Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development

Name ______________________________
Date _______________________________
Read Your Way
to College
Book Review
Read Your Way to College Requirements:
8 Book Reviews – Bachelors Degree
12 Book Reviews – Masters Degree
16 or more Book Reviews – Ph D
Title of Book __________________________________________ Genre ______________________________
Author ___________________________________ Lexile Level __________________ Pages _____________
Write a brief summary of the story (3 to 5 sentences). ______________________________________________
Name of the Main Character ________________________________________
Describe three ways that you and the main character are alike and three ways that you are different.
Word Analysis and Vocabulary: As you read, pay attention to new and interesting
words. Use context clues to help you understand what those words mean. With
post it notes, mark five challenging or unfamiliar words in your book. On the back
of this paper, write the five words, then write the context clues (words from the
paragraph around the words) that helped you figure out word meanings.