Osteoporosis Bone Up on Osteoporosis (Level II) PATIENT PRESENTATION Chief Complaint "My back has been hurting a lot since yesterday." HPI Beverly Jones is a 75-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of HTN, hyperlipidemia, COPD, hypothyroidism, and osteoporosis. She presents to the family medicine clinic for a follow-up visit for her HTN and osteoporosis. She has been experiencing episodes of constipation and flatulence since she began taking Os-Cal 500 after her last clinic visit. PMH HTN first diagnosed at age 50. S/P MI 12 years ago. Hyperlipidemia x 13 years; patient modified diet and took cholestyramine for several years. Hypothyroidism x 27 years, treated with levothyroxine. Osteoporosis diagnosed by DXA scan 2 years ago. COPD diagnosed several years ago. History of repeated exacerbations requiring prednisone; last exacerbation 6 months ago. Currently stable on multiple inhalers. Breast cancer with mastectomy of left breast and radiation therapy at age 40. Menopause at age 39. Right carotid endarterectomy 2 years ago. GERD. FH Paternal history (+) for CAD; father died at age 60 of "heart trouble." Maternal history (+) for stroke and vascular disorders; mother became menopausal at approximately age 40. SH Widowed; G2P3; 21/2 ppd smoker, quit after MI; non-drinker ROS Mild headaches and new onset back pain, treated with acetaminophen; vaginal dryness; has noticed that her height has decreased by 2'' since she was 35 years old; denies shortness of breath or chest pain Meds Ramipril 10 mg po BID x 2 years Tiotropium 18 mcg inhaled once daily x 9 months Advair 250/50 1 puff BID x 9 months Albuterol MDI 2 puffs Q 6 h PRN Synthroid 100 mcg po once daily x 20 years Atenolol 50 mg po once daily x 10 years Aspirin 81 mg po once daily x 12 years Omeprazole 20 mg po once daily x 1 year Lipitor 10 mg po once daily x 3 months Os-Cal 500 po TID x 3 months All NKDA Physical Examination GEN WDWN Caucasian woman in NAD VS BP 150/94, P 64, RR 17, T 37°C; Wt 53.5 kg, Ht 5'3'' SKIN Fair complexion, color good, no lesions HEENT PERRLA; EOMI; eyes and throat clear; funduscopic exam reveals mild arteriolar narrowing, with AV ratio 1:3; no hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema NECK/LYMPH NODES Supple, without obvious nodes; no JVD CHEST Decreased breath sounds bilaterally; air movement decreased; no rales or rhonchi BREASTS Mastectomy scar left breast; right breast normal CV RRR; no murmurs; normal S1 and S2, no S3 or S4 ABD Soft, NT/ND, (+) BS GENIT/RECT Deferred MS/EXT Good pulses bilaterally NEURO CN II–XII intact; DTRs 2+; sensory and motor levels intact Labs Na 141 mEq/L TSH 3.492 mIU/L Current fasting lipid profile: K 4.2 mEq/L AST 32 IU/L Cl 104 mEq/L ALT 27 IU/L Three months ago: T. chol 250 mg/dL T. chol 177 mg/dL Trig 265 mg/dL CO2 25 mEq/L Trig 215 mg/dL HDL 30 mg/dL BUN 17 mg/dL HDL 32 mg/dL LDL 167 mg/dL SCr 1.0 mg/dL LDL 102 mg/dL AST 20 IU/L Glu 98 mg/dL ALT 17 IU/L Other DXA scan of lumbar spine today reveals: L2–4 = 0.780 g/cm2 (T score: –3.2 SD); right femoral neck = 0.615 g/cm2 (T score: –3.1 SD) X-ray of the spine today shows a new compression fracture on L3