Branch Dance - 10th October 2015 1. Miss Fidler's Reel (8x32R) Another Newcastle Coll. Reels of 3 on sides, 1s crossing top & bottom (Inveran) // 1s dance down middle and up // 1s cross RH, cast and turn RH 1½ to 2place // 6 hands round and back. 2. Welcome to Dufftown (8x32J) Leaflet 1s 3/4 turn RH & dance Crown Triangles ending with M between 2s & W between 3s all facing down// 1M&2s also 1W&3s dance down the middle & back 1M&2s turning to face 1W&3s// 1s change places RH, cast to right to 2 pl & turn RH while 2s&3s set facing on sides, change places RH, set to prtnr & cross RH// 1s dance diag R&L. 3. The Silver Grey (3x32S) 3 cpl set Goldring 1s,2s,3s set & cross RH, set & cross back RH// 6H round & back, 1s & 3s remaining in middle facing up/down// 1s & 3s dance ¾ R&L, 1s cast to 2pl opp sides as 3s cross over LH// 1s dance ½ Fig 8 round 3s, 1s followed by 3s dance up between 2s & cast, 1s to 3pl, 3s to 2pl. 4. The Piper and the Penguin (R88) Sq set Goldring Ladies dance RSh round their corners & dance RH across ending in centre// Ladies dance LSh round their partners, dance LH across & back to places// Men dance RSh round their partners & dance RH across ending in centre// Men dance LSh round corners, dance LH across & back to places// 1s & 3s turn partners RH 1¼ times, Men followed by partners dance out btw side couples & back to places (1M thru 4s & 3M thru 2s)// 1s&3s dance R&L// 2s&4s repeat bars 33-48// Ladies dance in, right about turning dance out & cast clockwise to opp. Lady's place// Men dance in, left about turning to dance out & cast anticlockwise to opp. places// All turn ptnrs RH 1¼ times into prom hold & Promenade anticlockwise ½ way round to original places. 5. Tribute to the Borders (8x32J) Goldring, SCD Leaflet 11 1s cross RH, cast, turn 1¼ RH to end in prom hold facing 2M // 1s dance ½ reel of 3 with 2M & 3M (RS) : 1s dance ½ reel of 3 with 3W & 2W (RS) // 1s set to 3W, 2W, 2M, 3M (3s & 2s set advancing on last 2 steps into // 3s, 1s & 2s Allemande. 6. Cape Town Wedding (8 × 32 S) Bk 39 1s cross (no hands) to 2nd place (2s step up); 1M & 3W change RH as 1W & 3M change LH; 1s ½ turn RH; 1s lead to top (2s & 3s step down) // 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 2s; RS to 2W; 1s finish facing down at top as 3s step in to face up // 1s, 2s & 3s set, petronella; set in circle and cast back to orig places // 1s & 2s dance the knot. 7. Inverneill House (8x32R) Bk 35 1s & 2s dance ½ double fig 8, then 1s dance down bet 3s as 2s cast up, 1s cast to 2nd place opp sides // 1s & 3s dance ½ double fig 8, then 1s meet & lead to top & cast to 2nd place // 1s ½ Petronella // 2s & 3s ½ Petronella as 1s cast round ends (M down W up), pass between others, cast to 2 place & set. 8. *Alison Rose (4x32S) Imperial 2 1s lead down to bottom, all set & circle 8H rnd 2 places (end all M at top, all W at bottom) // M dance LH across, W dance RH across once round, continue but change pl. with ptnr in order 1432 //As 1s (and 4s, 3s, 2s) meet again, join nearer hands with ptnr & continue M RH across to end 1s, followed by 4s, 3s, 2s dance up to top & all ½ turn RH into // Allemande ending 2341. 9. *John Cass (5x32J) 5 cpl set Bk 49 1s lead down the middle (2s&3s step up); 1s lead back to 3pl & turn RH to finish 1M facing 3M with ptnr behind him// 1s dance RS tandem reels of 3 with 3rd & 2nd M and 4th & 5th W (all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1M with ptnr behind, finish facing 4M// 1s dance LS tandem reels of 3 with 4th & 5th M and 2nd & 3rd W (again all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1s finish nearer hands joined with 1W on prtnr's left facing down in 3pl// 1s dance down btwn 4s, cast behind 5s (4s & 5s step up) and spin RH to finish in 5pl. 10. The Final Reel (8x32R) Barbour 1s cross, cast & turn LH 1¼ times to end 1M btwn 2s & 1W btwn 3s// 2s,1s&3s Set&Link for 3 twice, 1s end facing 1st crnr pstns// 1s dance ½ reel with 1st crnrs & ½ reel with 2nd crnrs, 1s ending in 2pl own sides// 2s,1s&3s 6H round & back. INTERVAL 11. Maxwell's Rant (8x32R) Bk 18 1s cross down & dance reels of 3 on opp side // 1s cross down & dance reels of 3 on own side // 1s cross RH & cast (2s step up), ½ fig 8 round 2s // 1s lead bet.3s cast up to 2nd place, 2s 1s & 3s turn RH. 12. The Duke of Atholl's Reel (8x32J) Bk 16 1s & 2s set, RH across ½ way, set, LH back // 1M & 2W set & turn RH, 1W & 2M set & turn RH // 1s cross RH, cast, ½ fig 8 round 2s // 2s & 1s R&L. 13. Culla Bay (4x32 S) Square Set Bk 41 1s & 3s adv. ½ turn opp RH, pull R Sh back and dance to opp side. M follows W round clockwise 1 place on and dances into middle to face out. On bar 5 2s & 4s adv & ½ turn opp RH, pull R Sh back & dance to opp side (now facing 1s and 3s // Reels of 4 across dance // 1s with 2s, 3s with 4s 4H round to left. Set with ptnr - 1s with 2s, 3s with 4s, RH across ½ way// 2s & 4s LH across, W dances round standing W and M dances round standing M & progress 1 pl clockwise. 14. Major Ian Stewart (8x32J) Bk 35 1s & 2s turn RH ½ way, RH across ½ way, turn ptnr RH (end 1s in 2place, 2s at top facing out) // Reels of 3, 1M in & down to start and 1W in and up to start, 1s end at cnrs // Cauld Kail setting (6), 1s Petronella turn to 2place // 6H round (6 slip steps), pivot, dance anticlockwise to own side. 15. The Saltire Society Reel (8x32R) RSCDS Lft 9 1s cross to 2 place on opp side, 2s step up, 1W 3M turn LH as 1M 3W turn RH, 1s meet, join nearer hands, dance up & turn 2s with free hand, end 2nd place wrong side facing down // Reels of 3 on sides, 1s cross into reel at bottom, finish with LH joined facing 1cnr // Set changing hands & set to ptnr cnr as cnrs advance to join RH across (1s end RH joined face 2cnr) // Repeat last 8 bars but end with LH across. 16. Gang the Same Gate (8x32S) Bk 36 1s cross RH & cast to 3pl, cross RH & cast up to 2pl // 1s set advancing to 1cnr, turn 1cnr 2H, end facing 2cnr, ½ Reel of 4 with 2cnrs, 1s passing LS to end M bet 2pl face down W bet 3pl face up // 1s set advancing to 2cnrs, turn 2cnrs 2H to end facing 1cnrs, ½ reel of 4 with 1cnrs, 1s end 2pl opp side // Set & link for 3, twice. 17. The Rutland Reel (8x40R) Bk 48 1s set & cast, cross between 3s & cast up to 2pl on opp sides// 1s&2s dance Ladies Chain & end 1s facing down// Reel of 3 on sides, 1s giving RSh to 3s; 1s&3s 1/2 turn RH// 3s&1s dance Mens Chain & end 1W facing out with prtnr ready to follow her//1W followed by prtnr casts up & crosses to own side to end 1s in 2pl on own sides; 1s&3s circle 4H round to left. 18. The Minister on the Loch (3 x 32S) Goldring 24 G & S Dances 1s and 2s poussette // 1s lead down, turn BH, lead up and turn BH // 1s cast while 3s lead up and cross into dble fig. 8 // 1M turn 2M LH 1½ while 1W turns 2W RH 1½, then 1M turns 3M RH 1½ while 1W turns 3W LH 1½ to finish 231. 19. Macleod's Fancy (4x32J) Bk 33 1s & 4s set diag. 1M & 4W ¾ RH turn, dance round end of set & cast to place as 1W & 4M cast to opp end of set then ¾ RH turn to orig place // Reels of 4 on side // 1s & 2s, 3s & 4s face on sides & turn RH ½ way to bring 1s & 4S into middle, set in St. Andrews X formation : all turn cnrs RH 1s & 4s changing places at end to finish 2413 // 1s & 4s set, cross (W dance bet M) ; 4s cross RH up thro 2s while 1s cross down thro 3s & cast in. 20. Reel of the Royal Scots (8x32R)Goldring SCD Leaflet 7 1W & 2W ½ turn LH as 1M & 2M ½ turn RH to double triangle fig, set : 1W & 3W ½ turn RH as 1M & 3M ½ turn LH to double triangle fig, set // 1s followed by 3s dance to top, cast on own side, lead bet 3rd place, 1s cast up to 2nd place, 3s to orig place // 1s turn 1cnr RH, pass RS, turn 2cnr RH, pass RS to own side // 6H round & back. Extras Scott Meikle (4x32R) Bk 46 1s cross & cast, dance ½ fig 8 rnd 2s// 1s & 3s dance RH across & LH back (finish 1W,3W face up, 1M,3M face down)// 1W foll by 3W dances reel of 3 across with 2s while 3M foll by 1M dances reel of 3 across with 4s (finish 3s in 2nd pl, 1s in 3rd pl)// 1s & 4s dance ½ R & L and turn ptnr RH 1½ times. The Montgomeries' Rant (8x32R) Bk 10 1s cross RH cast 1 place, cross LH W casts up M casts down // Reels of 3 across // 1s set to 2W, 3M, 3W, 2M // Reels of 3 with cnrs (RS to 2cnr), cross to own side.