
Course Information for Pre-AP/GT Physics
Physics is a two-semester course divided into two curricula. The first semester is classical mechanics,
including the study of linear motion, circular motion, Newton's laws, momentum, energy, and
thermodynamics with laboratory applications of these topics. The second semester is predominantly
wave phenomenon and electromagnetic theory. Topics to be covered include fluid dynamics, waves,
sound, light, linear optics, electricity, and DC circuits with laboratory applications of these topics. In
this course, students will learn many problem-solving techniques as they apply to the real world.
 Successful completion of Geometry, Algebra II, Biology, and Chemistry at the Pre-AP or GT level
 Currently enrolled in Pre-Calculus (Pre-AP level recommended)
 Students should have the ability to demonstrate high level problem-solving skills and apply inductive
and deductive reasoning.
 Physics by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Book MUST be covered at all times!
 1 pocket folder with fasteners for lab
 TI-83 or equivalent
 4 AAA batteries
 Pencil and red marking pen
 Dry-erase marker
 Access to internet and printer
 Quarter for Logger Pro CD
 3-ring binder for notes (recommended)
 1 box of tissues
 Laboratory
 Formal labs = 2 quiz grades; lab activities = 1 quiz grade
 Keep desk and lab station clean. Do not sit on lab desks.
 Do not touch any experiment or apparatus that is not yours.
 You are not allowed to copy any part of another student’s lab report with the exception of the
data from your lab partner. Computer copies are not allowed.
 Keep all lab reports. These are to be turned in at the end of each semester (for a grade)
in an organized folder with a table of contents.
 Classroom
 Have paper, pencil, red marking pen, and calculator available during class.
 Sharing of calculators is not permitted.
 Personal stereos, cell phones, or games are not allowed.
 Any behavior which prevents teaching or learning from occurring is unacceptable.
 Respect your teachers, peers, and yourself.
 No food, gum, candy, or colored drinks. Water only!
 Be in your seat and ready to start class (i.e., pencil sharpened, assignments out, etc.) when the
bell rings.
 Very limited use of passes will be allowed for emergencies. Do not interrupt the teacher during
lecture to use them.
 Assignments
 Assignments will be due at the beginning of the period.
 Online homework is assigned nightly. Homework should be completed the night it is assigned in
order to be prepared for class; however, the firm due date for a group of nightly assignments
will usually be the day of a quiz or test. Online homework due dates can be extended for
extreme circumstances if the instructor is notified in advance.
 Labs and projects turned in 1 day late will have 30 points deducted. Labs and projects turned in
over 24 hours late will not be accepted.
 Absences and Make-up Work
 If you are absent for ANY reason, getting the missed assignments is YOUR responsibility. Work
assigned prior to the absence is due on the first return day, including projects.
 Online homework has a fixed due date.
 Assignments done in class on the day a student is absent for a field trip or extracurricular
activity are due at the next class meeting.
 Make-up tests and quizzes will ALWAYS occur the following day unless alternate arrangements
have been made with the teacher.
 Tests at 6:30 am in Room 1605
 Quizzes at 6:50 am in Room 1605
 Make-up labs must be scheduled with the teacher. Failure to show up twice for a make-up test,
lab or quiz will result in a zero.
 Major Exams/Projects
 Quizzes/Labs
 Homework and class work
 There will be a minimum of two major exams/projects with a total of 12 grades (including quizzes,
homework, labs) each six-week’s period.
 Major exams will be given on even calendar days and will be announced at least three days in advance.
 A comprehensive final exam will count 25% of the semester average, with the six-week averages
each counting 25% of the semester average.
 There will be at least one major project each semester. These will count as a major exam for a sixweek period. Information will be given out later concerning these projects.
 Tuesdays
 Thursdays
2:45 – 3:30 pm
2:45 – 3:30 pm
McMeans (Rm. 1605)
Strickland (Rm. 1606)
(281) 237-5076
 Online homework website
 Course website
 Discussion board
(281) 237-5099
(follow the links to the Pre-AP/GT Physics webpage)