Unit 1 - Test Review

Exploration, Discovery & Early Colonies Study Guide
Name the Spanish conquistador is best known for conquering the Aztec Empire of Montezuma.
He is the Spanish conquistador who defeated the Incan Empire located in South American.
Which explore discovered the first all water route to Asia by sailing around Africa and across the
Indian Ocean? _______________________
The Americas were named after this explorer ____________________________
The name of the Italian explorer that explored and claimed land on the east coast of North
America for England was . . .________________________
This explorer is credited with being the first person to sail around the world.____________________
This man explored for both the Dutch and the English and was left in a bay in Canada by the men
on his ship. __________________________________
The transfer of living things like plants, animals and diseases between the Eastern and Western
Hemispheres is called this. __________________________
Europeans explorers claimed land in the _________________ while looking for an all water trade
route to Asia.
English and French explorers claimed land in North America while searching for this water route
through the continent. _________________________
Before the Columbian Exchange, _______________ had not been introduce in the Eastern
Hemisphere, specifically Ireland.
Europeans started exploring the Atlantic Ocean to _______________________________________.
Name the domesticated animals Europeans brought from the Eastern Hemisphere and introduced
in the Western Hemisphere. ____________________________________________
___________________________ in the “New World” caused conflicts between European countries.
On Columbus’ first journey to the Americas, he thought he had found India. What did he find in
reality? ________________________
Of all of the living goods transferred between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres, __________________ had
the biggest impact because approximately 60 million Native Americans died due to them.
Europeans could get rich by getting this from Asia and bringing it back to Europe and selling it. ____________
Spanish conquistadors found lots of _______________ in the New World.
What four countries claimed land in the North American Continent? ________________________________
While searching for a water route to the East, European explorers discovered ______________________, which
they previously did not know existed.
Name the group that established the Plymouth Colony in 1620. ___________________
Name the group that established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. ___________________
What was the first successful English colony in North America? _______________________
What English settlement mysteriously disappeared? _________________________
Identify how the following people help the Jamestown colony survive
A) John Smith B) Pocahontas C) John Rolfe Be able to write about the following in detail.
A) Reasons for exploration, things that were discovered, impact of Disease, and claiming land.
B) The Goal of Mercantilism, what makes it work, and salutary neglect.