Grammar for First Quarter


Grammar for

First Quarter

Fall 2015

Week 1

August 10

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

we love our teachers they are our heroes hint: semi-colon or coordinating conjunction

August 11

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

i cannot trust you, unless you changes your dishonest ways

August 12

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

You are friendly although, you don’t talk much

Hint: the sentence can be written two ways. See if you can do them both!.

August 13

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

He is friendly; and people like him.

August 14

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

School is so enjoyable if only we could come one weekends too, I would be in heaven.

Hint: The sentence is actually wrong. There’s something to do with phrases that we do wrong in our writing all the time!

Week Two

August 17

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

Billy Bob has been improving at school. Since he stopped skipping.

Hint: Once again, there are two ways to re-write this sentence, though one is preferable.

August 18

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

If you believe in charity. Why not practice it?

August 19

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

You are acting ridiculous moreover, you are making a fool of yourself

August 20

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

I do not relish the task nevertheless I will do my best

August 21

Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

I like cheddar cheese blue cheese however nauseates me.

Week Three

August 24

Study for your semi-colon and comma splices quiz!!!! I’ll administer it 5 minutes after class begins.

August 25

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

The house was cleared by the cleaning crew.

August 26

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

The garbage had been taken out.

August 27

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

He was really late for his English class due to the fact that it was necessary for him to finish and complete the test he had in Math.

Hint: Get rid of extraneous words!

August 28

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

Many ignorant people who know nothing about cards try to fix modify, or engage in improving them.

Week Four

August 31

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

She does not like toe wear make-up she avoids eyeliner mascara lipstick and powder for the face.

September 1

Study for your Active/Passive Voice

Quiz! I’ll administer the quiz 5 minutes after class begins.

September 2

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

Billy Bob was pleased to discover that he could drive a tractor in a full body cast.

September 3

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Dangling modifiers

September 4

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Dangling modifiers

Week Five

September 7

• Today is Labor Day! There is no school!!!!

September 8

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Dangling modifiers

September 9

Study for your grammar quiz! I will administer it five minutes after class begins.

September 10

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

Mr. Jeffries have three cats that all have mice that steal the cheese from the fridge.

(Remind Mrs. Eaves to show you the next two slides!!)

Type of





Persons and Their Possessives














His/Hers/Its Their






Singulars, Plurals and How to Show Possession

• Apostrophes are used in three ways: in names, to contract words, and to show possession.

Singular Plural


Regular—ending in “s”

Completely irregular words

Add ‘s : cat’s/house’s/bar’s/tree’s/


Add ‘ : Thomas’, Marcus’, Jesus’ child’s/ woman’s/ mans’/ sheep’s/ mouse’s/ moose’s/ fish’s

Add s’ : cats’/ houses’/ bars’/ trees’/ moms’ / Katies’ / colleges’

Add es’ : Thomases’, Marcuses’ ,

Jesuses’ children’s/ women’s/ men’s/ sheep’s/ mice’s/ moose’s/ fish’s or fishes’

September 11

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Possesives/Apostrophes

Week Six

September 14

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Posessives/Apostrophes

September 15

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Posessives/Apostrophes

September 16

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Possesives/Apostrophes

September 17

• Please write the wrong version of the sentence and then correct it with different colored pen, pencil, or marker.

• Possessives/Apostrophes

September 18

Study for your Apostrophes/Possessives Quiz!! I’ll administer it five minutes after class starts.

Week Seven

September 21

• Please write down this way to remember Who and Whom: If you can replace the undesignated “who” or “whom” with “him” or “them,” use “whom.

• Now, choose the correct word for this sentence:

• Give the phone to _________ needs to use it.

September 22

• Please choose the correct word for each sentence:

• You are the one who/whom needs help

• I don’t know who/whom is sillier, you or Waldo.

• Isabel is the person who/whom I think should win.

• That is the grandfather after who/whom Ralph is named.

September 23

• Please choose the correct word for each sentence.

• Who/Whom do you like?

• You are the one who/whom everyone trusts.

• People who/whom we love are important to us.

• I am sure that you know who/whom is responsible.

• You are the on who/whom I suspect is responsible.

September 24

• “There” shows location. “Their” shows possession. “They’re” is a contraction of “they” and “are.”

• Choose the correct word for the following sentence:

There/Their/They’re upset over losing there/their/they’re soccer ball in the park over there/their/they’re.

September 25

• “Affect” is a verb meaning to cause an “effect,” or a reactionary event.

• Choose the correct word for each sentence:

• I need to write a cause and affect/effect paper for my English class, but this dance music affects/effects me so much; I just can’t concentrate!

• I would like to affect/effect change; however, I don’t know where to start!

Week Eight

September 28

• “Advice” is the noun form of “advise.” The former means a recommendation or guidance; the latter means to recommend or give guidance.

• Choose the correct word for the following sentences:

• I went to my teacher looking for some advice/advise, but all I got was some stupid quotes from my notebook to look at.

• I tried to advice/advice my student without telling him what to do; it did not work.

September 29

• To “allude” means to make an indirect reference; to “elude” is to avoid.

• Please choose the correct word for each sentence.

• Students attempt to allude/elude reading the book by using online summaries; however, they often only allude/elude to important events in the text without much detail.

September 30

• An “allusion” is an indirect reference; an “illusion” is a false idea, a misleading appearance.

• Please choose the correct word for each sentence:

• I know a guy who went to magic camp to learn allusions/illusions.

• English teachers are always looking for allusions/illusions in the text.

October 1

• “Already” means by this time, and “all ready” means fully prepared.

• Choose the correct word for each sentence:

• I was already/all ready to be picked up, my when I called my mom, I found out she hadn’t even left the house!

• My mom came to pick me up, but I already/all ready grabbed a ride with a friend.

October 2

• “Altogether” means thoroughly, completely; “all together” means everyone/everything in one place.

• Choose the correct word for the sentence:

• The Beatles have a song in which they want everyone to join in; they sing, “altogether”/ all together now!”

• I thought the prom was altogether/ all together a lovely night!

Week 9

October 5

• When something is “loose,” it needs tightening; “to lose” is to misplace.

• Choose the correct word for the sentence:

• I always tent to loose/lose my glasses, but that’s probably just because my mental screws are too loose/lose.

October 6

“Through” means finished, “threw” is past tense of “to throw, and “thorough” means to complete.

Choose the correct word for each sentence:

When I was 17; I through/threw/thorough a no hitter. I practiced thoroughly/threwly/thoroughly, but then I got injured. I haven’t played in years; so, my dream of making it to the big leagues is through/threw/thorough.

October 7

• “Weather” is a climatic condition but “whether” means if.

• Choose the correct word for each sentence.

• I can’t decide weather/whether to crimp my hair or tease it for the Throwback party.

• I wish I could see the weather/whether report, but my internet and cable are down because of the hurricane.

October 8

• “Your” is the possessive if “you,” “you’re” is the contraction of “you are,” and “yore” means a long time ago.

• Choose the correct word for the sentence below.

• I’d like to know whether or not your/you’re/yore going to the Medieval Party of

Your/You’re/Yore and if you’ll wear your/you’re/yore velvet hat so I can coordinate.


