Power Point - Delmar


Chapter 8

Central Nervous System

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

CNS Functions

• Communication and coordination system in the body

• Seat of intellect and reasoning

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

The Nerve Cell

• Called the neuron

• Nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane

• Dendrites

• Axons (only one per cell)

– Neurilemma or myelin sheath

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Nervous Tissue/Cells

• Neuroglia

• Neurons

– Sensory or afferent

– Motor or efferent

– Associative or interneurons

• Membrane excitability

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• When messages go from one cell to the next cell

• Synaptic cleft

• Neurotransmitters

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Animation – Firing of


Click Here to play Firing of

Neurotransmitters animation

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Divisions of the Nervous System

• Central nervous system

– Brain

– Spinal cord

• Peripheral nervous system

– 12 pairs of cranial nerves

– 31 pairs of spinal nerves

– Autonomic nervous system

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Effects of Aging

• Slowing nerve conduction

• Loss of brain size

• Slowing of reaction time

• Changes in sleep patterns

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

The Brain

• Weighs about 1400 grams or 3 pounds

• 100 billion neurons

• Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid

• Without oxygen, brain damage occurs within

4-8 minutes

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

• Cerebrum

• Diencephalon

• Cerebellum

• Brain stem

The Brain

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

The Brain

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Storage of old and new information

• Role of the hippocampus

• Short or long term memory

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Coverings of the Brain

• Dura mater

• Arachnoid mater

• Pia mater

• Cerebrospinal fluid

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Ventricles of the Brain

• Four lined cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid

• 1 st and 2 nd

– Right and left lateral ventricles

• 3 rd

– Connected to the lateral ventricles by the interventricular foramen

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Ventricles of the Brain

• 4 th

– Connected to the 3 rd by the cerebral aqueduct

• Choroid plexus

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Formed inside the four ventricles

• Formation and flow of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)

• Blood-brain barrier

• Lumbar puncture

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Largest part of the brain

• Weighs about 2 pounds

• Cerebral cortex

• Two hemispheres and longitudinal fissure

• Fissures and sulci

• Gyri or convulutions

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Five Major Fissures

• Longitudinal fissure

• Transverse fissure

• Central fissure

• Lateral fissure

• Parieto-occipital fissure

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Cerebral Functions

• Frontal lobe

• Parietal lobe

• Occipital lobe

• Temporal lobe

• Limbic lobe or system

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Located between the cerebrum and the midbrain

• Thalamus

• Hypothalamus

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Autonomic nervous control

• Cardiovascular control

• Temperature control

• Appetite control

• Water balance

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Manufacture of oxytocin

• Gastrointestinal control

• Emotional state

• Sleep control

• Mind-over-body experiences

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Located behind the pons and below the cerebrum

• Right and left cerebellar hemispheres connected by vermis

• Communicates with the rest of the CNS by three pairs of tracts called peduncles

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Cerebellar Function

• Maintenance of balance

• Maintenance of muscle tone

• Coordination of muscle movements

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Brain Stem

• Midbrain

• Pons

• Medulla oblongata

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Spinal Cord

• Begins at foramen magnum of the occipital bone

• Ends at the second lumbar vertebrae

• 31 pairs of spinal nerves

• Protected by meninges and other tissues

• White and gray matter

• Functions

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

• Meningitis

• Encephalitis

• Epilepsy

• Cerebral palsy


© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Poliomyelitis

• Hydrocephalus

• Parkinson’s disease

• Essential tremor

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Multiple sclerosis

• West Nile virus

• Dementia

• Alzheimer’s disease

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Brain tumors

• Hematoma

• Spinal cord injuries

– Quadriplegia

– Paraplegia

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

• Tension

• Migraine

• Cluster


© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
