power point presentation - Mawsley Community Primary School


Mawsley Primary School

Calculation Policy

Addition and Subtraction

Models for addition

Combining two sets of objects (aggregation)



Tend to count one set, count the other and then count all.

Adding on to a set (augmentation)


Requires fluency with counting from any number.

Counting on with a bead bar/number line

+ 7

0 5





Commutative Laws

The "Commutative Laws" say you can swap numbers over and still get the same answer ...

... when you add : a + b = b + a

Models and images

Associative Laws

• The "Associative Laws" say that it doesn't matter how you group the numbers (i.e. which you calculate first) ...

... when you add :

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)


Foundation stage

• Recognise numbers 0 to 20, including Numicon.

• Count beyond 10 everyday objects.

• Find one more than a number

• Count in ones and tens

• Begin to relate addition to combining 2 groups

• Count along a number line to add numbers together

• Begin to use + and = to record mental calculations in a number sentence

• Be able to calculate doubles

Level 1

• Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10 and 20

• Know that addition can be done in any order

• Using a number line adding by counting up to the next ten then counting in ones.

• Draw own number lines to add

• Begin to partition numbers in order to add

Level 2

• Add 2 single digits that bridge 10

• Use base 10 apparatus to add two 2-digit numbers together up to =100, exchanging ten units for a ten.

• add a number up to =50 on a number line, in jumps of 1, 5 or 10

• Adding two 2-digit numbers first without and then with bridging 10’s boundary

• Start to use partititioning

Level 3

• Expanded method of addition

• Column method, first without and then with carrying

• Column addition to add money without carrying

Level 4

• Continue with the strategies to add numbers up to 2 decimal places, including numbers which do not have the same number of decimal places


Number line


Expanded method

Standard written method

Models for subtraction

Removing items from a set (reduction or take-away)


12 Relies on ‘counting all ’, again.

a number line

Comparing two sets (comparison or difference)

Seeing one set as partitioned


Useful when two numbers are ‘close together’, where

‘take-away’ image can be cumbersome

Seeing 12 as made up of 5 and 7


Helps to see the related calculations;

5+7=12, 7+5=12, 12-7 = 5 and 12-5=7 as all in the same diagram 13

Models for subtraction

Counting back on a number line

0 7


- 5

10 -2




Knowledge of place value

Number line helps to support more efficient calculating

Finding the difference on a number line

0 5 5


10 2 12


Useful when two numbers are ‘close together’, use of number bonds and place value can help.


Subtraction key vocabulary

Foundation stage

• Begin to count backwards in familiar contexts

• Continue the count back in ones from any given number

• Find one less than a number

• Count back in tens

Level 1

• Draw on a number line to count back in ones

• Draw own number line to take away

• Find the difference between 2 numbers less than 20

• Subtract single digit numbers bridging through 10

• Begin to find the difference by counting up from the smallest.

Level 2

• Know by heart subtraction facts for 10 and


• Subtract a single digit from a 2 digit number

• Begin to use partitioning

Level 3

• Decide whether to count on or back

• Compensation method

• Take too much and add back


84 – 56




(84 – 60) +4 = 28


• Partitioning when there is an exchange:

57 – 28

50 & 7 40 & 17 50 & 7

- 20 & 8 - 20 & 8 - 20 & 8

20 & 9 20 & 9

• Expanded method

500 + 30 40 + 10 + 3

- 100 + 20 + 7

400 + 10 + 6

Level 4

• Formal column method

• Continue with the strategies to subtract numbers up to 2 decimal places, including numbers which do not have the same number of decimal places.


Number line


Expanded method

Standard written method
