
Detail College Board Course Syllabus for the school year 2014-2015
Clara Morán @ Livingston High School
Course Overview
In this AP Spanish Language course students will develop a strong command of the Spanish language through daily classroom interaction in the language.
The class will focus on speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in both formal and informal context. The course will be 100% in the target language.
Through the usage of authentic written materials, literary texts, Internet articles, short stories and current events; students will increase and refine their
Reading and comprehension abilities. Through classroom interaction, presentations and projects students will express themselves in a variety of styles, using
authentic materials. Frequent writing assignments are integrated into the classroom to aid students in the correct usage of grammatical skills.
Course Objectives / Goals:
Students will express themselves with fluency, expanding their interpersonal communication skills through conversational prompts, oral presentations and
daily interactions in the classroom.
Students will understand both formal and informal spoken language through usage of lectures, videos, oral presentations and authentic listening sources.
Students will incorporate literary materials and synthesize vocabulary into their writing compositions. Students will practice variety of writing skills such as
journal entries, e-mails, dialogues, blogs, creative writing and reactions to articles and literature via blogs. Writing assignments will incorporate a variety of
grammatical structures and improve knowledge of grammar.
Students will increase their understanding of cultures, practices and perspectives of Spanish-speaking world through the study of cultural topics,
literature, art, music and current events.
Students will improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary by working with authentic Spanish literature. Literature will incorporate a wide variety
of sources covering a varied range of expression including, plays, poetry, music, short stories, internet articles, an current events.
Course Outline:
The course will be divided into six units. Through out the six units students will synthesis the six themes for the year: Beauty and Aesthetics, Families and
Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Contemporary Life, Science and Technology, and Global Challenges. The main textbook for the course is Nuevas
Vistas Curso Avanzado Dos: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Copyright @2006 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Supplemental materials:
To provide students with daily grammar practice the following textbooks will be used as a resource book for the instructor:
Abriendo paso Tomo I and Tomo II (Prentice Hall)
Unidad básica
De un esclavo
En la noche
Trabajo de campo
* Prosa didáctica: El Conde Lucanor
* En perseguirme mundo Soneto 149 - Sor
Juana Inés de la Cruz
* El Soneto (Barroco)
Los pronombres
Las mayúsculas
Acento diacrítico
Families and
communities / Beauty
and Aesthetics.
Humanity vs Nature
Repaso de abecedario, números
cardinales/ ordinales, colores, repaso de
vocabulario básico.
Acentuación: Agudas,
breves, esdrújulas y
Pasado: pretérito e
Families and
Sample Classroom Activities:
¿Quién soy?- En este proyecto los estudiantes
seleccionarán diferentes artículos que los describan
/representen sus cualidades personales y
características de personalidad. Los estudiantes
expondrán sus presentaciones en clase, utilizando
español 100%.
¿Que características hacen a un héroe/heroína?
Students will respond to this question using the
readings as their sources to respond to the text and
use each reading as evidence to support their ideas.
¿Puede la cultura determinar el heroísmo de una
-Students will be part of an in class debate on this
* Soneto XXIII- Lope de Vega
* Soneto XIII – Góngora
* Soneto XVII – Quevedo
imperfecto (verbos
regulares e
Cadena rota
Una carta a Dios
La muralla
La poesía del siglo XIX
* Rima XXXIX-Bécquer
Yo soy un hombre sincero- José Martí
Canción de Otoño en primavera – Rubén
De la fiesta del árbol
Árbol adentro Paisaje y meciendo
Las abejas de bronce
Dicen que no hablan las plantas
La poesía del siglo XX
* Me gusta cuando Callas – Pablo Neruda
* Tu me quieres Blanca - Alfonsina Storni
Autorretrato – Rosario Castellano
El adjetivo y el
Letra y sonido: r/rr/y
El anillo del general Macías
Cajas de cartón
Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos
Las clausulas y los
pronombres relativos
Letra y sonido: m/n
La Revolución
Families and
Personal and public
Del Popol Vuh
Tres mitos latinoamericanos
El corrido de Gregorio Cortez
La nueva narrativa latinoamericana del
siglo XX
* Un Señor con unas alas muy enormes –
Gabriel García Márquez
De Don Quijote de la Mancha
El libro talonario
* El soneto
El teatro Latinoamericano del siglo XX
* El delantal blanco – Sergio Vodanovic
El modo y las
Letra y sonido: s/c/z
Los Mayas
Cultural project, students will create a 3D model of a
Challenges/contemporar given civilization, in which they will present to the
y life/personal and
public identities/families
and communities.
El aspecto del verbo
Los verbos que
terminan en -ear
España y el Siglo
de Oro
Families and
and public identities.
Lazos de
El frágil medio
Students will memorize and recite the Instant
Mexicoamericanos Personal and Public
Identities/Contemporary Sonnet by Lope de Vega (Soneto de repente)
en los EEUU
Life/Families and
Conjugaciones: El
futuro / gerundio –
Regulares e
Los usos de Se
Letra y sonido: v/b
Diptongos e hiatos
Life/Science and
Technology/ Global
Conjugaciones: El
-Weekly news reports: Students will give an oral
report base on current world events.
Project, students will conduct a research and write a
compare and contrast essay about the advantages
in today’s technology resources.
Literary terms / Rhetoric elements Project –
students will, create a movie clip utilizing Spanish
songs to illustrate an example of each literary term
or rhetoric element. They will include an
explanation for each example.
Cultural Project, students will be exposed to sections
of the Mexicamerican history. In groups they will
write a script of a play that represents part of
Weekly practice, with the use of a rubric students
will respond to a given prompt utilizing recorders to
respond to each prompt.
Student Evaluation:
Students are given a test at the end of each unit and a project where they must incorporate the theme in each unit. The test contains reading, writing, listening
and culture assessments. They include free-response and multiple choice questions about readings presentation and language use. Free-response questions
require making comparison, or synthesizing information covered. Speaking is assessed separately through the project presentations.
Written Work (in class notes/assignments) – 10%
Oral Proficiency/ Public presentations – 25%
Listening Comprehension – 15%
Productions (movies/songs)- 25%
Test and Quizzes – 25%
Listening Skills:
In addition to 100% Spanish instruction in the classroom, we do at least one listening activity per day. These vary in length, but include radio broadcast,
podcasts, authentic cortometrajes, poetry, and other sources including the following websites:
Radio Naciones Unidas
CNN en Español
Proficiency exercises
Prensa escrita
TT Español
Noticias Latinoamericanas
Writing Skills:
Students are required to read on a daily bases and must complete a daily reading log, where they must demonstrate comprehension by summarizing
/paraphrasing. Students practice writing in both formal and informal context. They maintain a writing journal (cuaderno), in which they are frequently
asked to respond to prompts based on reading or listening. In addition, they area asked weekly to write informally in contexts using Google docs and it’s share
ability to add to a discussion or blog type prompt. They also write, journal entries, letters, notes to peers or teacher, thank you letters and blogs.
The students will use a 5 point rubric to conduct peer editing. Students will familiarize with the rubric so that they can understand the structure and point
system in the real test.
Listening activities include but are not limited to:
Identifying key information and then share it using a structure pair-share activity. Students develop their ability to extract important details, they elaborate
outlines and synthesize key information in preparation for listening comprehension questions later on in the year.
Students listen to mini-clips with case scenarios that address the cultural perspective and they are asked to compare and contrast their own point of view.
Students are asked to listen to daily local news in Spanish; they are to write a summary and present weekly.
Reading skills:
Students will learn to analyze, provide evidence to justify and support their point of views from each reading. Students will practice their fluently and
accurately by reading a quick on a daily basis. Students will be required to analyze, summarize and or reflect on various types of reading selections.
Students read supplemental readings from Abriendo Paso Tomo I and Tomo II (See the readings listed with and * in the chart)