The Civil War

The Civil War
Enduring Understanding:
To understand the present and make plans for their future, you must first understand the past.
Essential Questions
How did the influence of technology play a role in the Civil War?
How were civil rights and liberties restricted and expanded during the Civil War?
Guiding Questions
Section 1
1. What war strategies developed in the North and the South?
2. How did the goals of the North and the South differ in the Civil War?
3. What advantages did the North and the South hold in the war?
- If you had lived in 1861, would you have said the North or the South would win the war? Why?
4. How did the Union secure the Border States?
Section 2
1. How did the Emancipation Proclamation change Northerners’ view of the war?
2. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg called the turning point of the war?
3. In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address he said the cemetery was “a final resting place for those who here gave
their lives that the nation might live.” What did he mean by “the nation might live”?
Section 3
1. What was the importance of rivers in the war in the West?
2. Why did the Union want to take over Vicksburg and Chattanooga?
Section 4
1. Why did some Northerners and Southerners oppose their governments?
2. How did the North and the South raise armies and pay for the war?
3. How were the roles of women in society changed because of the war?
4. Why did President Lincoln suspend the writ of habeas corpus during the war?
- Did Lincoln act in the country’s best interest when he suspended the writ of habeas corpus? Explain.
Section 5
1. Why did Sherman’s march to the sea cause so much destruction?
2. How did siege warfare defeat Lee’s army?
3. How did the Civil War come to an end?