CPC Reviewer Checklist—Orange Form For protocols that have been re-submitted for review following initial deferral by the CPC. BREAKDOWN OF REVIEW TYPES AND EXPECTATIONS Review Type Reviewer Directive Medical MD or other qualified CPC member Review with a focus on medical and clinical merit, clinical research design, and feasibility Biological PhD or other qualified CPC member Review with a focus on NIH peer review criteria and considerations Scientific CPC Staff—Scientific Review Officer Review with a focus on scientific merit and alignment with DCI priorities Statistical Statistician Review with a focus on the statistical analysis plan and validity of the research design Pharmaceutical Pharmacist—Investigational Chemotherapy Service Review with a focus on clinical merit and details of study agent handling, dispensing, and management Administrative CPC Staff—Administrator Review with a focus on compliance with the administrative requirements of the CPC and DCI Consent Patient Advocate Review with a focus on language and formatting of the informed consent form INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Orange Form is a simplified reviewer checklist which aids in the review of protocols that had been deferred by the CPC following initial review. 2. Reviewers may “jump” to their section of the checklist by clicking on the relevant link in the “Navigation Pane” to the left of this document. If the “Navigation Pane” is not open in Word, you may find it by clicking on the “View” tab of at the top of the Word windown. Then select “Navigation Pane”. 3. For each review criterion, reviewers should determine whether the relevant information is consistent in all protocol-related documents. 4. While using this checklist, a “yes” is assumed if the reviewer does not provide checks for a review criterion. For most criteria, the answer should be yes. 5. While using this checklist, if a “no” is checked for any review criterion, please provide comments, suggestions, and concerns at the end of the review section. 6. During completion of the review, some reviewers indicate the scientific merit of the protocol. 1 v12.04.13 CPC Reviewer Checklist—Orange Form For protocols that have been re-submitted for review following initial deferral by the CPC. High: The research protocol significantly advances a sub-field within cancer research. These protocols might represent the “top 10%” of protocols. The primary benefit of having “high” scientific merit is that the protocol becomes eligible for the “IRB FastLane”, in which the CPC coordinates with the IRB to attempt completion of IRB review within 14 days of CPC approval. Medium: The research protocol adds important knowledge to a sub-field within cancer research. However, the expected impact of the protocol is limited by the stated objectives and/or approach. Low: The research protocol adds knowledge that is limited in scope, impact, and/or innovation. 9. During completion of the review, all reviewers suggest a motion for the protocol, as follows: Approve: The protocol possesses adequate scientific merit, clinical research design, data analysis plan, data and safety monitoring plan, and data management plan. No changes are necessary. Approve with minor editorial revisions: The protocol possesses adequate scientific merit, clinical research design, data analysis plan, data and safety monitoring plan, and data management plan. However, minor revisions requested by the CPC are required prior to approval. Approve with modifications: The protocol meets basic CPC standards and is approvable. However it requires specific changes requested by the CPC in order to possess adequate scientific merit, clinical research design, data analysis plan, data and safety monitoring plan, and data management plan. Defer*: In its current state, the protocol is not approvable because the protocol lacks sufficient detail. The CPC requires additional information from the PI in order to make a definitive motion. Moreover, it is anticipated that the CPC’s ability to approve the protocol will depend on the content in the PI’s response. Disapprove*: The protocol is incomplete or suffers from deficits in scientific merit and/or subject protections. * Upon submission of PI response and revisions, these protocols must be reviewed at a convened CPC meeting. 10. During completion of the review, a protocol priority score must be approved by the CPC. The protocol priority score is proposed by the Clinical Research Program leader. 11. Once the review is complete, upload this review checklist into eIRB by doing the following: A. Open the protocol workspace in eIRB. B. On the left side of the workspace, click “CPC – Add Review”, and a pop-up screen will appear. C. From the dropdown list, select a recommended motion. D. Add comments as needed (these comments will not be seen by study teams). E. Attach this review checklist by clicking “Add” and selecting the file from the appropriate folder. F. Click “OK” to approve attachment of the checklist. G. Click “OK” to complete the review. 2 v12.04.13 CPC Reviewer Checklist—Orange Form For protocols that have been re-submitted for review following initial deferral by the CPC. TIMEFRAME FOR REVIEW COMPLETION 1. All reviews are expected to be completed in ≤ 7 days of assignment. 3 v12.04.13 CPC Reviewer Checklist—Orange Form For protocols that have been re-submitted for review following initial deferral by the CPC. GENERAL CHECKLIST FOR ANY REVIEWER Materials to Review in Detail: Protocol, eIRB submission, Investigator Brochure, Research Summary, Consent Form Materials to Review for Consistency: Protocol, eIRB submission, Research Summary, Consent Form Protocol information eIRB #: Full Protocol Title: PI: Reviewer Name: Review Date: Protocol Description Summarize the study objectives, design, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and statistical analysis plan Primary Objective and Secondary/Exploratory Objectives Research Design and Key Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Key Endpoints and Statistical Analysis Plan Review Considerations: Please find the document containing initial CPC concerns and PI responses in the protocol workspace in eIRB. This document is typically found under the “History” tab of the workspace in the “PI&S Submit Changes” activity. Describe the concerns and problems that led to initial deferral Describe the modifications and/or response submitted by the PI Review Criteria: 1. The modifications adequately address all initial concerns 2. Revisions have been made to all relevant protocol-related documents to reflect the modifications REVIEWER COMMENTS Comments and Suggestions to PI (these do not require response from PI): Concerns, Clarifications, and Modifications (these require response from PI): Scientific Merit: High Medium Low 4 v12.04.13 No N/A CPC Reviewer Checklist—Orange Form For protocols that have been re-submitted for review following initial deferral by the CPC. Motion (see Instructions on page 2 for specific definitions): Approve Approve with minor editorial revisions Approve with modifications Defer Disapprove I need to see PI response before protocol is sent to Chair for final approval: Yes No Time Spent Reviewing this Protocol (in 0.25 hour increments): 5 v12.04.13