Aboriginal Health Bibliography

Native Health Databases: Search Results
Social support and thriving health: a new approach to understanding the health of
indigenous Canadians.
American Journal of Public Health - 2007 - Richmond CA, Ross NA, Egeland GM.
Canadian Aboriginal people's health and the Kelowna deal.
Lancet - 2006 - Webster P.
What nurses should know when working in Aboriginal communities.
The Canadian Nurse - 2006 - Foster CH.
Beliefs and practices of First Nation women about weight gain during pregnancy
and lactation: implications for women's health.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - 2006 - Vallianatos H; Brennand EA; Raine
K; Stephen Q; Petawabano B; Dannenbaum D; Willows ND
Understanding the health of Indigenous peoples in Canada: key methodological and
conceptual challenges.
CMAJ - 2006 - Smylie J, Anderson M.
Indigenous health: update on the impact of diabetes and chronic kidney disease.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension - 2006 - Yeates K, Tonelli M.
7. Health services use of Manitoba First Nations people: is it related to underlying
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Martens PJ. Sanderson D. Jebamani L.
Mortality comparisons of First Nations to all other Manitobans: a provincial
population-based look at health inequalities by region and gender.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Martens PJ. Sanderson D. Jebamani LS.
Using data linkage to identify First Nations Manitobans: technical, ethical, and
political issues.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Jebamani LS. Burchill CA. Martens PJ.
10. Health and well-being for Metis women in Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Bartlett JG.
11. From past to present: understanding First Nations health patterns in a historical
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Hackett P.
12. A First Nations voice in the present creates healing in the future.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - MacKinnon M.
13. Building a health research relationship between First Nations and the University in
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - O'Neil J. Elias B. Wastesicoot J.
14. The effects of nursing turnover on continuity of care in isolated First Nation
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - 2005 - Minore B, Boone M, Katt M, Kinch
P, Birch S, Mushquash C.
15. Use of traditional Mi'kmaq medicine among patients at a First Nations community
health centre.
Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine - 2005 - Cook SJ
16. Otitis media: health and social consequences for aboriginal youth in Canada's north.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health. - 2005 - Bowd AD.
17. Nursing practice with Aboriginal communities: expanding worldviews.
Nursing Science Quarterly - 2005 - Arnold OF, Bruce A.
18. The embodiment of inequity: health disparities in aboriginal Canada.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Adelson N.
19. Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiatives: towards the development of a
strategic framework.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - 2005 - McBride W, Gregory D.
20. The relevance of postcolonial theoretical perspectives to research in Aboriginal
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - 2005 - Browne AJ, Smye VL, Varcoe C.
21. Cancer pain: voices of the Ojibway people.
Journal of Pain & Symptom Management - 2005 - Barkwell D
22. Community-based, culturally sensitive HIV/AIDS education for Aboriginal
adolescents: implications for nursing practice.
Journal of Transcultural Nursing - 2004 - Majumdar BB. Chambers TL. Roberts J.
23. Understanding death and dying in select First Nations communities in northern
Manitoba: issues of culture and remote service delivery in palliative care.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2004 - Hotson KE. Macdonald SM.
Martin BD.
24. Empowering health promotion: a holistic approach in preventing sexually
transmitted infections among first nations and inuit adolescents in Canada.
Journal of Holistic Nursing - 2004 - Steenbeek A.
25. Addressing the realities [correction of realties] of health care in northern aboriginal
communities through participatory action research.
Journal of Interprofessional Care - 2004 - Minore B, Boone M, Katt M, Kinch P,
Birch S.
26. Implementing participatory intervention and research in communities: lessons from
the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project in Canada.
Social Science & Medicine - 2003 - Potvin L. Cargo M. McComber AM. Delormier
T. Macaulay AD.
27. Oral health promotion for high-risk children: case studies from British Columbia.
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association - 2003 - Harrison R.
28. Exploring childhood immunization uptake with First Nations mothers in
northwestern Ontario, Canada.
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2003 - Tarrant M. Gregory D.
29. An overview of factors influencing the health of Canadian Inuit infants.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2003 - Jenkins AL. Gyorkos TW.
Culman KN. Ward BJ. Pekeles GS. Mills EL.
30. Review of research on aboriginal populations in Canada: relevance to their health
BMJ - 2003 - Young TK.
Maternal-child health care in Aboriginal communities.
The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research - 2003 - Smith D.
32. Identifying the needs of Innu and Inuit patients in urban health settings in
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2002 - Hanrahan MC.
33. Improving the health of future generations: the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health.
American Journal of Public Health - 2002 - Reading J. Nowgesic E.
34. Exploring the determinants of health for First Nations peoples in Canada: can
existing frameworks accommodate traditional activities?
Social Science & Medicine - 2002 - Wilson K. Rosenberg MW.
35. Type 2 diabetes and children in Aboriginal communities: the array of factors that
shape health and access to health care.
Health Law Journal - 2002 - Campbell A.
36. Barriers to recovery in a First Nations community.
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health - 2001 - Schmidt G.
37. First Nations women's encounters with mainstream health care services.
Western Journal of Nursing Research - 2001 - Browne AJ. Fiske JA.
38. Managing and treating risk and uncertainty for health: a case study of diabetes
among First Nations people in Ontario, Canada.
Social Science & Medicine - 2001 - Sunday J. Eyles J.
39. Canadian Aboriginal communities and medical service patterns for the management
of injured patients: a basis for surveillance.
Public Health - 2001 - Auer AM. Andersson R.
40. Traditional food systems research with Canadian Indigenous Peoples.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2001 - Kuhnlein HV. Receveur O.
Chan HM.
41. Participatory action research: lessons learned with Aboriginal grandmothers.
Health Care for Women International - 2001 - Dickson G. Green KL.
42. Planning research for greater community involvement and long-term benefit. Special
working group of the Cree Regional Child and Family Services Committee.
CMAJ - 2000 - NA
43. The mental health of Aboriginal peoples: transformations of identity and
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - 2000 - Kirmayer LJ. Brass GM. Tait CL.
44. Describing an explanatory model of HIV illness among aboriginal women.
Holistic Nursing Practice - 2000 - Mill JE.
45. The potential for Ontario region's health information system to facilitate case
management, program planning, and evaluation and to promote enhanced First
Nations' control of health services.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 1998 - Johnson RJ.
46. Determining the feasibility of the Canadian First Nations and Inuit regional
(longitudinal) health surveys.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 1998 - O'Neil J. Commanda L.
47. Northern nursing: a type of advanced nursing practice.
AARN - 1998 - Lemphers C.
48. The development of a computerized health information system to facilitate program
planning/evaluation and enhanced First Nations control of community health
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1997 - Johnson RJ.
49. Health care in North must acknowledge Inuit values, traditional medicine.
CMAJ - 1996 - Gray G.
50. Cancer in Circumpolar Inuit. Background information for cancer patterns in
Canadian Inuit.
Acta Oncologica - 1996 - Gaudette LA. Freitag S. Dufour R. Baikie M. Gao RN.
Wideman M.
51. Issues in health policy for indigenous peoples in Canada.
Australian Journal of Public Health - 1995 - O'Neil JD.
52. Diabetes and Canada's aboriginal peoples: the need for primary prevention.
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 1995 - Daniel M. Gamble D.
53. Health-related concerns of Canadian aboriginal people residing in urban areas.
International Nursing Review - 1995 - Shestowsky B.
54. Bibliography of health issues affecting North American Indians, Eskimos and
Aleuts, 1950-1988
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Public Health,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. - 1989 - Owens MV.
55. The health of Indians in Canadian cities: a challenge to the health care system.
CMAJ - 1985 - Shah CP. Farkas CS.
56. Preventive health care of Indian preschoolers in the Sioux Lookout Zone,
northwestern Ontario.
Canadian Medical Association Journal - 1983 - Plaxton K. Shah CP. Young TK.
Bain HW.
57. An indigenous mental health program in remote Northwestern Ontario: development
and training.
Canadian Mental Health - 1983 - Timpson J.
58. A Canadian Indian Health Status Index.
Medical Care - 1983 - Connop PJ.
59. Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the first year of life.
Canadian Medical Association Journal - 1982 - Evers SE. Rand CG.
60. Mental health care for children of the western Arctic.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1971 - Brett B.
61. New approaches to health problems of the Indian and Eskimo people.
CMAJ - 1970 - Rymer S.
62. Tuberculosis prevention and treatment.
The Canadian Nurse - 2004 - Toth A. Fackelmann J. Pigott W. Tolomeo O.
63. Human T-lymphotropic virus type I and II infections in First Nations alcohol and
drug treatment centres in British Columbia, Canada, 1992-2000.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2002 - Martin JD. Mathias RG. Sarin
C. Byrne SE.
64. HIV and hepatitis B surveillance in First Nations alcohol and drug treatment centres
in British Columbia, Canada, 1992-2000.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2002 - Martin JD. Mathias RG. Sarin
C. Byrne SE.
65. Patterns of drug use among Native and White adolescents: 1990-1993.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1995 - Gfellner BM. Handleby JD.
66. Epidemiology of fetal alcohol syndrome in American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and
Canadian Aboriginal peoples: a review of the literature.
Public Health Reports - 1994 - Burd L. Moffatt ME.
67. Acute care hospital morbidity in the Blood Indian Band, 1984-87.
Canadian Journal of Public Health. - 1994 - Kashuba S. Flowerdew G. Hessel PA.
Saunders LD> Jarvis G. Laing L. Hazlett CB. Musto R.
68. Indian Reserve and registered Indian mortality in Canada.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1992 - Mao Y. Moloughney BW. Semenciw
RM. Morrison HI.
69. Nutrition education for Native treatment centres.
Arctic Medical Research - 1991 - Lawn J. Lawn P.
70. The phenomenon, the explanations and the responses: metaphors surrounding
diabetes in urban Canadian Indians.
Social Science & Medicine - 1984 - Hagey R.
71. Clinical data from a psychiatric service to a group of native people.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - 1981 - Pelz M. Merskey H. Brant C. Patterson PG.
Heseltine GF.
72. Tuberculous peritonitis in Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Surgery - 1978 - Marrie TJ. Hershfield ES.
Foot abnormalities in Canadian Aboriginal adolescents with Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetic Medicine - 2007 - Chuback J, Embil JM, Sellers E, Trepman E, Cheang
M, Dean H.
Effect of nurse-directed hypertension treatment among First Nations people with
existing hypertension and diabetes mellitus: the Diabetes Risk Evaluation and
Microalbuminuria (DREAM 3) randomized controlled trial.
Canadian Medical Association Journal - 2006 - Tobe SW, Pylypchuk G,
Wentworth J, Kiss A, Szalai JP, Perkins N, Hartman S, Ironstand L, Hoppe J.
The quest to improve Aboriginal health.
CMAJ - 2006 - Reading J.
Quality of care among Aboriginal hemodialysis patients.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - 2006 - Chou SH, Tonelli
M, Bradley JS, Gourishankar S, Hemmelgarn BR; Alberta Kidney Disease
Demographic risk factors for fracture in First Nations people.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2005 - Leslie WD. Derksen SA. Metge C. Lix
LM. Salamon EA. Steiman PW. Roos LI.
Impact of a diabetes prevention program on body size, physical activity, and diet
among Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) children 6 to 11 years old: 8-year results from
the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project.
Pediatrics - 2005 - Paradis G, Levesque L, Macaulay AC, Cargo M, McComber A,
Kirby R, Receveur O, Kishchuk N, Potvin L.
Physical activity of Aboriginals with type 2 diabetes: an exploratory study.
Ethnicity & Disease - 2005 - Brunet S, Plotnikoff RC, Raine K, Courneya K.
A pilot school-based healthy eating and physical activity intervention improves
diet, food knowledge, and self-efficacy for native Canadian children.
Journal of Nutrition - 2005 - Saksvig BI, Gittelsohn J, Harris SB, Hanley AJ,
Valente TW, Zinman B.
Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Among Aboriginal Canadians: prevalence and
associated risk factors.
Diabetes Care - 2005 - Hanley AJ, Harris SB, Mamakeesick M, Goodwin K,
Fiddler E, Hegele RA, Spence JD, House AA, Brown E, Schoales B, McLaughlin
JR, Klein R, Zinman B.
Tracking ancient pathways to a modern epidemic: diabetic end-stage renal disease
in Saskatchewan aboriginal people.
Kidney International Supplement - 2005 - Dyck RF.
Disability and quality of life in Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal diabetic
lower-extremity amputees.
Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - 2005 - Meatherall BL; Garrett
MR; Kaufert J; Martin BD; Fricke MW; Arneja AS; Duerksen F; Koulack J; Fong
HM; Simonsen JN; Nicolle LE; Trepman E; Embil JM
Narrative inquiry: Locating Aboriginal epistemology in a relational methodology.
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2004 - Barton SS.
The current status of diabetes care, diabetic retinopathy screening and eye-care in
British Columbia's First Nations Communities.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2004 - Kaur H. Maberley D. Change
A. Hay D.
A prospective cohort study of pregnancy risk factors and birth outcomes in
Aboriginal women.
CMAJ - 2004 - Wenman WM. Joffres MR. Tataryn IV. Edmonton Perinatal
Infections Group.
Differences in cardiovascular risks in the aboriginal and non-aboriginal people
living in Bella Coola, British Columbia.
Medical Science Monitor - 2004 - Monsalve MV. Thommasen HV. Pachev G.
Frohlich J.
Screening for diabetic retinopathy in James Bay, Ontario: a cost-effectiveness
CMAJ - 2003 - Maberley D. Walker H. Koushik A. Cruess A.
Activity Implementation as a Reflection of Living in Balance: The Kahnawake
Schools Diabetes Project
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health - 2003 -
Delormier T, et.al.
A Conversation: Communities and Cathedrals
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health - 2003 Martial R, McCaulay AC and Freeman WL
The impact of diabetes on cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes in a native
Canadian population.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice - 2002 - Harris SB, Zinman B, Hanley A.
Gittelsohn J. Hegele R. Connelly PW. Shah B. Hux JE.
Diabetes mellitus in the First Nations population of British Columbia, Canada.
Part 3. Prevalence of diagnosed cases.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2002 - Johnson S. Martin D. Sarin
Diabetes mellitus in the First Nations population of British Columbia, Canada.
Part 2. Hospital morbidity.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2002 - Jin A. Martin JD> Sarin C.
A diabetes mellitus in the First Nations population of British Columbia, Canada.
Part 1. Mortality.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2002 - Jin A. Martin JD. Sarin C.
Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care predict glycemic control in
Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Chronic Diseases in Canada - 2002 - Daniel M. Messer LC.
Impact of diabetes on employment and income in Manitoba, Canada.
Diabetes Care - 2001 - Kraut A, Walld R, Tate R, Mustard C.
Correlates and predictors of adiposity among Mohawk children.
Preventive Medicine - 2001 - Horn OK. Paradis G. Potvin L. Macaulay AC.
Desrosiers S.
The private hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha G319S variant is associated with
plasma lipoprotein variation in Canadian Oji-Cree.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology - 2000 - Hegele RA. Cao H.
Harris SB. Hanley AJ. Zinman B. Connelly PW.
Overweight among children and adolescents in a Native Canadian community:
prevalence and associated factors.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - 2000 - Hanley AJ. Harris SB. Gittelsohn
J. Wolever TM. Saksvig B, Zinman B.
100. High rates of infant macrosomia: a comparison of a Canadian native and a nonnative population.
Journal of Nutrition - 2000 - Rodrigues S. Robinson EJ. Kramer MS. Gray-Donald
Intervening to reduce weight gain in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus in
Cree communities: an evaluation.
CMAJ - 2000 - Gray-Donald K. Robinson E. Collier A. David K. Renaud L.
Rodrigues S.
NAT2 polymorphism associated with plasma glucose concentration in Canadian
Pharmacogenetics - 2000 - Hegele RA. Kwan K. Harris SB. Hanley AJ. Zinman
B. Cao H.
Excess costs of diabetes in the Aboriginal population of Manitoba, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2000 - Jacobs P. Blanchard JF. James RC.
Depew N.
Comprehensive computerized diabetes registry. Serving the Cree of Eeyou Istchee
(eastern James Bay).
Canadian Family Physician - 1999 - Dannenbaum D. Verronneau M. Torrie J.
Smeja H. Robinson E. Dumont C. Kovitch I. Webster T.
Effectiveness of community-directed diabetes prevention and control in a rural
Aboriginal population in British Columbia, Canada.
Social Science & Medicine - 1999 - Daniel M. Green LW. Marion SA. Gamble D.
Herbert CP. Hertzman C. Sheps SB.
106. Heavy birthweight in Native Indians of British Columbia.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1999 - Thomson M.
107. Genetic prediction of atherosclerosis: lessons from studies in native Canadian
Clinica Chimica Acta - 1999 - Hegele RA.
Circulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentrations in a native Canadian
population with high rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology - 1999 - Zinman B. Hanley AJ. Harris SB.
Kwan J. Fantus IG.
Genome-wide scanning for type 2 diabetes susceptibility in Canadian Oji-Cree,
using 190 microsatellite markers.
Journal of Human Genetics - 1999 - Hegele RA. Sun F. Harris SB. Anderson C.
Hanley AJ. Zinman B.
110. Participatory research with native community of Kahnawake creates innovative
Code of Research Ethics.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1998 - Macaulay AC. Delormier T.
McComber AM. Cross EJ. Potvin LP. Paradis G. Kirby RL. Saad-Haddad C.
Desrosiers S.
111. Factor V Leiden (F5 Q506) and vascular disease in Canadian Oji-Cree.
Diabetes Care - 1998 - Hegele RA. Harris SB. Cao H. Hanley AJG. Zinman B.
112. The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project: intervention, evaluation,
and baseline results of a diabetes primary prevention program with a native
community in Canada.
Preventive Medicine - 1997 - Macaulay AC. Paradis G. Potvin L. Cross EJ. SaadHaddad C. McComber A. Desrosiers S. Kirby R. Montour LT. Lamping DL.
Leduc N. Rivard M.
Community-based research as a tool for empowerment: the Haida Gwaii Diabetes
Project example.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1996 - Herbert CP.
Excess prevalence of non diabetic renal disease in native American children in
Pediatric Nephrology - 1996 - Bulloch B. Postl BD. Ogborn MR.
Diabetes prevalence rates among First Nations adults on Saskatchewan reserves in
1990: comparison by tribal grouping, geography and with non-First Nations
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 1996 - Pioro MP. Dyck RF. Gillis DC.
Diabetes among native people.
Canadian Medical Association Journal - 1994 - Worrall G
Prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in circumpolar indigenous populations.
International Journal of Epidemiology - 1992 - Young TK. Schraer CD.
Shubnikoff EV. Szathmary EJ. Nikitin YP.
Contemporary use of bark for medicine by two Salishan native elders of southeast
Vancouver Island, Canada.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology - 1990 - Turner NJ. Hebda RJ.
Obesity, hypertension, hyperuricemia and diabetes mellitus among the Cree and
Inuit of northern Quebec.
Arctic Medical Research - 1990 - Thouez JP. Ekoe JM. Foggin PM. Verdy M.
Nadeau M. Laroche P. Rannou A. Ghadirian P.
Determinants of plasma glucose level and diabetic status in a northern Canadian
Indian population.
CMAJ - 1990 - Young TK. Sevenhuysen GP. Ling N. Moffatt ME.
Factors associated with clinical gallbladder disease in a Canadian Indian
Clinical and Investigative Medicine - 1990 - Young TK. Roche BA.
Geographical distribution of diabetes among the native population of Canada: a
national survey.
Social Science & Medicine - 1990 - Young TK. Szathmary EJ. Evers S. Wheatley
Diabetes mellitus in Mohawks of Kahnawake, PQ: a clinical and epidemiologic
CMAJ - 1989 - Montour LT. Macaulay AC. Adelson N.
Excessive burden of end-state renal disease among Canadian Indians: a national
American Journal of Public Health - 1989 - Young TK. Kaufert JM. McKenzie
JK. Hawkins A. O'Neil J.
125. The other face of development: native population, health status and indicators of
malnutrition--the case of the Cree and Inuit of northern Quebec.
Social Science & Medicine - 1989 - Thouez JP. Rannou A. Foggin P.
Prevalence of diabetic and atherosclerotic complications among Mohawk Indians
of Kahnawake, PQ.
CMAJ - 1988 - Macaulay AC. Montour LT. Adelson N.
Comparison of screening methods in a diabetes prevalence survey among northern
Clinical and Investigative Medicine - 1988 - Young TK. Krahn J.
Epidemiologic features of diabetes mellitus among Indians in northwestern
Ontario and northeastern Manitoba.
Canadian Medical Association Journal - 1985 - Young TK. McIntyre LL. Dooley
J. Rodriguez J.
Normalization effect of preceding protein meals on "diabetic" oral glucose
tolerance in Eskimos.
CMAJ - 1972 - Schaefer O. Crockford PM. Romanowski B.
Pre- and post-natal growth acceleration and increased sugar consumption in
Canadian Eskimos.
CMAJ - 1970 - Schaefer O.
131. Tuberculosis in Canada 2002: executive summary.
Canada Communicable Disease Report - 2005 - [No authors listed]
132. Pediatric tuberculosis in Alberta First Nations (1991-2000): outbreaks and the
protective effect of bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.
Canadian Journal of Public Health - 2004 - Long R. Whittaker D. Russell K.
Kunimoto D. Reid R. Fanning A. Nobert E. Melenka L. Yacoub W. Bhargava R.
133. Tuberculous lymphadenitis in Manitoba: incidence, clinical characteristics and
Canadian Respiratory Journal - 2004 - Cook VJ. Manfreda J. Hershfield ES.
134. Tuberculosis in the Inuit community of Quebec, Canada.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - 2003 - Nguyen D.
Proulx JF. Westley J. Thibert L. Dery S. Behr MA.
135. Predictors of clustering of tuberculosis in Greater Vancouver: a molecular
epidemiologic study.
CMAJ - 2002 - Hernandez-Garduno E. Kunimoto D. Wang L. Rodrigues M.
Elwood RK. Black W. Mak S. FitzGerald JM.
136. Investigation of tuberculosis transmission in Canadian Arctic Inuit communities
using DNA fingerprinting.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2001 - Kunimoto D.
Chedore P. Allen R. Kasatiya S.
137. Linkage of tuberculosis to chromosome 2q35 loci, including NRAMP1, in a large
aboriginal Canadian family.
American Journal of Human Genetics - 2000 - Greenwood CM. Fujiwara TM.
Boothroyd LJ. Miller MA. Frappier D. Fanning EA. Schurr E. Morgan K.
138. Tuberculosis infection in an Aboriginal (First Nations) population of Canada.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2000 - Smeja C.
Brassard P.
139. Tuberculosis in aboriginal Canadians.
Canadian Respiratory Journal - 2000 - Hoeppner VH. Marciniuk DD.
140. Tuberculosis: 2. history of the disease in Canada.
CMAJ - 1999 - Grzybowski S. Allen EA.
141. Tuberculosis in Canada 1987.
Health Reports - 1989 - Gaudette L.
142. Superficial mycobacterial lymphadenitis in Saskatchewan.
CMAJ - 1988 - Martin T. Hoeppner VH. Ring ED.
143. A case-control study to evaluate the effectiveness of mass neonatal BCG
vaccination among Canadian Indians.
American Journal of Public Health - 1986 - Young TK. Hershfield ES.
144. Incidence of active tuberculosis in the native population of Canada.
CMAJ - 1986 - Enarson DA. Grzybowski S.
145. Non-respiratory tuberculosis in Canada. Epidemiologic and bacteriologic features.
American Journal of Epidemiology - 1980 - Enarson DA. Ashley MJ. Grzybowski
S. Ostapkowicz E. Dorken E.
146. The radiology of intracranial tuberculosis in children.
Journal of the Canadian Association of Radiologists - 1978 - Reed MH. Ferguson
147. Inactivation of isoniazid by Canadian Eskimos and Indians.
CMAJ - 1972 - Jeanes CWL. Schaefer O. Eidus L.
148. Cardiorespiratory fitness of an Arctic community.
Journal of Applied Physiology - 1971 - Rode A. Shephard RJ.
The ethics of research involving Canada's Aboriginal populations.
CMAJ - 2005 - Smylie J.
Original research: enhancing power and educating: urban aboriginal family
caregivers' perspectives of caring for a child who has chronic renal failure.
CANNT Journal: the Journal of the Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses
and Technicians - 1998 - Schultz NL. Farrell P.
The Sioux Lookout Diabetes Program: diabetes prevention and management in
northwestern Ontario.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 1998 - Morrison N. Dooley J.
Cancer in Circumpolar Inuit 1969-1988. A summary.
Acta Oncologica - 1996 - Nielsen NH. Storm HH. Gaudette LA. Lanier AP.
Kidney and bladder cancer in Inuit 1969-1988.
Acta Oncologica - 1995 - Lanier AP. Alberts SR.
154. Indoor environmental quality in homes of asthmatic children on the Elsipogtog
Reserve (NB), Canada.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2005 - Berghout J. Miller JD.
Mazerolle R. O'Neill L. Wakelin C. Mackinnon B. Maybee K. Augustine D. Levi
CA. Levi C. Levi T. Milliea B.
155. Characteristics of primary biliary cirrhosis in British Columbia's First Nations
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2005 - Arbour L, Rupps R, Field L, Ross
P, Erikson A, Henderson H, Hill W, Yoshida E.
156. The importance of marine foods to a near-urban First Nation community in coastal
British Columbia, Canada: toward a risk-benefit assessment.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A - 2004 - Mos L. Jack J.
Cullon D. Montour L. Alleyne C. Ross PS.
157. The impact of dietary changes among the Inuit of Nunavik (Canada): a
socioeconomic assessment of possible public health recommendations dealing with
food contamination.
Risk Analysis - 2004 - Duhaime G. Chabot M. Frechette P. Robichaud V. Proulx S.
158. Exposure of a Cree population living near mine tailings in northern Quebec
(Canada) to metals and metalloids.
Archives of Environmental Health - 2004 - Bussieres D, Ayotte P, Levallois P,
Dewailly E, Nieboer E, Gingras S, Cote S.
159. Environmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and placental CYP1A1
activity in Inuit women from northern Quebec.
Environmental Health Perspectives - 2002 - Pereg D. Dewailly E. Poirier GG.
Ayotte P.
160. Contamination of the Arctic.
The Scientist - 2002 - Mackay D.
161. Risk perceptions and First Nations communities.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2001 - Osedowski M.
162. Exposure of the Inuit population of Nunavik (Arctic Quebec) to lead and mercury.
Archives of Environmental Health - 2001 - Dewailly E. Ayotte P. Bruneau S. Lebel
G. Levallois P. Weber JP.
163. Bronchiolitis in Inuit children from a Canadian central arctic community, 19951996.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2001 - Orr P, Mcdonald S, Milley D,
Brown R.
164. Longitudinal observations (1987-1997) on the prevalence of middle ear disease and
associated risk factors among Inuit children of Inukjuak, Nunavik, Quebec,
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2001 - Bruneau S, Ayukawa H,
Proulx JF, Baxter JD, Kost K.
165. The evaluation of transferred health care services in Wunnimin Lake, Wapekeka
and Kingfisher Lake First Nations: a nursing perspective.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health - 2001 - Hiebert S, Angees E, Young
TK, O'Neil JD.
166. Prenatal exposure of the northern Quebec Inuit infants to environmental
Environmental Health Perspectives - 2001 - Muckle G, Ayotte P, Dewailly E E,
Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL.
167. Elevated dentine-lead levels in deciduous teeth collected from remote First Nation
communities located in the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring - 2001 - Tsuji LJ. Karagatzides JD.
Katapatuk B. Young J. Kozlovic DR. Hannin RM. Nieboer E.
168. Controlling the environment to prevent suicide: international perspectives.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - 2000 - Leenaars A. Cantor C. Connolly J.
EchoHawk M. Gailiene D. He ZX. Kokorina N. Lester D. Lopatin AA. Rodriguez
M. Schlebusch L. Takahashi Y. Vijayakumar L. Wenckstern S.
169. Analysis of hydroxylated metabolites of PCBs (OH-PCBs) and other chlorinated
phenolic compounds in whole blood from Canadian Inuit.
Environmental Health Perspectives - 2000 - Sandau CD. Ayotte P. Dewailly E.
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