Lovely Bones Project

The Lovely Bones Project
Working in groups of three, each group will create a mask that represents and interprets a
character in the novel.
Mr. Harvey
Grandma Lynn
Jack Salmon
The masks are a physical representation of the interpretation of the character.
Use colors, forms, shapes to reveal the whole character. Think of the blank mask as a
canvas and your interpretations of the character similar to applying paint on canvas.
Please avoid “papering” the mask with print images. Use paint, color, physical objects,
as well as print images. Consider that the mask has both an “inside” and an “outside.”
(You can get a blank mask at Cappel’s or Michael’s)* .
Within your group, determine 6-8 aspects of the character that you will interpret on the
Your group will work together for two class periods (150 minutes). Presentations will
begin on the next class meeting following the three in-class work days.
If a member of your group is absent, the presentation will proceed and the absentee will
not get a presentation grade. Make certain that a responsible person has the mask on the
day of the presentation. There are NO LATE OR DELAYED PRESENTATIONS.
The completed project will include:
A. The Mask (Make certain that you have created a way to hang the mask so that it can
be displayed. No hanger? -10 points.
B. A written rationale that explains each of the interpretations and citations from the
novel that validate your choices. The rationale should include a sentence that identifies
the trait and at least three citations for each aspect of your character. (1-1/2 pages in
length, typed, double-spaced)
Mr. Harvey is a man who is aliented from society.
In each of the following quotations, it is apparent that Mr. Harvey lives outside the
normal boundaries of human behavior..
“I hope they get bastard. I’m sorry for your loss.” (Mr. Harvey, 8)
“You aren’t leaving, Susie. You’re mine now.” ( Mr. Harvey,12)
“Tell me you love me.” (Mr. Harvey15)
We interpreted the trait of alienation by creating a wall in front of Mr. Harvey’s
D. Each person within the group will submit one paragraph on a separate piece of paper
that outlines her contributions to the project.
I’ve attached a rubric for this project. I’m not a rubric fan, especially for writing
assignments, but I find creative projects incredibly difficult to evaluate. A rubric is
helpful in this situation.
* Craft supply stores.