Intro to Cell Vocabulary - Daphne Woodies' Science

November 8 and 9, 2007
Do you know the cell part?
Take out a sheet of paper. You
have 5 minutes to get as many
right as you can.
Lesson Title: Plant and Animal
E.Q.: How can you distinguish between
plant and animal cells?
 Obj.: Compare and contrast plant and
animal cells; Create a wet-mount slide;
Properly stain a specimen.
Warm-up-Cell Analogy (Bells 4 and 6)
 “Like a Turtle”-Review cell parts and
 Quiz-Cell history and cell parts/functions
 Quiz-Weekly notebook quiz
 Pre-lab discussion and questions (p. 28 in IT)
 Lab-Comparing plant and animal cells (p. 28
in IT)
 Homework-p. 181, 1-5 (p. 25 in interactive
Intro to Cell Vocabulary
Fancy Names
Simple Things
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Cells are the basic unit of all living
things…if it is alive it has cells
Two “Classes” of Cells
There are 2 classes of cells. There are
only two differences between Plant &
Animal cells…try to spot them by the end
of the show
Plant cells
Animal Cells
Cell Differentiation
There are only 2 classes of cells
(plant/animal), but there are many kinds
of cells in each class. Each kind of cell has
a DIFFERENT job to do…it specializes.
I am a
heart cell!
I am a
skin cell
I’m a
Cell! 
When you hear the new
vocabulary…just think of a
 The
Cell Membrane
cell membrane holds the cell
together and allows nutrients in the cell
 It’s just like a turtle’s skin
 The cell membrane is on the edge of a
Cytoplasm is the watery gel (Jello!) inside
a cell….it’s goop! It holds the ORGANelles
 Cytoplasm is like the turtles blood and
other liquids
Mitochondria is an ORGANelle that
releases energy from food
 Mitochondria is like a turtle’s stomach
The nucleus controls the cell
 The nucleus is like the turtle’s brain
Chromosomes are inside the nucleus and
are made of genes (DNA)
 Genes decide the cells traits and activities
(heart cell, eye cell (color))
Nuclear Membrane
The nuclear membrane allows substances
to pass in and out of the nucleus
 It surrounds the nucleus (the brain) like
the turtle’s skull…protects it
Vacuoles are spaces in the cytoplasm (gel)
where food and chemicals are stored
 It’s like “fat” on a turtle
I am NOT
fat…I’m just a
little plump!!
Cell Wall
Cell Walls are only in plant cells
 They make the cell strong and rigid
 They are like a turtle’s shell (but only
plants have them…that’s why grass stands
straight up!)
Chloroplasts are only in plant cells
 They contain chlorophyll, which helps
make energy/food from sunlight
 Chlorophyll is green in color…so any plant
that is green has chloroplasts
I’m green…do I
What’s the Difference?
So what are two things that Plant cells
have that animal cells don’t?
Chloroplasts &
Cell Walls
What would happen if animals had
Now, let’s review…
Cell Membrane
 Chromosomes
 Mitochondria
 Plant/Animal
Cell Wall
Nucleus Nuclear Membrane
Cell Differentiation
You now know all the vocabulary for cells
Weekly notebook Quiz
Directions: Using your notebook, give the answers
to the following questions. You have 10 minutes.
1. P. 20-Give the
 4. P. 24-Give the
answer to #13.
answer to #4
 2. P. 22-Give the
 5. P. 26 Give the
answer to #9
answer to #1 under
the microscope.
 3. P. 23 “which causes
regions near bodies of
Lab-Comparing plant and animal cells
Pre-lab Questions (use p. 1071 in text)
1. Summarize the
pre-lab discussion
 2. How are plant and
animal cells alike?
How are they
 3. What is the
purpose of using
methylene blue?
4. Summarize how to
prepare a wet-mount
 5. Summarize proper
staining techniques.