COURSE OUTLINE COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS WITH TAXATION AND LAND REFORM (TLR) COURSE CODE: ECO 101 ACADEMIC YEAR: 1st Semester, 2015-2016 CREDIT UNITS: 3 units lecture CONTACT HOURS / SEM: 54 lecture hours Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive coverage of all major topics in economics. Attention is given to establish understanding on the key economic principles with particular emphasis on the Philippine Economic system, its growth and development. The course covers the foundation of economics, demand and supply analysis, the concept of elasticity, the theory of production and the fundamental concept of micro and macroeconomics. Likewise, the course involves topics on taxation and agrarian reform with discussion on issues and problems related to its implementation. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the learners are expected to: Cognitive: 1. Know the nature, scope and importance of economics to an individual, organization and to the government as a whole; 2. Develop the capability of analyzing and resolving personal economic problems or choices; Affective: 3. Relate the economic concepts with core concepts and issues on land reform, cooperatives and taxation as affecting the community; 4. Show sensitivity to social problems and act upon them as responsible Filipino in achieving national goals and ideals; Psychomotor: 5. Perform and adapt relevant topics of this course on actual projects and exercises. TIME FRAME WEEK 1 WEEK 2 I. II. Course Content TOPICS EXPECTED OUTCOME Introduction Economics and our Lives Classroom and Course Policy Awareness A. Importation of Goods Ability to: and Products B. Notion of Tax 1. Discuss the C. Power and the connection of Allocation of Resources importation to the D. Series of Cause and notion of Effects Economics E. Religion & the Capitalist 2. Describe the Society LEARNING PLATFORM Formal Lecture 1 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 III. History of the Economic Thought and Development A. The Ancient Economic Thought B. The Industrial Revolution and Classical Economics C. The Neo Classical Economics IV. The Basics of Economics A. The World of Economics and Its Significance B. The Economic Environment and Its Processes C. The Inputs to Production D. The Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) V. The Economic Models and the Flow of Production A. The Economic System B. The Circular Flow of Economic Activities C. Outflows and Inflows to the Circular Flow PRELIMINARY EXAMS VI. Presentation of Grades and Output Activity VII. Film Showing & Overview VIII. Economic Strategies A. Monetary Policy B. Fiscal Policy C. Foreign Trade Policy IX. Basic of Demand and Supply system of taxation 3. Correlate the relationship found in Religion and the Capitalist Society Ability to: Formal Lecture 1. Identify the contributions of prominent economists to our present society 2. Explain the Industrial Revolution Ability to: Formal Lecture 1. Understand the interrelationship of nations and their corresponding economies 2. Discuss the inputs to Production 3. Describe the Production Possibility Frontier (PFF) Ability to: 1. Resolve on potential problems found in each of the Economic Models 2. Discuss the Circular Flow of Economic Activities Ability to: 1. Appreciate and recognize the significance of policies formed by the society 2. Recognize relevant Economic Strategies Ability to: Formal Lecture / Student Facilitated Classes Formal Lecture Formal Lecture/ Student Facilitated 2 A. B. C. D. WEEK 11 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 17 The Law of Demand The Law of Supply The Market Equilibrium Elasticity of Demand and Supply X. The National Income Accounts A. Measurement of National Income B. Other Approaches of Measuring GNP C. Other Concepts of National Income Accounting D. The Distribution of National Income MIDTERM EXAMS XI. Presentation of Grades and Output Activity XII. Film Showing & Overview XIII. The Agrarian Reform Program of the Philippines A. The Meaning, Nature and History of Land Reform B. Importance, Aspects and Components of Agrarian Reform C. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program XIV. Taxation A. The Meaning, Nature and Importance of Taxation B. Basic Principles and Classification of Taxes C. Limitations on the Power of Taxation XV. The Cooperative Program in the Philippines A. Meaning and History of Cooperatives B. The Cooperative Development Program of the Philippines C. Types of Cooperatives in 1. Illustrate the correlation found between the Laws of Supply and Demand 2. Understand the importance of Market Equilibrium on Price Determination 3. Explain the causes and effects of Supply and Demand Elasticity Ability to: Classes Formal Lecture 1. Understand the National Income Accounts 2. Discuss various approaches in measuring GNP Ability to: Formal Lecture 1. Understand the rationale behind reforms made on land 2. Recognize the history of land ownership Ability to: 1. Apply necessary calculation in determining Income Tax 2. Understand the system of Taxation Ability to: Formal Lecture/ Student Facilitated Classes Formal Lecture / ELearning 1. Realize the cause behind the formation of Cooperative Programs 2. Understand the 3 the Philippines WEEK 18 System of Cooperatives and its effects in the Economy ENDTERM EXAMS COURSE WEBSITE: ACADEMIC PROFESSOR: Mr. Erwin Baloaloa REFERENCE: PRIMARY REFERENCE: Leaño, Roman, Jr. et al; Fundamentals of Economics with Agrarian Reform, Taxation and Cooperatives (A Modular Approach), Mindshapers Co., Inc., Intramuros, Manila, 2012. SECONDARY REFERENCE: Manapat, Carlos L., et al; Economics, Taxation, and Agrarian Reform, C & E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, 2010. GRADING SYSTEM: DESCRIPTION Class Standing Output/Project Recitation Tests Assignment Major Exam PERCENTAGE (%) 60 40% 20% 20% 20% 40 Total 100 Final Grade: Prelim 30% Midterm 30% Final Term 40% 100% 4