This document serves as one key tool related to Work-Based Learning and the P-TECH 9-14 model.
For more information about the P-TECH 9-14 model, please visit ptech.org
© Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Pathways in Technology Early College High
School (P-TECH) Brooklyn
Internships@IBM: Summer 2014
Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs
IBM Corporation
Internship Program Overview
Program Structure
Supervision and Support
What is P-TECH Brooklyn?
• P-TECH Brooklyn is an innovative grade 9-14 school in Brooklyn,
New York. The school opened in September 2011, and currently
has students in grades 9, 10, and 11 of the six-year program.
Students attending P-TECH Brooklyn will graduate with an
Associate in Applied Science degree that will enable them to garner
a job in the IT industry or continue their studies in a four-year
What are P-TECH 9-14 school Internships?
• P-TECH 9-14 school internships are skills-based, paid internships
designed to help P-TECH Brooklyn students build upon their
considerable skills and get real-world experience in the workplace
that will help them become truly career-ready.
The Students
• P-TECH Brooklyn interns are in their third year (traditional junior
year) of their school program, pursuing their AAS degree in either
Computer Systems Technology or Electromechanical Engineering
Technology. Most students are 16 or 17-years-old. These students
are eligible for internships based on two factors:
– Enrollment in college classes at the New York City College of Technology (Students have attained as many as 42 credits.)
– Participation in workplace learning courses, including Virtual
Enterprise, which enables students to work in teams to create their
own IT companies
The Internships
• Every intern will contribute to a real, meaningful work project that
is aligned with their skill set. While the work assignments do not
have to be technical in nature, they should expose students to
various aspects of the work in the technology field. Work
assignments will vary from site to site based on employer needs,
but can include:
Social media/Communications strategy
Team consulting projects
Client research and competitive analysis
Testing new applications/products/software
Designing and administering client surveys
Assisting with a marketing campaign
Coding and website re-design
Program Structure
– Duration: 6-8 weeks
– Monday- Thursday, 9am- 5pm (no more than 32 hrs/wk)
– Friday- report to P-TECH Brooklyn for a weekly seminar (unpaid)
– Start date: June 30 (unless otherwise noted by CCCA)
– End date: mid-late August
– IBM Client Sites
– 33 Maiden Lane (unless provided with space by IBM Supervisor)
– Daily check-ins with interns at minimum
– Weekly check-ins with P-TECH Brooklyn Workplace Learning Supervisor at
– Every supervisor will need to complete a formal assessment of their intern(s)
at the end of the program.
Before the Internship
 Confirm the end date for all internships with Temeca
 Confirm location with Temeca
 Send welcome email to intern(s)
– Project Overview/Department Description
– How they can reach supervisor
– Weekly check-in
– Other meetings
– What to do if you have a question
– Plans to see in person (if appropriate)
The First Day!
Location: 33 Maiden Lane (all interns)
Time: 9AM-5PM
Led by HR and CC&CA
Computer Set-up
Badge Distribution/Desk Assignments
Tour of 33 Maiden Lane
Session: Succeeding at IBM
Call with supervisor/team (after 1:00PM)
Begin Work!
The First Days
Orientation to IBM
A tour of the workplace
Company goals and purposes
An introduction to the supervisor and co-workers
Company rules and procedures
Safety issues
What do your interns need to know the first day?
Who is the designated supervisor or point of contact for interns?
Introductions: Who else will they be working with?
Location: Where will interns work? Where is their desk?
Facilities: Where is the bathroom, break room, is there a place to keep
a lunch?
– What are the safety procedures at your worksite?
– Are there any areas that are off limits?
Below are suggested questions that will help interns learn about your department,
The Firsttheir
role in your organization, meet your expectation for a successful
internship, and transfer what they learn during their internship to future jobs
– What are your daily tasks and
weekly deliverables?
– How do you communicate with
your supervisor/colleagues if you
have a question or are facing a
– Describe your responsibilities as
a team member.
– How does the company
communicate internal
– Describe appropriate
telephone/conference call
– Explain the importance of your
current assignment to the
– Explain the importance of the
department or area where you
work as it relates to other
departments in the company
– Explain how the
company/department/product is
special or different from other
similar companies
– What is the history of the
company/ department/product
Learning about Your Summer Interns
What do you need to know about your interns?
– Their skills and interests
– Their school work: All students are tasked with developing
their professional portfolio. If there are activities that
would be useful for the site and showcase their skills,
please communicate those opportunities with your
During the Internship: Coaching Interns for Success
• For most of your students, this is their first job.
• To move them into productive work as quickly as possible, and to help
them take ownership of their own learning during the internship, it is
often helpful to create a written agreement for initial tasks.
• As first-time interns, they are likely to need more feedback than an
experienced employee.
Are they making progress towards the task?
Are they working too hard, or not hard enough?
Based on your feedback, they should be able to start self-monitoring
Mistakes are how we learn to improve
• If a student makes an honest mistake, make sure they understand the
mistake, and help them find a new way to avoid repeating the mistake as
they return to the task
During the Internship: Coaching Interns for Success
•Interns are able to succeed at work when they have:
– clarity of goals
– immediacy of feedback
– balance between the challenge presented
and their skill / ability to meet it
•Helping them find balance in these three areas supports your
intern in learning to maintain focus on the task at hand, and
encourages them to work hard by finding pleasure in the task.
Supervision and Support
Students need daily supervision, and there will be various layers of support to enable
P-TECH Brooklyn teachers will provide on-site support at 33 Maiden Lane 3 days a week
P-TECH Brooklyn Workplace Learning Coordinator will check in with students weekly
School-based session for all interns led by teachers every Friday
•Teacher check-in
check-in with
•Review with
intern and
session for all
interns led by
•Check in with
school liaison and
•Teachers will serve as on-site support, but managers will need to support/guide students on projectspecific questions and issues
•Regular check ins with mentors (optional) could also be a great resource for interns
•Weekly check ins with school coordinators and IBM supervisors will be 15-30 minute calls
Roles and Responsibilities
IBM Supervisor
P-TECH Brooklyn
Workplace Learning
Oversees intern’s work and
reviews the final product. The
supervisor will have a daily
check-in call or in-person
meeting (30 minutes) with their
Will check in with students and
supervisors once a week at the
worksite. For remote/virtual
supervisors, P-TECH Brooklyn
Workplace Learning Coordinator
will contact by phone.
IBM ACTION: Please send a
Lotus Notes calendar weekly
invite to your intern. Be clear
about the agenda and
expectations on each call.
IBM ACTION: Please work with
the coordinator to set up time to
meet each week. These are
important meetings that will
give the school insight into how
students are progressing.
P-TECH Brooklyn Teachers
Will check in with students once
a week at their worksite and
during the Friday seminars.
NOTE: There will be a P-TECH
Brooklyn teacher/administrator
present at the main IBM site (33
Maiden Lane) for supervision at
all times.
• Evaluation is an essential component of the internship experience.
• All supervisors will complete a formal assessment of the intern(s)
based on the following categories:
Quality and quantity of work
• Electronic evaluation forms will be sent out by CC&CA prior to the
end of the internship
Thank You!