Mr. Walker's African American History Class African Civilizations

Mr. Walker’s African American History Class
African Civilizations Solo Project
An added dimension to the African Civilizations Project
centers on an individualized writing portion. Each group
member must draft his or her own written creative
journal. The purpose in writing such a journal is to
afford you the opportunity to apply what you have
learned about your civilization’s culture, and to take
the perspective of one who lived within that culture.
Each student will be responsible for drafting a
journal entry from the perspective of a character
within his or her civilization. Consider it a “snapshot”
from a day in the life of an Ancient/Medieval African
You must produce a journal that reflects the cultural
aspects explored in your groups presentation of its
African Civilization.
politics (laws, leaders, diplomacy, etc.)
economy (trade, agriculture, etc.)
religion (God(s), forms of worship, etc.)
society (social classes, Gender roles, etc.)
technology (can include writing)
arts (art, architecture, etc.)
Your essay must give adequate attention to at least 3 of
the cultural aspects. you are expected to write a
paragraph (minimum 7 sentences) about each aspect. It is
expected that your journal be a minimum of two full
pages in the following format.
 Font Size 12, Times New Roman
 1-Inch margins
 Double Spacing
Mr. Walker’s African American History Class
African Civilizations Group Project: Action
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without
strategy is the noise before defeat.”
Sun Tzu – The Art of War (6th Century BCE)
In an effort to help you prepare for this project, and to be
productive, each group must complete an action plan prior to
starting. This plan will be revisited and updated during the week.
1) Compile a list of resources you will consult/use for
information on your topic:
*Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of each resource (e.g.
information that it has or lacks) – This will help you know what
to look for!
2) Assign Cultural Aspects to various group members.
3) Prep your content material. Each aspect should be
researched and summarized by the person assigned to it. ½
page summaries of each (attach to this sheet).
4) In what manner will you present your content material?
*Remember the theme is tourism; be creative!
Mr. Walker’s African American History Class
5) What visual materials will you include, Who will complete