Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Document Description

This document describes the features and functionality that are available in Avaya Communication Manager Release

1.3. It also specifies 1.3 capabilities that are deferred to future patches, field trial loads, and software releases.

This document is intended to pull together information from various sources to provide a centralized repository of information on functionality that is or is not available on different products. The intent is for this document to be as complete and accurate as possible. However, due to the distributed and ever-changing nature of some of this information the document must be re-released as new information becomes available. For this reason, it is important to check for newer versions of the document periodically. The changes between versions of the document are listed and can be used as a quick reference as to what has been updated since the previous version.

Version 2.0 Updates

The following changes were made in version 2.0 of this document:

A new 15 Tone Detection Channels section is added to address support for 15 tone detection channels in a

G700 Media Gateway.

The tool names in the Installation and Upgrade Tools section are updated.

The AEA.2 Media Encryption section includes a bug discovered after the launch of Communication Manager



©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Table of Contents

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 Feature Availability Table ............................................................................ 3

MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table ............................................................................... 5

Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility ............................................................. 7

QSIG LWC ................................................................................................................................................................... 7

AEA.2 Media Encryption ............................................................................................................................................ 8

RSVP ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

15 Tone Detection Channels ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Communication Manager 1.3 Specific Software Issues and Fixes ........................................................................... 9

List of New Communication Manager 1.3 Features ................................................................................................. 9

Capacity Considerations ............................................................................................................................................. 9

S8300/G700 Call Center Support ............................................................................................................................. 10

Network Assessment for IP Configurations ............................................................................................................ 11

Installation and Upgrade Tools ................................................................................................................................ 13


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 Feature Availability Table

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 software is initially available in all G11 countries. Additional country availability is dependent upon regulatory and in-country functional testing. The respective country manager should be contacted for the latest testing status and regulatory information.

Any variances or unavailable features in countries other than the U.S. are documented in the Non U.S. Countries rows of the Unavailable / Dependent Capabilities column in the table below.

The Status column in the table below shall be updated in future versions of this document as these features’ availability information become available via patches, field trial loads, or future releases.

Product Unavailable /

Dependent Capabilities


Avaya™ S8100

Media Server

Avaya™ S8300

Media Server /

G700 Media


Avaya™ 8700

Media Server


MultiTech MultiVOIP


RSVP Dependencies


section below.

Available only in U.S. and Canada.

AEA.2 Media Encryption

Non U.S. Countries

AEA.2 Media Encryption


Non U.S. Countries

See RSVP section below.

See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.

MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada

See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.


section below.

MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. &

Canada; Using AIW for default translations only supported in the

U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, & Japan

Available only in U.S. and Canada MultiTech MultiVOIP



G700 Distributed

See RSVP section below.

See the MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues

TN2312AP Firmware



for additional information

15 Tone Detection Channels

See the 15 Tone Detection Channels

section for additional information

An S8700 running Communication Manager 1.3 requires

TN2312AP (IPSI) Firmware Vintage 4 (tn2312ap_f4.bin) or later to operate correctly.

AEA.2 Media Encryption

Besides the media server not operating correctly, a major alarm is generated for each PKTINT module on the TN2312AP, an error of type 770 is generated in the hardware error log (display errors command) for each alarmed PKTINT, and a packet interface demand test (test packet-interface <Uc>) results in test #886 failing with error code 5.

See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Product Unavailable /

Dependent Capabilities



Server R


Non U.S. Countries

MultiTech MultiVOIP



Data Modules

G700 Distributed


section below.

MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada

Available only in U.S. and Canada.

See RSVP section below.

Not available unless connecting between 2 data modules

See the MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues

Table below for additional information

See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.


section below.

MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada


Server SI/CSI


AEA.2 Media Encryption


Non U.S. Countries

MultiTech MultiVOIP



AEA.2 Media Encryption


Non U.S. Countries

MultiTech MultiVOIP



1.8 Firmware is unavailable until sometime in June

Available only in U.S. in Canada.

See RSVP section below.

See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.


section below.

MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada

Available only in U.S. and Canada.





See RSVP section below.

1.8 phone firmware is needed to support the following:

Media Encryption AEA.2

Call Appearance & Administrable Feature button label download for 4630 & IP Softphone

Remote trace route cancel

NAT with shuffling

New RTCP requirements

The ASA, MFPM, MPA, MCM, and DEM applications need patches that will be available 1 – 2 weeks after launch. Check the

Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware


section for availability of the latest IMS patches.


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table

The following table provides an overview of the known issues with Distributed G700 Media Gateway configurations operating in an ICC (S8300 controller), ECC (S8700 controller), or LSP (S8300 or S8700 controller that has switched to an LSP) mode. R supported for that configuration, in the ICC, ECC, or LSP column indicates that the capability is not currently

Y Y indicates that the capability is supported in some capacity, and


indicates that the capability is supported.

Capability Issue ICC ECC LSP Resolution / Alternative Solution

4-wire Auxiliary

Trunks and Analog


Malicious Call

Trace (MCT)



Music on Hold

Adjunct Support




Voice Mail

(AUDIX, Intuity,


Hospitality (PMS)






4-wire auxiliary trunks and 4-wire analog trunks are not supported on the G700/S8300.

Adjuncts are supported in an ICC or ECC configuration. However, manual intervention is required following a switchover to an LSP.

CDR in an LSP works for LSP registered gateways.

PMS hospitality features are not supported on the S8300/G700.

Local announcement sources are supported.

TN750C announcement boards are not supported on the S8700 /

S8300 / G700.











R There are no plans to support 4-wire trunks on the G700/S8300.

Y Y Following a switchover to the LSP it is necessary to assign the IP address of the LSP rather than the primary controller C-LAN to the adjunct.

A potential CDR enhancement would allow local records to be stored in a file when the media gateway is operating in an LSP mode.

R There are no plans to support PMS hospitality features for S8300/G700 configurations.

G The S8300 primary controller now supports 50 announcement sources (because it supports 50 gateways), while the S8700 primary controller supports 10 VAL + 250 locally sourced announcement sources.

R It is possible to use TN750C boards in the

S8700, however it is not possible to save announcement modifications to the board. It is recommended that the VAL (TN2501) board be used.

Y Y There are plans to support more flexible management of the migration from an LSP to the primary controller in a future release.

Migration from LSP to Primary Controller

Transitioning control from the LSP to the primary controller is a manual process that is not call preserving.


BRI Line/Station BRI stations are not supported on the G700/S8300. BRI trunks are supported via the MM720.

R R R There are no plans to provide BRI station support on the S8300/G700 platform.


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Issue ICC ECC LSP Resolution / Alternative Solution Capability

Call Progress Tone

Detection (CPTD)


Answer machine detection


Supervision by call classification

Outgoing Call



Trunk answer detection

Busy tone detection

(International analog)

CPTD is supported on

S8300/G700 configurations, but capabilities that rely on CPTD are not supported as they have yet to be verified via testing.

DCP data modules DCP data modules are not supported on the S8300/G700.

Emergency Transfer Emergency transfer is not supported on the S8300/G700.

Facility Test Call

(Tones and Time


Non-shufflable IP endpoints

List Trace



Multi-Media Call

Handling (MMCH)

PSTN Fallback for IP


Facility test calls require a TN775 maintenance board, which is not available on the S8300/G700.

The following endpoints are not supported on S8300/G700 configurations: IP Telephone firmware 1.4 or earlier, IP

Softphone R1, IP Agent R1,

Microsoft NetMeeting.

Monitoring of G700 VoIP resources by an S8700 controller is not supported. Consequently, it is not possible to provide per-call

VoIP statistics (e.g. packet loss, etc) for G700 calls.

The Multi-Location feature supports a maximum of 250 locations for trunk and E911 call routing and correct date/time display.

Multimedia calls are not handled natively on the S8300/G700

Monitoring of G700 VoIP resources by an S8700 controller is



















Y Y CPTD is now supported. However, applications such as CCRON, etc. that rely on CPTD have not been verified or tested.

R There are no plans to support DCP data modules on the S8300/G700 platform.




R Provide remote (S8700) monitoring of G700

VoIP resources to support list trace. This is targeted for a future release.

Y The number of locations supported is being increased from 64 to 250. However, this functionality is coming in a 1.3 field load after the initial launch of 1.3.

R There are no plans to support MMCH on the

Linux based platforms.

R Provide remote (S8700) monitoring of G700

VoIP resources to support PSTN fallback on the


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Issue ICC ECC LSP Resolution / Alternative Solution Capability not supported. As a result, there is not provision to fall back to PSTN facilities when G700 resources are congested.

Release Link Trunks Release link trunks are not supported on G700/S8300 configurations.

Class of Restriction


The current limit of 95 CORs is not sufficient to accommodate a large number of media gateways in an

ECC configuration.

Remote Service

Observing over IP



X.25 Interfaces

Remote service observing is not supported for calls that originate from or terminate to an IP trunk.

RSVP is now supported on

S8300/G700 configurations.

X.25 interfaces are not supported on S8300/G700 configurations.












G700. This is targeted for a future release.

G There are plans to increase the number of CORs supported by MultiVantage in a future release.



See the RSVP section for dependencies on

support of RSVP.

R There are no plans to support X.25 interfaces on

Linux platforms.

Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility

Due to the large amount of hardware that is now firmware downloadable it is very difficult to determine compatibility between firmware vintages and software releases. The following link references a document that provides guidance in what vintages of firmware should be used with what releases of Communication Manager software, as well as the latest Communication Manager patches available.

Avaya Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix http://support.avaya.com/japple/css/japple?temp.groupID=142804&temp.selectedFamily=129044&temp.selectedProduct=142868&temp.selecte

dBucket=108025&temp.feedbackState=askForFeedback&temp.documentID=152604&PAGE=avaya.css.CSSLvl1Detail&executeTransaction=a vaya.css.UsageUpdate( )


There are currently two known issues pertaining to the QSIG LWC feature.

The first issue occurs when there is an Intuity AUDIX Message Center with QSIG Networking . When any user on any Communication Manager system in a QSIG private network attempts to activate “Leave Word Calling” (LWC) toward a user B1 on switch B, and the Intuity AUDIX that is the messaging system for B1 is at another switch, and user B1’s station is administered with the “LWC Reception” field is set to “audix”, sending a message from served user switch B to the remote voice mail system at the message center switch A so that the LWC message can be stored in user B1’s mail box is not supported. Therefore, the message-waiting indication (MWI) lamp at B1 does not light.

The second known issue occurs when a user or messaging system with digital set emulation integration attempts to activate or deactivate MWI using LWC, and the switch on which the user or messaging system


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003 activating/deactivating the feature is served is a DCS+ node (A) sending a LWC message through an inter-working

node (B) and then over QSIG to the served user node (C). Inter-working of the DCS+ LWC message to a QSIG

LWC message (in node B in this example) is currently not supported in the Communication Manager software.

A possible workaround for this issue is to put an IP DCS+ signaling group between nodes A and C (in this example) and send the LWC messages from A to C over this link. This is possible since DCS still exists in the network and the dial plan must still be 4 or 5 digits in length. Once inter-working the messages at node B is supported, the DCS+ signaling group should be taken out of service and the messages transported over the DCS+ / QSIG network.

Configurations where messaging systems such as Aria and Serenade are in use and have digital set emulation as the integration methodology support the full functionality of QSIG LWC. That is, they do not experience the two issues specified above. These messaging systems rely on Communication Manager LWC functionality to light and extinguish MWI lamps in a centralized messaging environment. This can be supported in either a DCS or QSIG networking topology.

Note however, that QSIG LWC is Manufacturer Specific Information (MSI) being transported in the QSIG protocol, and while it is passed through a non-Avaya Communication Manager system to an Avaya Communication Manager system, it does not light a served user’s MWI lamp on the non-Avaya served user system.

AEA.2 Media Encryption

The following is needed to fully support AEA.2 Media Encryption:

Communication Manager 1.3 o Super-patch 5505 or later is needed for S8300 and S8700 Media Servers o

The TSO must be contacted for a DEFINITY Server R / SI / CSI patch

TN2302AP firmware v47 or later

IP Terminal Endpoint firmware 1.8 or later

IP Softphone R4 V1.03 with Service Pack 1 or 2, or later

Softconsole 1.5 or later

WARNING: There is a bug in the launched load of Communication Manager 1.3 that can cause a system reset when

Media Encryption is turned on. For S8300 and S8700 Media Servers super-patch 5505 or greater must be applied.

For S8100 Media Servers and DEFINITY Server R / SI / CSI systems, the TSO must be contacted for a patch before

Media Encryption can be turned on.

To acquire the latest software and firmware, access the link provided in the Avaya Communication Manager

Software and Firmware Compatibility section.


The following is needed to fully support RSVP:

Communication Manager 1.3

TN2302AP hardware V3 or greater with firmware vintages 55 or greater

At launch, TN2302AP firmware vintage 55 will not be available. For hardware vintage 11 circuit packs, firmware vintage 52 is available. For hardware vintage 3 circuit packs, firmware vintage 53 is available. The specific RSVP outages associated with the initial available firmware vintages can be found in “Known Issues” section of the readme


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

file for firmware vintage 53. To acquire the latest firmware and readme files, access the link provided in the Avaya

Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility section.

15 Tone Detection Channels

The following is needed to fully support 15 tone detection channels (increased from 12) on the G700 Media


G700 Media Gateway hardware vintage 1 (including DAF1B Motherboard)

Communication Manager 1.3 on the primary server

G700 MGP firmware vintage 20.13 or greater

To acquire the latest software, firmware, and readme files, access the link provided in the Avaya Communication

Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility section.

Communication Manager 1.3 Specific Software Issues and Fixes

The release notes for a given product provide a detailed list of specific 1.3 software issues and any known workarounds. Click on Issues & Workarounds from the links below to access specific known software issues for a given product. In addition, click on Resolutions & Patches from the links below for a list of items fixed in 1.3 software.

S8300 Release Notes http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/release_notes/CM1.3/8300/

S8700 Release Notes http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/release_notes/CM1.3/8700/

DEFINITY® Server Release Notes http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/release_notes/CM1.3/definity/

List of New Communication Manager 1.3 Features

For a list of the specific features offered with this release, refer to the appropriate 1.3 software or server Product

Definitions at the following links: http://associate2.avaya.com/sales_market/products/multivantage/index.htm#offerinfo and on the Business Partner web site at: https://avaya.com/doc/gpp/public/pss/category/cs/eclips/multivantage_software/index.html

Capacity Considerations

All capacity considerations for Communication Manager 1.3 configurations are provided at the link below. Access the System Capacity Table link from the following link: Capacity Table : http://support.avaya.com/japple/css/japple?PAGE=avaya.css.PDDocList&temp.groupID=107529&temp.selectedFamily=152705&temp.selected



©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Capacities for specific products and configurations can be referenced in 1.3 software or server Product Definitions at

the links provided in the List of New Communication Manager 1.3 Features


S8300/G700 Call Center Support

The S8300 Media Server with a G700 Media Gateway configuration provides Call Center Basic Software (included with Communication Manager 1.3) capabilities. This includes support for up to 450 agents at 5,000 BHCC, and optional Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) as a lower-cost call center solution for small offices. The S8300 with a G700 supports robust Call Center Solutions capabilities including Call Center Deluxe, which supports Best

Service Routing and optional Virtual Routing. The S8300 also supports Call Center Elite, which features Expert

Agent Selection (Avaya’s offer for “skills based routing”) and services as the foundational software for the optional

Avaya Business Advocate and Avaya Dynamic Advocate software. The call center capabilities found in either optional software package (Deluxe or Elite) allow Call Center Solutions customers to enhance their customer service, help desk, travel, and other operations by providing powerful, integrated call routing via “call vectoring” and resources selection focused feature/functionality.

Basic Call Management System (BCMS) is an on-board integrated reporting tool also available with the S8300

Media Server and G700 Media Gateway configuration that customers can use to monitor the activity in their call center. BCMS provides very basic information, both real-time and historical, on the number of calls in queue, agent availability, average speed of answer, overall health of the call center, etc. For historical reporting, customers can view the reports via BCMS, perform a “screen scrape” of that information, and insert it into a word processor or spreadsheet format for manipulation and printing. BCMS is an optional feature, requiring a RTU (Right – to – Use) license. The value added client for BCMS, Basic Call Management System Reporting (BCMSR) also supports the

S8300 and G700 Media Gateway products.

The Voice Announcements over the LAN (VAL) resides on the Avaya G700 Media Gateway. This co-resident announcement capability provides 15 announcement playback channels, one dedicated announcement record channel, and 20 minutes of announcement storage. This feature is standard on the G700 Media Gateway. The management of the VAL capability on the G700 gateway can be handled through the command line interface or using the optional VAL Manager client Release 1.3 or later. Release 1.3 of VAL Manager is required to support more than 10 G700 Media Gateway VAL sources.

Considerations for using Avaya G700 Media Gateways in a Communication Manager Call Center environment include the following:


The Local Survivable Processor (LSP) is a limited emergency backup solution and not a fully survivable configuration, especially in a Call Center environment. Here are some of the reasons:

The LSP does not support CMS, ASAI, or AUDIX via the primary LAN link during a server or IP connectivity outage.

BCMS can be used while in LSP mode for tracking of internally measured items in the local LSP database, but there is no automatic method to resynchronize the data with the primary servers. Basic

Call Management System Reporting (BCMR) is supported with G700 Media Gateways.

The LSP does not maintain and resynchronize certain tracking history during primary server operation. This tracking history includes call activity for “on board” feature components such as

Business Advocate and Expected Wait Time (EWT) (which serve as a foundation for Best Service

Routing and Virtual Routing).


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Also, the switchover is not call preserving. This means that calls in queue will be lost and agents have to re-log-in.

When a LSP is active, announcements on port networks and gateways to which connectivity is lost will not be available to call center applications/vectors. Since the LSP only serves calls that terminate on the gateways served by the LSP, designated agents need to be reregistered with the LSP and log in to the designated emergency skills. The calls that can be covered in an outage may need to be re-routed to emergency VDNs and vectors.


G700 Embedded VAL (Voice over LAN) Announcements considerations:

Each gateway VAL source must be separately enabled.

Each G700 Embedded VAL has a maximum capacity of 20 minutes and 15 play ports as compared to the TN2501AP VAL board with a capacity of 60 minutes and 31 play ports.

Use of announcements on a G700 Media Gateway impacts the overall occupancy and usage of VoIP resources on the gateway. Care should be taken when spreading out the announcement load across the system. High use global announcements such as VDN of Origin Announcement (VOA) or the main greeting for high volume VDNs should be provided by the gateway to which the agents and calls terminate.


G700s do not currently support call classifiers (i.e., Call Classification for CTI applications). Support is planned for a future release.


G700 Media Gateways do not currently support analog or AUX Trunk announcement/VRU sources.


G700 Media Gateways do not support local Malicious Call Trace (MCT) recording devices since AUX

(Auxiliary) Trunk interfaces are not supported. Therefore, S8300 configurations do not provide the MCT recording capability. However, the other MCT call logging functions are provided.


The Call Management System (CMS) must be upgraded to R3V11ag.c and the CMS Supervisor must be upgraded to release V11 FJ.04

to provide the correct trunk reporting for trunks terminated on G700 Media

Gateways. G700 Media Gateways numbered over 99 will be displayed by showing the hundreds digit in the tens digit of the “slot” field.


Remote Service Observing (using the Feature Access Code) is not supported over IP Trunks.


Network tuning may be required to ensure high voice quality; especially for G700 Media Gateway sourced announcements, music, and gateway terminated trunk calls delivered to IP agents.

Refer to the Call Center Product definition document for detailed information on the Call Center features and

capacities supported in Communication Manager 1.3. This document can be found at the links provided in the List of New Communication Manager 1.3 Features


Network Assessment for IP Configurations

All customers taking advantage of IP configurations and telephones are required to utilize Avaya’s Customer

Infrastructure Readiness Survey (CIRS) and, if necessary, Network Analysis and Network Optimization (NANO) offers.

Visit Avaya’s Network Consulting Service web site for the latest status on offer availability: http://ncs.avaya.com

High-level information regarding CIRS and NANO can be accessed at the following link: http://ncs.avaya.com/sales/glance.aspx

More detailed CIRS offer information can be accessed at the following link: http://associate2.avaya.com/sales_market/orm/us/prof-cons/0433.htm

More detailed NANO offer information can be accessed at the following link: http://associate2.avaya.com/sales_market/orm/us/prof-cons/0375i.htm


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

The primary source for the Network Assessment requirements are from the Service Support Plans for each product and solution set. All of the plans are available at the following link: http://associate2.avaya.com/solution/support_plans


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Installation and Upgrade Tools

The following table is intended as a guide for which tool to use in a given situation only. The following link provides detailed information on installation wizards: http://support.avaya.com/avayaiw/

If You Need To: Then You Use: Which Lets You:

Install a new S8300 Media

Server as a primary controller or Local

Survivable Processor (LSP).

Install a new G700 Media

Gateway that does not contain an S8300 primary controller or LSP.

The Avaya Installation Wizard running on the primary controller or

LSP, accessed with a connection to the server (e.g., a laptop connection to the services port of the server).

Install the latest Communication

Manager software and firmware. This includes media modules, MGP, other

G700s in the stack, and P330 stack processor firmware.

Configure the S8300 as a primary controller or LSP including the G700 gateway that contains it, other G700 gateways in the stack, and all media modules.

Configure the IP addresses for the G700 gateway including the P330 stack processor, the controller list, and the media modules.

Upgrade an already installed

S8300 Media Server primary controller or LSP.

Upgrade simultaneously one or more LSPs or remote

G700 Media Gateways from the primary controller

The Avaya Gateway Installation

Wizard running on a laptop, accessed with a connection to the G700 gateway

(e.g., a laptop connection to the console port of the G700 gateway).

The Avaya Installation Wizard running on the server to be upgraded, accessed via a connection to the server

(e.g., a laptop connection to the services port of the server or a LAN connection).

The LSP/G700 Upgrade Tool running on the primary controller (S8700 or

S8300), accessed via a connection to the primary controller (e.g., a laptop connection to the services port of the server).

The Software Update Manager Tool also supports upgrades to G700 media modules, gateway processors, and

VOIP modules via SNMP.

Upgrade to the latest Communication

Manager software and firmware. This includes media modules, MGP, other

G700s in the stack, and P330 stack processor firmware.

Upgrade to the latest Communication

Manager software and firmware on every LSP or G700 gateway registered with the primary controller. This includes all media modules, MGPs, other

G700s in the stack, and P330 stack processor firmware.


©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Editor - BDH

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

If You Need To: Then You Use: Which Lets You:

Upgrade software components on data equipment.

The Software Update Manager Tool running on a Network Management

Console (separate server). This tool allows dynamic software upgrades from an external support server as well as manual upgrades. It is available with the Integrated Management

Enhanced and Advanced offers only.

Upgrade to the latest software components on the P330, P460, P580/882, and P130 data equipment families, as well as Wireless Access Points. Supports upgrades to G700 media modules, gateway processors, and VOIP modules as well.


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Editor - BDH