Syllabus English III Fall 2013 Mrs. D. Childers Room 124 Phone: 796-8124 Email: Office Hours: 8:00-3:30 Course Description: Junior English is designed for students to read various genres of American literature, to write portfolio quality (personal and analytical) pieces, to review grammar, and to enhance vocabulary. 1) Major Learning Topics—Grammar, Early American Literature, Personal and Analytical Writing, Vocabulary. 2) Student Expectations—read all assignments, take notes using two column method, complete all assignments, apply grammar lessons and vocabulary to writings, do your best on all tasks, follow rules, be respectful. 3) Monitor of Progress—Students will keep notebook containing ALL notes, graded assignments, quizzes, drafts of writings, etc. to see actual improvement over the semester. 4) Prerequisites—Students must have successfully passed English II. Course Objectives: 1) Students will read American literature and pass comprehensive exams containing objective questions, open response questions, and/or essay questions. 2) Students will read two novels independently and pass comprehensive exams and/or complete a project. 3) Students will develop portfolio writings scoring apprentice or above. (Creative piece, editorial, letter, speech, analytical essays) 4) Students will study grammar and vocabulary and apply the knowledge in developing their portfolio pieces. 5) Students will document research when writing analytical essays. 6) Students will make connections from each thematic unit to their own lives and to their society. Course Outline: Daily routine will consist of grammar review, vocabulary study, reading and discussion, and writing. 1) Unit 1—Early American Literature a. History b. Christopher Columbus c. Native American Literature d. e. f. g. h. 2) 3) John Smith William Bradford Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor Jonathan Edwards Unit 3—Drama a. Arthur Miller Unit 4—Classic American Literature a. History 1800-1870 b. Washington Irving c. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Henry David Thoreau e. Nathaniel Hawthorne f. William Cullen Bryant g. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 4) Unit 5—Novel—read selected novel independently throughout the semester. 5) Unit 6—Grammar—reviewed daily. 6) Unit 7—Writing—completed throughout the course of the semester Unit 7—Writing—complete throughout the course of the semester a. Personal piece b. Editorials c. Feature articles d. Essays e. Research paper f. Reading Journals 7) Vocabulary from reading and Word Power Booklet Assignments and Requirements: 1) Class attendance—It is the student’s responsibility to be here and get all notes and assignments. If the student is absent, he/she must present a school excuse to me the day he/she returns. It the student’s responsibility to get all make-up work after class. 2) Keep a three-ring notebook of all grammar, literature, and writing notes, activities, exercises, vocabulary, quizzes, writings, etc. This notebook will be spot checked throughout the term and will be graded each 9 weeks. It must be organized, neat, and complete. 50 points each 9 weeks. 3) Read 3 novels and 1 play—The play will be read during class time. The novels are independent readings. Assignments, quizzes, and a test will be given over each novel. 4) Homework—Daily homework assignments will consist of reading, completing comprehension questions, completing research, and writing. 5) Vocabulary study—a comprehensive list of vocabulary must be in notebook. Vocabulary will be studied through reading selections, SAT words, daily vocabulary, and writings. 6) Writings—All writings must be taken through the writing process and must be hand written (TYPED PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED DURING THE WRITING PROCESS.) Handwriting must be legible. Points will be given for prewriting, drafting, revising, and writing final copy. On average portfolio writings will be worth 200 + points each. 7) Complete all assignments correctly and turn in on due date. Grading/Evaluation: 1) Grammar will be corrected daily. Weekly quizzes will assess learning targets. 2) Reading will be assessed through quizzes and assignments. Oral reading will be assessed. 3) Writings will be evaluated according to the Holistic Scoring Guide. However, points will be given according to the improvement of the piece and the growth of the writer. All portfolio writings must score at the proficient level. 4) Assessments (tests) will be given over each reading selection. 5) Unit tests will be given after each unit consisting of multiple choice, open response, and discussion and/or essay questions. 6) A comprehensive mid-term and final exam will be given. 7) A pre, mid, and post test will be given throughout the semester. Texts and Readings: 1) The American Experience: Prentice Hall 2) Elements of Writings 3) Novels (Titles will vary.) Policies: 1. Students are to be respectful to all persons at all times. 2. Students are to respect all school property and property of others. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Do not sit on tables or desks and do not bother things that don’t belong to you. 3. Students are to bring all materials, books, and supplies to class daily. 4. Students are to use only blue and/or black ink pens. 5. Students are to write full name, date, block, and assignment in upper right corner of all papers. 6. Students are to keep desk and floor area clean and neat. 7. No food or drinks are allowing in the classroom. 8. Students are not to disrupt the learning of others. 9. Students are responsible for their grade. 10. No late work will be accepted. 11. Students are expected to attend every class meeting. 12. Students are responsible to show school excused absence paper work to teacher on day of returning. 13. Students are responsible for getting all makeup assignments after class on the day excuse is presented. 14. Students have one opportunity to complete assignments---when they are assigned and due. 15. Absolutely no work will be accepted after 5 days of excused absence. 16. Special treatment (extra time to complete tasks, extra bonus work, etc.) will not be given to any student for any reason. (Not referring to medical needs.) 17. Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless it is an emergency. 18. If students leave the classroom, they must take a signed and dated hall pass and sign out/in in the pass log. Discipline: 1) First offense—Break Detention and conference 2) Second offense—Lunch Detention* and parent contact 3) Third offense— Lunch Detention* and parent contact and principal contact. *Lunch Detention—Student will arrive in my room or other designated place within FIRST FIVE MINS. of lunch. Student will be released from detention with enough time to eat lunch. Several days of lunch detention may be assigned. 4) Fourth offense—ASD (after school detention) and principal contact. Several ASDs may be assigned for offense. **5) First missing assignment issue will result in ASD. All other missing assignment issues will be referred directly to Mrs. Warren.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------English III syllabus, policies, and rules D. Childers I, ____________________________, have read and understood the English III syllabus, Student’s name rules, policies, expectations, and grading procedures. I agree to abide by all; if not, I will accept my punishment responsibly. ________________________________ ___ Student’s Signature ________________ ________________________________ ___ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ________________ Date Date