
Kenneth Subler
Case Study 1
This case study on Timberland is showing ways the company is trying to better the environment
and become more eco friendly. Timberland sells through many department stores worldwide and also
operates e-business websites in the U.S., U.K., Japan and France. Timberlands international design
center is located in London. The main goal for them is to make sure people are equipped to make a
difference in the world. The way the obtain doing this is creating outstanding products and by trying to
make differences in the communities. The fact that Timberland has had long term success, great social
responsibility, and a fantastic way of planning for the ever changing market helps them be successful.
The following SWOT analysis, based upon information in the case study, which evaluates
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing Timberland. Strengths and weaknesses are
factors inside the business itself, while opportunities and threats are external factors.
Reduced Energy Consumption
Increased Power with Renewable Sources
Lower Employee Travel
Earth Friendly Products
Safe Working Conditions
Community Service- Serv-a-palooza
Recycled Materials
Growing in India
Technological Advancement “Smart Comfort”
Digital Media
Expanding to Countries
Audited Factories
Big Name Competitors
Economic Conditions
Lower Competitor Prices
Timberland seems to have developed a very high code of conduct policy. A code of conduct
policy is a formalized rules and standards that describe what the company expects of its employees.
They also look al lot into saving energy and earth friendly materials. The code of conduct for Timberland
forbids discrimination, child labor, and unsafe practices. Timberland also achieves goals by introducing
many new products and expanding the company. They also do this by looking at ways they can protect
the environment so it’s before for people and their workers.
1. The forces in the marking environment that pose the greatest challenges would be other
competitors because companies can use the same type of technique in creating a newer more
improved product.
2. The types of ethical issues that Timberland faces is when they were audited in the factories or
3. Timberlands reputation for social responsibility serves as strengths when other consumers are
turning away because they give a great quality in their product, and their past success and
constant customer satisfaction are all ways it helps them.
4. The marketing advantages of using eco-friendly products is that it show consumers how you
care about the environment and show that you agree with going green. The disadvantage of
using these labels is the fact that by using all these recycled products consumers could think that
the product is cheaply made and or poorly.