File - AHS Around the Lab Table

Instructor Susie Isabell
Class H. Chemistry
Start Date 9/22/14
1 Day (continuation from previous lesson: day 5 out of 7
on this section)
Unit Organization of matter
Topic(s)/Title sig figs, nomenclature of compounds, ions and formulas
Essential Q. How does chemical naming exhibit organizational patterns?
SC1: The students will analyze the nature of matter and its classifications
Lesson Plan
c. predict the formulas for stable ionic compounds (binary and tertiary) based on balances of charges
d. use IUPAC nomenclature for both chemical names and formulas
- ionic compounds (binary and tertiary)
-covalent compounds (binary and tertiary)
-acidic compounds (binary and tertiary)
-know the 6 “must know”
-know the anion ends with “ide”
and keep the cation name in ionic
-know the 10 prefix to add for
covalent bonding
-know that roman numerals
indicate how many electrons are
given away
-know that H represents acidic
solution; know the endings for each
-understand why some
compounds are ionic and
some are covalent
-understand where the
numbers in the
transition/other metals come
-understand the difference
between a compound an ion
-understand and recognize
when to use which rules
-explain the differences between
ionic and covalent bonding
-be able to show the work behind
how you would get roman numerals
for naming ionic compounds
-be able to explain how law of
definite and multiple proportion
relate to nomenclature
-write the formulas when given
chemical names
-write chemical names when given
-be able to create formulas and
chemical names by applying the
rules learned
-Warm-up (3 review questions from previous lesson)
Descriptor Group
3 Step
Opening -self-assessment: on the scale of 1-10, where are you right now? (How comfortable do you feel about your
test on Friday?)
-pick your “pathway” and complete the tasks assigned for that pathway. Check off the tasks as you complete
-Ask at least 2 other students any questions you have. Teacher will be circulating the room answering any
questions you may have.
Exit-ticket (10 questions on edmodo- quiz grade)
☒ Readiness
☒ Interest
Select all that
☒ Learning Style
The students pick their ready level for today’s task “pathway”
the students pick the area of their interest to strengthen their skill
(where they are weakest) by using different ways to re-learn and
conceptualize the content. The students will focus on where their
individual needs are.
The tasks are practices of already learned concepts in mixtures of
tutorial videos (auditory & visual), PowerPoint review (visual), virtual
flashcards (quizlet), practice quiz (edmodo). The students can choose
to work in small groups (interpersonal) or work by themselves using
the guide and teacher (intrapersonal).
☐ Problem Based Learning
☒ Product
Pathway C (highest level) will create a quiz to demonstrate
their mastery of the concept. The students will utilize their
☒ Process
☒ Content
knowledge in organization of compounds and ions to create a quiz
that asks higher level thinking questions. These like-minded
students can play each other’s Kahoot and refine their skills.
Pathway B (middle level) will answer series of questions that will
serve as “self-assessing” questions. The students will demonstrate
their knowledge by answering these questions correctly.
Pathway A (lowest level) will write notes from watching videos.
These students will answer guiding questions and answer questions
as the instructor circulates to ask gauging questions for their
Each student can have differentiated pace for their process. The
students will work at their own pace, so the speed for their process
is differentiated.
The process is also differentiated, because method of instructional
delivery varies from tutorial videos (auditory & visual), PowerPoint
review (visual), virtual flashcards (quizlet), practice quiz (edmodo)
Students in Pathway A (lowest) will have basic concepts (rules &
“must knows”) re-introduced to them.
Students in pathway B (middle) will be introduced to exceptional
rules and examples including these “exceptions”.
Students in pathway C (highest) are introduced to some topics (such
as acid salts) that are not in the standard, but give them a deeper
understanding of the topic overall.
☐ Other
☐ Benchmark
☒ Formative
Select all that
the students will continuously self-assess as they complete each task
in the pathway. The instructor will also have access to these, and can
redirect students throughout the class.
-the students will also turn in the exit-slip (quiz grade) that are 10
questions based on this lesson. The instructor can address the
commonly missed questions as the warm-up for next class.
☐ Performance
☐ Summative
☐ Common
Materials pathway handout, ipads or personal devices, internet (all video links, QR codes, website up to date)
☒ Audio ☒ Video ☒ Computers ☒ Personal device ☒ IPad ☒ Electronic response system ☒ Digital data recording
Technology device ☐ E books ☐ text to speech software ☒ Internet