Cardio_Kickboxing_files/Heart Rate Work Sheet

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
The number of heartbeats per minute, when the body is completely at rest is a Resting
Heart Rate.
The Resting Heart Rate should be taken in the morning before getting out of bed.
A RHR is acquired by measuring your pulse for 60 seconds. This ensures the most
accurate reading. To get an even more precise reading, measure your RHR 3 days in a
row and take the average of the three readings combined.
My Resting Heart Rate is :________________b.p.m.
Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
A Maximum Heart Rate is the highest heart rate a person can attain.
The Maximum Heart Rate is measured by subtracting an individual’s age from 220.
My Maximum Heart Rate is: 220-_____= ________b.p.m.
Target Heart Rate (THR)
The Target Heart Rate indicates the appropriate exercise intensity levels for an
individual. This is measure in beats per minute. Monitoring your THR can benefit an
individual by assisting in learning the anaerobic threshold (the point during higher
intensity activity when the body no longer meets it’s demand for oxygen). Exercising
above the anaerobic threshold will have signs such as hyperventilation, lactic acid buildup and a quick onset of fatigue.
A good way to monitor intensity during a workout is to use Borg’s Rating of Perceived
Exertion Scale. (refer to hand out) For most individuals, exercising at a moderate to hard
level (12-15 on the scale) is in the appropriate training heart rate zone.
To determine your THR:
1. Find your MHR: __________b.p.m.
2. MHR :
x .65 (65% exercise intensity)
( exercise heart rate )
Find your THR at the following exercise intensities:
x .70
x .75
x .80
x .85
Why is it important to train in your THR zones?
What happens if you train below 65%?
As you become more fit, will training at the same exercise intensity help you?