Horsham District Monthly Update – What we did in August 2014 Welcome Sergeant Vicky Tomlinson and Police Officer Martin Cheeseman joined the Neighbourhood Policing Team. Sergeant Gary Jacobs and Police Officers Ian Rose, Alan Fiest, Gregory Brown and Alistair Large joined the Neighbourhood Response Team. Sergeant Bob Trevis, a valuable member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, retired on Friday 22 August, having completed 30 years service. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all his hard work and wish him a safe and very happy retirement. Crime & Community Safety Two men pleaded guilty to vehicle burglary from a burglary break in Roffey at Brighton Crown Court on 21 August and will be sentenced on 18 September. A man on bail was arrested and charged with two assaults, two criminal damages and breach of bail and was remanded in custody until 15 September where he will appear at Hastings Magistrates Court. Suspected stolen goods were recovered from a Storrington address as police executed four warrants across the district on 8 August. Sussex Police Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne joined officers entering homes in Pulborough, Storrington and Horsham. Three teams of police officers simultaneously entered two properties in Storrington and another in Pulborough. Police believed stolen goods may have been held at the addresses, after a spate of vehicle crime in the Storrington area in June, where power tools were stolen from a number of vehicles. Officers seized a selection of power tools from one of the homes in Storrington and these will now be sent for forensics to establish whether they were stolen. 1 Picture: Police Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne with Horsham Police Officers The executed warrants took place as part of the first series of Sussex Police’s Force wide ‘All Out Days’ See the full article here A man was banned from driving for three years and given a community order with 200 hours of unpaid work, a three month curfew, a £60 victim surcharge, and £250 costs. He had pleaded guilty to drink driving in Fitzalan Road, Horsham and to failing to provide a breath alcohol specimen. A man was given an 18 month conditional discharge, with £80 compensation, and a £15 victim surcharge. He had pleaded guilty to common assault. A drugs warrant was carried out at an address in Warnham by officers which resulted in over 50 cannabis plants being seized and a cannabis factory dismantled. 2 Picture: Police Community Support Officer Alex Griffey Excellent work by Police Community Support Officer Charlene Parsons who found a cannabis farm on Monday 11 August, where cash and drugs were confiscated by Horsham Police officers. 3 Picture: Police Constable Anthony Cheeseman and Police Constable John Burt Think Needles Survey (15 August) – Think Family Initiative A multi-agency survey took place on the Needles Estate in Horsham with questions being asked around ‘Crime/Anti-Social Behaviour, Environment, Unemployment and Community’. Seventy-two surveys were completed on the day; all in all a very encouraging response with initial indicators suggesting that the feedback has been mainly positive about the area. Each household received a letter a week prior to the survey taking place to advise them about this initiative. There is also an opportunity to complete the survey on line or attend a catch-up session at the Children and Family Centre on the 6 September between 9.30am – 12.00pm A big thank you to all those residents who participated in this survey! Results of our findings and any resulting actions will be fed back to the local community in due course. Picture: Think Needles Survey Team Victim Focus A woman reported her phone stolen from a local post office. She had an app on her phone which meant if tampered with, such as a wrong security code is entered or SIM interfered, then it takes a photo of the person, GPS location and sends an email it to the owner. PC Wright viewed the photo of the suspect and attended at the GPS location which resulted in identifying the suspect and the phone being returned to its rightful owner. This theft was dealt with via community resolution. Bike Marking PCSO Parsons and PCSO Slaughter set up a ‘property marking’ day for local residents at Deer Park Steyning and Fletchers Croft, Henfield to bring their items to be marked up for free. This day was advertised through the BN5 magazine, Henfield Hub and posters were put up throughout the villages. Police Cadet Ethan Maynard assisted PCSO Parsons and Slaughter on the day. Public leaflets on crime prevention and shed alarms were given out. It was a very successful day with 89 items, including bikes, scooters, lawnmowers and mobility scooters being marked up on the day. 4 Public Confidence Dealing with Anti-Social Driving Offenders Police Constable Whitehouse from the Roads Policing Unit has been dealing with anti-social driving in Horsham District. This has particularly been occurring around the Great Daux Roundabout with 33 calls being made to Sussex Police over a nine year period from one complainant; her life was being made a misery by anti-social driving close to her house. The Road Policing Unit used a number of initiatives to catch the small minority of road users who were using the A24 as a race track. The following were caught ‘drifting’ on Great Daux roundabout and racing up and down the A24. One man from Surrey pleaded guilty to careless driving and was given seven points, £750 fine, £85 costs and £35 victim charge. Another man from Surrey pleaded guilty to careless driving and was disqualified for 28 days, £350 fine plus costs and victim surcharge. The third defendant awaits trial in October. This sends a clear message that anti-social driving will not be tolerated! Remember to report any anti-social driving on the Operation Crackdown Sussex Safer Road Partnership website (www.operationcrackdown.org), or if you would rather not give your name, you can make an anonymous report to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their website - https://crimestoppers-uk.org Thank you’s Thank you card and box of Hero chocolates received from member of public. This relates to Sergeant Drabble, Police Constables White and Venus. ‘Dear Sir and Colleagues, thank you all for your prompt professional response in my hour of need. I was treated with the utmost care and respect, Fond Regards … Jean. I thank you all, my Heroes’. Thank you letter received from member of public to PC James Munden. Dear Chief Officer, Last week whilst visiting Horsham I lost my mobile phone. It was found and given to PC Munden by someone he knew. I was delighted when PC Munden phoned to say it had been found. I collected it a few days later. The person on the front desk was very helpful; PC Munden wasn’t there at the time. I’m writing to say how grateful I am for the superb service I received. Please pass on my appreciation to PC Munden. Your staff are an excellent advert for the Police Service’. Ian Lister Value for Money Neighbourhood Schools Officer Keith Beckley presented a cheque to Millais School for £350 from the Police Property Act. 5 Picture: Neighbourhood Schools Officer Keith Beckley and pupils from Millais School PCSO Bryony Sparks has secured a cheque for £200 from the Police Property Act in support of Steyning Church of England Primary School. Regards Chief Inspector Howard Hodges Horsham District Commander West Sussex Division Tel: 101 Ext. 530224 6