Constitution2 - Rochester Institute of Technology

The Rolling Tigers Motorbike Club Constitution
Article I – Name
The Name of this organization shall be: The Rolling Tigers Motorbike Club (RTMC)
Article II – Purpose
The Purpose of this organization shall be the following:
1. To create a community for those members of RIT (students, staff and faculty) with an interest in
motorbikes of all kinds.
2. To provide a resource for the promotion of safe and responsible riding practices.
Article III - Derivation of Power
This organization derives its authority to operate as an Institute organization from the RIT Department
of Club Affairs.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1. Membership is open to any enrolled undergraduate, graduate, alumni, faculty, and staff of
Section 2. The number of active members must remain above 10, excluding faculty, staff, and alumni.
Section 3. An Active member is defined as one who attends at least 2 official club functions during the
period of one quarter. A function may be either a club meeting or event.
Section 4. Any member who fails to meet the minimum requirements will be considered inactive for
that quarter.
Section 5. All club members are required to pay the club fee, as stated in the By-Laws.
Article V - Executive Officers
Section 1. There will be four Executive positions. In Rank, they are:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Event Director
Section 2. Powers and Duties of the President
a. Preside over all official club meetings and functions
b. Preside over the Executive Board
c. Attend or send a representative to all Student Government Club Meetings
Section 3. Powers and Duties of the Vice President
a. Aid the President in any matters that follow under his jurisdiction.
b. Take notes and attendance during all meetings and events.
Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Treasurer
a. Supervise and record all financial transactions of the organization
b. Must take and pass the Club Financial Certification course as mandated by SG
Section 5. Powers and Duties of the Event Director
a. Supervise all club events
b. Act as a liaison between the members and the Executive Board regarding club events
Section 6. Other official organization positions may be made by the Executive Board. These positions
shall exist until dissolved by the Executive Board.
Section 7. If an officer at any time will be on an extensive leave (more than 5 weeks), then either a
member of the Executive Board may take that positions duties, or an active member may
be elected to temporarily fill the position. If an active member is to fill the position, the
voting procedure shall follow Article VII. For an Executive Board member to cover the
position, a two-thirds vote is required from the present members, assuming half plus one
of all members are present.
Article VI- Meetings
Section 1. Regular assembly of all members will occur bi-weekly during the period stated in the ByLaws
Section 2. Special meetings may be called with a minimum of a 48-hr notice by a majority of either the
Executive Board or the members.
Section 3. The business of the special meeting must be stated in the notice sent out to all members.
Failure to state the business of the special meeting will void the meeting.
Section 4. The Executive Board will determine the business of all regular meetings.
Article VII – Elections
Section 1. Requirements for nomination and election to an Executive Board Position
a. Must be in good academic standing as according to Student Government guidelines.
b. Three quarter member of the organization.
c. Must be an active student
Section 2. Nominations
a. Nominations will occur during a regular meeting of the third week of spring quarter.
At the discretion of the Executive board, nominations may also occur during the
fourth week of spring quarter.
b. Any member who qualifies for nomination may be nominated for multiple positions.
The nominee may run for all nominated positions until elected to a position.
c. There must be two nominations for any member to be nominated. Both nominations
must be made by two active members. An active member may nominate
Section 3. Elections
a. Only active members have the right to vote.
b. Elections will be held during the regular meeting of the fifth week of spring quarter.
Half plus one of all active members must be present.
c. Nominees are required to state the position they are running for before the voting
process begins.
d. Nominees will be given two minutes maximum to give a speech. After these two
minutes, the nominee will be open to any pertinent question by any member.
e. After all nominees have given their speech, they will be removed from the meeting.
f. Votes shall be made on hand-written ballots. Each member may only vote for one
nominee per position.
g. Votes shall be collected and tallied by the Vice President.
h. A nominee must have a majority of all votes to be elected to position.
i. In the case of a tie, only those nominees who tied may be voted for during the next
vote. The next vote may occur immediately after the first vote or during the
following regular meeting as decided by the Executive Board.
j. The Executive board may change the date, time, and location of the election if deemed
necessary. A notice must be sent four (4) days prior.
Section 4. Transition of Power
a. Nominees will assume duty at the beginning of the regular meeting on the seventh
week of spring quarter.
Article VIII - Impeachment
Section 1. Any member of the Executive Board may be impeached.
Section 2. To impeach an Executive officer, one quarter of the members must sign and submit during a
meeting a petition for impeachment, stating the accused and the reasons for
Section 3. During the meeting after the petition is submitted, the accused (officer) and the accusers
shall present their case to the organization.
Section 4. The President shall oversee the hearing. If the President is the accused, then the organization
advisor shall oversee the hearing.
Section 5. Conviction of Impeachment requires a two-thirds vote from all present active members. At
least half plus one of the members must be present during this vote.
Section 6. If an officer is impeached, the impeached is immediately removed from office and all officer
Section 7. A vacant office will be filled by the voting process as described in Article VII. The vote will
occur during the next regular meeting.
Article IX - Advisors
Section 1. There will be only one club advisor.
Section 2. The advisor must be an RIT Staff or Faculty member.
Section 3. Election of the advisor shall follow all methods as stated in Article VII.
Section 4. The Coordinator for Club Administration must be informed of all advisor resignations and
Section 5. The duty of the advisor is to ensure that the organizations follow all Student Government
rules and regulations.
Article X - Amendments
Section 1. Any member in good standing may propose an amendment during any meeting. A written
copy must be made available to all members.
Section 2. The proposed amendment shall be discussed and voted on during that meeting, assuming
half plus one of all active members are present.
Section 3. An amendment may not be made official until the Coordinator for Club Administration
approves of it.
Article XI – By-Laws
Section 1. Any member in good standing may propose a By-Law during any meeting. It may be
proposed verbally, but a written copy is preferred.
Section 2. The proposed By-Law shall be discussed and voted on immediately, assuming half plus one
of all members are present.
Section 3. A By-Law may not be put into discussion again unless it is shown to violate the constitution
or hurt the organization.
Article XII – Hazing
Section 1. Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health
or involves forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with
this organization, as well as any action intended to subject a member of the Rochester Institute of
Technology community to personal humiliation is prohibited.
Article XIII - Censure
Section 1. Any member of this organization may be censured if the majority of the organizations deems
necessary. The censure may be verbal disapproval or removal from the organization.
Article XIV – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. The Parliamentary Authority of this organization shall be founded within the Constitution
and the By-Laws. All matters not covered in either shall fall under the authority of
Robert's Rules of Order.
Article XV – By-Laws of the Constitution
Section 1. The official bi-weekly meeting time of this organization shall be Friday, 1-2 pm.
Section 2. The official annual fee for membership shall be $20.