The War Ends

Name__________________________________________ Date______________
7th Grade Social Studies
Period ____________
Chapter 15 / Section 5
The Civil War: The War Ends
The Fall of Vicksburg:
1. Define the term siege. _________________________________________________________
2. What Union general led the siege of Vicksburg? ____________________________________
3. What strategies did the Union use to force the Confederates to surrender? ________________
4. What is the Union victory at Vicksburg so important? ________________________________
Union Victory at Gettysburg:
5. Summarize the key elements of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Location: _______________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________
Union General: ___________________________________________________________
Confederate General: ______________________________________________________
What was so dramatic about Picket’s Charge? __________________________________
Why is this battle a turning point in the Civil War? ______________________________
The Gettysburg Address:
5. What was the number of casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg? ________________________
6. Why was Lincoln invited to visit the battlefield on November 19, 1863? _________________
7. What were the key points of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address? __________________________
The Union Wages Total War:
8. Why did Lincoln appoint Ulysses S. Grant to be the commander of the Union forces? ______
9. What role did General Philip Sheridan play in the war effort? _________________________
10. How did General William Tecumseh Sherman wage total war against the South? _______
Lincoln is Reelected:
11. Who was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1864? ____________________________
12. Who was the Republican candidate? _____________________________________________
13. What events helped in the reelection of President Lincoln? ___________________________
The War Ends:
14. Using the map on page 400, determine who won each of these battles in Virginia, the Union
or the Confederacy.
 The Battle of the Wilderness: _______________________________________________
 Spotsylvania: ____________________________________________________________
 Cold Harbor: ____________________________________________________________
 The Siege of Petersburg: ___________________________________________________
15. Where did the surrender of Lee’s army take place? _________________________________
16. What generous terms of surrender did Grant offer to the defeated Confederate army? ______
Effects of the War:
17. Do the math.
Union soldiers killed:
Confederate soldiers killed: _________________
Total Civil War deaths:
18. Why were Southerners resentful of the North? _____________________________________
19. Why is the Civil War a turning point in American history? ___________________________