Français 1 Syllabus le seize au vingt septembre Essential Questions How do I get the information I want/ need? What does this language give me the power to do/ understand/ express? What am I learning about my own language/ culture from the study of others? Looking Ahead: Quiz/ contrôle on lundi/ Monday le 23 septembre Camp Jewell le 25 septembre Open House le 26 septembre Parent Meeting Québec trip le 3 octobre lundi le seize(16) septembre mardi le dix-sept (17) septembre mercredi le dix-huit (18) septembre jeudi le dix-neuf (19) septembre QUIZ/ Contrôle lundi/ Monday vendredi le vingt (20) septembre Objective: Students will Objective: Students will Objective: Students will Objective: Students will Objective: Students will Recall how to Greet different people, give their name and age, ask someone their name and age, ask someone how they are and answer how they are,and how to say good-bye. -Conduct a basic informal conversation -Have a basic formal conversation Recall how to Greet different people, give their name and age, ask someone their name and age, ask someone how they are and answer how they are and how to say good-bye. -Illustrate and write a basic informal conversation -Illustrate and write a basic formal conversation Recall how to Greet different people, give their name and age, ask someone their name and age, ask someone how they are and answer how they are and how to say good-bye. -Illustrate and write a basic informal conversation -Illustrate and write a basic formal conversation Recall the numbers 0-30 in French -Introduce your friends to your French teacher -Decipher spoken French Recall the numbers 0-30 in French Recall how to Greet different people, introduce themselves and others, say how old they are, ask someone their name and age, ask someone how they are and answer how they are and say good-bye. Aujourd’hui c’est Le temps: -Bell work: Have a basic conversation in French with 2 people around you -Record conversations and Aujourd’hui c’est Le temps: Bell work: Respond: Salut: Comment t’appelles-tu? Comment ça va ? Aujourd’hui c’est Le temps: Bell work: Respond: Salut: Comment t’appelles-tu? Comment ça va ? A tout a l’heure Bell work: Aujourd’hui c’est Bell work: What do the following questions/ statements mean? Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Marc Comment allez-vous ? -Review and discuss Bell work Discuss Age- List the numbers from 0-30 Bell work Aujourd’hui c’est Le temps: Bell work: Exchange your created quiz with a classmate Take your partner’s quiz -Correct quizzes and discuss mistakes -Basketball: Review Game lundi mardi send the audio file to Madame Butler A tout a l’heure -Review bell work -Using the 2 conversations you recorded, Create a comic strip to illustrate your recording. recall a basic mercredi conversation in French -Whole class activity: Perform a basic conversation What’s next?- what else do you want to tell your new French friend about yourself? Discuss Age- List the numbers from 0-30 Decipher French conversation -Video(s): What are the teens telling you? (allez and BBC) How do they express this in French (what words do they use?) Les Devoirs: Les Devoirs: Pas de devoirs Finish comics -List the French numbers 0-30 Notes Wiki activities Listening activity Les Devoirs: -Quizlet : Create flashcards with the numbers 0-30 -teach someone in your family how to count from 0-20 in French -Use your quizlet flashcards to study the numbers 0-20 in French jeudi vendredi -Numbers in French activities Deciphering French Songs: Rap/ allezcomplete comprehension sheet Introducing friends Notes: il s’appelle/ elles’appelle Enchanté(e) Il/ elle a ____ ans Je/ Tu/ Il and elle contrasting Les Devoirs: -Create a quiz 20 questions: create your own quiz on: greetings, introducing yourself and others. how are you and answers, age, numbers 0-30, introducing your friend and good-byes (use multiple choice, true/ false, fill-ins, matching, short answer, etc.) -Create an answer key Les Devoirs: Using your quizlet flashcards, your notes and the quizzes you createdEtudier/ study Quiz/ contrôle on Monday/ lundi Topics for Quiz: Greet different people, introduce themselves and others, say how old they are, ask someone their name and age, ask someone how they are and answer how they are and say good-bye.