1 SUNY Plattsburgh Annual Activity Report (Non-Librarian) Academic Employees 2008-09 Name ___________________________________ Department ____________________________ 1. Contribution to teaching and learning (Effectiveness in Teaching) a. List course information for: Semester/ Course, Title Credit Contact Final Number of Year Number & Section Hours Hours Students Enrolled Fall Spring Undergraduate Advisement / No. of advisees and any special activities in student advisement: Summarize student evaluative reports, such as COS or other forms of course evaluation b. List innovative activities you pursued to enhance teaching and/or steps you took to improve the quality of student learning. c. List your contributions to instruction in college-wide programs such as General Education, Writing Across the Curriculum, Honors Program, area studies, interdisciplinary studies, etc. You may wish to note curriculum design, methods of pedagogy, or work with colleagues within or outside the college. d. List any additional learning opportunities you have created for students, such as cooperative education, internships, independent studies, field experiences, international programs, etc. e. Courses developed or revised (with dates): f. Graduate Studies (if applicable) 1. Number of graduate students for whom you were advisor _____ 2. Number of theses completed under your direction during this period. _____ M.A./M.S. 2. Scholarly Ability & Mastery of Subject Matter (List activities under a - e., where appropriate): a. Publications (with appropriate bibliographic data, pages, dates, co-author with full citation, etc.): 1. Books: 2. Refereed articles: 3. Non-refereed articles: 4. Book reviews or other publications (describe type): (NL) AEAAR Human Resources 2 b. Papers presented at professional meetings and included in the proceedings (Title, Name of Organization, nature of meetings, dates, National Regional or Local): 1. Refereed 2. Non-refereed 3. Invited c. Productions, concerts or exhibitions (with dates, National, Regional or Local): d. Grants submitted to external (Non-SUNY and Non-NYS/UUP) sponsors: e. Other professional activity (List specifics, e.g., Public Lectures, Consultations, Preparation of Grant Reviews, etc.): 3. University and Community Service. a. Departmental, College or University Service (with dates and your contributions to the committees): b. Community: c. Professional Service (service to the discipline): 4. Continuing Growth: Honors, awards; advanced degrees, and licenses, etc. (list with dates) 5. In your judgment, what have you achieved during the past academic year in scholarly ability and/or in exceptional university and community service above and beyond normal expectations to justify the three credits of reassigned time from teaching given to full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty? In summary, the policy, approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs Jerome Supple in 1982, states that the normal load for a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member is 12-credit hours per semester, with three-credit hours of reassigned time granted for scholarship, or creative activity, or exceptional university or community service. In response to this question, you need not repeat the material listed in response to questions 2 and 3, but rather explain how the quantity and quality of this work, and other activities, if relevant, justify three credits of released course time per semester. 6. In your judgment, what have you completed during the past year that is especially meritorious and beyond the standard of annual performance expectations? The standard performance expectations are contained in Article IV – Criteria for Performance Reviews in the college’s Performance Reviews of Academic Employees Agreement. (NL) AEAAR Human Resources