
NCES Clarifying Objective
Teacher Directions
6.ATOD.1.1: Analyze the marketing and advertising of alcohol and
tobacco companies in terms of the strategies they use to influence
youth experimentation with their products.
Students will be given a stack of different magazines ie: Life, Sports
Illustrated, Time, Jet, etc. and asked to find alcohol and tobacco
advertisements. Students will identify the advertisements and put them
in categories of strategies used to get the consumer to buy their
product. For example, if there is a picture of a man driving a sports care
while smoking the advertiser is connecting tobacco with fun and
relaxation appeal. Students will categorize and document
advertisement that connects alcohol or tobacco with the advertising
appeals. (See attached handout)
Lesson Extension: Students will work in groups and, using all of the
advertisements used by each group member, will apply the data and
make a pie chart showing which strategy is most used in magazines.
Youthfulness Appeal
Comedy Appeal
Sex Appeal
Student Directions
Select two different magazine advertisements that depict strategies
that companies use to market their products to appeal to young people
and complete the analysis worksheet.
Beginning: Student cannot complete the worksheet for either of the
Progressing: For one advertisement, the student can 1) identify the
appeal strategy; 2)how it makes a person feel; 3)how it targets youth
and how to 4)reverse the advertisement to depict the truth of the
Proficient: For both advertisements, the student can 1) identify the
appeal strategies; 2)how they makes a person feel; 3)how they targets
youth and how to 4)reverse the advertisements to depict the truth of
the product.
Assessment Tool
Supporting Documentation
__________ Video
__________ Audio
_________Pictures ________Other (Describe)
__________Audio _________Checklist ___X_____Other (Describe)
magazine advertisements for tobacco and/or alcohol
Alignment to Objective
Work Sample
___X_____Individual Student
________Whole Class
Advertising Appeals
Used to Sell Alcohol and Tobacco
• Bandwagon Appeal – Creates the impression that everyone is using a particular
product and because everyone else is using it, you should, too.
• Sex Appeal – Implies that one will become more sexually desirable and attractive by
using the product. Often shows very attractive male and female models.
• Gender Appeal – Claims that a product will make one more masculine or feminine.
• Problem Solving Appeal – Suggests that using the product will make problems go
• Youthfulness Appeal – Hints that it will stop aging or restore energy.
• Sophistication Appeal – Intends to show that if you buy a certain product you will be
more grown-up, independent, and mature.
• Popularity Appeal – Recommends that you buy a certain product to be well liked,
accepted, and part of the “in” crowd.
• Fun/Relaxation Appeal – Shows that a product will make you have more fun or feel
more relaxed.
• Health Appeal – Implies that people shown using the product are healthy and active.
• Slogans and Symbols – Use of a simple and easy to remember symbol or slogan.
Slogans are set to music and have catchy tunes and words.
Examples: Symbol = Nike Swoosh, Slogan = Just Do It.
• Animation – An inanimate object comes to life and is given a personality. Example:
Budweiser bottles playing football.
• Comedy Appeal – Uses humorous slogans, jingles, and symbols.
• Group Identification Appeal – Implies that members of a specific group use the
Advertisements are targeted to groups based on age, race, religion, education,
occupation, sex, money, and area they live in.
• Normalization Appeal – Presents the product as a typical and acceptable part of social
gatherings or as used by most people.
Sources: Successfully Teaching Middle School Health, 2012;
Advertising Appeals: Shipley and Plonsky.
Consumer Health: Protecting Your Health and Money.
6.ATOD.1.1 Analyze the marketing and advertising of alcohol and tobacco companies in terms of the
strategies they use to influence youth experimentation with their products.
Analyze This
Advertisement #1
Advertisement #2
Name of product
Which advertising appeals
are used?
Hint: More than one can be
How do the appeals make
a person feel
about the product?
Example: If I drink beer, I
will be more of
Does this ad target
If yes, How?
How could you reverse the
this ad is trying to send
Botvin, Gilbert J., Ph. D. Life Skills Training: Teacher Manual 1, Princeton Health Press.