ERIE COMMUNITY COLLEGE – NORTH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY COURSE OUTLINE COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: EL150 – Electricity II CURRICULUM: Electrical Engineering Technology NUMBER OF CLASS PERIODS: Four 50 minute lectures per week for 15 weeks – 4 credit hours TEXTS: Introduction to Circuit Analysis, 11th Ed. by Boylestad PREPARED BY: A. Ashman, March, 2008 APPROVED BY: EET Curriculum Committee, April, 2008 COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Describe the difference between DC and AC as they apply to electrical circuits with passive components. 2. Apply AC phasor and vector theory to combinational series-parallel RLC circuit and determine the voltages, currents, impedance, phase angle, apparent power, true power, reactive power, and power factor improvement. 3. Calculate the circuital values for series, parallel and series/parallel resonant circuits. 4. Correctly apply electrical subscripting, symbols and units to polyphase systems. 5. Explain basic transformer operation and list the general uses of a transformer. 6. Apply AC theory to determine the primary and secondary values of voltage, current, power, and impedance. 7. Employ a systematic and methodical approach to mathematically solving circuital problems. Course Objectives PROGRAM COMPETENCIES: 1a. Interpret electrical/electronics or logic schematics using ASA standard 1,4 symbols. 2. Understand electrical, electronic and logic principles, concepts, laws and rules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and apply these to the analysis of circuit operation and failure determination. 6b. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning. 3,7 failures. GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: 2. To read and think critically. 3. To apply appropriate mathematical procedures and quantitative methods. 4. Demonstrate the knowledge of the processes of science and technological change and the impact of that change on the individual, the culture, and the environment. EVALUATION: ▪ At least (4) hourly tests worth 17% each ▪ A comprehensive FINAL test ▪ TOTAL grade 68% 32% 100% 1,3,6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 4,7 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Alternating current and voltage; sine wave form and values; complex numbers; polar/rectangular Conversions; phase relationship; vector representation; AC series; parallel and series/parallel; R, C and L circuits; phasors; Kirchhoff’s Law; network theorems; determinates; maximum power transfer applied to AC; Resonance; Polyphase systems; delta-weye connections; three-phase voltage; current and power; vector representation; balanced and unbalanced loads and transformers. Prerequisites: EL110, MT122 or MT126 F (N) RELATED LIBRARY PROJECTS: Library research assignments may be given to broaden the students’ background in electrical history, theory or recent topics. TOPICS NUMBER I. INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction, syllabus, review of basic circuit laws and rules. WEEKS 1/4 II. AC SINUSOIDOL WAVEFORMS 1. AC instantaneous sine wave generation 2. Definition of sine wave characteristics; Peak/max., Pk-Pk, ave., period, freq., angular freq., phase angle. 3. AC power distribution, RMS values derived 2/4 III. COMPONENT RESPONSE TO AC 1. Resistor: AC voltage, current, vector diagrams & phasor notation. 2. Capacitor: AC voltage, current, vector diagrams & phasor notation. 3. Inductor: AC voltage, current, vector diagrams & phasor notation. 4. AC Power, active and reactive. 2/4 IV. COMPLEX ALGEBRA 1. Complex numbers, rectangular & polar representation. 2. Complex arithmetic, algebra, rectangular/polar conversions. 3/4 V. SERIES CIRCUITS 1. R, RC & RL circuits, sine waves, voltage vectors diagram, phasor representation. 2. Impedance vector diagram & phasor solutions, KVL, voltage divider rule, circuit analysis. 3. Apparent power, power factor, leading/lagging. 4. Coil, practical inductor, vector corrections. 5. RLC circuit analysis, generalized impedance circuit solution. HOURLY I 1-1/4 1/4 VI. PARALLEL CIRCUITS 1-1/4 1. R, RC, RL circuits, sine waves, current vectors diagram, phasor representation. 2. Susceptance, admittance vector diagrams & phasor solutions, KCL, current divider rule, circuit analysis. 3. RLC circuit analysis, generalized admittance circuit solution. VII. SERIES-PARALLEL NETWORKS 1. Reduction of series-parallel RLC circuit, equivalent impedance/admittance circuits. 2. Circuit analysis of driven S-P RLC networks; voltages, current; apparent, active and reactive power. 3. Solution to generalized RLC S-P circuits. 1-2/4 VIII. METHODS OF ANALYSIS 1. Source conversion applied to AC RLC S-P circuits. 2. Superposition applied to AC RLC S-P circuits. 3. Thevenin’s Theorem applied to AC RLC S-P circuits. 4. Max. Power Transfer applied to RLC S-P circuits. HOURLY II 1 1/4 IX. AC POWER CONCEPTS 1. Review of AC active and reactive power, RC, RL, RLC vector diagrams, phasor solutions. 2. Total active, reactive and apparent power. 3. Power factor improvement/correction. X. RESONANCE 1-2/4 1. Series resonance, frequency effects, characteristics, circuit impedance and Q, selectivity, rise of voltage. 2. Parallel resonance, frequency effects, characteristics, circuit Q and impedance, rise of current, sensitivity. 3. Analysis of Series-Parallel resonance circuit, equivalent RL circuit, circuit solution. HOURLY III 1-3/4 1/4 XI. POLYPHASE SYSTEMS 1. Three-phase voltage generation, phasor double-subscripting, vector diagrams. 2. Wye connected loads, 3 or 4 wire balanced or unbalanced loading. 3. Delta connected loads, balanced or unbalanced loading. 4. Two or 3 wattmeter system power measurements. 1-2/4 XII. MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1. Magnetic fields, permeability, B-H curves, hysteresis, eddy currents. 2. Ohm’s Law for magnetic circuits, solution of magnetic circuits. 2/4 XIII. TRANSFORMERS 1-2/4 1. Mutual inductance, Ideal iron-core transformer, fundamental primary/secondary relationships. 2. Solution to ideal transformer circuits, impedance matching. 3. Power transformer, autotransformers. HOURLY IV XIV. METHODS OF ANALYSIS 1. Mesh & nodal analysis applied to AC circuits. 2. Determinant & Cramer’s Rule reviewed XV. REVIEW COMPREHENSIVE FINAL 1/4 4/4