A New Comprehensive Detector for RHIC-II Helen Caines Yale University for The RHIC-II Comprehensive New Detector Group CAARI 2004 Fort Worth, Texas – Oct. 2004 Outline Introduction Why we are thinking about a new detector for RHIC-II Overview of the detector design More on specifics Summary Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 2 The current group P. Steinberg, T. Ullrich (Brookhaven National Laboratory) M. Calderon (Indiana University) J. Rak (Iowa State University) S. Margetis (Kent State University) M. Lisa, D. Magestro (Ohio State University) R. Lacey (State University of New York, Stony Brook) G. Paic (UNAM Mexico) T. Nayak (VECC Calcutta) R. Bellwied, C. Pruneau, A. Rose, S. Voloshin (Wayne State University) H. Caines, A. Chikanian, E. Finch, J.W. Harris, M. Lamont, C. Markert, J. Sandweiss, N. Smirnov (Yale University) Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 3 Foundations of RHIC-II physics program Properties of sQGP (Deconfinement) Quarkonia resolution, acceptance, rates & feed-down percentages Jet and PID high pT measurements (g-jet, jet-jet) How do particles acquire mass? PID at high pT, correlations, large acceptance, g-tagged jets Structure and dynamics of the proton Large acceptance, jets, g-jets, high pT identified particles, correlations Is there another phase of matter? (CGC) High-pT identified particle yields to large Multi-particle correlations over small & large D range Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 4 1) What are the properties of matter created? ♦ Why strongly interacting ? ♦ Initial temperatures, system evolution, EOS ? Study: via… Initial T: gg-HBT Parton density: jet tomography, flavor, intra-, inter-jet correlations Fragmentation functions: identified leading particles Deconfinement T: quarkonium states - Tdiss(Y’) < Tdiss((3S)) < Tdiss(J/Y) Tdiss((2S)) < Tdiss((1S)) Quark vs. gluon jets: jets as f(s) and (anti) particle Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 5 2) How do particles acquire mass? Hadron formation quark coalescence? Is chiral symmetry restored? ♦ Contribution of gluon, sea and valence quark to hadron mass. ♦ Modifications (quenching) in excited vacuum. ♦ Mass modifications due to excited vacuum states, effects of chiral symmetry? Study via: Modification in jet fragmentation Identified hadrons at high pT in fragmentation of jets in pp and AA. Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 6 3) Dynamical structure of proton How do gluons, sea quarks, orbital angular momentum contribute to spin of proton? Transversity Transversity dist. function of q andq Sivers effect ST (P k) 0 p e s g p W c c n D-jet Physics beyond the standard model New parity violating interactions etc Study using: forward W production g-jets and di-jets Heavy quarkonia and D measurements High ET jets Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 7 4) Is there another phase (CGC) at low-x? ♦ Gluon saturation and color glass condensate. ♦ What are its features ? ♦ How does it evolve into the QGP? PHOBOS ln (1/x) low-x forward physics Study using: High y identified particles to high pT Multi-particle correlations - short & long range (D) 4p bulk dynamics Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 8 Comprehensive new detector @ RHIC-II HCal and m-detectors Central detector (|| 3.4) HCal and m-detectors ♦ Quarkonium physics Superconducting coil (B = 1.3T) Forward tracking: 2-stage Si disks Characteristics of detector ♦ Jet physics allow a UNIQUE RHIC-II physics program ♦ Forward low-x physics EM Calorimeter Forward magnet (B = 1.5T) ♦ Global observables over 4p ♦ Spin physics Vertex tracking RICH PID: RICH ToF Aerogel ToF Aerogel = 1.2 – 3.5 Tracking: Si, mini-TPC(?), m-pad chambers Forward spectrometer: ( = 3.5 - 4.8) RICH EMCal (CLEO) HCal (HERA) m-absorber SLD magnet || 1.2 6m Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 9 Why acceptance in & pT? Essential for jets, high pT correlations, quarkonium, spin programs distributions in pp (g+jet) Preliminary STAR results on number correlations for pT < 2 GeV/c Broadening in and f pp pp AA AA parton fragmentation modified in dense color medium: D elongation even on near side can measure 40 GeV jets: 180k in 30 nb-1 Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 10 Need EM & hadronic calorimetry in pp g+jet at colliders pp (spin) – Direct g component – Fragmentation background isolation cuts Ehad < e Eg in cone requires HCAL (see CDF) e+e- in SLD • Hermetic detector (4p HCAL) missing energy W production: W e(m) + n (Nadolsky, Yuan, NPB666 31), W jet + jet Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 11 EM and hadronic calorimetry in AA Isolation cuts not effective (background) go to high ETg requires high rate, large acceptance g+jet at high ETg for ETg = 20 GeV 19,000 g + jet events in 30 nb-1 (1000 @ 30 GeV) with high pT PID over full away-side acceptance ||<3.4 Hadronic calorimetry - in general – improves jet energy resolution (neutral component). – removes trigger bias of EMC. – proven essential in all HEP detectors for jet physics. – not available in any RHIC experiment. Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 12 Quarkonia reconstruction Melting T’s Suppression Tmelt(Y’) < Tmelt((3S)) < Tmelt(J/Y) Tmelt((2S)) < TRHIC < Tmelt((1S))? • Production and nuclear absorption/shadowing studies Resolution: x dependence: F Precision Tracking + Muon Detectors + EMCAL + PID Acceptance Rates x and cos Q* coverage Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 13 Charmonium cc feed-down To measure cc decay & determine feed-down to J/y cc J/y + g, must have large forward acceptance for g Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 14 Quarkonia rates with this detector Large acceptance for electrons and muons ||<3, Df = 2p Precision Tracking + Muon Detectors + ECAL + PID Au+Au min bias: – 30 nb-1 plepton > 2 GeV/c for J/Y (4 GeV/c for ) 100,000,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 New Detector PHENIX 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 '' Y ' Y Y c X c X si ' P si J/ P Comparison to LHC ? ? 10 s(LHC)/s(RHIC) = 9 – 25 – but Ldt (RHIC) / Ldt(LHC) > 10-20 High rates + large acceptance xF coverage, s and A scan Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 15 Why particle ID to high-pT? But: Presently: Modification of fragmentation function is non-specific, i.e., same for all quarks and gluons (e.g.Gyulassy et al.,nucl-th/0302077) Each parton contributes to fragmentation function differently (statistical approach (Bourelly & Soffer)). Each expected to lose different dE in opaque medium. Bourelly & Soffer Compare PID fragmentation with and without opaque medium. Measure high pT PID two particle correlations Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 16 High-pT charged particle ID (p, K, p) 2p PID acceptance factors over upgraded RHIC detectors: f=72 (PHENIX), f=3 (STAR) STAR, 3-4 GeV pq,g > 10 GeV/c pq,g > 10 GeV/c all 10GeV f coverage PHENIX New detector, 20 GeV 4 GeV 0 || < 0.5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 rapidity Multiply pp events by factor of ~ 8 x 1015 for AuAu events in 30 nb-1 RHIC year Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 17 High pT ID’d particles and jets Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 18 Summary The New Comprehensive Detector designed for the new era of UNIQUE physics at RHIC-II : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ High rates Large acceptance High pT tracking PID out to high pT PID in the forward direction Good momentum resolution Jet/leading particle physics Quarkonium physics Structure and dynamics of the proton Low-x physics New (as yet) undetermined physics Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 19 The comprehensive new RHIC-II detector HCal and m-detectors Central detector (|| 3.4) HCal and m-detectors Superconducting coil (B = 1.3T) Forward tracking: 2-stage Si disks EM Calorimeter Forward magnet (B = 1.5T) Vertex tracking RICH PID: RICH ToF Aerogel Helen Caines ToF Aerogel = 1.2 – 3.5 Tracking: Si, mini-TPC(?), m-pad chambers Forward spectrometer: ( = 3.5 - 4.8) RICH EMCal (CLEO) HCal (HERA) m-absorber || 1.2 CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 20 Backup slides Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 21 Momentum resolution Momentum resolutions based on the tracking devices for the different regions of pseudo-rapidity and the forward spectrometer section. Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 22 Charged Particle PID π/K/p ToF A1 A1+A2+RICH π A1+ToF RICH A1+A2 K RICH ToF A1+A2 p RICH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 12. 14. 16 18. P, GeV/c Charged hadron particle identification as a function of momentum using the ToF (time-of-flight), Aerogel 1 (n =1.01), Aerogel 2 (n =1.05), and gas-RICH (n=1.00175) detectors. The horizontal lines indicate where each particle can be identified based on combinations of signals. Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 23 Central tracker layout Detector Radius(cm) Vertex 2.8 (APS or 4.3 Hybrid pixels) 6.5 10.5 Main Si-strip 19 24.5 31 38.5 46 56 OrMain mTPC 22.5-60 High pT track 70 micropattern 115 135 170 Halflength (cm) 9.6 12 21 27 39 42 45 51 57 60 55 76 110 130 165 Sigma r-phi(cm) Sigma z(cm) Thickness(cm) 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.003 0.03 0.03 0.012 0.035 0.2 (mylar+gas) 0 .17 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.9 1.2 1.4 0.3 G10 + 1.0 Gas + 0.05 Mylar Position, segmentation in radius (r) and azimuthal angle (f), and thicknesses of the various central tracking detectors. Helen Caines CAARI 2004 – Oct. 2004 24