Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 SOUTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 Region Profile: Data sets will be provided for your region. Complete the chart below and use the convergence of data to answer questions about your region. Summary of Data Analyzed: State Performance Plan Early ACCESS (C5) Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs, Target 1.30% Iowa County: .98% Washington County .33% (C6) Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 3 with IFSPs, Target 2.50% Iowa County: 2.76%, Washington County 3.13% Early Childhood (B12) Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age three, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. 100% 08-09 Represents 22/25 children (Missing Iowa Valley and HLV data) 09-10 Transition (B13) Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet post-secondary goals. Target is 100%, Districts involved in data review Clear Creek Amana and Highland Year two districts: Williamsburg and EV Site Visits: BP, HLV, Lone Tree, Washington (year 5) CAP Plan: Iowa Valley, HLV, BP, Mid Prairie, Washington, Lone Tree Proficiency of Special Education Students (B3C) Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level standards and alternate achievement standards. ITBS and ITED data lower across all grade levels in reading and math (Core teams will dig deeper into the analysis) Other SPP needs: Student Performance Data X IIP X On-line Assessment (Reading/Math/Science) ------------------------------------------Social/Emotional/ Behavior Data X Iowa Youth Survey ------------------------------------------Needs Assessment Data AEA Staff Needs Assessment ------------------------------------------Other Data IMS System for IEP/IFSPs Free and Reduced LEA demographic data DINA and SINA plan data Safe Schools Healthy Students Grant Other Goal Areas (in addition to SPP) Problem Solving Model (BPAL) required: Continue last two modules fall 2010. Child Find: continue to maintain growth from previous two years. Expand on specifics to refine skills ICC/IDM: Each district team will meet to develop a plan to meet district needs. GWAEA staff will be representatives on leadership teams and support professional development Learning Supports: Continue implementation of PBS, Olweus, and Teenscreen for those participating districts. Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Person(s) responsible for implementing and monitoring plan : Regional Administrators and Southwest Region Leadership Team Ideal state: The Southwest Region will be the problem solving model as a way to link problems and solutions at multiple levels, individual student, discipline, building, and district Goal #1: Increase an understanding of the Problem Solving Model and the relationship with ICC, IDM, and special education Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Resources Timeline Bi-Annual Progress Updates Responsible 1. Provide an overview of the Problem Solving Process to all Region Staff. Review our process Michele Pettit SWLLT AEA/DE Problem Solving Materials 2. Provide training on problem analysis, plan development and evaluating outcomes modules to all Region Staff. Michele Pettit Jill Ries Lauren Keating SWLLT Problem solving materials October 2010 October –overview November- Decproblem analysis & plan development May- evaluating outcomes 3. Incorporate the problem solving model into learning activities throughout the year, in region meetings and core meetings. 4. Develop core team, discipline or individual to identify a student need to implement the problem solving method, ie. Developing strategies to improve behavior, math skills, reading, etc. Ongoing Regional Administrators and SWLLT Individual or teams of SW team members District Data Individual student plans Throughout the year. Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Goal #2: Increase the proficiency of special education students in the areas of reading and math, specific goals will be set based on district data. Ideal State: All students will be proficient in reading and math regardless of their disability Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Resources Timeline Bi-Annual Progress Updates Responsible 1. SW Core teams will review their data through a Data Analysis Retreat. Opportunity will be provided to dig deeper into district and building specific data. Regional Administrators, SWLLT, School Improvement Cons. Online assessment tools 2. Data Analysis will occur to identify disaggregated data to help support solutions, link with MAP assmt Pull data to match IEP goal with achievement. Regional Administrators, SWLLT, School Improvement Cons. Online assessment, IMS, district data 3. AEA Staff will identify special education students and track progress overtime. Staff will work with specific teachers to review strategies, patterns, etc. SW Region staff, building reps, consultants IMS, online By end of 1st semester 4. Professional development in districts will link to strategies for struggling learners. SW Region staff & curriculum consultants Curriculum consultants, Iowa Content Network Ongoing 5. Identify quality tools to provide continuous monitoring of student progress SW Region staff & curriculum consultants Consider analyzing exit data Consider secondary models: meeting IEP goals vs. homework Developing data experts/ data coaches PLC concept with special education teachers By end of 1st semester By end of 1st semester Ongoing. Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Goal #3: Increase the percentage of IEP’s that meet criteria for the six critical components of transition planning. Ideal state: Students will exit high school with a clearly defined plan for living, learning, and working Critical element: Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Change Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources Timeline Regional Administrator, Transition Consultant, Building reps I-Star data, SPP data March 2010March 2011 2. SW GWAEA Staff will be represented on the agency-wide Transition Cadre Pamela Adams Jenny Fitzpatrick Karen Harper Jill Ries Data (B13, B14) Quarterly meetings 3. SW GWAEA Transition Cadre members collaborate with Transition Coordinator leads to plan and participate in staff development for the region. Appropriate SW GWAEA team members will participate in professional development at the district level for transition. CCA, Highland continuing review EV, Williamsburg, begin PD Pamela Adams Karin McKeone Mary Beth Ross Janel Brush Karen Harper Jill Ries Professional development training Fall 2010 SW Region secondary staff Same Secondary IEPs 1. Review the postsecondary data, (B13 and B14) with Region Leadership Team. Develop Corrective Action Plan: HLV, BP, IAV, Wash, MP, Lone Tree Spring 2010 For file review: CCA & Highland baseline . 4. Individual AEA staff who support JH, MS and HS buildings will be responsible for coordinating with cadre members to supporting the needs of teachers for peer Best Practice Guidelines Begin fall 2010 Ongoing Bi-Annual Progress Updates Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 review, professional development. reviewing IEPs and providing teachers with feedback to meet compliance indicators. 5. Support Corrective Action Plans through on site PD and coaching for individual teachers. SW Region secondary staff Secondary IEPs IMS Begin fall 2010 Ongoing Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Goal #4: Increase the percentage of children eligible for Part B that have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday Ideal state: Children of the age of three will transition into appropriate services. Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Resources Timeline Bi-Annual Progress Updates Responsible 1. Review expectations on this indicator with EA/EC Staff in the region. Regional admin. DE Training Oct. 2010 2. Meet monthly with SW Early Childhood team to coordinate training and expectations and appropriate coding of the data from IFSP to IEP Regional admin EA/EC Staff IFSP’s and IEP’s Monthly 3. Work with SW EA/EC Team and districts to develop a year long calendar with transition planning. EA/EC Staff IMS Data, IFSP’s and IEP’s Monthly 4. Meet with LEA staff to educate regarding expectations for transition. Assure adequate information data teachers to develop IEPs Regional admin, EA/EC staff 5. Analyze data from region and individual districts to determine holes. 6. Develop plan to distribute information within the region and specific districts/communities. 7. Review automatic referrals with region staff, provide the handout. 8. Identify parent groups and contacts in the region to network with, PEP, parents as Teachers, Iowa Resource Council, Empowerment EA and IEP guidelines Regional admin, EA/EC staff ongoing Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Goal #5: Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSP’s and birth to 3 with IFSP’s Ideal State: Action Steps to Be Taken 1. Revisit the Early Access information with SW Region Staff to enhance understanding of Early Access system. 2. Develop a communication plan to network with community providers, (UIHC, Physicians, etc.) Person(s) Responsible Resources Timeline RA/ Sue Koss, Pamela, Shari EA Training materials October 2010 EA/EC Staff EA Liasion 3. Develop a plan to provide parent checklists at Physicians offices, Senior Center, Family EA/EC Staff Resource Centers, and Preschools and Day Cares ongoing update 4. Develop communication plan for each district: secretary, principal, early childhood program RA and EA Fall updates 5. Link with district newsletter: make a template for newsletters. Pamela and SC October 2010 Bi-Annual Progress Updates Learning and Leadership REGION ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Implications for Agency Professional Development AEA Staff will continue professional development in the Child Find Process and special education procedures. AEA Staff will need the skills and competence to support IEP transition planning for students 13-21. AEA Staff will need the skills and competence to support instructional strategies to increase proficiency in reading and math for special needs children. Implications for LEA Involvement Continue LEA understanding of the Child Find process Introducing the General Education Instructional Plan LEA understanding and implementation of Special Education procedures: Early Access, Transition, etc. LEA collaboration on meeting the needs of special education students to increase student achievement goals Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?) IEP Reviews for specific timelines and required components of transition planning Student Proficiency data (ITBS and ITED) IPlan data General Education Instructional Plan Data The following Agency Directed travel needs are proposed for 2010-2011 school year for professional development: Consider Analyzing Student Work through GWAEA