BTeV – A Dedicated B Physics Experiment at the Tevatron Collider Klaus Honscheid The Ohio State University DPF 2002, May 24, 2001 Klaus Honscheid 1 Ohio State University BTeV Collaboration Belarussian State- D .Drobychev, A. Lobko, A. Lopatrik, R. Zouversky UC Davis - P. Yager Univ. of Colorado-J. Cumalat Fermi National Lab J. Appel, E. Barsotti, C. N. Brown , J. Butler, H. Cheung, G. Chiodini, D. Christian, S. Cihangir, R. Coluucia, I. Gaines, P. Garbincius, L. Garren, E. Gottschalk, A. Hahn, P. Kasper, P. Kasper, R. Kutschke, S. Kwan, P. Lebrun, P. McBride, M. Votava, M. Wang, J. Yarba Univ. of Florida at Gainesville P. Avery University of Houston M. Bukhari, K. Lau, B. W. Mayes, V. Rodriguez, S. Subramania Illinois Institute of Technology R. A. Burnstein, D. M. Kaplan, L. M. Lederman, H. A. Rubin, C. White Univ. of Illinois- M. Haney, D. Kim, M. Selen, J. Wiss Univ. of Insubria in ComoP. Ratcliffe, M. Rovere INFN - Frascati- M. Bertani, D. Morozov, L. Nogach, K. Shestermanov, L. Soloviev, A. Uzunian, A. Vasiliev University of Iowa C. Newsom, & R. Braunger University of Minnesota L. Benussi, S. Bianco, M. Caponero, V. V. Frolov, Y. Kubota, R. Poling, F. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, & A. Smith A. La Monaca, E. Pace, M. Pallotta, Nanjing Univ. (China) A. Paolozzi T. Y. Chen, D. Gao, S. Du, M. Qi, INFN - Milano - G. Alimonti, P. B. P. Zhang, Z. Xi Zhang, J. W. D’Angelo, L. Edera, S. Magni, D. Zhao Menasce, L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, Ohio State University S.Sala, L. Uplegger K. Honscheid, & H. Kagan INFN - Pavia - G. Boca, Univ. of Pennsylvania G. Liguori, & P. Torre W. Selove INFN - Torino – Univ. of Puerto Rico R. Arcidiacono, S. Argiro, A. Lopez, & W. Xiong S. Bagnasco, N. Cartiglia, R. Cester, Univ. of Science & Tech. of F. Marchetto, E. Menichetti, China - G. Datao, L. Hao, Ge Jin, R. Mussa, N. Pastrone T. Yang, & X. Q. Yu IHEP Protvino, Russia Shandong Univ. (China)- C. A. Derevschikov, Y. Goncharenko, F. Feng, Yu Fu, Mao He, J. Y. Li, L. Xue, N. Zhang, & X. Y. Zhang V. Khodyrev, V. Kravtsov, A. Meschanin, V. Mochalov, Southern Methodist University - T. Coan SUNY Albany - M. Alam Syracuse University M. Artuso, S. Blusk, C. Boulahouache, O. Dorjkhaidav, K. Khroustalev, R.Mountain, N. Raja, T. Skwarnicki, S. Stone, J. C. Wang Univ. of Tennessee T. Handler, R. Mitchell Vanderbilt University W. Johns, P. Sheldon, K. Stenson, E. Vaandering, & M. Webster Univ. of Virginia: M. Arenton, S. Conetti, B. Cox, A. Ledovskoy Wayne State University G. Bonvicini, & D. Cinabro, A. Shreiner University of Wisconsin M. Sheaff York University S. Menary Klaus Honscheid 2 Ohio State University CKM, CP and all that From Hocker et al: Current constraints on bd CKM triangle Magnitudes From Peskin: Bd, Bs Mixing Phases Many independent checks are needed Klaus Honscheid 3 Ohio State University Some crucial measurements Physics Quantity sin(2) cos(2) sign(sin(2)) sin() sin() sin() sin() sin(2) sin(2) sin(2) cos(2) xs for Bs Decay Mode Bo Bo Bo & Bo BsDs K B+Do K BK BoBsKK BsJ/ J/ BoJ/Ks BoKs,Ks, o BoJ/K* & BsJ/ BsDs BsJ/ KK Ds Vertex Trigger K/ det Decay Lepsep time ton Id Klaus Honscheid 4 Ohio State University B Physics at Hadron Colliders • The Opportunity – Lot’s of b’s (a few times 1011 b-pairs per year at the Tevatron) – “Broadband, High Luminosity B Factory” (Bd, Bu, Bs, b-baryon, and Bc ) – Tevatron luminosity will increase to at least 5x1032 – Cross sections at the LHC will be 5 times larger – Because you are colliding gluons, it is intrinsically asymmetric so time evolution studies are possible (and integrated asymmetries are nonzero) • The Challenge – Lot’s of background (S/N 1:500 to 1:1000) – Complicated underlying event – No stringent kinematic constraints that one has at an e+e- machine – Multiple interactions These lead to questions about the triggering, tagging, and reconstruction efficiency and the background rejection that can be achieved at a hadron collider Klaus Honscheid 5 Ohio State University The Tevatron as a b & c source property Luminosity b cross-section # of b’s per 107 sec b fraction c cross-section Bunch Spacing Luminous region length Luminous region width Interactions/crossing Value 2 x 1032 100 mb 4 x 1011 10-3 >500 mb 132 ns z = 10-20 cm x ~ y ~ 50 mm <2.0> Klaus Honscheid 6 Ohio State University Characteristics of hadronic b production The higher momentum b’s are at larger ’s BTeV Central Detectors Mean ~0.75 b production peaks at large angles with large bb correlation BTeV Klaus Honscheid 7 Ohio State University A simulated BTeV Event Klaus Honscheid 8 Ohio State University Klaus Honscheid 9 Ohio State University The BTeV Spectrometer (revised) • Single Arm • Full Pixel Detector • Full Trigger and DAQ Reduce costs New baseline cost ~M$100 • Use extra bandwidth to loosen trigger • Better lepton id Re-gain some performance New baseline performance about 70% of original twoarm spectrometer Klaus Honscheid 10 Ohio State University Key Design Features of BTeV A dipole magnet (1.6 T) and 2 1 spectrometer arms A precision vertex detector based on planar pixel arrays A detached vertex trigger at Level I High resolution tracking system (straws and silicon strips) Excellent particle identification based on a Ring Imaging Cerenkov counter. A lead tungstate electromagnetic calorimeter for photon and 0 reconstruction Excellent identification of muons A very high capacity data acquisition system which frees us from making excessively specific choices at the trigger level Klaus Honscheid 11 Ohio State University Pixel Vertex Detector Reasons for Pixel Detector: • Superior signal to noise • Excellent spatial resolution -- 5-10 microns depending on angle, etc • Very low occupancy • Very fast • Radiation hard Special features: • It is used directly in the L1 trigger • Pulse height is measured on every channel with a 3 bit FADC • It is inside a dipole and gives a crude standalone momentum Klaus Honscheid 12 Ohio State University Pixels – Close up of 3/31 stations •50mm x 400mm pixels - 30 million total •Two pixel planes per station (supported on a single substrate) •Detectors in vacuum •Half planes move together when Tevatron beams are stable. 10 cm Klaus Honscheid 13 Ohio State University Pixel Readout Chip •Different problem than LHC pixels: 132 ns crossing time (vs. 25ns) easier Very fast readout required harder 7.2 mm •R&D started in 1997 Test outputs 8 mm •Two generations of prototype chips (FPIX0 & FPIX1) have been designed & tested, with & without sensors, including a beam test (1999) in which resolution <9m was demonstrated. •New “deep submicron” radiation hard design (FPIX2):Three test chip designs have been produced & tested. Expect to submit the final design ~Dec. 2001 Readout A pixel FPIX1 Klaus Honscheid 14 Ohio State University Pixel Test Beam Results No change after 33 Mrad (10 years, worst case, BTeV) Analog output of pixel amplifier before and after 33 Mrad irradiation. 0.25m CMOS design verified radiation hard with both and protons. Track angle (mr) Klaus Honscheid 15 Ohio State University Pixel detectors are hybrid assemblies •Sensors & readout “bump bonded” to one another. •Readout chip is wire bonded to a “high density interconnect” HDI which carries bias voltages, Sensor control signals, and output data. Readout chip HDI Wire bonds Sensor (5 readout chips underneath) Micrograph of FPIX1: bump bonds are visible Klaus Honscheid 16 Ohio State University Physics Performance of Pixel Detector Distribution in L/ of Reconstructed Bs Primary-secondary vertex separation Minus generated. = 138m Mean = 44 tproper (reconstructed) - t proper (generated) = 46 fs Klaus Honscheid 17 Ohio State University The BTeV Level I Detached Vertex Trigger Three Key Requirements: – Reconstruct every beam crossing, run at 7.6 MHz – Find primary vertex – Find evidence for a B decaying downstream of primary vertex Five Key Ingredients: – A vertex detector with excellent spatial resolution, fast readout, and low occupancy – A heavily pipelined and parallel processing architecture well suited to tracking and vertex fining – Inexpensive processing nodes, optimized for specific tasks within the overall architecture ~3000 CPUs – Sufficient memory to buffer the vent data while calculations are carried out ~1 Terabyte – A switching and control network to orchestrate the data movement through the system Klaus Honscheid 18 Ohio State University Information available to the L1 vertex trigger p p Klaus Honscheid 19 Ohio State University Track segments found by the L1 vertex trigger “entering” track segment “exiting” track segment Klaus Honscheid 20 Ohio State University Block Diagram of the Level 1 Vertex Trigger Pixel System Pattern Recognition FPGA Associative Memory Average Latency: 0.4 ms Track Reconstruction Vertex Reconstruction DSP Track Farm (4 DSPs per crossing) Average Latency: 55 ms DSP Vertex Farm (1 DSP per crossing) Average Latency: 77 ms Level 1 Vertex Trigger: FPGAs: ~ 500 Track Farm DSPs: ~ 2000 Vertex Farm DSPs: ~ 500 Level 2/3 Trigger 2500 high performance LINUX processors Klaus Honscheid 21 Ohio State University Pixel Trigger Performance Select number (N) of detached tracks typically pt> 0.5 GeV, N = 2 Select impact parameter (b) w.r.t. primary vertex typically (b) = 6 Options include cuts on vertex, vertex mass etc. N=1 N=1 N=2 74% N=2 N=3 N=3 1% N=4 N=4 Klaus Honscheid 22 Ohio State University Trigger Simulation Results • L1 acceptance: 1% 2% • Profile of accepted events • 4 % from b quarks including 50-70% of all “analyzable” b events • 10 % from c quarks Level 1 Efficiency on Interesting Physics States • 40 % from s quarks • 45 % pure fakes • L2/L3 acceptance: 4 % • 4000 Hz output rate • 200 Mbytes/s Klaus Honscheid 23 Ohio State University BTeV Data Acquisition Overview Trigger/DAQ Klaus Honscheid 24 Ohio State University Importance of Particle Identification Cherenkov angle vs Mom. P Gas Klaus Honscheid 25 Ohio State University Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) • • Two identical RICH detectors Components: – – – – – Gaseous Radiator (C4F10 ) Liquid Radiator (C5F12 ) Spherical mirrors Photo-detectors (PM + HPD) Vessel to contain gas volume Cherenkov photons from Bo+ and rest of the beam collision Klaus Honscheid 26 Ohio State University RICH Readout: Hybrid Photodiodes (HPD) • Commercial supplier from Holland (DEP) • A number of prototypes was successfully produced and tested for CMS • New silicon diode customized for BTeV at DEP (163 pixels per HPD) • Challenges: – high voltages (20 kV!) – Signal ~5000e- a need low noise electronics (Viking) – In the hottest region up to 40 channels fire per tube – About 2000 tubes total (cost) Klaus Honscheid 27 Ohio State University Use of RICH to extend Lepton Identification • • While the full detector aperture is 300 mr, the acceptance of the electromagnetic calorimeter and muon detector is only 200mr The RICH, however, has both electron-pion and muon-pion discrimination at low momentum. The wide angle particles are mostly at low momentum! This gains us a factor of 2.4 for single lepton id and 3.9 if we require both leptons to be identified Klaus Honscheid 28 Ohio State University Electromagnetic Calorimeter The main challenges include • Can the detector survive the high radiation environment ? • Can the detector handle the rate and occupancy ? • Can the detector achieve adequate angle and energy resolution ? BTeV now plans to use a PbWO4 calorimeter • Developed by CMS for use at the LHC • Large granularity Block size 2.7 x 2.7 x 22 cm3 (25 Xo) ~11000 crystals • Photomultiplier readout (no magnetic field) • Pre-amp based on QIE chip (KTeV) • Energy resolution Stochastic term 1.8% Constant term 0.33% • Position resolution x 3.32 mm / E 0.28 mm Klaus Honscheid 29 Ohio State University PbWO4 Calorimeter Properties Property Density(gm/cm2) Radiation Length(cm) Interaction Length(cm) Light Decay time(ns) (3components) Value 8.28 0.89 22.4 5(39%) 15(60%) 100(1%) Refractive index 2.30 Max of light emission 440nm Temperature Coefficient (%/oC) -2 Light output/Na(Tl)(%) 1.3 Light output(pe/MeV) into 2” PMT 10 Property Transverse block size Block Length Radiation Length Front end Electronics Inner dimension Energy Resolution: Stochastic term Constant term Spatial Resolution: Value 2.7cm X 2.7 cm 22 cm 25 PMT +/-9.8cm (X,Y) 1.8% 0.33% x 3.32 mm / E 0.28 mm Outer Radius Total Blocks/arm 140 cm--215 cm $ driven 11,500 Klaus Honscheid 30 Ohio State University Electromagnetic Calorimeter Tests Block from China’s Shanghai Institute 5X5 stack of blocks from Russia ready for testing at Protvino • Lead Tungstate Crystals from Shanghai, Bogoroditsk, other vendors • Verify resolution, test radiation hardness (test beam at Protvino) • Test uniformity Klaus Honscheid 31 Ohio State University Preliminary Testbeam Results • Resolution (energy and position) close to expectations • Some non-uniformity in light output • more Radiation Hardness studies Energy Resolution Position Resolution Klaus Honscheid 32 Ohio State University EM calorimetry * CLEO barrel e=89% radius Klaus Honscheid 33 Ohio State University Muon System • Provides Muon ID and Trigger – Trigger for interesting physics states – Check/debug pixel trigger • fine-grained tracking + toroid • – Stand-alone mom./mass trig. – Momentum “confirmation” Basic building block: Proportional tube “Planks” ~3 m toroid(s) / iron track from IP 2.4 m half height Klaus Honscheid 34 Ohio State University Physics Reach (CKM) in 107 s Reaction Bo+- Parameter Error or (Value) 14,600 3 Asymmetry 0.030 300 7500 7 8o 445 168,000 10 sin(2) 0.017 3000 59,000 3 170 1 4.5 Bs Ds KBoJ/KS S/B B (B)(x10-6) J/l+ l - Bs Ds - # of Events B-Do (K+-) K- 0.17 B-Do (K+K-) K- 1.1 1,000 >10 B-KS - 12.1 4,600 1 Bo K+- 18.8 62,100 20 Bo+- 28 5,400 4.1 Booo 5 780 0.3 BsJ/ 330 2,800 15 BsJ/ 670 9,800 30 J/m+m- xs (75) 13o <4o + theory errors ~4o 0.024 Klaus Honscheid 35 Ohio State University Concluding Remarks PAC Recommendation “ … BTeV has designed and prototyped an ambitious trigger that will use B decay displaced vertices as its primary criterion. This capability, together with BTeV’s excellent electromagnetic calorimetry and particle ID and enormous yields, will allow this experiment to study a broad array of B and Bs decays. BTeV has a broader physics reach than LHCb and should provide definitive measurements of CKM parameters and the most sensitive tests for new physics in the flavor sector.” C0 Hall at the Tevatron Klaus Honscheid 36 Ohio State University Additional Transparencies Klaus Honscheid 37 Ohio State University Changes wrt Proposal in Event Yields & Sensitivities • We lost one arm, factor = 0.5 • We gained on dileptons – From RICH ID – in proposal we used only m+m-, now we include e+e– factor = 2.4 (or 3.9), depending on whether analysis used single (dilepton) id • We gained on bandwidth, factor = 1.15 • Gained on eD2 for Bs only, factor = 1.3 Klaus Honscheid 38 Ohio State University Examples mode Yield prop BoJ/ Ks 80,500 BsJ/() 9,940 Bs Ds K- 13,100 Yield factor Yield one-arm quan/Err prop (eD2) quan/Err one arm(eD2) 0.5*3.9* 1.15=2.24 168,000 sin(2)/ 0.025 (0.10) sin(2)/ 0.017 (0.10) 0.5*2.4* 1.15=1.38 12,600 sin(2)/ 0.033 (0.10) sin(2)/ 0.024 (0.13) 0.5*1.15 =0.58 7,500 / 6o (0.10) / 8o (0.13) Klaus Honscheid 39 Ohio State University Reconstructed Events in New Physics Modes: Comparison of BTeV with B-factories Mode BTeV (107s) Yield Tagged B-fact (500 fb-1) S/B Yield Tagged - - S/B BsJ/() 12650 1645 >15 B-K- 11000 11000 >10 700 700 4 BoKs 2000 200 5.2 250 75 4 BoK*m+m- 2530 2530 11 ~50 ~50 3 Bs m+m- 6 0.7 >15 0 Bom+m- 1 0.1 >10 0 ~108 ~108 large 8x105 D*++Do, DoK+ 8x105 large Klaus Honscheid 40 Ohio State University Comparisons with LHCb • Advantages of LHCb b 5x larger at LHC, while t is only 1.6x larger – The mean number of interactions per beam crossing is 3x lower at LHC, when the FNAL bunch spacing is 132 ns • Advantages of BTeV (machine specific) – The 25 ns bunch spacing at LHC causes increased electronic noise. It makes 1st level detached vertex triggering more difficult; in fact LHCb only does vertexing in level 2 Klaus Honscheid 41 Ohio State University Comparisons with LHCb II – The 7x larger LHC beam energy causes problems: much larger range of track momenta that need to be analyzed and large increase in track multiplicity, which causes triggering and tracking problems – The long interaction region at FNAL, =30 cm compared with 5 cm at LHC, somewhat compensates for the larger number of interactions per crossing, since the interactions are well separated – There is an ion-trapping problem that stops them from moving their silicon closer than ~1 cm (compared to 6 mm for BTeV) Klaus Honscheid 42 Ohio State University Comparisons with LHCb III • Advantages of BTeV (detector specific) – BTeV has vertex detector in magnetic field which allows rejection of high multiple scattering (low p) tracks in the trigger – BTeV is designed around a pixel vertex detector which has much less occupancy, and allows for a detached vertex trigger in the first trigger level. • Important for accumulation of large samples of rare hadronic decays and charm physics. • Allows BTeV to run with multiple interactions per crossing, L in excess of 2x1032 cm-2 s-1 – BTeV will have a much better EM calorimeter – BTeV is planning to read out 5x as many b's/second Klaus Honscheid 43 Ohio State University Specific Comparisons with LHC-b Yields in important final states Mode BR Bs Ds K- 3.0x10-4 Bo+- 2.8x10-5 Booo 0.5x10-5 Yield BTeV 7530 S/B Yield LHC-b S/B 7 7660 7 5400 4.1 2140 0.8 776 0.3 880 not known Klaus Honscheid 44 Ohio State University Fundamentals: Decay Time Resolution • Excellent decay time resolution – Reduces background – Allows detached vertex trigger • The average decay distance and the uncertainty in the average decay distance are functions of B momentum: <L> = ctB = 480 mm x pB/mB from b L/ CDF/D0 region direct L/ LHC-b region Klaus Honscheid 45 Ohio State University Trigger Klaus Honscheid 46 Ohio State University Klaus Honscheid 47 Ohio State University Klaus Honscheid 48 Ohio State University