World Bank Institute Provention Consortium Disaster Management Facility Pilot Course on Urban Risk Management in Latin America: Disaster Prevention Panama City, Panama, 13 - 16 March 2003 EXERCISE TO VALUE THE IMPACT OF THE 2001 DROUGHT ON THE DRINKING WATER SERVICES IN A CITY OF 40,000 INHABITANTS Translation of materials prepared by Mrs. J. Roberto Jovel, Consultant to ECLAC 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: DAMAGE CAUSED BY DROUGHT IN CENTRAL AMERICA IN 2001 1. THE 2001 DROUGHT IN CENTRAL AMERICA Between the months of May and October 2001 Central America suffered an abnormal hydro meteorological event due to a reduced rainfall level well below the average of historical records as well as in regards of the water supply needs of the population and to provide regularly production and services.. Rainfall in the Pacific side of the Central American Isthmus has a well established and documented dry season between November and April each year. This is followed by a rainy season from May to October. The months of July and August normally have a diminished rainfall which is known as recognized as a brief summer season (canícula o veranillo), resuming higher levels of precipitation in September and October. On the contrary, the Atlantic or Caribbean side of the region only experiences diminished rainfall from January to April. In 2001 drought ensued since vast extensions both in the Pacific and Atlantic basins had diminished precipitation as is shown below1. Figure 1. Central American Map, showing areas affected by drought in 2001 Paradoxically, in most part of the Central American region the year’s amount of precipitation was nevertheless very close to the historical average. The drought was caused by an uneven distribution of rainfall among regions and over time during the year. The years rainy season began with above normal precipitations in May; experienced a shar reduction in June and the next two months had below average rainfall; and frm September onward –with localized exceptions— rain was above the 1 Map adapted from Ramírez, Patricia et al, Condiciones de sequía observadas en el Istmo Centroamericano en el año 2001, Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos, San José, Costa Rica, 2001. 3 historical average as an indirect effect of Hurricane Michelle2. Drought came in the aftermath of the negative impact of the so-called “coffee crisis” caused by the sharp drop in export prices, which aggravated th pre-existing nutritional deficit in vulnerable population groups located in different parts of the sub region. 2. EFFECTS ON THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Millimeters per month The less than half of the average rainfall in the middle of the rainy season coincided with the agricultural cycle’s growing phase of grains basic to the Central American population’s diet. Water need for non-irrigated crops was not provided given the precipitation levels durign that period (See figure 2)3. Consequently crops were lost or had considerably reduced yields, affecting particularly crops produced for selfconsumption. 500 400 300 200 100 0 MAY JUN JUL AGO SEP OCT Maize Beans Rice Effective precipitation Figure 2. Comparison of water required by basic grains with actual rainfall registered (Station in Granada, Nicaragua, 2002) The population groups most affected by the climatic variation were those that cultivate these grain crops for self-.consumption, as noted, and which experienced growing levels of food and nutritional deficiencies prior to the 2001 drought. These groups supplement their incomes in order to buy food till they harvest their second crop by looking for employment picking coffee during the harvesting period. 2 This hurricane affected directly the Caribbean islands of Cuba and Jamaica, where it caused considerable damage. 3 Effective precipitation is estimated at 80%, the rest normally flowing or filtering to the topsoil. Required water needs for crops are estimated on the basis of the usual planting and harvesting periods, using a methodology described in Jovel, Roberto y Martínez, Héctor, El cálculo del uso consuntivo, Water Resources Departement, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, San Salvador, 1964, and in Jovel, Roberto, El cálculo de los requerimientos de agua para la irrigación en Costa Rica, Publication No. 39, Central American Hydrometeoroglogical Project, OMM, San José, 1968. 4 Due to the previous year’s coffee crisis, peasants and laborers could not obtain the necessary cash income, which led to a quasi-famine situation in some areas of Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Timely interventions from governments and some international organizations in providing food aid warranted a less severe problem, although not enough to avert population migrations within the affected countries and among them, looking for work and food. 3. THE ENERGY SECTOR Electricity generation had to be reduced due to the alteration of the rainy season. In addition to the growing vulnerability of hydroelectric plants associated with their diminished water retention capacity derived from poor watershed management and sedimentation in the reservoirs caused by the extreme effects of Hurricane Mitch, lack of made levels of retention in the reservoirs drop dramatically. To face this situation and in order to preserve generating capacity during the 2002 dry season, generation was increased in thermoelectric plants, whose operating costs are substantially higher and deficit countries imported from neighboring ones with some exceeding capacity, benefiting from the existing interconnected grid. In spite of these efforts and the increased precipitation in October and November associated with some hurricanes in the Caribbean as noted, in some cases levels in reservoirs did not reach their normal or average levels, thus requiring continued dependence on thermal plants. This is illustrated by the graph in figure 3. Level of reservoir, msnm 5 290 280 270 260 250 240 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Projected level JUL AGO SEP OCT Actual level Figure 3. Comparison of actual and projected level in the El Cajón dam in Honduras, during 2001 Since billing of electricity almost automatically adjust to energy market prices, in most countries the higher cost of generation was transferred to consumers, tus affecting domestic finances and production costs of businesses. 4. DRINKING WATER AND DRAINAGE The water an sanitation sector was affected by the drought through the aggravation of pre-existing poor conditions of water supply for human and industrial consumption. In some urban centers—most particularly in the case of Tegucigalpa in Honduras—rationing was necessary starting in May 2001, supplemented by water supply using trucks and pipes to large population groups. This impacted the financial situation of supplying enterprises given the higher operating costs and reduced billing. In addition to the rationing during the year, the Tegucigalpa situation deteriorated even further since the reservoirs and dams did not reach their normal levels at the end of the rainy season, resulting in reduced supply the following year. Other urban areas highly dependent on underground sources and wells have suffered minor problems, mostly due to the fact that these sources experience a lag between reduced rainfall and water accumulation. In rural areas most superficial wells dried and had to be deepened in order to maintain normal supply. In other cases water had to be collected from further, more distant sources, which was reflected on women’s increased workload, since they are normally in charge of these tasks. 6 It must be stressed that damatge in the water supply and sanitation system have a direct impact on the health conditions of the population, especially when the rationing period is prolonged. 5. TOTAL DAMAGE OF THE 2001 DROUGHT Estimates made by ECLAC show total losses of the 2001 drought in the six Central American countries (including Panama but not Belize) to have reached 189 US millions of dollars4. Of that amount, 125.5 millions (66%) were production losses both in agriculture and industry; 50.1 millions associated with increased costs and reduced income of enterprises providing water and electricity; and 13.4 millions (the remaining 7%) reflecting the emergency costs incurred and humanitarian assistance received. Distribution of damage, by countries, was the following: Table 1 Summary of damage caused in Central America by the 2001 drought (Millions of US dollars) Sector Costa Rica ... ... 8.8 ... -- Agriculture Industry Electricity Water and sanitation Emergency Total 8.8 Per capita 2.14 Source: ECLAC estimates El Salvador 25.5 1.6 3.7 ... 0.6 Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Sub region 12.3 2.3 6.9 -0.9 32.3 5.4 7.2 3.1 3.5 29.1 4.9 6.3 -8.4 11.3 0.9 13.7 0.4 ... 110.4 15.1 46.6 3.5 13.4 31.4 5.98 22.4 1.92 51.5 7.29 48.7 8.54 26.3 9.10 189.0 4.80 As shown in the table, countries most affected were Honduras and Nicaragua, and the most affected activity was basic food production, followed by electricity production. In per capita terms, Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras experienced most negative effects. It is important to note that an estimated 600,000 people were primarily affected due to crop losses, reduced incomes and lower food intake and nutritional levels, to the point of requiring food aid to survive and medical attention in many instances. Peasant population already affected by a recent succession of diverse extreme climatic events – hurricanes, floods, drought – have seen their vulnerability increased to the point of loosing their scarce assets and production of their home gardens that normally allow them to precariously survive. Of these, a large number are women and children. Additionally, over 1.8 million persons were secondarily affected by not having enough water supply both in urban and rural areas, and in a more severe case in the instante of Tegucigalpa-Comayagüela, which posed the menace of ensuing sanitary problems later. 4 See in this respect CEPAL - CCAD, El impacto socioeconómico y ambiental de la sequía de 2001 en Centroamérica, Mexico, February 2002. 7 Finally, at the tertiary level, a total of 23 million had to face higher energy costs due to insufficient hydroelectric generation. Thus, disregarding some possible duplication, the drought affected, in one way or another, 23.6 millions in the Central American subregion, that is to say 70% of the total population. 8 II. EXERCISE TO ESTIMATE DAMAGE CAUSED BY DROUGHT IN A CITY 1. Purpose of the exercise With the background of damage caused by the 2001 drought in the Central American sub region, which were diverse and widespread in geographical terms, a theoretical exercise was developed to use for training in this workshop, base don available information of the drought’s effects. Additionally, the exercise will provide participants with the necessary tools to face a real evaluation event. In the following sections the theoretical exercise is described in detail. Participants in the training workshop will apply the methodology described in the updated and expanded ECLAC handbook, to process the basic information presented here. 2. Description of the exercise Pre-disaster conditions A city of 40,000 inhabitants, located in the Pacific Central American coast has water supply a reservoir with a compact wall and five deep wells. The reservoir water flows by gravity through 250 mm. diameter PVC pipe to the water treatment plant, while the wells are located around the plant, discharging directly to it. The wells have an average yield of 6 liters per second and operate on a 10 hour daily basis, providing a total combined supply of 1 million liters per day. The reservoir has a regulated flow ranking from 5.1 to 6.9 million liters per day, depending on the season and demand. Average demand of the city is less than 6 millions de liters daily, which translates into 150 liters daily per person. Seasonal variations are shown in the figure 4. Figure 4 Yearly water demand in the city (Millions of liters per day) Millions of liters per day 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D 9 Operational revenue of the enterprise during an average month was estimated at US$ 18,665, which was added to the government’s subsidy of US$ 2,500 per month. Expenditure fluctuated in average as is shown in the following table based on the most recent financial statements: Operational item Revenues - tariff billing - government subsidy Operating expenditure - Of the reservoir - Of the wells - Of the treatment plant - Of the distribution network Other expenditure - administration - debt service Operational results Monthly figures, US$ 21,165 18,665 2,500 13,007 2,842 1,675 2,125 6,365 7,375 3,935 3,440 783 Drought impact on the system At the beginning of the 2001 rainy season the level of the reservoir which provides most of water to the aqueducts was already at its lower level. May rains were normal, so that month’s supply was the usual one. With the precipitation drop in June and the rest of the rainy season, the water supply company decided to reduce supply as long as the reservoir’s level remained under the expected level. Additionally, starting in June the enterprise decided to increase the operating hours of the well system, increasing it to 15 hours per day, which increased the supply from this source, but did not fully compensate the reservoir’s deficit. October and November’s rainfall, though abundant as an indirect effect of some tropical storms and Caribbean hurricanes, was insufficient to replenish the reservoir to the level needed to maintain normal supply of water during the following dry months. As a consequence, the company decided to reduce the flow from the reservoir, continue operating the wells at the rate of 15 hours per day, and order the drilling and tooling of four additional wells. These wells were dug to a 50 meters depth with a pipe 20 cm. in diameter. They were equipped with submersible pumps capable of delivering a flow of 6 liters per second and raise it to a total dynamic charge level of 40 meters, 10 combined with a 12 HP electric motor with auxiliary electric equipments of 45 KVA. These equipment was all located in a small shed in the immediate vicinity of the water treatment plant and directly connected to it. Two of the new wells started operating in February at almost the described level. The other two came on stream a month later. May and June rainfalls were above normal levels and the medium term meteorological forecast indicated a return to average levels for the remainder of the year, thus overcoming the water insufficiency experienced by the water system. Water rationing for the population As indicated, the reservoir’s operation was reduced since June and the well operating hours was increased, given the significant precipitation reduction that started that month. That led to a water supply average of 3.3 millions per day, which resulted in providing service at an average a little over 12 hours a day. In July, August and September precipitation improved slightly in comparison to the preceding month, but not enough to allow increasing the reservoir’s flow to normal levels, which was reflected in supplying water for 17 to 18 hours per day. In spite of the improved precipitation during October and November, water supply had to be rationed from 14 to 16 hours per day. Although the reservoir’s level did not reach its anticipated level when rains stopped, the company took the decision, starting in December, to maintain rationing during the dry season and increase –as has been pinted out—the underground water supply by digging tour additional wells, which began functioning next year in February and March. Comparison of demand and expected supply for the dry season months is illustrated in Figure 5. Milliones of liters per day Figure 5. Comparison of water demand and supply 8 6 4 2 0 1 4 7 Demand 10 Supply 13 11 Effect on the financial situation of the water supply entreprise As a result of the above, the water supply company’s financial situation was affected during the drought. Although Government decided to maintain the subsidy to the company to face the emergency, income from billing fell in proportion to demand was actually served, operational costs of the wells system increased significantly and new investments were required to increase supply from new wells. All these effect are of an indirect nature, according to ECLAC’s classification of damage, since it is future flows that are affected. Account has to be made of the insurance the company had against risks which cobres 75% of direct losses –which was not the case with the drought—as well as a variable percentage of the increased operation costs or reduced income (excluding the Government’s subsidy) as follows: - For the first six months During the next six months During the next three months After the 16th 100% 67% 33% 0% 12 WORK TO BE DONE IN GROUPS Work in groups for this exercise will consist on estimating the impacto n the water supply enterprise as a result of the drought. To solve it use shall be made of the data from the financial statements indicated, make the appropriate projection of increased expenditure (both investment and operational) and reduced billing, discounting insurance reimbursements. This implies determining the following expenditure ítems : - Investment required for the digging and equipment of the new deep wells and their connection to the electric grid and the water treatment plant Los mayores costos de operación del sistema antiguo de pozos al aumentar el número de horas diarias de funcionamiento Los costos de operación de los nuevos pozos podrán asumirse como iguales a los del sistema antiguo Además, requiere de estimar los menores ingresos derivados de la menor facturación por el servicio, teniendo en cuenta los volúmenes suministrados en comparación con la demanda usual a lo largo del período de la sequía. Posteriormente, se deberá tener en cuenta en estas estimaciones los reembolsos que realice el seguro una vez que le hayan sido presentadas las cuentas por parte de la empresa. Deberá también hacerse una estimación acerca de los efectos que los daños arriba descritos tendrán sobre el sector externo del país afectado. Para ello será preciso calcular los rubros siguientes: - El valor o la proporción del costo de equipos y materiales que no son producidos en el país, y que por lo tanto deberán importarse, y - La proporción de los reembolsos del seguro que deberá provenir del exterior debido a las pólizas de reaseguro. EN LOS ANEXOS SE PRESENTA LA INFORMACIÓN BÁSICA QUE SE REQUIERE PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DE LAS ESTIMACIONES ANTES ANOTADAS. 13 ANEXO DATOS BÁSICOS PARA EL EJERCICIO DE AGUA POTABLE 14 I. Costos unitarios de inversión Perforación y entubamiento de un pozo en un diámetro de 200 milímetros, con profundidad total de 50 metros, Por metro lineal Equipo sumergible de bombeo con capacidad de 6 litros por Segundo y carga dinámica total de 40 metros, cada uno Motor eléctrico de 12 HP y equipos eléctricos auxiliares con Acometida de 45 KVA, cada uno Caseta para albergar todo lo anterior, cada una US$ 250 US$ 7,500 US$ 5,000 US$ 1,800 II. Costos de operación Costo mensual de operación de cada pozo, funcionando a Razón de 10 horas diarias US$ 215 Costo mensual del operario de los pozos, pudiendo atender Entre 2 a 3 unidades US$ 300 Nota: Al aumentarse el número de horas diarias de operación de los pozos, habrá que asumir un aumento proporcional en los costos arriba anotados. 15 III. Ingresos de operación Ingreso promedio mensual por facturación, correspondiente a Un volumen de 6 millones de litros por día US$ 18,885 La demanda y el suministro previstos a lo largo del período de la sequía se muestra en el siguiente cuadro (cifras expresadas en millones de litros por mes): Mes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Demanda 6.4 6.7 6.9 6.5 6.2 6.0 5.6 5.3 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.0 6.4 Suministro 3.3 5.1 4.7 5.0 4.0 3.5 3.9 3.9 4.1 4.7 4.2 4.7 6.4 IV. MONTO DEL REASEGURO EN EL EXTERIOR La empresa aseguradora local estaba reasegurada en el exterior con un consorcio europeo. El monto del reaseguro equivale al 70% del valor de los daños que sea reembolsado por la aseguradora local. 16 ESTIMACIÓN DEL RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO DE AGUA POTABLE CONFIDENCIAL ESTE DOCUMENTO NO DEBE SER ENTREGADO A LOS PARTICIPANTES 17 Hoja de Cálculo Inversión requerida Cuatro (4) pozos profundos de 50 metros, US$ 250/metro Cuatro (4) bombas sumergibles, 6 l/s, 40 m TDH Cuatro (4) equipos eléctricos, 12 HP, 45 KVA Cuatro (4) casetas US$ 50,000 30,000 Total Mayores costos mensuales de operación Cinco pozos antiguos operando 15 horas por día Dos operadores de pozos cobrando sobresueldo 20,000 7,200 US$107,200 US$ 537.50 300.00 Dos nuevos pozos operando 15 horas diarias Un operador cobrando sobresueldo US$ 645.00 450.00 Meses del 1 al 12 MAYOR COSTO DE OPERACIÓN DE LOS POZOS ANTIGUOS, US$ 837.50/MES US$ 10,050 Meses del 9 al 12 DOS NUEVOS POZOS A RAZÓN DE US$ 1,095/MES 4,380 Meses del 10 al 12 Dos nuevos pozos a razón de US$ 1,095/mes US$ US$ 3,285 Total US$ 17,715 18 Menores ingresos de operación Mes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Totales Millones de litros por día Demanda Suministro 6.4 3.3 6.7 5.1 6.9 4.7 6.5 5.0 6.2 4.0 6.0 3.5 5.6 3.9 5.3 3.9 5.1 4.1 5.5 4.7 5.8 4.2 6.0 4.7 Déficit 3.1 1.6 2.2 1.5 2.2 2.5 1.7 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.6 1.3 Déficit, US $ 9,757 5,036 6,924 4,721 6,924 7,869 5,351 4,406 3,147 2,518 5,036 4,092 65,781 Menores gastos de operación (planta potabilizadora) Por una relación entre el agua servida durante el año en comparación con la que habría debido servirse bajo circunstancias normales, es posible estimar que la reducción en potabilización del agua es del 29.4%. Combinando dicho porcentaje con el costo anual respectivo (US$ 2,125/mes) se estima un menor costo de operación en la planta potabilizadora de US$ 7,489 en los doce meses de la situación de emergencia. Estimación reembolso del seguro Primeros 6 meses Déficit operacional Reembolso 100% US$ 41,231 US$ 41,231 Segundos 6 meses Déficit Operacional Reembolso 67% US$ 24,550 US$ 16,449 Total reembolso 12 meses US$ 57,680 19 Resumen de los daños indirectos Inversión en nuevo sistema de pozos Mayores gastos de operación Menores ingresos por facturación US$ 107,200 17,715 65,781 Daños totales US$ 190,696 Menos: rembolso del seguro Menos: menores gastos de potabilización Daño neto total Efectos sobre el sector externo Importaciones Costo sistema nuevo de pozos (50%) Costo equipos de bombeo (90%) Costo equipos eléctricos (90%) Casetas (15%) Proporción energía importada para bombeo US$ 25,000 27,000 18,000 1,080 ... US$ 71,080 Total Ingreso de divisas Reaseguro (70% del reembolso del seguro local) (57,680) (7,489) US$ 125,527 US$ 40,376 Balance (US$ 30,074)