Section 6 ORAL/MENTAL MATHS PLANNERS ORAL/MENTAL MATHS PLANNERS LEVEL A Target NMM Range & type of number 0-10 Interactive Teaching Resources Knowledge about number number rhymes, songs and stores books, stories One to one Correspondence matching/sorting sorting trays, games, cards Ordering/sequencing 1-5 number lines 1-5 number line, washing line Attributes of number number strips, sorting trays counting objects building towers matching pictures to numbers making sets, multilink, toys, shapes Introduce zero empty sets – ordering/sequencing counting back number line, washing line Ordering/sequencing 6-10 number lines oral counting to 10 oral counting from 10 Attributes of number as above Patterns and sequences missing number e.g. 4, 5, ?, 7, 8, ? 10, 9, 8, ?, 6, 5, 4 Level A Framework For Number Target NMM Add and Subtract 1-5 Interactive Teaching Addition 1-5 Subtraction 1-5 taking away Resources combining sets of concrete material – recording counting on using a number line addition stories commutative law, e.g. 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 missing number stories automatic recall of learned facts promote understanding putting out a set, adding by counting on through “real” contexts wide variety of concrete materials – multilink etc. adding boards 0 – 5 number lines from set of concrete materials take away a number of objects counting back using a number line subtraction stories missing number stories automatic recall of learned facts Concrete material flashcards 0-5 number line flashcards Comparison correspondence – counting How many left? automatic recall – emphasize on questioning and vocabulary subtraction boards Complementary addition comparing 2 sets of material How many more to make the same? link addition and subtraction promote understanding through “real” contexts variety of methods Level A Framework For Number Target NMM Add and Subtract 0-20 Interactive Teaching Addition 6-10 combining sets of concrete material – recording putting out a set, adding by counting on counting on using a number line addition stories commutative law e.g. 4 + 5 = 5 + 4 missing number stories doubles combinations of 10 automatic recall of learned facts promote understanding through “real” contexts variety of concrete materials, multilink etc. addition boards 0-10 number line, washing line from sets of concrete materials take away a number of objects -record counting back using a number line subtraction stories missing number sentences automatic recall of learned facts promote understanding through “real” contexts concrete materials Subtraction 6-10 taking away Resources flashcards coathangers and pegs numeral cards flashcards numeral cards Comparison correspondence – How many left? - record automatic recall – emphasise on questioning and vocabulary e.g. What is the difference? subtraction boards Complementary addition comparing 2 sets of material. How many more to achieve the total? linking addition and subtraction facts games, concrete material flashcards Level A Framework For Number Target NMM Range & type of number 11-20 Interactive Teaching Resources number lines, oral counting – forwards and backwards one more than/one less than counting in twos number lines 0-20, washing lines, numeral cards organise a number of objects into groups of 11, 12 etc. – accept any pattern of sorting variety of concrete materials organise given objects (concrete or pictorial) into a set of ten and units – records multilink, unifix tens and units boards linking pictorial/concrete representations with the numeral and word number strips word, numeral and picture flashcards mentally partition numbers into tens and units Money use coins to 20p Fractions recognise a half Ordering/sequencing Attributes of number ORAL/MENTAL MATHS PLANNERS LEVEL B Target NMM Range & type of number 0-100 Interactive Teaching Resources number lines – oral counting – forward and backwards counting in twos, fives, tens and multiples of ten say a number which comes between two others more than/less than number lines 0-100 numeral cards, washing lines, 1-100 square magnetic number grid flashcards Patterns and sequences odd and even numbers order a set of sequential numbers washing lines, number lines, number grids Functions and equations missing number stories Flashcards Round numbers digit numbers to the nearest 10 introduce structured material emphasise the importance of zero as a place order recording of numbers 0-100 partition numbers into tens and units Fractions recognise a quarter Money recognise and use coins to the value of £1 Ordering/sequencing Attributes of number organise a random set of material (>30) – discuss “best” method concrete materials Dienes, multilink place value cards, arrow cards Level B Framework For Number Target NMM Add & Subtract 0-20 Interactive Teaching Addition combining sets of concrete material – recording counting on using a number line addition stories Resources variety of concrete materials, multilink, etc., addition boards 0-20 number line, washing line flashcards Subtraction Taking away Listing facts commutative law e.g. 7 + 8 = 8 + 7 doubles/near doubles partition into 5 and a bit when adding 6 or 7 partition into tens and units and recombine add 9 or 11 by adding 10 and adjusting by 1 associative law e.g. 3 + 5 + 7 re-arrange as 3+7+5 put the larger number first from sets of concrete materials take away a number of objects - record subtraction boards count back in repeated steps subtract 9 or 11 by subtracting 10 and adjusting by 1 subtraction boards portion number when solving mental calculations link add and subtract facts coathangers and pegs flashcards 0-20 number line 0-20 number line Level B Framework For Number Target NMM Add & Subtract 0-99 0-99 Addition Subtraction 0-99 Interactive Teaching add 1 digit to 2 digit numbers – no bridging add 1 digit to 2 digit numbers - bridging add 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers – no bridging add 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers – bridging subtract 1 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers – no bridging subtract 1 digit to 2 digit numbers - bridging subtract 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers – no bridging subtract 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers – bridging Resources Structured material e.g. Dienes notation boards, numeral cards Level B Framework For Number Target NMM Range and type of number 0-1000 Interactive Teaching Ordering/sequencing number lines – oral counting – forwards and backwards counting in multiples of 10, 50 and 100 missing number sequences more than/less than rounding to the nearest 100 using structured material, record numbers 99-999 mentally partition numbers into hundreds, tens and units quickly add 10 to a given 2 or 3 digit number quickly add 100 to a 3 digit number Attributes of number Resources number lines 0-1000 numeral cards 1-1000 square magnetic number grid flashcards Dienes, multilink, notation boards, place value cards, arrowcards flashcards Level B Framework For Number Target NMM Multiply and Divide Interactive Teaching Multiply introduce through sets – recording as repeated addition and sets of number patterns build up tables – 2, 4, 5, 10, 3 commutative law e.g. 2 x 4 = 4 x 2 develop these strategies for mental recall or learned facts vertical/horizontal recording introduce sharing and grouping sets – record no remainders remainders number patterns – repeated subtraction horizontal recording link to multiplication use questioning to develop strategies for mental recall of learned facts use 2 and 4 times tables to find halves and quarters of 1 digit numbers Divide Fractions Resources variety of materials number grids, number lines multiplication grids Variety of materials number grids, number lines ORAL/MENTAL MATHS PLANNERS LEVEL C Target NMM Range & type of number 0-10,000 Interactive Teaching counting in 100, 500, 1000 – forwards and backwards counting in multiples of 100 read numbers correctly e.g. 4326 is 4 thousand 3 hundred and twenty six not four-three-two-six say which number comes after/before or in between two numbers know the values of digits in numbers to 10,000 partition numbers into Th.H.T.U understand that the size of a number is dependent on the value of the digits Round numbers rounding to the nearest 10-3 digit numbers Fractions recognise equivalence between familiar fractions order a set of familiar fractions order decimals in the context of money Ordering/sequencing Attributes of number Money Resources graduated number strips, 1-1000 number lines abacus, notation boards fraction boards Level C Framework For Number Target NMM Add & Subtract Interactive Teaching Addition Subtraction put the larger number first investigate patterns of numbers e.g. 14 +5, 24 + 5, 34 + 5 partition both numbers into tens/units and regrouping e.g. 43 + 26 = 40 + 20 + 3 + 6 count on in tens then adjust the units use multiples of 10 bridging through 10, 20 add 9 or 11 by adding 10 and adjusting by 1 extend to 19 and 21 using known facts like doubles regrouping by looking for bonds of 10 use above strategies to help efficient mental calculation partitoning of numbers e.g. 41 – 5 = (41 – 1) - 4 complementary addition e.g. decide what number lines has to be added to the smaller number to achieve the larger number subtract 9 or 11 by subtracting 10 and adjusting by 1 Linking facts recognise inverses e.g. 24 – 6 = 18 as 18 +6 = 24 Resources flashcards number lines number squares number squares Level C Framework For Number Target NMM Multiply and Divide Interactive Teaching Multiply investigate 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables – using commutative law new facts to be learned are 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 Division Fractions Resources 7x7 7x8 7x9 8x8 9x9 look at patterns in the tables e.g. are answers always even numbers using doubles multiplication by 10 – link to place value partitioning 2 digit number eg 34 x 5 work as (30 x 5) + (4 x 5) – this is the distributive law using known multiplication facts repeated halving e.g. 100/4 half of 100 = 50 then half of 50 = 25 partitioning larger numbers find simple fractions of quantities involving 1 or 2 digits number grids, number lines multiplication grids ORAL/MENTAL MATHS PLANNERS LEVEL D Target NMM Range & type of number Interactive Teaching Resources Ordering/sequencing counting in 10,000 up to 1,000, 000 read numbers correctly (as C) say which number comes before/after or in between 2 numbers 0-100,000 number line graduated in 10,000’s Pattern & sequences continue and describe complex sequences 100 grid Attributes of number know the value of digits in numbers up to a million partition numbers into Hth, Tth, Th, H, T, U understand that the size of a number is dependent on the value of the digit Round numbers & estimation round numbers to the nearest appropriate whole number to aid mental calculations (approx answer) Fractions recognise equivalence between fractions and their relationship to decimals order fractions, decimals and percentages washing lines e.g. 0 0% 0 flashcards 0.01 0.5 50% 1/2 1.00 square 1 100% 1 Level D Framework For Number Target NMM Add & Subtract Interactive Teaching Addition investigate patterns e.g. 50 + 40 150 + 40 250 + 40 partitioning and rearranging e.g. 36 + 63 = 66 + 30 +3 use known facts flexibly e.g. doubles 35 + 38 = (2 x 35) + 3 e.g. compensating 35 + 38 = (35 + 40) – 2 e.g. pairs to make 10 Subtraction counting back e.g. 65 – 28 65 – 28 65 – 8 + 57 65 – 20 = 45 57 – 30 = 37 45 – 8 = 37 counting on e.g. 65 – 28 + 2 +30 + 5 = 37 bridging through a decade e.g. 65 – 28 65 – 5 = 60 60 – 20 = 40 40 – 3 = 37 round e.g. 65 – 28 65 – 30 = 35 + 2 = 37 Resources Level D Framework For Number Target NMM Multiply and Divide Interactive Teaching Multiply multiply by 100, link to place value – include decimals partitioning 2 digit number e.g. 34 x 5 work as (30 x 5) + 4 x 5) – this is the distributive law use doubles within calculations Divide divide by 100 link to place value – include decimals Fractions find simple fractions of quantities involving at most 4 digits e.g. ¾ of 1000 Resources Level D Framework For Number Target NMM Interactive Teaching Resources Range & type of number count and order forwards and backwards in steps of any size using both positive and negative numbers number lines, washing lines include negative numbers Pattern & sequences complete sequences involving: square triangular numbers, prime numbers 1 – 100 grid Add and subtract Add use known strategies as outlined in Levels C and D, include decimals and negative numbers Multiply and divide Multiply multiply by multiples of 10 or 100 e.g. 20 or 200 etc. multiply by 1000 round any number to 1 decimal place use knowledge of rounding to aid calculations find fractions and percentages of whole number quantities Round numbers Fractions