing’ Mr.V.K.Sunil Kumar Asst.Exec.Engineer,KSEB) Publications by Students Sl No Student name 1 Faculty name Class Title of paper Publication Anju.K.V, Jeena Jose, Jithendra Karthika Govindan, K.B Krishnendu.V.G, Ramya.C S8 Electronics & Communication (2013-14 batch) MODIFIED AES FOR REDUCED HARDWARE COMPLEXITY WITH DATA INTEGRITY VERIFICATION. Conference proceedings-nCORE Tech 2014,LBS ENG college Kasaragod 2 Apamsula.P.S, Aswathy Jithendra Krishna.T.P K.B Kavya Valsan, Shamila.A.H, Saranya.M.V S8 Electronics Secure and Hardware & Efficient AES with Communication Enhanced Security. (2013-14 batch) Conference proceedings-nCORE Tech 2014,LBS ENG college Kasaragod 3 Jithin cc,Varun peethambaran,Sajila K M,Geethu Thresya Plateus,Rejna K S8 (EEE), Permanent magnet 2013-14 batch linear motor with advanced poll position sensing & close loop control. Conference proceedings-nCORE Tech 2014,LBS ENG college Kasaragod Rohikaa Mickey(EE E),Roshith K(EI) Entrepreneurship initiatives • Entrepreneurship Development Club (EDC) has formed with one senior faculty as the chair person. • College of Engineering Vadakara is the first institution in India to implement Solar Powered Micro Manufacturing Unit for Third World Countries. • Solar Powered Manufacturing Company is established in the institution with the support of Alumni. • Collaboration with Innovation Experience, a Trivandrum based social innovation centre . • Collaboration with Megabyte Technology ,Trivandrum Awards/Prizes (Inter-collegiate/State level/National) 3rd rank in civil engineering at university level. Many students participated in intercollegiate competitions and Aswath Madhu of computer science department got second place in Javelin throw. Anurag M P of Civil department was part of in CUSAT University team in all India south zone inter university meet held at Puduchery university. Hari(S5,EC) and Jayakrishnan(S5,CS) of Won first prize in State short film festival-2014. Student Teacher Ratio (Assessment = 20 × 15/STR; subject to max. assessment at 20 where, STR = (x + y + z)/N1 x = No. of students in 2nd year of the programme, y = No. of students in 3rd year of the programme z = No. of students in 4th year of the programme, N1 = Total no. of faculty members in the programme (by considering the fractional load) Faculty Cadre Ratio (Assessment = 20 × CRI, Cadre ratio index (CRI) = 2.25 × (2x + y)/N; based on 1:2:6 subject to max. CRI = 1.0, x = No. of professors in the programme, y = No. of associate professors in the programme) Faculty cadre ratio 8 7.5 7.5 7 7 6 5 4.5 4 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Civil Electronics & Instrumentation Electrical & Electronics 2010-11 Electronics & Comm 2011-12 Computer 2012-13 2013-14 IT Faculty qualifications (Assessment = 6 × FQI, Faculty qualification index (FQI) = (10x + 6y + 2z0)/N2, where, x+y+z0 ≤ N2, z0 ≤ z, x = No. of faculty members with PhD, y = No. of faculty members with ME/Mtech, z = No. of faculty members with BE/BTech) Faculty Competencies correlation to Programme Specific Criteria (IEEE) – Electronics & Communication Jithendra K.B VLSI Paper publication in IEEE Xplore Secure Communication Paper publication in International Journal JREEE Pursuing PhD Ramanand.K Embedded Systems 2 Year Industrial Experience Syam Chandran K Communication Publication in International Journal IJAR Arun R Chandran Photonics Publication in International Journal Journal of Advanced Scientific Materials Faculty Competencies correlation to Programme Specific Criteria (IEEE) – Electronics & Instrumentation Smitha.C.K Bio Medical Doing PhD Signal Processing Paper publication in International Journal IJSER Nithya.V Control Systems Published the papepr “Model Predictive Control of Pressure Process “in ICFTW Arjun Pradeep Communication Publication in International Journal IJAR Sanoj.K.P Process control Characterization of control valve for liquid offset rocket application in IJSER Debasis Maharana Optimization “Yeild Optimization of Titanium Dioxide Nano Particle” in National Conference GEC K 2014 Jasna.K VLSI Design of Low Voltage High Speed Comparator in 180 nanometre CMOS – International Conference Mount Zion College of ET, Pathanamthitta Faculty Competencies correlation to Programme Specific Criteria (ACM)- Comp Science, IT Aruna.A.S Natural language processing Published paper in IN\ternational Juornal(IJARCS) February 2014 Anjana T K CLOUD COMPUTING Published paper in international journal(IJSCE) May 2013 Presented paper in International conference at Travancore Engg. College April 2014 Aswathi Mohan IMAGE PROCESSING Published paper in International Journal(IJERA) April 2014 Shibily.T Network Security Published paper in International Journal(IJSER) March 2014 Presented paper in National conference at KMEA Engg College,March 2011 Shaheera K A CLOUD COMPUTING Presented paper in International conference at Travancore Engg. College April 2014 Faculty Competencies correlation to Programme Specific Criteria (ASME)- EEE Navya Nagath Electrical Drives * Published a paper titled comparison PWM inverter in the Journal IJREEIE (2014) * Presented Paper in international conference CIT Coimbathurre ( 2014) Reshmi K Raj Rohikaa Micky R Power Electronics * Presented a paper in international conference ICRIT (2011) * Presented a paper in National conference ECM (2010) Abhilash R S Renewable Energy & Smart Grid * Presented a paper in International Conference in Green Technologies, TVM (2012) DC to DC converter * Presented a paper national Conference NCPEETR (2010) Anjali Anand Power electronics. Presented papper in national conference NIT roukela (2013). M tec in power electronics and drives NIT c Naseef Irshad K A Electrical Machines Designed and developped energy efficient ceiling fan using BLDC motor. Faculty Competencies correlation to Programme Specific Criteria (ASCE)- Civil Surya T V Published a paper on ‘Influence of scale on SWAT model calibration for stream flow in a river in the humid tropics’ in the Journal of Water Resources Management Published a paper on Prediction of stream flow, sediment yield and nutrient load in the Chaliyar River Basin in IJEE Published a paper in the proceedings of KUNSED Published a paper in ICHWAM-2010 Paper in the National conference on SWaRM Vijina V V Guided UG Project titled CBR value of soil reinforced with Rubber waste Guided UG Project titled Paper Brick modified with saw dust ash Seema E S Specialised in Computer Aided Structural Engineering Guided UG Project Titled “Compressive Strength of Rice Husk Ash blended Concrete” Soumyan K Doing Research in Retrofitting Guided UG Projects based on structural Analysis & Design Shabana Salih K Published a paper titled CBR value of soil added with coconut shell in IJAET Published a paper titled Performance of crushed concrete as coarse aggregate in concrete in the National Conference at GCEK-2014 Published a paper titled Study on local clay as Landfill liner in RACE 2010 Published a paper titled parametric study on Skirted Footing in ICTT2010 Remya K M Firosmon Specialized in Offshore Engineering Specialized in Construction Technology and Management Guided UG Projects based on structural Analysis & Design Guided UG Projects based on structural Analysis & Design Guiding UG Project Titled” Study on Self Curing Concrete” Guiding UG Project Titled” Importance of Canoly Canal in Development of Calicut City Faculty Participation in FSDs of two week duration FSD-two week duration 2.5 2 2 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 Civil Electrical & Electronics 2010-11 Computer 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Faculty Participation in FSDs of one week duration FSD one week 14 13 12 10 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 2 0 7 3 1 0 Civil 0 Electronics & Instrumentation Electrical Electronics Electronics & Comm 2010-11 2011-12 Computer 2012-13 2013-14 IT Faculty participation as resource persons Faculty Retention (Assessment = 3 × RPI/N, Retention point index (RPI) = Sum of the retention points to all faculty members One retention point for each year of experience at the institution, subject to maximum five points to a faculty member.) Faculty research publications (Assessment of FRP = 4 × (Sum of the research publication points scored by each faculty member)/N (Instruction: A faculty member scores maximum five research publication points each year, depending upon the quality of the research papers published in the past three years.) The research papers considered are those (i) which can be located on internet and/or are included in hard-copy volumes/ proceedings, published by well-known publishers, and (ii) the faculty member’s affiliation, in the published paper, is of the current institution. Faculty Intellectual Property Rights (FIPR) (Assessment of FIPR = 2 × (Sum of the FIPR points scored by each faculty member)/N (Instruction: A faculty member scores maximum five FIPR points, each year. IPR includes awarded national/international patents, books, and copyrights.). Funded R&D projects and consultancy (FRDC) work (Assessment of R&D and consultancy projects = 4 × (Sum of FRDC by each faculty member)/N , Instruction: A faculty member gets maximum five points each year, depending upon the amount of funds and/or c o n t r i b u t i o n s made. A suggestive scheme is given below for a minimum amount of Rs. 1 lakh: Five points for funding by national agency Four points for funding by state agency/ private sector Two points for funding by sponsoring trust/society Faculty interaction with outside world (Faculty interaction p o i n t s ( F I P ) assessment = 2 × (Sum of FIP by each faculty member)/N Lecture Halls Seminar Halls Tutorial Rooms Faculty Rooms (Rooms equipped with white/black board, computer, internet, and other such amenities/facilities, Usage of room for counselling/discussion with students) Faculty rooms 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Civil Electronics & Instrumentation Electrical & Electronics Electronics & Comm 2010-11 2011-12 Computer 2012-13 2013-14 IT Faculty Rooms Department No of cabins/Faculty room Civil Engineering 9 Electronics & Communication Engineering 9 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 9 Computer science 9 Information Technology 9 Laboratories (No of students per experimental setup, Technical Manpower support) Computer • Programming lab(2,2) • Networks & Operating system lab (2,2) • OOP lab(2,2) • Data structures lab(2,2) • Microprocessor lab(2,2) • Computer graphics lab(2,2) • System programming and hardware lab(2,2) • Language processor lab(2,2) IT • Object Oriented Programming lab(2,2) • Data structures lab(2,2) • Systems programming lab(2,2) • Computer graphics lab(2,2) • Computer networks lab(2,2) Electronics & Communication Electronics & Instrumentation • Basic electronics lab(4,2) • Electronics circuits lab1(4,2) • Digital electronics lab(4,2) • Microprocessor lab(4,2) • Electronics circuits lab2 (4,2) • Communication lab 1(4,2) • Communication lab 2(4,2) • Digital signal processing lab(4,2) • Project lab(4,2) • Basic electronics lab(4,2) • Electronics circuits lab1(4,2) • Digital electronics lab(4,2) • Microprocessor lab(4,2) • Electronics circuits lab2 (4,2) • Instrumentation lab 1(4,2) • Instrumentation lab 2(4,2) • Digital signal processing lab(4,2) • Project lab(4,2) Laboratories (No of students per experimental setup, Technical Manpower support) Civil • Survey lab(4,2) • Strength of materials lab(4,2) • Concrete technology lab(5,2) • Geotechnical engineering(5,2) • Fluid mechanics lab(5,2) • Transportation engineering lab(5,2) • Environmental engineering lab(5,2) • Computer applications in civil engineering lab(2,2) • Building technology and NDT lab(4,2) • Structural lab(5,2) Electrical & Electronics • Electrical workshop(2,2) • Basic electrical workshop(5,2) • Basic electronics lab(5,2) • Electrical measurements lab(5,2) • Microprocessor lab(2,2) • Power electronics lab(5,2) • Electrical machines lab 1(5,2) • Electrical machines lab 2(5,2) • Digital electronics lab(2,2) • Advanced electrical lab (2,2) Lab manuals (Laboratories for which lab manuals are available Computer science • Programming lab • Networks & Operating system lab • OOP lab • Data structures lab • Microprocessor lab • Computer graphics lab • System programming and hardware lab • Language processor lab IT • Object Oriented Programming lab • Data structures lab • Systems programming lab • Computer graphics lab • Computer networks lab Electronics & communication Electronics & Instrumentation • Basic electronics lab • Electronics circuits lab • Digital electronics lab • Microprocessor lab • Electronics circuits lab 2 • Communication lab 1 • Communication lab 2 • Digital signal processing lab • Project lab • Basic electronics lab • Electronics circuits lab1 • Digital electronics lab • Microprocessor lab • Electronics circuits lab 2 • Instrumentation lab 1 • Instrumentation lab 2 • Digital signal processing lab • Project lab Lab manuals (Laboratories for which lab manuals are available) Electrical &Electronics Civil • • • • • • • • Survey lab Strength of materials lab Concrete technology lab Geotechnical engineering Fluid mechanics lab Transportation engineering lab Environmental engineering lab Computer applications in civil engineering lab • Building technology and NDT lab • Structural lab • • • • • • • • • • Electrical workshop Basic electrical workshop Basic electronics lab Electrical measurements lab Microprocessor lab Power electronics lab Electrical machines lab 1 Electrical machines lab 2 Digital electronics lab Advanced electrical lab Language Lab (How do you use it ?) • Language lab is setup with 30 student nodes and 1 Teacher console • Language Lab Software is used for teaching learning process. • One hour class per week is mandatory for 1st year students • Senior students can use the lab at free time. • One faculty is appointed exclusively for this purpose. Tutorial Classes (Subject, no of students in a tutorial class, hours) IT Computer science EIE ECE • Tutorial classes provided for 30 subjects • No of students per tutorial hour-34 • 15 hours/week • Tutorial classes provided for 30 subjects • No of students per tutorial hour-34 • 15 hours/week • Tutorial classes provided for 30 subjects • No of students per tutorial hour-34 • 15 hours/week • Tutorial classes provided for 30 subjects • No of students per tutorial hour-34 • 15 hours/week Mentoring System (how do you mentor students individually?) • Each faculty is a mentor of 8 – 10 students of each class • Each mentor is supposed to be aware of the educational, cultural, and financial background of the family to which the student belongs to • Students are supposed to meet their mentor whenever they feels bottlenecks/problems in academic/personal matters • Each mentor used to monitor their students academic performance regularly. • If the students are found weak in a particular subject, mentor recommends them for remedial classes. • The performance after remedial classes also measured. • Mentors must have contacts with their student’s parents/guardians and is supposed to discuss the relevant matters and to give directions if required Feedback analysis (how do you do it? Reward/corrective measures) • An effective feedback system is designed and feedback is taken 2 times per semester • The intension of feedback system is to identify the weaknesses, if any, rectify it, and to improve the performance of the faculty. • Department Academic committee consolidates the feedback from students • Head of the departments used to analyze and comment on the final report. The areas where improvements needed is specified here. • Based on the feedback, Training Need Analysis report is prepared and Faculties are directed to attend FDPs of different Domains. Scope for self learning (Generation of self-learning facilities) • Major Projects undertaken by the students are supposed to be highly innovative or based on the recent Papers Published in reputed Journals/Conferences. • Students are encouraged to present their work as Papers in Conferences/Journals. Financial support is given in this regard. • Assignments are given in such a way that students are to contribute something which is not taught in the class • Technical Festival Quasso Liberum conducted every year in which students contribute innovative designs, concepts etc. • Individual departments publish Technical Magazines which improve technical knowledge, design capability etc. Scope for self learning (Availability of materials for learning beyond syllabus) Books Journals Digital access Internet Hard binded-17800 Elsevier Digital Library facility Wi-Fi access Ebooks-838 Springer link Online public access catalogue(OPAC) High speed internet connectivity IEEE explore Moodle implemented for first year syllabus MC Grow Hill Access Engineer Moodle implementation for all other semesters being started. JGate Hard binded Journals51 Career Guidance, Placement Unit (Availability of an exclusive Well furnished Seminar Hall, Central Computing Facility, Soft skill development, employability assessment) • A Placement and Training unit is established with a senior faculty as Placement Officer • Well furnished seminar halls in each block (4) • Central computing facility with 45 computers and high Speed Internet Connectivity • Soft skills and Employability skill development programmes conducted for all students. • Employability assessment programs are conducted for final year students as part of awarding certification Placement cell activities (2014 -15) Duration No .Students targeted Dates Resource Persons/Com pany Final 3 days 194 22,23,24 Aug 2014 FACE CS/IT Final 1day 80 14-Sep-14 QBURST All Final 1day 198 21-Sep-14 APTECH 1st & 2nd sem 1day 194 01-Aug-14 PROMETHIS Sl No Name of the Program Year Branch Batch 1 Skill Development Program for final Years 2014-15 All 2 Placement Drive 2014-15 3 NAC TECH Test 2014-15 4 Orientation program 2014-15 5 6 7 8 9 Employability Skill Development Employability Skill Development Employability Skill Development Employability Skill Development Employability Skill Development All 2014-15 CS 3rd Sem 2days 65 Oct-14 2014-15 EI 3rd Sem 2days 45 Sep-14 2014-15 EC 3rd Sem 2days 65 Aug-14 2014-15 EEE 3rd Sem 2days 65 Sept 2014 2014-15 CIVIL 3rd Sem 2days 65 Oct-14 CRAFT SUCCSES CRAFT SUCCSES CRAFT SUCCSES CRAFT SUCCSES CRAFT SUCCSES Placement cell activities (2012 -14) Dates Resource Persons/Compan y Year Branch Batch Duration No .Students targeted 2013-14 All Final 3 days 200 24,25,26Jan 2014 Career Launcher 2013-14 CS 5th Sem 2days 65 Aug-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2013-14 EI 5th Sem 2days 56 Aug-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2013-14 EC 5th Sem 2days 65 Aug-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2013-14 EEE 5th Sem 2days 65 Sep-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2013-14 CIVIL 5th Sem 2days 65 Sep-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2013-14 IT 5th Sem 2days 30 Sep-14 CRAFT SUCCSES 2012-13 All Final 5days 200 Jul-12 2012-13 All 5th Sem 3days 240 Jul-12 2012-13 All 3rd Sem 2days 200 Aug-12 INSIGHT JOB GURU INSIGHT JOB GURU INSIGHT JOB GURU Technology Business Incubator Start-up name Start up name • Green Eco System and Manufacturing Concern L.lp • Manufacturing solar electrical and electronics/renewable energy. • Jithin C C (CEO) • Shyam Kumar Director Thenmala Eco System(Mentor) • Rohika Mickey ( AP,EEE) Prabu (AP,EC)Nithin (AP,EI) (Mentor) • Registered a start up at Ministry of Company affairs to start a Limited liability partnership company at Virtual incubation start up village kalamassery. • Started by s8 students of Computer Science department. Co-curricular activities • College conducted several programs under ISTE/IEEE like quiz contests, expert talks etc. • Technical fest conducted at college. • Robotics workshop . • Circuit designing contest • Web designing contest has been conducted. • Personality development programs helps the students to face the interviews with confidence. • College conducts soft skill development programs for students. • Employability skill development programme for all final year and third year students. Co-Curricular activities Sl No IEEE ISTE 1 Conducted Robotics workshop in Talk on ISTE (Indian Society for Technical QUASSO2012. education) in Dec 2013 LIBERUM Technical fest is conducted every year. 2 Ethical hacking defence) in 2013 3 Android workshop-2013 Seminar on ‘New trends in phone communication system’ in Dec 2013. 4 Malabar hub congress hosted -2013 Expert talk on ‘DSP concepts and misconcepts’ Circuit designing contest and Quiz contest 5 Windows workshop in 2014 Expert talk on ‘New trends in Civil engineering’ in Dec 2013. 6 Lab view workshop 2014 Expert talk on ‘Energy auditing’ in Dec 2013 7 Conducted a robotics expo. 8 Circuit and Web Design contests 2014 workshop(Tech Seminar about Cyber security and crime for CS,IT department in Dec 2013. Extra-curricular activities • Sports and Games are conducted in the Campus annually • Arts festivals are conducted annually. • NSS unit is established with a Faculty as Officer. 10 Day NSS Camps are conducted annually. Conducted Blood Donation camps in every year • Creative writing talents are encouraged and College magazine is published every year. • A Nature Club is formed with a faculty member as Coodinator. The club takes initiative for beautification of Campus • The Project- DAKSHINA is in progress which is meant for donating a home to the poorest family in the Village. The money for this is contributed by all Faculty, Staff and Students of the Institution Facilities for Sports and Games • A Physical Education Director is appointed for Sports and Games. • A couching camp for the Volley ball is organized every year. • Volley ball and Badminton courts are used by students after college timing. The work of main ground has been started. • Annual Sports and Games are conducted in January every year. • Students are sent for university level, State level and National level competitions Campus Development and Management • Campus monitoring and beautification committee is formed with one senior faculty member as Coordinator. • Drinking water facilities are provided in each floor of each block. • Waist Deposal system is implemented in the campus. • Sufficient number of Toilets are attached in each block and cleanliness is maintained by cleaning 2 times per day. • Sick rooms are attached in every blocks with first aid facilities • Fire extinguishers in each block. Hostels • 4 ladies hostel and 1 men’s hostel (450 students) are functioning outside the college premises managed by the institution on rented buildings. • Proposal for ladies, men’s hostel and staff quarters are already submitted and tendering work for ladies hotel is expected during December 2014. Canteen • A well furnished canteen with a seating capacity of 100 persons at a time. • Canteen functions from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. • Foods are served at subsidized rate for the students and staff. • Canteen is managed by a canteen committee consisting of staff and students. Transport facilities • College has eight buses. • Drivers are appointed on contract basis. • Bus timings are scheduled in such a way that smooth functioning of classes from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm is ensured. • Free transportation facilities are provided for remedial /special classes. Electricity, power backup and telecom Sl NO ITEM POWER No 1 Generator 62.5KW 1 2 Generator 250watts 1 3 Generator 125kw Order given 4 Telephone connection 4 land line 1 mobile 5 Intercom All blocks are connected 6 UPS 10 KVA 7 7 UPS 5KVA 3 8 UPS 2KVA 10 Drinking Water • There are three bore wells at the college campus. Sufficient quantity and quality of drinking water is available in the campus though out the day. • Coolers are installed in each block. Grievance readressal forums Name Position CAPE Director (Ex Officio) – Dr Ravindran Ombudsman Principal(Ex Officio) – Dr.O.A.Joseph Chairman PTA Vice President – Thomas T. George Vice Chairman Jithendra K.B Member Shibli T Member Nithin T Member Surya T.V Member Prasanth T.K Member It is mandatory to conduct committee meeting at least twice in an year Budget & Expenditure of college 2013-14 INCOME EXPENDITURE SL No SOURCE OF INCOME AMOUNT SL N O ITEM BUDGETED(in rupees) ACTUAL(in rupees) 1 Tuition fee 64262600 1 Salary for staff 51900000 49856000 2 TEQIP 30000000 2 Faculty and staff development program (Technical,Management & office) 3 CAPE 20000000 1200000 600000 652676 204425 1400000 524559 Procurement of software,library,equipments,furniture Miscellaneous expenses 29550000 1000000 27749096 953285 8 Utilities & amenities(KSEB,internet,water,phone) Construction work 2500000 18000000 2276000 15000000 9 Balance 3 R&D 4 Finishing school & placement cell 5 6 7 Total 114262600 Total 14737471 111850000 114262600 Budget & Expenditure of college 2014-15 INCOME EXPENDITURE SL No SOURCE OF INCOME AMOUNT SL N O ITEM BUDGETED(in rupees) 1 Tuition fee 67631350 1 Salary for staff 56500000 2 TEQIP 20000000 2 Faculty and staff development program (Technical,Management & office) 3 CAPE 30000000 3 R&D 4 Finishing school & placement cell 5 6 7 8 Total 117631350 1500000 600000 1600000 Procurement of software,library,equipments,furniture Miscellaneous expenses 20000000 1000000 Utilities & amenities(KSEB,internet,water,phone) Construction work 2800000 30000000 Total 114000000 Library No of library staff: 5 Campus Network • Total network points-596 • Wi-Fi access points-12 • All the five block has Wi-Fi access points and network access points Safety norms and checks • Fire extinguisher in every block • First aid box in every block. • Safety committee is functioning in the campus. Counselling & Medical Care • In house and outstation training programs are attended by faculty and staff members • Counselling cell is formed with faculty members who attended basic counselling training program. • Service of clinical psychologist for student counselling. Key Performance Indicators Minutes of Board of Governors (BoG) meetings Statutory Audit • Minutes of ten BOG meetings are uploaded. • Two statutory audits are conducted(201213,2013-14) Performance Audit along with Data Audit • Two performance audit along with data audit are conducted(201213,2013-14) Initial Governance Development Plan • Governance development plan is prepared and approved in Board of Governors meeting. % of committed expenditure out of funds received • 3.52% Key Performance Indicators % of Expenditure of the total funds received % of Procurement plan out of 5.5 Crores • 87.83% • 93.09% MIS data entry • 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13,2013-14 Completed • , 2014-15 on going Mandatory Participation in CIIAICTE survey • Completed Participation in TEQIP Faculty, Staff and Students Satisfaction Survey • 95% Completed • Expected to be completed by 28th October 2014