Art 1 - Final Exam

S&C 1 – Exam study guide – Self Critique
1. Describe the subject matter/recognizable images in the sculpture. Make sure to state what they are and where
they are located in and around the mask. Do not discuss what you think they mean here. You’ll do that later.
2. Use the list below to describe what elements of art are used and tell HOW they are used. BE VERY
SPECIFIC!! USE DESCRIPTIVE LANGUAGE!! If you do not think something has been used, explain why
you think this. Leaving anything blank will be counted wrong.
Line –
Shape –
Form –
Value –
Color –
Texture –
Space –
3. Use the list below to tell me which principles of design are used and tell me HOW they are used. BE VERY
SPECIFIC!!! If you do not think something has been used, explain why you think this. Leaving anything blank
will be counted wrong.
Contrast –
Balance –
Emphasis –
Unity –
Pattern –
Movement –
Rhythm –
4. List 3 things you have illustrated about yourself. To do this, describe three images you see on the mask and
state what you think they symbolize.
5. List 3 things you like best about you artwork and tell me WHY you like these parts.
6. List 2 things that would make your project better. What would you do differently? Be SPECIFIC!! This is
for constructive criticism, not art or student bashing!!
7. Do you think the overall project was a success? Why or why not?
8. What grade would you give this project (A, B+, C-, etc.). List 3 reasons for that grade.