Grade-4-Index - Moms Maths Manual

Grade 4 Mom’s Maths Manual
ISBN 978-0-620-43731-8
Cost R150 (SA)
Even and Odd Numbers
Even Numbers
Odd Numbers
Counting Forwards and Backwards
Counting Forwards
Complete the pattern
Counting Backwards
Complete the pattern
Number Lines
Comparing numbers (< = >)
Roman Numbers
Changing Roman Numbers to Arabic
Changing Arabic to Roman Numbers
Place Value
Expanded Notation – Junior
Value of the underlined digit
Writing numbers in words
Rounding Off (10, 100, 1000)
Number line method of rounding off
Fierce animal method of rounding off
Nearest 10
Peel off and throw away method of rounding off
Nearest 100
Nearest 1000
Rounding Off – Summary
Rounding Off with Money
Properties of addition
Addition is commutative
Addition is associative
Basic Addition Reinforcement – Dice
Bonds of ten (10)
Basic Addition Reinforcement – Mirror or white board
Basic Addition Reinforcement – Flash cards or Deck of Cards
Adding using Expanded Notation (without carry)
Adding using Expanded Notation (with carry)
Adding Vertically () without carry
Adding Vertically () with carry
Adding using estimation (rounding off)
Properties of Subtraction
Subtraction is not commutative
Subtraction is the inverse (opposite) of addition
Basic Subtraction Reinforcement – Dice
Bonds of ten (10)
Basic Subtraction Reinforcement – Mirror or white board
Basic Subtraction Reinforcement – Flash cards or Deck of Cards
Subtracting Vertically () without borrowing
Subtracting Vertically () with borrowing
Subtraction using Expanded Notation (without carry)
Properties of Multiplication
Multiplication is Commutative
Multiplication can be grouped
Repeated Addition
Basic Multiplication Reinforcement – Dice
Basic Multiplication Reinforcement – Mirror or white board
Basic Multiplication Reinforcement – Flash or Deck of Cards
Times Tables
Multiplication 2-digits by 1-digit
Traditional method – without carry
Traditional method – with carry
Multiplication 2-digits by 2-digits
Traditional method (Golden zero)
Multiplication using vertical expanded notation
Grid Multiplication. (Lattice or Gelosia/ Chinese multiplication)
Round off then multiply
Working with Brackets (Bodmas)
Naming a fraction (Numerator & Denominator)
Fractions – Parts & Whole
Identifying Numerators and Denominators
Equivalent fractions
Fraction Wall
Adding fractions with same denominator
Fractions (Changing one denominator)
Comparing Fractions (<=>)
Method 1: Fraction wall
Method 2: Changing Denominators
Method 3: Cross Multiplication
Multiplying of Fractions
Money Arranging (Decimal numbers or numbers with commas)
Money Comparing (Decimal or numbers with commas) (<=>)
Money Adding (Decimal numbers or numbers with a comma)
Money Subtracting (Decimal numbers or numbers with a comma)
Multiplying (10, 100 & 1000)
Factors Pairs and Multiples
Long Division (One digit into two digits)
Long Division (One digit into three digits)
Long Division (Two digits into three digits) Extension
Short Division
Time – Things You Should Know
Read, tell and write analogue time
Read, tell and write digital time
Time – Leap Years - Extension
Conversions g – kg, m – km, ml – l
Converting from km, kg and l to m, g and ml
Converting from m, g and ml to km, kg and l
Conversions (Adding and Subtracting)
Conversions (Ascending and Descending)
Conversions – Comparing (< = >)
Instruments of Measurement – Pictures
Instruments that measure mass
Instruments that measure distance
Instruments that measure time
Instruments that measure capacity
Instruments that measure temperature